Arknights Wiki
Lava's Ancient Forge I
Ancient Forge
L.G.D. Officer icon
L.G.D. Officer
Lungmen Rooftop
Command Center
Lungmen Streets
Lungmen Park
Lungmen Uptown Night
Server Room
RI Corridor
A new celebration approaches and Lungmen is vigorously making preparations, waiting for a faceless enemy only known by the name, "Nian."
Act One
Ancient Forge
Use your spear to strike your shield.
Use your shield to block your spear.
Use your spear to strike your shield.
Use your shield to block... to block...
To block...
...oh my. This could go on forever, couldn't it?
What can we do? I have to think of something...
Use your spear to strike your shield...
Use your shield to block your spear...
It needs an "and then" in there.
And then, and then... Ah, got it!
And then there is a massive explosion. That would do the trick, wouldn't it?
<Background 1>
11:15 PM \ Clear
Lunar New Year's Eve, Lungmen, Forward Command Post
Rhodes Island Presents
"District 14 reporting, all clear."
"District 5 reporting, situation normal."
"District 1 reporting, nothing out of the ordinary."
"Green across the board. Good work, everyone. Stay on your toes."
<Background 1>
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer Yaaawn...
Serious L.G.D. Officer You're on the night shift now. How's it going?
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer Well, the migration is going according to plan. Movement speed normal. No anomalies.
This is the only Originium reaction we need to check out. Take a look.
Serious L.G.D. Officer ..."Suspected Originium explosive device activation"? What is it? Somebody shooting off fireworks in the park?
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer Keep reading. There's a location.
Serious L.G.D. Officer Tung Fong Street, Number 122. It's a warehouse. Currently leased by Penguin... Oh, of course.
I can only hope we're in for another calm and peaceful year.
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer You said it. Let's just put in our hours and get home for chow.
Serious L.G.D. Officer That doesn't mean we get to relax. Chief Wei told us to stay frosty.
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer You know, I've lived in Lungmen my whole life, and every year people freak out...
I've never seen the "Nian" before. What is it?
Serious L.G.D. Officer I've never seen it either. And you asked me the same thing last year.
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer The greenhorns are already convinced it's just an urban legend.
If there was some kind of fire-breathing giant, we'd spot it before it got within thirty klicks of Lungmen and the defensive cannons would solve that problem pretty quick.
Serious L.G.D. Officer Must be some great big beast, highly territorial, but unlikely to ever attack a city.
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer That's what they say. But everybody's still on alert. I mean, it's on Chief Wei's own orders.
Serious L.G.D. Officer Yeah, yeah. Save it. I've already written you clowns up for slurping down instant noodles in the control room. Not that I blame you. That's your New Year's banquet. Still waiting for your red envelopes full of money?
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer ......
Then Chief Wei's met the Nian?
Serious L.G.D. Officer You respect the chain of command, don't you?
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer Of course! It's because of Chief Wei that I joined the force to begin with!
It's just... to get all hands on deck, watching out for some giant nobody's seen for decades?
Serious L.G.D. Officer Chief Wei's very thorough. She covers all her bases. You know this.
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer That's what they say...
[A girl runs up to them.]
??? S- sorry I'm late! I brought Originium test results!
Um? Where's... err... Chief Wei?
Serious L.G.D. Officer Well... Not here.
??? Wh- wha? But Superintendent Ch'en told me to check the control center...
Serious L.G.D. Officer We're on the roof...
Head down the stairs and make a left. That great big room with all the blinking lights? That's your control center.
??? Aaagh, I just ran up from there. Don't tell me I went the wrong way...
Sorry to bother you! I'll get out of your hair right away!
[The girl runs off.]
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer What was that all about? Who was she?
Serious L.G.D. Officer Must be new. Looked like a techie.
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer Did you see how wired up she was? It's definitely her first New Year. Takes me back to my first time...
<Background 2>
??? Phew, whew, sorry. Can you point me to the control center...?
Ch'en ...Snowsant? What are you doing back here?
Snowsant Wha? Superintendent Ch'en, you beat me here?
Ch'en I think you got a little mixed up.
Ch'en Intro
Ch'en, Senior Superintendent of the L.G.D.
The youngest Senior Superintendent in Lungmen history, and Snowsant's superior.
<Background 2>
Snowsant S-s-s-s-s-sorry! I got lost!
Ummmmmmm... do you think maybe I'll need to be r-r-r-reprimanded for not delivering this extremely important report on time...?
Ch'en No, I don't think there's any need for that. You're new and I also bear some responsibility for not telling you the way.
Come with me.
Snowsant Sure... err... Yes, ma'am!
[Ch'en and Snowsant walks down the hallway and pass other officers.]
Snowsant It's already midnight, and there's still so many people around...
Ch'en It's like this every year. Just a precaution.
Snowsant ...a precaution? Oh, are you talking about the legendary Nian?
Ch'en Were you in Columbia so long you never saw the L.G.D. face down the Lunar New Year?
Snowsant My grandma told me stories about the "Nian" when I was little... But they were so scary I never thought they could be true...
Four-legged beasts, covered in flames from head to toe, awakened from their subterranean slumber by humans building their cities, they... No! No way they could be real!
Ch'en Stories, huh?
Lots of people think they're just stories. Whatever helps them sleep at night.
Too bad all the damage to our city throughout history isn't just stories. The names carved on the headstones aren't just stories.
It's been quiet for many years. But we have to stay alert.
You've lived in Lungmen before, but you haven't been back for long. Now you need to brush up on everything you've missed.
Snowsant S-s-s-sorry! Everyone's working so hard, I guess I should probably...
Ch'en *Sigh*. Just calm down...
Nobody in this building has ever met the Nian before.
We've got a lot of greenhorns who don't believe. Some of them even question the L.G.D.'s mission. It happens. I'm used to it.
Snowsant Wow... Poor L.G.D....
Ch'en Go report to Chief Wei and then get some rest. I want another report first thing in the morning.
Snowsant Ummmmmmm... Erm! Superintendent Ch'en! Could you tell me, um, what Chief Wei is like?
When you told me I would meet her today... I um...
Ch'en Before I answer you, I need you to gather up some confidence.
It was Chief Wei herself who personally sent the request for you to return from Columbia. You need to believe in yourself, and believe you can handle your mission.
What I'm trying to say is: puff out that chest, girl!
Snowsant S- sorry...
Ch'en *Sigh*. That means you need to stop apologizing all the time.
Just like you're talking with me, you take all the information you've got, and calmly and coolly explain it to Chief Wei, in a nice, steady pace.
Don't overthink this.
Snowsant Okay, I can do it, erm...
<Background 3>
Ch'en Chief Wei.
Wei Fumizuki You've worked hard. Both of you.
Fumizuki Intro
Fumizuki, Chief Executive of Lungmen, Woman of Mystery.
...As yet unconfirmed rumors say that she has a dedicated husband managing internal affairs.
<Background 3>
Wei Fumizuki Now, not to denigrate your efforts, but it seems this report is a bit later than anticipated.
Snowsant Oh, that would be because—
Ch'en Sorry. We took some extra time to straighten out the report.
And there were some individuals consuming cup noodles in Sector 22's control center. I had to reprimand them.
It was poor time management on my part. I take full responsibility, Chief Wei.
Wei Fumizuki ...Yes, I understand.
Why don't you introduce this lovely young lady first?
Ch'en This is our senior engineer in charge of maintaining our outer perimeter installations. Codename Snowsant. I think you know her.
Snowsant Th-th-th-th-th-this is our first time meeting! P-p-p-p-please call me Snowsant!
Snowsant Intro
Snowsant, newly hired intern and head of Lungmen's Frontier Defense Engineering Department.
She holds the record for fastest promotion in history. And yet she has zero confidence in herself!
<Background 3>
Snowsant Um, but, I guess Superintendent Ch'en already introduced me...
Wei Fumizuki This is not actually our first meeting, little Snowsant.
And yet I see a whole new woman before me. Your time in Columbia has done much for you.
Snowsant You... you remember me?
Wei Fumizuki How could I forget? Your talent and character are known far and wide.
Not to mention your impressive record before you even left Lungmen.
Snowsant Chief Wei has known about me for so long...? I... did I do something wrong?
Wei Fumizuki I make a point to know of our promising young people, that's all.
Snowsant I-I-I-I-I'm honored! But I never thought anyone would notice me, on account of I'm not so good with words...
Wei Fumizuki Unfortunately, I have no time for whitewashed plagiarism and self-serving rhetoric.
[An L.G.D. officer enters the command center.]
L.G.D. Officer Sorry to interrupt, Chief Wei. We've received a docking request from a vessel belonging to one of our strategic partners.
Wei Fumizuki —Understood.
Snowsant, I will be brief. The L.G.D. is welcoming some guests shortly.
This evening will be Lungmen's finest hour.
Snowsant Ah, yes!
<Background 4>
Snowsant Wow, it's gotten so late...
Ch'en We could have been earlier.
Snowsant Ummm... Sorry. I'll look over the handbooks some more when I get home.
Ch'en Good thinking.
Snowsant Don't worry! When you see me tomorrow, Superintendent Ch'en, I'll be able to draw a map of every level from memory!
Ch'en ...Let's not get carried away.
The point is, from now on you'll be reporting directly to Chief Wei. Don't get psyched out.
Snowsant R- right!
But, um... Are you not going home, Superintendent Ch'en?
Ch'en I have other things to do. We're short handed, and I know a certain crowd that needs a direct approach.
Not to mention... It hasn't been announced to the public yet, but the L.G.D. has some... leads.
Snowsant Poor Superintendent Ch'en...
Ch'en Never mind. I'm used to it.
It's your first New Year since you're back in Lungmen. Enjoy it.
Snowsant Right! Thanks!
<Background 5>
Lungmen Park
Madame Oni Cheers.
Crowd Cheers!
Gangster To you, Madame Oni, and another great year with you!
Gangster It's all thanks to Madame Oni that the gang did so well this past year!
Gangster Madame Oni! When are we going to Temple Street?
Madame Oni ...Hey, no rush. We got lots of time—
But I'm still waiting on a guest. I know she's coming. I had a nasty vision. My eyelid twitched all morning.
Gangster Huh? A guest? Who is it?
Ch'en ....Me.
Gangster You! When did you get here?!
Ch'en Obstruction of justice, destruction of public property, trespassing, disturbing the peace, assault. You made a lot of noise last year, "Madame Oni."
Madame Oni They asked for it.
Ch'en If you say so.
Madame Oni You're a busy woman, Ch'en Sir. That must be why you're getting all mixed up and only just now remembering things from last year. Here, let's raise a glass to Ch'en Sir.
Ch'en Save it. Let's skip the games. I know what you're about to do.
But you're not going anywhere now.
Madame Oni ......
That doesn't make much sense, Ch'en Sir?
We owned up to last year because we did wrong. But this time, we haven't done anything. You're still gonna lock us down?
Ch'en Don't play dumb. Do I have to remind you what came of your strange little rituals last year?
The L.G.D. doesn't have the manpower to play around with you, so I'm nipping this in the bud.
Madame Oni You think I'm playing around?
Ch'en ......
Madame Oni *Deep sigh*. All right, for old time's sake, Ch'en Sir.
You guys have been battening down the hatches on this year's Nian prep so hard, I was thinking Ursus already fired a shot across our bow.
So we'll be good little boys and girls this time around. As long as you play by our rules.
Ch'en ...Fine.
I knew it would go down like this anyway.
Madame Oni With one condition... If I win, you have to tell me what's got the L.G.D. on edge.
"This year's special circumstances..." You know what I mean, Ch'en Sir?
Ch'en Why would you want to know?
Madame Oni There's always someone who wants to know.
Ch'en All right. Fine. I'll play along.
Madame Oni That's what I like to hear! Come on, let's get to drinking!
[Two elderly citizens are playing a boardgame nearby.]
Mr. Wei, Ordinary Citizen They're so rowdy over there.
Retiree They're like this every year. Don't mind them. The rowdy types have rowdy rituals.
Mr. Wei, Ordinary Citizen Back when we were on the force, we wouldn't let them get away with stuff like this.
Retiree Of course not. We even beat back the Nian.
Mr. Wei, Ordinary Citizen Do you mean the time with the subsonic Originium slug?
Retiree I mean the time with the underground legion.
Mr. Wei, Ordinary Citizen You weren't a cop yet then. I was.
Retiree Is that right? I can't remember.
Mr. Wei, Ordinary Citizen Hey... did you just touch the board?
Retiree Certainly not. Have you ever known me to take back a move?
Mr. Wei, Ordinary Citizen No, you never take back moves. You just wait until I'm not looking to swap around some pieces.
Retiree Why I never! And I resent the accusation! Ahahaha—
<Background 4>
Rich Girl Humm~♪ Hummm~♪
Honor Student You're in a good mood.
Rich Girl It's New Year's! Why wouldn't I be?
Honor Student I guess that's true...
But there's gotta be more to it?
Rich Girl Aren't you happy you passed the L.G.D. exam?
I thought you wanted to join up just because of your dad, but it turns out you're really into it?
Honor Student There's that. It's always better to chase your own dreams than be at the mercy of others.
Rich Girl So unlike you...
Honor Student This is the way.
But you're really so cheerful just for my sake?
Rich Girl *Sigh*... do you have to say it like that...?
Honor Student Heh. Thanks.
Rich Girl Cards on the table. That's the way to go.
Honor Student And here I thought you made a quick buck playing the forex market on Victoria's slide. I had you all wrong.
Rich Girl Hey.
Honor Student Or did your investments in Rim Billiton pay off? It was a mining thing... I think I remember the transfer process wasn't exactly above board.
Rich Girl Y- you know a lot about this...
Honor Student But of course. We're friends, aren't we? Be-a-trix?
Rich Girl I'm serious! You better not have been digging up dirt on me!
Honor Student Why I never.
But maybe the L.G.D. would jump at the chance to get their hands on you. And wouldn't that be a great service?
Rich Girl Nooo way.
Anyway. There is one other bit of good news I won't keep from you.
Honor Student Oh yeah. You're happy that we're out here having a nice stroll, that there's a party, and that all she can do is stare at L.G.D. data and maybe slip out on patrol for some fresh air.
Rich Girl You know all that too?!
Honor Student Woman's intuition. How else do you think I passed that exam without studying?
Rich Girl Wha, no way! You didn't like bribe the L.G.D. or pull some other shady move...?
[An explosion is heard.]
Honor Student Ooh?
Rich Girl Wow, a firecracker! Now that's the sound of New Year's.
Huh? What's with you? Why'd you... Oh.
Honor Student ...What?
Rich Girl Are you still afraid of firecrackers at your age?
Honor Student No. It just makes me uncomfortable that someone would use an uncontrollable explosive like that for such a frivolous purpose.
Rich Girl Explosive? A firecracker?
Honor Student Yes. Firecrackers are an Originium explosive device, are they not?
Rich Girl Isn't that kind of blowing things out of proportion?
Honor Student —Nonsense.
Rich Girl ...Are you sure?
Honor Student Yes.
Rich Girl Well, I'd like to relive my childhood for a bit, so why don't we go buy a couple bundles to play with—
Honor Student Oh yes, I just remembered, there's a report on the investigation into you sitting in a certain drawer...
Rich Girl ...W- we'd better get along to that party.
<Background 6>
Attention all units: a vessel is mooring. Attention all units: a vessel is mooring.
Amiya Doctor, we've arrived.
Doctor This is Lungmen? / It's completely different now. / ......
Amiya Is this your first time seeing Lungmen at New Year's?
It's easy to get distracted by the festive atmosphere. But don't forget we have a job to do.
Doctor To "ring in the New Year," right? / What's this "Nian" anyway? / ......
Amiya The "Nian" is a legend... or so they say.
But the records show that it is a real, if anomalous phenomenon.
Around the turn of each year, Lungmen, actually all of Yan, and even the parts of Ursus that wander nearby, get attacked.
Doctor Attacked? / Anomalous phenomenon? / It's really hot out.
Amiya The documented records of damage to each city don't match up very well, and the earlier legends are pretty murky.
Some speak of giant, man-eating monsters. Some tell of a strange army. And still others speak of a group of mysterious casters.
There's even a conspiracy theory floating around that some organized crime syndicate or other shadowy group fabricated the whole "Nian" thing to cover up their activities...
...Speaking of, weren't you listening in the meeting, Doctor?
Doctor ...... / ...... / ......Sorry.
L.G.D. Officer Welcome to Lungmen, Rhodes Island.
Chief Wei is waiting at the L.G.D. Please come with me.
Amiya The point is, we'll go see Chief Wei first. She'll explain the important details.
Say... Doctor, have you seen Lava?
<Background 5>
Madame Oni H– how many bottles is this?
Gangster Madame Oni, let's not..
Madame Oni The number!
Gangster Seventeen!
Madame Oni Ugh... Since when... can you drink like this?
Ch'en The L.G.D. has the occasional... get-together.
Madame Oni What ngaang gaau "get-togethers" are you talking about... bullshit... ugh...
Gah, it's so hot! Hey, get some ice water, or beer or whatever!
Gangster I think you've had enough, Madame Oni...
Ch'en Take care of her, and don't go anywhere.
Gangster *Sigh*, come on, Madame, have some water.
Madame Oni *GULP* *GULP* Ahh!
Hey, Ch'en... Next time you wanna pay a visit... *hiccup* You don't have to come up with some... crazy excuse, you know?
Ch'en We live in different worlds.
Now, since you admit defeat, I'll... nnng...
Gangster Um...? Ch'en Sir, you're looking a little wobbly there.
Ch'en I'm fine.
...You guys better get ready. If Chief Wei is right, then all of Lumgen is gonna hafta bland tofether...
Gangster Ch'en Sir, are you really okay?
Ch'en *Deep breath* Pfft—
When she wakes up, you tell her, the L.G.D. got a lead on the "Nian."
Gangster A lead? Like a giant footprint or something?
Ch'en Crazy huge craters, melted buildings, massive scorch marks.
Gangster Woah... I heard the Nian was actually a huge Originium slug thousands of miles long... is that true?
Ch'en Who knows?
Our scouts couldn't find anything that looked like casting, but those marks definitely weren't there long.
Point is, if there's really something out there...
You guys gotta pitch in.
Gangster Why do we gotta help out the fuzz?
Ch'en Because you can fight.
Gangster ...Hey now, I like the sound of that. Ch'en Sir ain't all bad!
<Background 4>
Rich Girl Don't you think it's really hot out today?
Honor Student Early spring.
Rich Girl It's midnight. This is an early spring?
Whatever. Did that Lung get back to you yet?
Honor Student Not yet. This isn't really what the L.G.D. messaging system is for.
Rich Girl Standard duty is off today, right? And it's my private channel anyway.
Heh heh. She's probably so pissed off she's moping around the alleyways cursing herself.
<Background 5>
Retiree ...Wei, is that a fire?
Mr. Wei, Ordinary Citizen What are you on about?
Retiree It's just, why is it heating up even after the sun's gone down?
To tell the truth, I have a bad feeling about this.
Mr. Wei, Ordinary Citizen It must be hard being apart from your beloved daughter. A man of your age, you've spoiled her rotten.
Retiree Like you would know.
Mr. Wei, Ordinary Citizen Give it up. Don't change the subject. You think I'm going to let you cheat again?
Retiree ...Hrm.
<Background 1>
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer Shift's up.
Serious L.G.D. Officer Is your report ready?
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer It's been ready. If you get here first tomorrow, do me a favor and get me a coffee.
Serious L.G.D. Officer Honestly...
Frivolous L.G.D. Officer Oh, this is for you, to pass the time.
Serious L.G.D. Officer What is it?
..."Tales of the Nian: A Compilation of Catastrophes from Several Countries"?
Nah, what's the point. The Nian is some kind of mythological construct. How do people still believe in monsters and stuff?
<Background 7>
??? What the hell is wrong with people these days? It's only been a few years and everything's totally different.
Aaahh, let's see here. Guh, I can't make sense of any of this new crap.
—Re... u... nion?
Hmm... Hmm...?
Come on? This is all we got?
Then I'll just have to use my imagination... Or not. What if they can't handle it...
Anyway, I'll figure it out.
<Background 8>
Snowsant Nnng... Mmf...
That should be good? Let's start it up and see...
Laboratory Climate Control System —*Electrical hum*—
System activated.
Experiment log activated. Voice print recognized. Operator: Snowsant.
Current room temperature: 14°C. Analysis: room temperature abnormal.
Snowsant It worked...! Whew, using all that electricity paid off... Wait, abnormal?
Hm... There was a calibration log around here somewhere... where was that?
Laboratory Climate Control System Number of calibration logs: 1.
Snowsant This one?
Laboratory Climate Control System Room temperature analysis: significantly higher than regional average temperatures for this date. Presumed to be due to experimentation. No heat source found. No Originium reaction found. Added to log.
Snowsant Hmm... The Originium detection function was a later addition. And it seems pretty sensitive...
Let's extend the range a bit.
Laboratory Climate Control System Range extension failed. Cause: large amount of unresponsive objects in range. Presumed system failure. Troubleshooting in progress.
Snowsant Let's see... The Originium reaction detector function uses feedback ripples from Originium reactions, so if an object isn't responding, that means it's undetectable to Originium Arts—
It's insulated from Originium reactions? A material totally resistant to Originium...?
...That's impossible!
Ugh... So it's actually malfunctioning... Wahh... the power bill...
<Background 3>
Wei Fumizuki And that is the scope of the task.
Rhodes Island has a history of excellence in dealing with such issues, and I look forward to our cooperation.
Amiya Thank you, Chief Wei.
Amiya Intro
Amiya, the leader of Rhodes Island. She may be young, but she is well regarded.
<Background 3>
Amiya (Doctor! Have you found Lava yet? Still?)
Ahem. Chief Wei, um...
Can we register the operators that will be working in Lungmen without them being physically present?
Wei Fumizuki ...Do you speak of Miss Lava?
Doctor Very astute, Chief Wei. / Should I be surprised? / ......
Lava, the Heroine
Wei Fumizuki Miss Lava is an expert in Catastrophes, especially those of the distant past. It is thanks to her that we put our trust in Rhodes Island.
Of course, we understand that Rhodes Island has many outstanding operators. But Miss Lava's familiarity with the Nian—
<Background 3>
L.G.D. Officer Chief Wei! Forgive the interruption! It's an emergency.
Wei Fumizuki Go ahead.
L.G.D. Officer There are unidentified personnel in the city center.
...They have Reunion icons.
<Background 9>
??? These marks...
They show they've already entered the city.
But it should be only a few of them. And among those, only one matches the records.
...Never mind.
<Background black>
Ancient Forge Title Card
??? No matter who they are, I will put a stop to them.
Never again.