Before Spring's Coming
Children of Ursus Previous Business as Usual
Characters |
![]() Logistics Worker ![]() Reunion Caster ![]() Reunion Soldier ![]() Reunion Squad Leader Man Ursus Child Ursus Civilian Ursus Police Valery Woman |
Backgrounds |
“ | Zoya escapes from the occupied school, meets her father's colleagues along the way, and learns about the state of Chernobog. She does not know if her mother still lives, and her father has gone to Peterheim Middle School to rescue the students. | ” |
<Background black> | |
The stories tell us that evil never triumphs over good. Most of the time, I take this as a matter of course. | |
<Background 1> | |
Woman | Do you really have to go? I saw the news. Things are heating up between the mob and the police. I saw blood. Lots of people bleeding... |
Man | Don't worry, honey, things aren't that bad. It's just the media playing things up. "If it bleeds, it leads," you know. That's how they get paid. Don't let them scare you. |
Woman | But... The man at the smoke shop says not so many nobles come by for liquor anymore. And Aunt Nina, who works at Lord Santelli's estate, came home. She says the Lord's entire staff is furloughed. Don't you think... don't you think that means— |
Man | Enough! |
Woman | ...... |
Man | ...Sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice. |
Woman | Loban, I'm just... I'm just so worried. |
Man | I said not to worry. Don't be scared. I'm here. You can trust me. I will protect you. And it's not only me. I have the rest of the Guard garrison with me, and the Army is just outside the city too. There's nothing to be afraid of. |
Woman | Loban... |
Man | Relax, Darya. We swore to protect this city, and this home. Let's not trouble your pretty little head. This winter will pass, and when the weather warms up, we'll go someplace nice. How does that sound? And don't tell Zoya. Let it be just the two of us, off on a romantic getaway. Alright? |
Woman | ...hehe. How are you still like this, even at your age? It's so cold. Where are we going to go for a romantic getaway when the snow melts and the roads turn to mud? |
Man | Isn't that the perfect way to end the winter? When the time comes, we'll go dancing, you'll bring some mead from home, and I'll bake you cookies myself. |
Woman | Oho, bold words. Do you still remember how? I think... we could. Just wait for Zoya to go back to school. When she's safely in her dormitory, we'll head off. |
Man | Sure! Now, how long until school starts? Could we move her in early? |
Woman | Nonsense! Zoya? We were just talking about you. Come, your father's on the night shift. Say goodbye. |
<Background black> | |
There were happy moments that at the time erupted suddenly with such potency, they brought an unparalleled sense of being. Or maybe they felt very ordinary. Only in retrospect do I realize what the feeling was. Everyday conversations for a monotonous life. As if spring would come as usual. As if the snow would melt, the people would tie the hay into straw men, and trample about the mud amidst the aroma of pale mead. The usual greetings: good morning, good evening, hello, goodbye. Until that day— Our city, before our very eyes, twisted, deformed, erupted. | |
<Background 2> | |
??? | Ahead left, clear. Now. |
[The Ursus girl runs to another spot.] | |
??? | ...... No signal. Can't make contact. Phew. I have their patrol routes figured out, so I should be fine here. Just need to get over the fence... I'll make it this time! |
[The Ursus girl keeps moving, but she heard movement nearby.] | |
??? | ! (What? Someone's coming! This isn't on the patrol route... I have to hide.) |
Reunion Soldier | (Inaudible). |
Reunion Soldier | (Excited, but still inaudible). |
??? | (I should be okay hiding here for a while.) (That sounded like those guys who call themselves "Reunion." And it was a bunch of them... The one on the left doesn't look the same as the ones I see on patrol.) (What is going on? They come out of nowhere and lock us all up in the school. What do they even want?) |
[The Reunion soldiers get closer to the Ursus girl.] | |
??? | (They're coming this way!) |
Reunion Squad Leader | What is Mephisto thinking? Would he really volunteer to take over? He wants to deal with the students over there? Not sure I believe he's that kind-hearted. They rounded up most of the noble kids along with all the others at Peterheim. Why go that far? That school is a ways away from the one they stationed us at. And if Mephisto is up to something, there's not much we can do... *Sigh*, I hope he can stay focused on the big picture. We don't want him screwing around. |
Reunion Soldier | Who knows what goes on in that psychopathic little head of his? Maybe he does it on purpose! He's a freak! A monster! |
Reunion Squad Leader | Hey, calm down. Don't forget, we're on the same team... |
Reunion Soldier | What do you mean calm down? Did you not see what he was doing with his Arts last time? That shit's straight-up evil! |
Reunion Squad Leader | Lower your voice! |
Reunion Soldier | Does he even think we're on the same team? Bullshit! |
Reunion Squad Leader | I told you to quiet down! Don't spook the students! |
Reunion Soldier | Damn it! Sorry. I let it get to me. |
Reunion Squad Leader | I get it. I know how you feel. Who doesn't? |
Reunion Soldier | Honestly, I think about killing Mephisto sometimes. If it wasn't for the Captain, I'd go kill him right now! |
Reunion Squad Leader | Don't talk like that. You think I don't want to kill him? You think the Captain doesn't? But we can't. He's our people. And we don't kill our own people. That's at the core of our movement. But yeah, it's normal to be angry.... with what he did this time. We watched his men, running wild, tearing everything up. Are we thugs who break into houses, kill people, set fires? |
??? | (Who is Mephisto?) (Are they talking about... killing people?!) (Did I hear that right? They didn't do anything to the students. Why...?) |
Reunion Soldier | Hah, well said. Are we not thugs then? Maybe the Captain's troops aren't. But if you ask me, we're not exactly doing good for this city. How many blocks have we leveled? How many people have we dragged out of their homes and killed in the street? It's a mess out there. We all know. |
Reunion Squad Leader | I... |
[A Reunion Caster appears.] | |
Reunion Caster | We have no choice. The people out there can't tell who belongs to whose squad. They don't care. As long as any of "our people" are doing those things, then the people here will see us all as thugs. |
Reunion Squad Leader | Rolena, you're back. Are you ready for the handover? |
Reunion Caster | All ready. |
Reunion Squad Leader | Good. The Captain is on a tight schedule with this new job from the leadership. Your teams are doing final cleanup on the suppressed districts. And you'll want to keep an eye on the Sarkaz mercenaries. Oh, and look after the students. The Captain is keeping them here. Don't hurt them, but don't let them escape either. |
Reunion Caster | Understood. If the cubs behave, I'm happy to let things be, but what if they act out? |
Reunion Squad Leader | Just try not to hurt them. |
Reunion Caster | But what if I have to? What if some of them can use Arts? If they fight back, we'll have to take action. |
Reunion Squad Leader | ...... Rolena, I know what you mean. You've got fire in you. But don't get out of hand. This is an order from the Captain. Keep your emotions under control. Don't let them overpower your judgment. |
Reunion Caster | Hah. If it's from the Captain, I will abide. |
Reunion Squad Leader | I hope so. We'll start the transfer in thirty minutes. Then this place is your responsibility... What exactly that means is up to you. |
Reunion Caster | Up to me? Will you be able to sleep at night? I said I'll abide, but I don't handle it all personally. Threats, intimidation, and terror make people behave. We'll do what it takes... Hey, I'm just kidding. Don't look at me like that. I know what I have to do. |
Reunion Soldier | Whew, you said all that way too easy. Seriously, I don't care about the plan or whatever. Have you thought about where we're going to end up if this city goes down? |
Reunion Caster | ...... We never had anywhere to go. |
Reunion Squad Leader | No. We can go anywhere. Someday, we'll be able to go anywhere we want. |
Reunion Soldier | That'd be nice. You think that day will really come? |
??? | ...... (What are they talking about? Who are they?) (What's so funny? Those bastards. They come out of nowhere and occupy the city. They imprison us here, and for what?) (And it looks like this goes way beyond the school...) (Dammit, what's happening outside then?) (I can't stay here anymore. I have to get back.) (Mom, Dad...) (They didn't see me. Now's my chance...!) |
[The Ursus girl runs away, but the Reunion squad leader heard it.] | |
Reunion Caster | Hm? |
Reunion Squad Leader | Did you hear that...? |
Reunion Caster | Hear what? |
Reunion Squad Leader | Strange... Anyway, that's the deal. It's up to you now. |
Reunion Soldier | Go on already. Don't let us hold up your mission. |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Reunion Soldier | ...... He's gone. |
Reunion Caster | Yeah. He has his job, now we have ours. |
Reunion Soldier | What's ours? Didn't he just say your job is to watch those students and don't let them out? |
Reunion Caster | Right. What's your point? |
Reunion Soldier | Don't be play dumb. You really didn't notice? |
Reunion Caster | ...... I thought I was the only one. |
Reunion Caster | Looks like you've been doing well under the Captain. And that training sharpened you up good. Better than I expected. |
Reunion Soldier | Don't mince words. |
Reunion Caster | Fine. I don't like to beat around the bush either. Would you believe me if I said I let that schoolgirl get away on purpose? |
Reunion Soldier | You really think I'm that stupid? |
Reunion Caster | Turns out you're not. Say, didn't I hear that you're from around here? |
Reunion Soldier | What's it to you? I know you are too. I've seen you in the Old Quarter, Rolena the Tailor. But what does it matter? We're both Infected now. And we all know what we've done. So who cares where we're from? |
Reunion Caster | ...Do you know what would have happened to that girl if I just grabbed her? I figure I'd have to break a leg or two to teach her to stay in her room. Would that have gone against orders? Would that have been a bridge too far? |
Reunion Soldier | Hah. You're a real hardass. |
Reunion Caster | Or I could have just killed her. The Captain's team is gone anyway. Besides the guerillas, who's going to care if I kill a student or two? She could be an example to the other kids. |
Reunion Soldier | ...... You wouldn't do that. You wouldn't go against the Captain's orders. |
Reunion Caster | You're right. The group under the old man, Patriot, they've had a rough go of it too, huh? Those kids have made a lot of noise for them over the past week. If we don't do something, the students won't know fear, and we'll have the bolder ones looking to get out every other day. They don't know what it's like outside. They don't know how bad it's gotten. And aside from the few noble kids, what good are they to the movement? The Captain told us to keep the school under control. Was that just to protect the little cubs? |
Reunion Soldier | Why are we even talking about this? |
Reunion Caster | Come on, didn't you just let that girl go? It's because you were afraid I'd catch her and do something to her, right? |
Reunion Soldier | Nope. |
Reunion Caster | Just come out with it. I'm curious. Do you feel for the people here? No matter how they treated you before, how they treated your brothers, just because you were Infected... You don't hate them? No, I can tell from your tone. You do hate them. |
Reunion Soldier | Cut the crap! I just don't think a schoolgirl can cause that much trouble, even if she wanders around the campus. That's all. |
Reunion Caster | I think you actually believe your own bullshit. |
Reunion Soldier | What bullshit? Don't change the subject. You saw that girl too! So, since you're such a ruthless killer, why didn't you drag her out and beat her to a pulp? |
Reunion Caster | I'm not like you. |
Reunion Soldier | Oh? Can't even own up to it— |
Reunion Caster | I'm not like you. I'm not you. I didn't drag her out precisely because I know she's not just wandering around the school. It's clear as day. That girl's trying to escape. Once she gets out of the campus and our "controlled" area, she'll find a place that's not so peaceful. |
Reunion Soldier | ...Wait. Why the hell didn't you stop her?! If she gets out, she's gonna, she's gonna... |
Reunion Caster | Yep. She's walking into her own grave. Why should I stop her? Even if I caught her, I couldn't do anything. Captain's orders. So I let her go. I told you, I'm not like you. You're still soft. Even now, you're worried about those kids. But me? I can't forget what me and my family suffered at the hands of this city. |
<Background black> | |
Reunion Caster | I hate them all. I hope that girl doesn't die too quickly. Haha! Open your eyes and take a good look at the suffering around you. |
<Background 3> | |
I've never seen this side of the city. Houses destroyed, roads blocked, windows sealed up, broken bricks strewn across the street like so many toy blocks. Smoke rises from the fires all around me, carrying sorrowful wails on the wind. All while the armed men cheer, carving their symbols on every surface they can find. I hear their name. The murderers say it with pride. They call themselves—Reunion. | |
[An explosion is heard.] | |
??? | ...Agh, it hurts... (It takes about two hours to get from school to the center city? Give or take?) (I can't hear anything. That should be temporary. And I can't feel my left hand... looks like my little finger is broken too. Hrm...) (There's a sharp pain in my abdomen. But it's no big deal yet. (Don't panic, Zoya. You made it this far. Just keep carrying on like this. Don't rush it. Most important thing is to stay hidden from the bad guys...) (...nng.) |
[Another explosion is heard.] | |
??? | (Another explosion. I think it came from the park this time.) (How many times is that now?!) (What the hell happened...?! Where are the police? Where's the military? Why has nobody come to restore order yet?) (Looks like I can't get through ahead. And those people fighting look like Reunion? Who's fighting against them...?) Damn. I'm almost home. Why does it have to be now?! |
Ursus Civilian | Run! Those bastards! They're monsters! Monsters! |
??? | (The crowd is out of control. More panicked than usual...) Um, what's happening over— |
[The Ursus civilian forces their way through the Ursus girl.] | |
Ursus Civilian | Get out of my way! |
??? | ! |
Ursus Civilian | What are you doing? Run already! |
Ursus Woman | My baby! Where's my baby?! |
Ursus Civilian | They're coming! Shit! Hurry! |
Ursus Child | Wahhh, Mama... Mamaaa... |
??? | Look out! (Agh, my wound. That hurt...) Are you okay? |
Ursus Child | Waaaahhh! Waahhhh! Let go! Let me go! |
[The Ursus child runs off...] | |
??? | Hey, wait! |
[ the police appears.] | |
Ursus Police | Fall back! |
??? | (Finally, the police! Now we'll be okay.) |
Ursus Police | There's a situation up ahead. This block is now on lockdown! Hey! Do you have a deathwish?! Turn back! There's Reunion that way! ...Hold on, aren't you Zoya? What are you doing here?! |
??? | Uncle Valery! What in the world is going on? Who the hell are these Reunion people? And where is everyone? |
Ursus Civilian | Let us through! You have to let us out! They're killing people! You're the police, you have to know what to do! |
Valery | Don't panic! Calm down. We're going to— |
[The panicking civilian attacks Valery, one of the Ursus policemen.] | |
Valery | —! |
??? | Uncle Valery! |
Valery | I'm okay... |
Ursus Police | Don't push! Stop! I said calm the hell down! |
[The civilian resisted the police.] | |
Ursus Civilian | What are the cops good for?! You useless shits, go put a stop to those Infected! They're coming! They're going to kill us— |
??? | Hey! That's enough! |
Ursus Civilian | Get out of my way! I don't wanna die... |
[The civilian runs off.] | |
Valery | Stop them! |
??? | How could they do...! Uncle Valery, are you okay? |
Valery | I'm fine. The people are all in a panic these days. We see this a lot. We're almost used to it. |
??? | But why... |
Valery | Doesn't matter. I don't have much time to talk with you. I have to stop these civilians. It's too dangerous up ahead. Those people out there are monsters. They're nothing like the normal Infected. Anton, get your team over there! |
Ursus Police | Yes, sir! |
Valery | Phew... Anyway, what are you doing here, Zoya? And how did you get here? I heard their warlord say that students would be kept locked up in their schools. And yours is pretty far from here. How did... Never mind. Doesn't matter. You need to come with me. It's too dangerous here. |
??? | Wait, Uncle, you still didn't tell me what happened! I came through the alleys, hiding from the bad men, and things just kept getting crazier the farther I went. There were explosions everywhere. Buildings collapsed. So many injured people. I saw them setting fires. How could they do this? My family... is Dad fighting Reunion too? Where is he? And where's Mom? I have to find— |
Valery | ...... |
??? | Wh... why aren't you saying anything...? Uncle Valery, are my parents...? |
Valery | ...Your father is safe. |
??? | Really?! |
Valery | But— Your neighborhood was one of the first to be attacked. Those Infected, the Reunion people, they devastated every district they entered. We had no choice but to prioritize evacuating civilians in high-risk areas. Your father and I... we both agreed on this. We had to look at the situation and make appropriate judgments. It's our responsibility. There were trade-offs. ...By the time the rescue team reached your block, things were already beyond saving. It was a disaster. It's hard to imagine how anything like that happened. Everything had been melted. Grass, bricks, steel beams, everything. Not even snow could touch the scorched earth. I won't tell you your mother might have escaped. You're a smart kid. I can't lie to you. I'm sorry. We were too late. |
??? | ...... You're lying. You have to be... that's impossible. |
Valery | Zoya! Zoya... Listen to me. I'm telling the truth. |
??? | You can't be. Dad said... |
<Background black> | |
He said he'd protect us. | |
<Background 1> | |
Man | There's nothing to worry about. I have the rest of the Guard garrison with me, and the Army is just outside the city too. We swore to protect this city, and this home. |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Man | Zoya, what do you want to be when you grow up? You want to be like your papa? Haha, really? It's hard work. Once you grow up, you'll understand all that Papa does. If that doesn't change your mind, then I'm looking forward to working with you, Zoya. |
<Background black> | |
...... It's true. He did say it. His mission in life was to protect. To protect me and Mom, to protect the family, to... "To protect this city." Don't cry. You can't cry. I want to be like him. I want to... | |
<Background 3> | |
??? | ...... |
Valery | Zoya. |
??? | ...I'm fine. Don't worry. Keep going. |
Valery | *Sigh...* The point is, those awful Infected came out of nowhere, and there's too many of them. Some of them seem to be restrained, but others are completely out of control, hellbent on razing the entire city. The Army has not come. But our comms are working fine. We have no idea what's going on with them. It's just us Guardsmen. There's not much we can do to stop them. But at least you'll be a little safer with us. Oh, your father isn't with the squad now. He went over to Peterheim Middle School. |
??? | Peterheim...? Peterheim again... What is he doing over there? |
Valery | Haven't you heard? The Infected locked up another group of kids in Peterheim, just like your school. It's weird. They don't seem to be doing anything to them. No movement out of there. But there's been some news in the last few days. Reunion seems to be pulling out. No matter what they're up to, we have to have a countermeasure in place. We can't spare much manpower. Only a few districts are calm, and others are so out of control that we could only send a small team to Peterheim. |
??? | Meaning, my dad? |
Valery | He volunteered. Your father's experienced. I'm not worried. And since you're safe and sound, he'll rest easy too. A shame we don't have a way to contact him... We're short-handed everywhere. Damn it, what the hell's gotten into these Infected?! Let's save the rest for later. We can't stay here any longer. There's no telling when the Army could show up... Where in hellfire is the Third Army when you need them?! |
??? | ...... |
Valery | Anyway, Zoya, you take cover. Once the Army takes over, it'll be okay. This mob is no match for the soldiers of Ursus! And don't you worry. As soon as we free up some manpower, we'll send someone to Peterheim to rescue the students and pick up your father. Not to mention your school, all the schools. |
??? | ...... If... if no one else is free, I can go. |
Valery | What? |
??? | I said, if you don't have any free hands, I can go get my dad! |
Valery | Don't be stupid! That's way too dangerous! Absolutely not! You want to go alone? What help could you be?! |
??? | Uncle Valery! I can tell we're in trouble here. And it looks like things are... they're getting worse, aren't they? We don't have time to waste. The situation is getting more dangerous by the second. And if help isn't coming, you're only going to need more hands. So why not take mine? I've watched how they operate at my school. I know how they patrol, I know how many men they put in a squad. It's a different school, but their tactics should be pretty much the same... I've been to Peterheim before. I know the campus layout. And I managed to dodge Reunion all the way here. I can do this. I can help— |
Valery | It's not the same! |
??? | ! |
Valery | Listen to me. This isn't anything like what you've seen at the police station. It's not a drill. It's nothing like you think. Zoya, I know you're strong, I know you're skilled. But you're still a kidl. Your life has value! This is not for you to do! |
??? | ...... I know. It's making things worse for everyone, and I probably can't help much at all. But, but I... |
But what else can I do? | |
??? | I'll... |
I'm scared to think. I have to act. | |
??? | Please. Let me go... |
Valery | *Sigh.* It's not like you're going to listen to me anyway. |
??? | Sorry... |
Valery | Take this. |
??? | Hm? What is it...? |
Valery | It's supposed to connect to military comm networks. I'm not sure if it still works. If you're lucky, you can make contact with the Army once you reach Peterheim. If you can report the situation to them from there, that would be a big help. I know I can't stop you. Honestly, I have too much on my plate right now to worry about watching you. What you do now is entirely on you. But... Zoya, bear in mind, you are not a public servant. We are here to protect you. Don't be a hero. Protecting yourself is your first priority. Your father wouldn't want to see you in danger. |
??? | ...Thank you. Thank you, Uncle Valery. I'll definitely... |
<Background black> | |
Definitely what? I don't finish the sentence. Because we both know that promises like that are just desperate attempts at mutual comfort. I make my way through the crowd, dodging the collapsing rubble and avoiding the vicious men ruining the city. I think of nothing. I dare not think. I just push on towards my goal. | |
<Background 4> | |
??? | (Phew, I'm here.) (Peterheim Middle School... The last time I was here, it was an academic exchange thing.) (Looks like the Reunion guys are pretty much the same. Hourly intervals using one patrol team... shouldn't be tough to clear them.) (Nothing to worry about. But why is it so quiet?) (Huh? What's that over there...?) ?! |
What is it? | |
??? | (What the hell are they?!) (These... these are... students?) |
What in the world? | |
??? | (Or, I guess I should say, these... were... students.) (There's scorch marks on the floor and walls. Everything is charred... But these kids, they didn't burn to death...) Edged weapons, blunt weapons, and trampling? (Ugh, how could this have happened? And why?) (Did Reunion do this? But these wounds don't look like those thugs' handiwork.) (And these students should be useful to them. Reunion wouldn't want to hurt kids, would they?) Hm? What's that...? Huh...? |
<Background black> | |
There on the scorched ground, among the many school uniforms, one note slips out of the score, crashing heavily on the piano keys. It's a scene I never imagined. Not even in my darkest nightmares. | |
<Background 1> | |
Man | Isn't it about time for the weather to turn? Hey, Zoya, what do you think of this outfit? Oh? Something I've been planning with your mom for a while now. *Sigh,* I'm always in uniform. It's so hard for me to find other things to wear. You want to go too? No can do. Absolutely not. It's a date for me and your mom. |
<Background 4> | |
??? | Oh... oh... Dad...? |
<Background black> | |
Once the winter's over, when the weather turns, we'll have a little party, huh? Drink some mead, cook some pancakes around the fire. We'll hold hands, sing, and dance in the muddy dirt. Even if the ground's still frozen, there'll be some little flowers blooming. In this city, spring will come as usual. | |
<Background 5> | |
Logistics Worker | Okay, formalities all taken care of. Here's your registration card. You'll want to hold onto that. |
Absinthe | Thanks. (Great. All done.) (It's easy enough, once you get used to it.) (I'm hungry... Might as well refill my meal card.) Hm? |
Gummy | That was super fun! The Doctor is so good at cards. Didn't lose a single hand! And then taught me how to "poof" out a coin! Like this... "poof!" |
Rosa | Hehe, that is a lot of fun indeed. Let's get Leto to join next time? |
Leto | Huh? No thanks... |
Gummy | C'monnnn! |
Istina | Hey... Gummy. Inside voice. |
Zima | Hmph. Who cares if she doesn't wanna go? She's just scared she'll lose to me. |
Leto | What? Who's gonna lose? You wanna bet?! Let's see who's scared of who! |
Zima | Screw around and find out! |
Absinthe | ...... Those uniforms... They're— |
They're from Peterheim...! |