Arknights Wiki
Area 6 Ruins
Contingency Contract
Area 6 Ruins map
One of Chernobog's core districts, turned into a battlefield by its chaotic tug-of-war, is now occupied by the remnants of the Reunion Movement. They must be expelled before order can return.
  1. C.C. Cinder (Rotating Site #2)
  2. C.C. Lead Seal (Rotating Site #5)
  3. C.C. Spectrum (Rotating Site #5)
  4. C.C. Wild Scales (Rotating Site #1)


Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
9 10 3 64
Terrain properties The Active Originium effect increases ATK and ASPD by 50% and 50 respectively, deals 90 Pure damage every second (except to enemies with the Objective: Controllable Infection contract), and lasts for 300 seconds (5 minutes).


Normal Rioter Leader ×22, Arts Guard ×8, Arts Guard Leader ×4, Bladed Fighter ×8, Crossbowman Leader ×8, Spec Ops Caster ×8
Elite Butcher ×2, Armed Militant ×2, Senior Caster Leader ×1
Boss W
Additional information
  • Arts Guards have 150 DEF.
  • Arts Guard Leaders have 6000 HP and 200 DEF.
  • Bladed Fighters have 250 DEF.
  • The Senior Caster Leader has 15000 HP.
  • Spec Ops Casters have 200 DEF.
  • W have 21000 HP, 650 ATK, 200 DEF, and a range of 2.7 tiles.


Area 6 Ruins guide