The masters/sovereigns/lords of the beasts,[1][2] Beast Aristocrats,[3] or Beast Lords[note 1] are a race in the world of Arknights.
The "Lords of the Beasts" are literal talking animals with supernatural power such as immortality, teleportation, and immense knowledge that can be traced back to the previous civilizations of Terra. In fact, they claim to have never been "born", rather claiming to be "manifestations" of a certain piece of land since time immemorial.[4] These attributes make them similar to land spirits in our world's mythologies like Nordic Landvættir, Ainu kamuy, and Native American manitou.
The Beast Lords are often confused with other anthropomorphic Ancients like Wei, the Rat King, and Gopnik, or even the Feranmuts, the "deities" of Terra. However, they are not related to either of them. Similar with the Feranmuts, the Beast Lords have no reliance to Originium unlike the rest of Terra, and are even considered to be it's "opposite." They are even said to be the key to uncovering Terra's "deepest secrets."[2]
The Beast Lords have a primitive "impulse" similar to animalistic instincts that influence the way they live. An example is the ancient fight between the "Signori dei Lupi" of Siracusa, done as a proxy war among their "Wolf Fangs" nowadays. However, such instinctive impulses can be overcome, thus allowing them to comprehend intelligence and human knowledge, as well as formulate their own meanings of life.
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Signori dei Lupi[]
- Not to be confused with Signore dei Lupi, the song part of Il Siracusano OST.

Emperor alongside several Signori dei Lupi
The Signori dei Lupi[note 2] are a pack of lupine Beast Lords living in the wastelands of Siracusa who represent the will of the wilderness. For millennia, Il Signori have been playing the "great game", a battle royale where they hunt down each other with the last one standing deemed worthy to claim the title as the leader, or "Alpha" of the pack. Since il Signori are immortal due to being Beast Lords, they instead decide who would win the game by having individuals acting as their proxies known as Wolf Fangs, or simply Fangs, hunt down and kill each other.[4]
Il Signori are permitted to do anything in the great game with one single exception: do not involve humans other than their own Fangs into the game, including interfering with their affairs. Any Signore who breaks this rule will be considered to have lost the game at best and expelled from the pack at worst.[5]
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- Agnese: A Signora dei Lupi who raised Lunacub, but sent her to Rhodes Island to keep her out of Il Signori's game by not making Lunacub her Fang.
- "Grandma": Mentioned in Projekt Red's Archive files, the "Grandma" is a Signora dei Lupi who raised Red to become her Fang.
- Unnamed Signore: A Signore dei Lupi who made someone that would later became Crownslayer's teacher their Fang.[6] This is why Projekt Red picked up the scent of a "true wolf" (referring to Il Signori) from Crownslayer during their encounter.[7] This Signore's Fang was later killed by Red as part of the game.[8]