Arknights Wiki

Anita is an NPC in Arknights. She is a major supporting character in Under Tides.


Anita is one of the few young inhabitants in Sal Viento, Iberia. She has a mother who later abandoned her due to starvation before she was luckily adopted by Petra. Because she was found under a wood frame, the locals call her as such even though she prefers to call herself "Picture frame" or her actual name that was inspired by a story character.[1] Unlike others who are affected by the Seaborn's hive mind, Anita possesses a cheerful spirit. She also wants to explore the outside world despite others' warning.[2]


Under Tides[]

Anita appeared in front of Skadi after she dealt with the locals who were suspicious of outsiders. Wanting to help her search for her friend, she brought her to her grandmother Petra. However, the two could not get any clues as the old woman's illness and her past memory caused her to react violently. Even then, Anita reassured that they could find it out from others somehow.[3]

The next evening after Skadi went around the town, Anita shared with her some strange shell meat she had preserved. However, Skadi was suspicious of the food and tried to stop her from eating it. With that said, Anita realized that today was the day of the one-hundredth tide in which the people will receive food from the ocean by sending someone to the beach. But when they saw Inquisitor Irene coming to stop the ritual, Skadi immediately fled from the spot to avoid her. Although they managed to find a hideout in an abandoned house, Irene had already followed them and a clash was inevitable. Skadi then ordered her to flee for her safety while she deals with the Inquisitor.[4]

Anita met Skadi once again, but she was heavily injured by the hand cannons of the High Inquisitor. Meanwhile, Irene came to her once again to fulfill her duty. Just before another clash could happen, a great wave of Seaborns suddenly arrived and Skadi escaped to lure the monsters away.[5] After Skadi dealt with the monsters, Anita came to her, only seeing Irene preparing to fight her. But to Anita's surprise, Grandmother Petra kept throwing shells onto Irene out of her grudges against the Inquisitors for neglecting the common folk. When Irene left, Anita quickly brought Skadi into her house to have her rest.[6]

Skadi then suddenly experienced a nightmare and almost injured Anita. Trying to calm herself down, Skadi sat at the shore and Anita followed her afterwards. While the two were discussing about the outside world, a Seaborn suddenly grabbed Anita and dragged her into the ocean.[7] Skadi, using her incredible strength, managed to pull her away from the monster.

By daybreak, the two headed back to Anita's house. Skadi not only taught her how to make seaweed alcohol but also sang a song to her and Grandma Petra as she promised. With that, the trio enjoyed a short peaceful moment before a news about the arrival of seafood broke the silence.[8] While Anita was gathering food, Skadi approached Gladiia and questioned what was she doing with the local bishop. Before her departure to visit the church, Skadi handed Bench her harp as a promise that she will return.[9]

While the bishop turned himself into a gigantic Seaborn, a sudden earthquake appeared and rocked Anita's house. With the help from Irene, Anita quickly left the collapsing building together with her grandmother. Anita did not know what was going on and Irene replied that she must ask Skadi for the explanation afterwards.[10]

In the aftermath, Anita met Skadi for one last time. Anita described the sudden earthquake and the destruction of their food, but she was confident that they would make it through by making seaweed alcohol. As Anita was rushing off after hearing someone's calling, Skadi noticed the red shell inside the can she uses for drinking, the lot for the inhumane sacrifice. Still, Skadi was glad to see that she and the town were out of danger. Before leaving, Skadi held Anita back and promised her that she will meet her once again in the outside world.[11]

Integrated Strategies[]

This section contains story information that are non-canonical to the plot of Arknights.

Mizuki & Caerula Arbor[]

IS-The Call

The Sea Terror that is the subject of the "Singer by the Sea" Encounter is implied to be Anita because it holds Skadi's harp. She plays the harp on a reef, with the music stated to "resound together between heaven and earth".

