Arknights Wiki
Unofficial English translations provided by TirlNanakins.

"Vigil" is a Collectible in Mizuki & Caerula Arbor, added in its Expansion II.


Operators' Block +1, and leads the exploration to a different ending

Mizuki's perceivance of himself does not lean to neither Seaborn nor human, he is only doing what he perceives as right.


Increases the block count of Operators by 1.

The era of humanity has come to an end, and the era of the Seaborn is about to begin.
—Message after the player obtains "Vigil"

When the player have "Vigil", clearing the 5th floor will cause the player to enter the 6th floor instead of completing the run with The Splendor of Humanity as the Dreadful Foe, which will complete the run with the Stella Caerula ending when cleared.


"Vigil" is obtained from the "Ascension" Encounter with the option that awards it only appears when the player has 50 to 89 Light.

Since the aforementioned Encounter will only appear when the player has the Deep Blue Memories Deep Blue Memories which is obtained from an option in "The Beginning" Encounter that only appears after the player had completed a run from Caerula Arbor's Expansion II with the Encounter itself only appears in the following runs after completing a run, it is impossible to obtain "Vigil" before then.

See also[]
