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Victorian Girl icon
Farmer/Old Man
Female Londinier icon
Londinium Citizen
Nobleman B icon
Londinium Merchant
Victorian Worker B icon
Londinium Worker
Victorian Worker A icon
Londinium Worker
Victorian Boy icon
RI Operator icon
Rhodes Island Operator
Sarkaz Warrior icon
Sarkaz Warrior
Eartha Partisan A icon
Self-Salvation Corps Fighter
Londinium Manor Indoor
Londinium Manor Garden
Londinium Tube
Londinium Arsenal B
Victoria Streets
Londinium Avenue
Londinium Arsenal A

To earn the merchants' logistical support, Allerdale has no choice but to agree to sell her family's steam armor. Feist and the Doctor arrive at the munitions factory together. Amiya leads her squad to delay the forces of the Sarkaz Royal Court to cover the ongoing operations.
2:55 P.M. \ Overcast
<Background 1>
[Molly greets Golding.]
Molly Lady Golding, at last, you're back!
Golding Did I make it in time?
Molly Of course. You've rehearsed this play for well over a year, and this is the first time the children are performing the whole thing. We couldn't possibly start the show without you.
Golding I must find myself a good seat, then.
Molly Children, are you ready?
Mischievous Boys & Innocent Girls Ready!
Golding Let's begin, then.
Molly Lights–
Act 1
Scene 1
[The spotlights center on the children playing the role of a farmer and a noble.]
Farmer Good morning, sir! There is a look of concern on your face. Is something worrying you?
Noble The horn of victory has blown atop the walls for three days and nights, but why do I feel uneasy?
Farmer Has our great general not returned triumphant? Praise his bravery and fearlessness!
Noble Bravery? Fearlessness? Perhaps. But you did not see the light in his eyes when he returned? When he gazed upon the crown, he was like a condorwing circling above a limping meatbeast.
Farmer Greed can send the most kindhearted man straight to hell.
Noble And the masses will forever believe he reaped only what he had sown.
<Background 2>
[A merchant is talking with Allerdale,]
Londinium Merchant These are our terms, Miss Allerdale.
You need certain... "goods" transported into Londinium, and this is nothing like what we usually carry. Both the quantity and the weight... are highly unusual.
I shan't ask what it is you need transported and why you need them brought into the city, but you must know that the risk we will carry for transporting them is immense.
And I'm certain you know there are not many men out there who can do this for you.
The Sarkaz keep a close eye on all ports of entry. Should they learn of this under-the-table deal, not one of us will leave Londinium alive.
Even if your background and the greed of your friends watching your back are enough to keep your lifestyle in Central Londinium as is, I'm afraid they won't help with this affair.
If you want this deal to go through, you must put something worth the risk on the table.
Allerdale ......
Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Mr. Bader. I will consider your proposal.
Londinium Merchant Time waits for no one. You must make your decision soon.
[The merchant leaves.]
Clovisia Their asking price is high.
Allerdale We've discussed this situation. The Royal Mint is in Sarkaz hands. News of this must've already spread throughout the entire country via the Magna bankers.
Merchant smugglers are worried that the payment they earn will be worthless by this time next month. Naturally, they demand a method of payment that will keep its value in the long term.
Clovisia You intend to accept his terms?
Allerdale Mr. Bader was right. "Time waits for no one."
We have at most five more days to prepare. If we are to ambush the Defense Forces' command tower, we need to bring more weapons into the city.
Clovisia But... what they demand is very dear to you.
Allerdale ......
But this is the position we are in, Clovisia.
This is the position I am in.
How would you figure what it means to me?
Clovisia I'm afraid...
Allerdale No, I can say this for sure. Your speculations are all wrong.
Do you think of me simply as the magnificent Duke of Cumberland?
You likely weren't even born yet, but I...
I saw them hang Victoria's magnificent Lion King in the palace gardens with my own two eyes.
My name is Cumberland, and everyone knows Cumberland was His Majesty's most faithful friend.
Do you think the reason I stand here in front of you completely unharmed is because the bigwigs in Parliament had mercy on me?
Even now, I still regularly attend Lt. Colonel Lettou's cocktail parties. My words still carry some weight there, and they still need me to soothe the masses.
Of course, this is for our cause. It is also my own means.
Clovisia I understand your sacrifice. Without your protection, the Self-Salvation Corps could not have made it to this day.
Allerdale I'm not a girl anymore...
That thing in the attic means nothing.
It is a pile of scrap.
<Background 3>
[Allerdale stood in the garden with Ailshie.]
Allerdale ...Ailshie.
Make the arrangements and have it brought down from the attic.
Ailshie ......
Allerdale You disagree with my decision?
Ailshie I dare not speak, Miss.
Allerdale I demand it of you.
Ailshie Lady Allerdale, no matter what you say, it... it's still House Cumberland's steam armor!
The blood of your ancestors–that most esteemed Duke's blood flows within that armor. It is an honor that Victoria bestowed upon House Cumberland, and it is the symbol of your house, "Ever on High."
It can be destroyed in the flames of war, it can be given to another who is noble and unsullied. It can't... It can't be traded to a greedy merchant.
Allerdale You don't think Mr. Bader is worthy?
Ailshie An ancient set of armor! Treated as a lowly collectible! And then traded away at a bargain price for just–
Allerdale Ailshie, you've been at my side all these years, ever since I was born.
We've kept the long fallen "House Cumberland" alive.
My house was built on nothing but a bunch of empty words. "Glory," "loyalty," "nobility," or perhaps, "benevolence?" But none of them hold any meaning today.
It's you and I upon whom this house now stands.
Ailshie I understand, Miss.
Allerdale Have we gotten a letter from them today...?
Ailshie Not yet.
Allerdale ......
You know? The music of the past... as if it still rings loud in my head.
This manor once hosted a king, but where is he now?
[Siege walks in.]
Siege ......
Allerdale My apologies, Your Highness–
Siege ...Call me Vina.
Allerdale Welcome, Vina.
Siege I've returned from patrolling with the fighters.
Allerdale You're still willing to go on missions with the fighters of the Self-Salvation Corps. Splendid.
Siege I want to do as much as I can.
Allerdale It's more than enough for the men to simply know you are here.
Siege I've heard from Clovisia...
Allerdale Hah, the attic is absolutely cluttered with rubbish. I've got to pull myself together and clean up a bit.
Lots of dust there. I mustn't have Your Highness helping me with such things.
Siege ......
I don't want you to sell the armor.
Allerdale Is that an edict from Your Highness?
Siege I have no right to issue one. You're the one responsible for the Self-Salvation Corps, not me.
You know better than I what's right for the Corps, and I understand that the armor can buy us an opportunity.
But... Please give me some time.
I will find a way.
Allerdale Vina... You needn't worry yourself over this.
Siege Is that an order from the Self-Salvation Corps' Auchterigg District leader?
Allerdale Very well.
If nothing ever happened, perhaps...
Never mind, it's all in the past.
<Background 4>
[A Londinier calls for Heidi.]
Londinium Citizen Lady Heidi!
Heidi What is it? Do we have any news from Golding?
Londinium Citizen Yes, she just sent us a message through the transmitter at the bookstore. It's been forwarded to your terminal.
Heidi Good... Very good.
[Heidi reads the message from Golding.]
Heidi She says she's safe. Everything in Auchterigg is proceeding according to plan.
Please send a reply. The Doctor's squad has successfully slipped past the checkpoint and infiltrated Highbury. Thanks to the mercenaries working with Rhodes Island...
<Background 5>
[A worker informs Catherine,]
Londinium Worker Catherine, there's a problem with the conveyor belt at Loading Area No. 9!
Catherine Let's have a look.
There's a loose nut.
Londinium Worker I'm here.
Catherine You're on shift today, and we're running shorter and shorter on time. What are you doing?
If we don't speed things up, the Sarkaz will smear your brains across this steel here!
Londinium Worker Sorry, Catherine.
Catherine Now hand me the spanner.
Londinium Worker Okay...
[Someone familiar gives Catherine the spanner.]
??? Here.
Catherine Quick on your feet, all of a sudden...
Feist Long time no see, Granny.
I'm back.
Catherine ......
Londinium Worker Catherine...
Catherine See your team leader after work for a write-up.
Londinium Worker What?!
Catherine You let unauthorized personnel into the factory's most important landing zone. You're lucky you haven't been sacked.
Feist Granny, this isn't Patto's fault. It wasn't him who let me in.
Catherine Good. Patto, bring Tommy and Day with you to get written up. I'd better not see a single one of you trying to wiggle out of this.
Feist ......
Catherine You, and the strange character from god-knows-where next to you...
Doctor Me? / ......
Catherine Come.
<Background 1>
Act 3
Scene 7
[The spotlight centers on the children, now playing the role of an old man and a knight.]
Knight Sir, why is the palace so quiet?
Old Man Palace? What palace?
Knight You are facing the outer walls of the palace.
Old Man Move aside, big heap of metal. You're blocking the sunlight.
I'm facing nothing but an empty house.
Knight I am a Steam Knight. I purge all evil and injustice!
Old Man Young man, it's over.
Knight No, it is not, nor shall it ever be!
So long as we still know what is right and what is wrong, so long as we never hesitate to make the right decision, it shall never be over!
I made my way here precisely for that reason. I invite all men to join me!
Even you have yet to relax your tightly clenched fist, am I right?
<Background 6>
[An R.I. operator reports to Amiya,]
Rhodes Island Operator Amiya, our cover's blown!
Amiya How many hostiles?
Rhodes Island Operator Recon operators report four mercenary patrol teams headed in our direction.
Amiya We have to pass through the district to reach the Defense Forces' command tower.
Rhodes Island Operator And we've only just made it inside...
Amiya The Sarkaz forces are way too quick to react. We're being ambushed.
How is the backup route looking?
Rhodes Island Operator If the mercenaries have been lured to the front here...
No, it won't work!
There's another squad coming up fast! The Self-Salvation Corps just spotted them!
Amiya What did they say?
Rhodes Island Operator They had a run-in with this squad when they evacuated from Sudean! They say these Sarkaz fight... well they're...
Amiya The Vampire's men...
Notify all units. The operation has been cancelled. Prepare to pull out immediately.
[Shots hit where Amiya and the R.I. operator is taking cover.]
Rhodes Island Operator There's no time. The Vampire fighters are moving way too fast... The Self-Salvation Corps has engaged them!
Amiya Change of plans. We're aiding the Self-Salvation Corps!
<Background 7>
[A Kazdelian Sarkaz warrior is interrogating an Eartha fighter.]
Sarkaz Warrior Where's the Cautus?
Self-Salvation Corps Fighter What Cautus?
Sarkaz Warrior Don't play dumb with me. She's been with you lot the last couple days.
Self-Salvation Corps Fighter I've no idea what you're talking about, and I'm not talking. Not even if you kill me.
Sarkaz Warrior Another stubborn bunch.
[Suddenly insect-like creatures surround the Eartha fighter's feet just as Amiya and the R.I. operator shows up.]
Self-Salvation Corps Fighter Urghh–! What's this... Bugs?! Bloody...!
Rhodes Island Operator Hang in there, friend!
Back in formation. Don't let the bugs on the ground separate you.
Amiya Defender operators, cover our allies' retreat!
Rhodes Island and the Self-Salvation Corps came here together, and so we will leave together!

Siege helps Allerdale keep the steam armor. Catherine meets her grandson, Feist, but cannot trust him easily.
<Background 7>
[The Rhodes Island operator receives a dispatch.]
Rhodes Island Operator We have a signal, Amiya!
Amiya Good.
Casters! Hold the shield with me!
Everyone else, get to the corner!
The Sarkaz casters raise their staves together.
Monsters made of blood rush up from underground. The entire street opens its gaping maw beneath the soldiers.
Amiya Nngh–!
There's too many of them!
Black lines cut through the flesh of the monsters, but even more rise again from the fallen, gnawing away at the Arts forming a defensive barrier.
The fighters run for their lives, but the stench from the predators' jaws is never far behind.
Finally, they make it into another alley, and find themselves face-to-face with an aura that is potent, pure and fearsome.
??? Stop.
The bloody tide stops in its tracks.
It was as though they ran into an invisible wall when they rounded the corner. The maggot-shaped Arts creations smash themselves into pieces, leaving bloody trails on the ground.
The empty street is completely silent.
<Background 6>
Amiya Casualties?
Rhodes Island Operator We're fine. We got out quick enough.
I hope we've delayed the Sarkaz, made things safer for Allerdale and Siege...
Amiya Thanks, everyone, especially our Self-Salvation Corps friends. Thank you for being willing to take this risk with us.
Self-Salvation Corps Fighter Commander Clovisia calls Rhodes Island our most important ally. We're always ready to do what we have to.
Plus, if this Rhodes Island operator here hadn't helped us, that Vampire would've done all of us in a long time ago.
[The one who saved Amiya and co. is revealed to be a male Banshee.]
??? No need to thank me.
I've seen too much meaningless killing in Londinium. I must stop my compatriots who have gone too far.
<Background 8>
Feist Sorry, Doctor...
Doctor I thought I was just coming home with you. / Are we not welcome?
Feist I had, er, a little fight with Granny when I skipped out of the factory last year.
A dozen big, bruising workers surround you.
Their eyes are filled with suspicion.
You glance at the drills and spanners in their hands, then at Feist, dressed like the workers, but here on his own.
Doctor Seems like it was more than a little fight. / Are you sure they're not hostiles?
Feist I guess Granny is still sore at me...
Catherine I've got no reason to be sore at a dead man. I didn't even know my only grandson was still alive, 'til a minute ago.
Feist I wanted to send a message, but it was too risky. The Sarkaz monitor all communications into Highbury.
I can't let the Sarkaz tie you to the Self-Salvation Corps.
Catherine So you joined that band of crackpots.
Feist ...The Londinium Citizens' Self-Salvation Corps.
We did a lot in Sudean, Granny. The Sarkaz control the media, and they call us an "unnamed violent gang"...
Catherine You're the ones who blew up the wall.
Feist Er... it was the Do...
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor The Sarkaz damaged the walls while pursuing the Corps.
Feist Right... it was mostly the Sarkaz who did it.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Your grandson fought bravely in the battle.
Feist Thanks, Doctor.
I didn't know you had such high regard for my rope work.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Catherine So you're here to blow up the armory?
Feist Of course not!
Catherine What did you say to your Self-Salvation Corps friends? We're making weapons for the Sarkaz, to use against Victorians?
Feist No, Granny. What I told them was...
My granny stands up to protect their livelihoods.
Catherine ......
Feist I know you think I'm a brat with little more than a couple of silly tricks.
But I didn't come back to drag the workers into this. And I'm not here to try to convince you, either.
I have my goals, of course, and it'd be brilliant if you were able to help me. But first–
I just wanted to see that you're safe.
Catherine Come here, and let me have a look at you.
[Catherine approaches Feist.]
Feist Granny...
Catherine You've put on a few inches, brat.
Feist Yeah, I grew a little bit.
<Background 6>
[The merchant is calling someone.]
Londinium Merchant I'll have the goods soon.
A suit of steam armor... how many men would kill to get one like it?
The nobles of Leithanien love to flaunt such storied antiques.
Oh, and do be sure to ask those Columbian firms as well. They might be interested, even if the tech is centuries old.
[The caller says something.]
Londinium Merchant Getting it out will be no trouble at all. What business do you think I'm running in Londinium these days?
The Sarkaz are a gang of raving psychopaths, and they alone can't rule Londinium.
I have friends in the Defense Forces. They'll take care of it for me.
I've heard it has a few external blemishes, however. I do hope that won't hurt the price?
??? Why not cancel the deal, if you're so worried about the price?
Londinium Merchant Who's there?!
[Siege reveals herself before the merchant.]
Siege Don't worry, we just happened to be traveling the same way.
Londinium Merchant Get this intruder out of here!
Say... where are my bodyguards?
Siege I've asked them to take a short nap. You can go and wake them once we've finished our chat.
Londinium Merchant All of them...? Against just one of you?!
Siege One? Oh, my, no.
Look behind you.
[Indra, Dagda, and Morgan reveals themselves behind Siege.]
Londinium Merchant You... this is Londinium! I've got friends in high places!
Indra Oh? Where are they? Do tell, I bet I'd get on famously.
Londinium Merchant Eek! D-Don't do anything rash, now!
Indra Play nice with us and nobody has to get beat.
Dagda Whatever Siege says, you do.
Otherwise, my claws won't be aimed at the wall next time.
[Dagda grabs the merchant.]
Londinium Merchant A-Alright! I understand!
Indra ...Seriously?
Morgan You really got into it there.
Dagda I learned it from you lot.
Siege Now then, let him go.
[Dagda lets the merchant off her hands.]
Londinium Merchant *whimper*...
Siege You can open your eyes and put your hands down now, Mr. Bader. We're not going to hurt you... at least not yet.
Londinium Merchant What do you want?
Siege My terms are clear. Cancel the deal for the Cumberland steam armor.
Londinium Merchant And you'll let me go if I agree?
Siege Yes.
But I'll make sure you keep your side of the bargain.
Show Mr. Bader our map, Morgan.
Morgan With pleasure.
[Morgan shows the merchant a map with certain locations marked.]
Londinium Merchant The marks on the map... those are my warehouses! How do you know about them?!
Siege You don't pay much attention when you're out and about.
Londinium Merchant You shadowed me?
Siege Correct. The Sarkaz cannot be bribed. If they learn that you've smuggled so much contraband into Londinium through your "connections"...
How helpful do you think your friend will be? Will he be in any position to protect you?
Londinium Merchant ......
Siege You're considering tipping off the Sarkaz.
That may well get us all killed, but they won't have to know anything if you continue to work with us.
Londinium Merchant Do I have a choice?
Siege I understand your circumstances, and I appreciate the opportunity to work with you. You will be compensated fairly.
Londinium Merchant Wait a second...
What is your relationship to Allerdale Cumberland? Are you her attendant? I can't imagine House Cumberland is in any position to hire one...
Indra Watch your mouth! The Cumberland serves Vina, not the other way 'round!
Londinium Merchant She's the daughter of a duke! You don't mean...
Siege No. I'm nobody.
Lady Cumberland and I are comrades, along with thousands upon thousands of Londiniers who long for peace.
I do hope you're one of them, Mr. Bader.
<Background 1>
Act 4
Scene 3
[The spotlight centers on the boy portraying a knight.]
Knight All those loyal to this land stand with me. The final battle against evil lies before us.
Children... do you live here?
Hide not in the corners and shadows. Even if you cannot hold a sword...
There is more to being a warrior than simply holding a sword. Open your eyes. Watch, listen, think.
Tell me what is right, what is wrong, and what kind of life you wish to live.
I march onwards, with you as my witnesses.
[The spotlight turns off as the stage lights turn on.]
Molly Brilliant! Look how good Ralph is, Lady Golding... how much he's grown. And to think he was a mischievous little beastling just four years ago!
Golding Yes, I'm delighted. A handkerchief, Molly?
Molly Handkerchief? Oh, yes, I can't stain my clothes with tears in front of the children... Oh, but I just can't stop crying, to think that Ralph and the other kids will be leaving school so soon...
Golding It's time for them to have a rest. And us, too.
Molly Yes, the final scene... that's the best part.
[A clap is heard.]
Molly Who's clapping?
You didn't invite anyone to the rehearsal today, did you?
Golding ......
The teachers cast their glances toward the back of the classroom.
A man in military attire claps slowly by the door.
??? What a splendid performance.
Golding ...Lt. Colonel Lettou.
I didn't think the Commander of the Defense Forces would grace this classroom with his presence.
Lt. Colonel Lettou Good afternoon, ladies.
