Arknights Wiki

Arknights OST 2 is, as the name suggests, the second original soundtrack of Arknights, consisting of twelve music used in Episodes 05 and 06, as well as Code of Brawl.


The English translations of the tracks' Chinese and Russian titles are unofficial.
# Track Length Artist In-game use
1 0:00:01 02:17 Bao.Uner R8-1, R8-2, R8-3, R8-4, Abandoned Mine (Annihilation), and various stories and interludes
2 近卫局攻坚小队
L.G.D. Attack Team
02:05 Bao.Uner 5-8, 5-9, S5-7, S5-8, S5-9, H5-3, 6-4, 6-5, H6-2, SW-EV-5, AF-6, and SA-5
3 Абсолю́тный нуль температу́ры
(Russian for "Absolute zero temperature")
03:20 Bao.Uner H6-4 and VI-6 (when FrostNova, "Winter's Scar" spawns)
4 37℃ 02:15 Bao.Uner 6-1 Before, 6-17
5 来自雪原的回响
Echoes from the Tundra
03:04 Bao.Uner 6-8 to 6-15, S6-1 to S6-4, H6-3, H6-4, Frozen Abandoned City, AF-8, SA-6, and VI-6
6 江湾小酌
A Drink at the Riverside
02:17 Bao.Uner Various stories and interludes, prominently in Code of Brawl
7 Dash! 03:18 Bao.Uner CB-1 to CB-5, CB-EX1 to CB-EX4, and various CB stories and interludes
8 阴云
02:08 Bao.Uner Various stories and interludes
9 落子无悔
No Regrets
03:09 Bao.Uner 5-10, 6-7, Deserted Factory, VI-5, and VI-7
10 尘沙扬
03:00 Bao.Uner CB-10, CB-EX7, and BH-8
11 尽归霜雪
Return to Frost and Snow
03:11 Bao.Uner 6-16
12 奇兵天坠
Skyrocket Pendant
02:08 Bao.Uner CB-7 to CB-9, CB-EX5, CB-EX6, and CB-EX8


  • 37 °C, one of the track's titles, is the average temperature in Celsius degrees of the human body. This is fitting, as the track plays during FrostNova's last moments, during which her normally freezing cold body has returned to a normal temperature with her Arts expended.[1]

See also[]

