“ Absorbs a certain amount of damage. ” —In-game tip
Barrier is a buff in Arknights , introduced in Il Siracusano .
Effect [ ]
Only friendly units can receive Barrier, which absorbs a certain amount of damage taken by the bearer before being expended.
The Barrier's strength is represented by a brighter part on the unit's HP meter, which divides their own HP and the Barrier's HP.
Sources [ ]
Unless noted otherwise, the Barrier from the sources listed below absorbs all types of damage (Physical, Arts, and Pure).
Damage absorption
Rat Swarm
When deployed, decays over 10 seconds
L1 : 100% max. HP
L2 : 110% max. HP
L3 : 120% max. HP
L4 : 140% max. HP
L5 : 150% max. HP
L6 : 160% max. HP
L7 : 180% max. HP
M1 : 200% max. HP
M2 : 220% max. HP
M3 : 250% max. HP
Arts Shield
Healed targets
Absorbs Arts damage only
L1 : 40% of Nightingale's ATK for 3 seconds
L2 : 43% of Nightingale's ATK for 3 seconds
L3 : 46% of Nightingale's ATK for 3 seconds
L4 : 50% of Nightingale's ATK for 3.5 seconds
L5 : 53% of Nightingale's ATK for 3.5 seconds
L6 : 56% of Nightingale's ATK for 3.5 seconds
L7 : 60% of Nightingale's ATK for 4 seconds
M1 : 70% of Nightingale's ATK for 4 seconds
M2 : 80% of Nightingale's ATK for 4 seconds
M3 : 90% of Nightingale's ATK for 5 seconds
Trial of Thorns
When activated
L1 : 40% max. HP
L2 : 50% max. HP
L3 : 60% max. HP
L4 : 70% max. HP
L5 : 80% max. HP
L6 : 90% max. HP
L7 : 100% max. HP
M1 : 110% max. HP
M2 : 120% max. HP
M3 : 130% max. HP
Guardian of the Law
When deployed
Upon defeating an enemy from E1 (caps at 300% max. HP)
Base/E1 : 30% max. HP
E2 : 50% max. HP
P5 : +5% max. HP
Defeating enemies
E1 : 6% max. HP
E2 : 10% max. HP
Phantom of the Night
When deployed, lasts for 10 seconds
Absorbs Physical damage only
L1 : 20% max. HP
L2 : 25% max. HP
L3 : 30% max. HP
L4 : 35% max. HP
L5 : 40% max. HP
L6 : 45% max. HP
L7 : 50% max. HP
M1 : 60% max. HP
M2 : 70% max. HP
M3 : 80% max. HP
Auto Protect
Healed target
L1 : 20% of Shining's ATK for 2 seconds
L2 : 23% of Shining's ATK for 2 seconds
L3 : 25% of Shining's ATK for 2 seconds
L4 : 28% of Shining's ATK for 2 seconds
L5 : 30% of Shining's ATK for 2 seconds
L6 : 33% of Shining's ATK for 2 seconds
L7 : 35% of Shining's ATK for 3 seconds
M1 : 40% of Shining's ATK for 3 seconds
M2 : 45% of Shining's ATK for 3 seconds
M3 : 50% of Shining's ATK for 3 seconds
Aqua Loop
Healed target
L1 : 125% of Tuye's ATK for 2 seconds
L2 : 130% of Tuye's ATK for 2 seconds
L3 : 135% of Tuye's ATK for 2 seconds
L4 : 140% of Tuye's ATK for 3 seconds
L5 : 145% of Tuye's ATK for 3 seconds
L6 : 150% of Tuye's ATK for 3 seconds
L7 : 160% of Tuye's ATK for 4 seconds
M1 : 170% of Tuye's ATK for 4 seconds
M2 : 180% of Tuye's ATK for 4 seconds
M3 : 200% of Tuye's ATK for 5 seconds
Allerdale's Guard gives friendly units a Barrier that lasts for 10 seconds or until it absorbs 1000 damage, whichever comes first.
Elemental Barrier [ ]
“ Absorbs a certain amount of Elemental Damage . ” —In-game tip (unofficial translation)
Elemental Barrier is similar to Barrier, but absorbs Elemental Damage build-up instead of the damage taken.
Build-up absorption
Cloudy Barrier
Friendly units within healing range
Shared across all affected units
L1 : 350% ATK for 10 seconds
L2 : 400% ATK for 10 seconds
L3 : 450% ATK for 10 seconds
L4 : 500% ATK for 12 seconds
L5 : 550% ATK for 12 seconds
L6 : 600% ATK for 12 seconds
L7 : 650% ATK for 14 seconds
M1 : 750% ATK for 16 seconds
M2 : 800% ATK for 18 seconds
M3 : 900% ATK for 20 seconds
Interactions [ ]
Stoic Atonement
Increases the damage absorption of the Barrier provided by Guardian of the Law while active:
L1-L3 : 40%
L4-L6 : 60%
L7-M2 : 80%
M3 : 100%
Wreathed in Thorns
If Penance has a Barrier from her skills or Guardian of the Law, enemies that attacked her will receive Arts damage equal to 50% (+3% P5) of Penance's ATK.
Trivia [ ]
Because the HP loss from Warfarin 's Unstable Plasma is counted as direct HP removal, it will not be absorbed by the Barrier.
See also [ ]