Arknights Wiki
Verse in the Ashes
Episode 09
Previous 9-7 (Story)

A great flame may have burned this land to its end, but I see someone's soul, on the other side of the scales.
Saoirse Kelly icon
Dublinn Soldier icon
Dublinn Scout
Victoria Square
Dublinn's "Leader" executes the girl who leaked word of the meeting.
<Background 1>
Dublinn Soldier Leader, we've found them.
"The Leader" Good. Bring them forth.
Saoirse What are you doing?! Le–Let go of me!
"The Leader" It was you who tipped off the Victorian Army about the meeting?
Saoirse What? How do you know...
Wait a moment, you–you're... it's you?! You're the one the chief editor was talking about...
You're going to bring about a war, lead us to throw off our oppressors, just like they said?
No... you'll bring death... turn our homeland to ruins, just like you're doing now.
The source of it all, everything, it was you!
"The Leader" ......
What I will bring is victory only.
And you, Saoirse Kelly, have deeply harmed our people's trust in you.
Because of your duplicity, many honest men have fallen into enemy prisons, and due to your betrayal, countless fighters have lost their chance to ever see the glory of victory.
You must pay the price for your actions.
Saoirse Did they... really die because of what I did?
Last night, all those gathering in that room, a huge amount of them sincerely wanted to welcome you–they believed you would bring us good change!
And now, they've been blown apart, scorched to earth, just like this street. Is it really me–who lit this fire?
"The Leader" I...
[A Dublinn soldier punches Saoirse to silence her.]
Dublinn Soldier Shut your mouth, traitor!
You feeble, weak defector! How can you understand a martyr's resolve? Rather than fall into enemy hands, suffer humiliation and torment, they rathered they would welcome The Leader's fire with heads high!
For the welfare of the Tarans, they had no choice but to sacrifice themselves in the flames of war!
Sentence her, Leader, give her the death penalty!
"The Leader" The death penalty?
Mandragora Of course. Don't you see? Only the deaths of traitors can calm the rage of the warriors.
Besides–look at the locals. They want to come closer, but don't dare. They fear us, fear you. This is the chance to make them submit.
Once you put this traitor to death, then they'll learn, nobody betrays Dublinn and lives.
"The Leader" Betrayal... hmm?
Saoirse Kelly, have you ever pondered the consequences of betrayal?
Saoirse I... maybe, I'll die.
But I've no regrets. You'd have me dead for wanting to save my family and friends, and that only proves I did the right thing–if no one else stops you, even more blood will stain your hands.
"The Leader" You are... courageous.
Mandragora I didn't mishear, did I? You praise a traitor for courage?
"The Leader" She is one of our fellows too.
Mandragora She wasn't any longer, ever since she chose to stand in the way.
What's the point of prattling about this, really? If I was her, I wouldn't be asking so much. Words from the condemned should have no effect on you.
<Background fades out>
What if... it were my sister?
They're all asking it.
And yet... I don't like thinking like this. I–never liked it.
<Background fades in>
Mandragora Do it, now!
You've got all these eyes on you. The longer you delay, the weaker we look. Who wants to follow a weak leader? How could the people follow a weak army?
<Background fades out>
She didn't give me a choice.
This child isn't the first of our fellows I've killed. How young was I then? She had me burn the Victorian merchant who wouldn't sell us bread, to death.
I forget how I did it. I shut my eyes and lifted a knife, yet stabbed into only a pile of acrid ashes.
And after, more and more ashes came. Just like this child, the braver, the faster they burn.
<Background fades in>
"The Leader" Saoirse Kelly... In my name as the Leader of Dublinn, I sentence you to death.
I will carry out the execution personally, right here.
Saoirse Seems... I'm going to die after all.
Leader... You're The Leader. Probably no one could stop you, and probably my whole family will die too. But can you tell me? Will we win?
Will we reach the day, when us Tarans can all live a better life?
"The Leader" ......
We will.
Saoirse Good, that's good. At least at this moment, I'm willing to... believe.
"The Leader" Do you have anything else to say?
Saoirse Fire... I saw the fire from the tip of your lance. Will it hurt badly when I'm burned alive?
No... don't tell me, after all. I can't bear to hear.
I ask of you, tell my ma and my da, if they can still live after everything's over...
I've hidden from them, some money in the third drawer by my bed. I wanted to buy my ma a bouquet of flowers for her birthday, next month...
Tell them, I'm sorry, everyone.
"The Leader" I promise you.
Saoirse *Whimper*... I don't want to die. I'm scared...
Ah... hah... maybe next spring, in the burned soil, a willow might sprout...
"The Leader"
For... Dublinn!
<Background fades out>
I've said these words... countless times.
Every time I do, my chest stirs in burning pain, as if the spear wasn't in my hands, but stabbed into my body.
Again and again I tell myself, life burns easily, and they are all fuel.
And I'm no exception.
<Background fades in>
[Now Saoirse has turned into ashes after being burnt to death by the Draco's fire...]
Mandragora Hah, she's dead. That's decent enough.
Give the order, make everyone else know, the traitor's been executed.
The next one wants to go informing, they'll be waiting to crumble to charcoal like her.
Dublinn Soldier Yes, sir.
Mandragora As for you, what's wrong with you today?
Dragging your heels so hard, the soldiers saw. Even thought their Leader would be soft on traitors.
"The Leader" ......
Mandragora Hey, you can't really be turning soft, can you?
It's one girl! You and your fire burned most of the street in a snap yesterday!
Here I thought you finally seemed the part a bit, "Leader."
<Background fades out>
Do I seem the part?
Seem what part? I haven't been able to tell what I seem for a long time.
Ever since I was little, I've only seen her appearance, her speech, her fire.
She had me become this way too. I couldn't do it, so I was bound to hide under her fire's light.
<Background fades in>
Mandragora She's a million miles off again.
Every time I see her looking like that, I just want to get up in her face and scream.
Harmonie Jealous, now?
Mandragora Don't give me shit. I just can't stomach seeing the face she puts on. Must be nothing but drainwater soap bubbles in that head.
Why'd The Leader put her in this position?
If it weren't for the face she was born with, she'd be a waste of space. Can't even execute a traitor properly.
Harmonie So you did it for her.
She hasn't the capacity to tell herself, but I saw it as quite obvious. Before her fire caught, an unseeable rock had already bored through the girl's chest.
Mandragora I just couldn't hold on!
All because of this shameless traitor. I broke my back gathering all those rich and powerful supporters, and you know what? Dead. Dust to dust. Farewell.
Harmonie Oh? I didn't think you had even a lick of the pitying type in you.
Mandragora Ha... even a bunch of meatbeasts would show some use before they died, right? Well done, now, you, well done! Turned to coke with a bump.
Harmonie Good enough, perhaps, that they died so simply. Don't forget, that little greedy plan of yours nearly buried us all deep, deep under.
Mandragora I... I did it for The Leader, and Dublinn!
You can't tell me you don't think she's unsuited. Even if she didn't bring all the people, I could've handled County Hillock fine. No, even better. I could've done even better.
If The Leader could just trust me some more...
Harmonie Unsuited? Well, I won't say you're not right.
People, well, they're best off understanding, after all, not to yearn day in and day out about clambering up where they don't belong. Or else, you know, they miss one tiny thing, trip and fall all the la-dee-da way down... bang, and it's flesh and bones everywhere.
Mandragora Are you getting on my case?
Harmonie How could I be?
Let's go. You're just pissing yourself off staring at her. We still have to discuss the next step.
"The Bandit," "'The Immolator," "The Accountant," "The Toxicologist," "The Convict," and "The Elocutionist." We sent the notice out yesterday, so gauging the time, they should all have arrived.
The city hall's ours now, and we've got quite a few VIPs and nobility under control too. But it's still not enough. We need to have County Hillock totally occupied before The Leader gets here.
Mandragora ...Nrgh.
Harmonie Keep biting, and you'll clean your nail off before you know it.
Mandragora Much bloody appreciated.
Harmonie When it happens, don't you come begging me in tears to paint you a new design.
Mandragora When've I ever cried in front of you?!
I just don't like letting the credit go to others.
Harmonie Alright, alright, you think I don't know you? You were one of the first to start following The Leader. You ought to set your sights a bit farther some. But one single Hillock, and you're in this frenzy of a state. You don't even think it's embarrassing.
Mandragora You mean...
Harmonie Once things are all done here, The Leader needs someone to run a trip to Londinium in her stead.
Mandragora Say that sooner! Quick, let's get going, I need County Hillock won within half a day!
<Background fades out>
Each one of them has their own greed inside, wild and wondrously formed, and not even the fiercest fire could burn them all through.
So what about mine? I only want to–hide...
Yet, does a shadow have the right to flee?
<Background fades in>
Dublinn Soldier Leader.
"The Leader" Mm...
Dublinn Soldier Madam Harmonie's inviting you to hold the meeting.
"The Leader" Do I... have to go?
Dublinn Soldier Er, Madam did say, if you really don't want to go, they can respect your wishes.
"The Leader" Respect...? How kind of her.
Soldier, go and tell them, carry it all out according to plan.
They know their own duty. They don't need me pushing them.
As for me, I need to think in peace. Order your people to keep proper watch, and let nobody disturb me.
Dublinn Soldier Yes, Leader.
[The Dublinn soldier leaves.]
"The Leader" I need... a little time...
What... is this?
<Background fades out>
In the ruins of the village, I found a piece of paper.
It was fragile, very much so, all four corners charred black, and as I picked it up, half fell to ash, and sadly, only half of the words were left upon it.
"Why should I lose heart"
"A great flame may have burned the whole land to its end"
"But I see someone's soul, on the other side of the scales"
It was a poem, a verse missing its beginning.
These words seemed freshly written, the ink still not naturally set, before fire scorched it dry.
Yes. My fire.
My soul...