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Arctosz Paleroche is an NPC in Arknights. He is one of the major characters of Break the Ice.


Arctosz is the current patriarch of the Paleroches, one of the three ruling families of Kjerag together with the Browntails and the Silverashes. Being an ardent conservative, he sees the Silverashes' attempt to industrialize the nation a blasphemy to Kjeragandr, the national goddess. Following the ousting of the Silverashes from the Tri-Clan Council after series of accidents and political scheme, the Paleroches has been controlling the Council for seven years until Enciodes' return from Victoria and his restoration of the family's status. While Arctosz acts leniently onto Enciodes after being benefited from trades from the Karlan Trade, he is still unhappy with him, believing that the industrialization will pollute the Snow Realm with Originium and the opening up of the nation will further drive economic and political imbalance.

While appearing to be a rough person, Arctosz is a man of his word with a simple heart. He sees things in a simple way and does everything straightforward without twisting his mouth.

Side Stories[]

Break the Ice[]

A Cold War

Arctosz rallied his people against the Silverashes with the Doctor's support
