Arknights Wiki
7-18 guide

The final operation of Episode 07, 7-18 pits the player against Patriot himself for the first and only time in the Main Theme, hence its fitting title "Death of a Patriot". It is also the fifth and last operation which awards Amiya when cleared for the first time.

7-18 is is widely considered as one of the hardest operations in Arknights, mainly due to the presence of Patriot. That said, there are a few reliable ways to take him down.

Marching Stance

During Marching Stance, Patriot's Defense and Resistance are buffed to 2100 and 90% respectively, meaning any attack that isn't Pure Damage will deal next to no damage against him. Patriot's Attack is also buffed and during this phase, he will attack anyone who tries to block him 4 times in quick succession, which will K.O. anyone without some sort of invulnerability. Thankfully, the other enemies that come during this phase are relatively weak, with the biggest threats being Sarkaz Guerrilla Fighters who attack through the top lane (E2->B2) and deal Arts damage. These enemies can be taken care of relatively easily with a defensive formation near the B1 Protection Objective, usually of 2-3 Melee Operators, 1 Medic and 1 Caster.

Ruination Stance

During Ruination Stance, and after the first waves of enemies have been wiped out, swarms of Guerrilla Siegebreakers will drop in, including 2 Leaders near the top Protection Objective. Furthermore, a Mortar will spawn at F11 and start pounding your defenses unless you deploy someone there to block him. While Patriot has significantly lower defenses to the point where most of the cast can actually hurt him, he starts attacking anyone near him, which includes ranged operators. It's best to burst him down quickly, both because he poses a threat with his powerful attacks and because it removes the buffs affecting all the other enemies.

Amiya's Chimera


【明日方舟-Arknights】-7-18- - Low End Squad -1 - Arknights Strategy

The most simple way to take down Patriot is to bring Elite 2 Amiya with Chimera equipped. Since Chimera deals Pure Damage and also increases Amiya's attack, she can take Patriot down by herself without too much trouble. Variants exist, but Amiya is generally deployed on D5 or C5 with a Medic backing her up, facing right, in order to charge up Chimera. Place a mine on either E8 or D8 and when Patriot enters Amiya's range, activate Chimera. With the help of a mine, Patriot should go down rather quickly. Retreat Amiya as soon as Patriot goes down as to have her ready as soon as possible later. When Patriot enters Ruination Stance, Amiya can be deployed further back to act as DPS against the other enemies to charge Chimera back up. See the video for more information.

Interference Mines

It is possible to take out Patriot's first phase with Interference Mine and just Interference Mine only. However, this means letting Patriot cross almost the entire map, and forces you to take out his second phase with very little room to work with. This usually means an extremely high level Defender (Cuora, Hoshiguma or Nian) blocking Patriot near the exit while 2 (or more) extremely high level Medics (Sussurro, Silence, Shining etc.) keep the defender alive. Consult This Video for advice regarding this strategy.

Arts Spamming

Without Amiya or the Mines supplying large amounts of Pure Damage, the next best thing for nuking Patriot down is Arts damage. Lots of Arts damage. Seeing how we have to attack through Patriot's ridiculous 90% Arts Resistance, the specifications for operators are extremely high. Elite 2 Skill Level 7 at minimum. The Friend Supporter is almost always utilized here. Bring at least 2 of the following operators: Eyjafjalla, Ifrit, Surtr (All 3rd Skill), Ceobe (2nd Skill) and prepare for a difficult fight. Ifrit is highly recommended owing to her Res debuffs drastically increasing DPS. The idea is to hit Patriot with a mine and follow up as much Arts damage as possible when he moves from B6 to E6 with mines on C6 and D6. Ifrit goes on F6 facing down, Surtr on E6 also facing down, Eyjafjalla/Ceobe on D5 or C5 facing right. When Patriot trips the mine, activate all Arts nukes. Retreat when he goes down to minimize redeployment problems. While his second phase only requires one of the above operators + a mine, be extremely careful with the deployment order lest Patriot one-shot a ranged operator (though Surtr's huge HP injection from Twilight allows her to be deployed very aggressively to both block and kill Patriot).

In the Challenge Mode version, friendly units cannot be deployed on the following tiles: B3, B5, B7, E3, E5, and E7. Enemies (including Patriot) also receives a 20% and 10% buff to their HP and ATK, respectively.
