Arknights Wiki
Boundless Wilds
Beyond Here
Male Old Kuranta B icon
RI Operator icon
Rhodes Island Operator
Bandit Leader
RI Cafeteria
In the wilderness of the Siracusan midwest, three young men, freshly escaped from the city and driving a stolen car, embark on a new journey.
<Background 1>
On the endless barrens, a red-haired Vulpo man squats on the ground, concentrating hard on something.
Not far behind him is a car, undergoing inspection from a Lupo with white hair and a Feline in black.
The three of them seem like companions, and their ride, broken down.
[The red-haired Vulpo (Chiave) calls for the white-haired Lupo (Aosta).]
Chiave Hey, Aosta, come over here.
Aosta What?
Chiave Look at these bugs.
See what they're doing? All walking in a line.
And their group's pretty long too. Let me see where they're heading.
Aosta Looks like you're charged back up.
Chiave Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better now!
Aosta I don't put too much stock in your own self-reports, though.
Chiave What are you, my mamma[note 1]?!
Aosta You were coughing blood half an hour ago.
Chiave Ha ha, but I'm not now.
Ah, shit. I spent too long talking to you and now the bugs are gone.
Aosta Forget it. I'm going back to fix the car again.
Chiave Hey, have you guys figured out what's wrong with the car yet? Want me to come help?
Aosta The tubing's busted in places. The engine won't start.
Me and Broca can deal with it. Just stay in one place, okay.
Chiave Not like I've got anywhere to go. There's nothing out here, and nowhere to run to.
<Background fades out and in>
Following a rumble, the engine comes to life again.
Aosta Phew... Broca, go and call Chiave back here.
Broca Alright.
[Broca, the black-haired Feline, goes to get Chiave.]
<Background fades out and in>
Chiave Yo, Broca, why don't we see who can piss farther!
Broca My bladder is empty.
Aosta You don't give him straight answers to these, Broca.
Chiave Damn, that's a shame! This is perfect weather to piss to!
Aosta Aside from polar wastes, I don't think there's any weather bad for p... for relieving yourself.
Chiave You just don't get it, Aosta. It's all about a feeling!
Ah, a perfect arc—che cazzo![note 2]
Aosta What's wrong?
Chiave The wind just blew my perfect arc onto my shoes! Tch, what a bummer.
Aosta Just leave it, we're gonna go. If we can't find a rendezvous before sundown, we'll have to sleep out on the barrens tonight.
Chiave What's wrong with the barrens?
Look at it this way, I've never been camping before! Let's camp out today!
Aosta The barrens are a death trap, and realistically speaking, this jacked ride doesn't even have any camping equipment in it. Our only place to sleep is inside.
Also, fuel is another problem.
Chiave Cheh. The last owner just didn't get it.
Aosta I don't think the average city car owner would have any camping stuff prepared, let alone additional fuel.
Chiave Who knows if one day someone'll borrow your car to go camping, eh? It doesn't hurt to prepare!
Aosta And would you?
Chiave Eh... no.
Aosta Then shut up and get ready to leave.
Chiave Aight.
<Background fades out and in>
Broca Are we off now?
Aosta Mm-hm. Let me drive.
Chiave Whaaat? Isn't it my turn?
Aosta You just relax.
Chiave Aosta, you know something? You get more and more like a mamma[note 1] every day.
Aosta ......
Chiave Hey, Broca, you get where I'm coming from?
Broca A little.
Aosta It's because both of you have Oripathy.
I hear good life habits help keep illness in check. You should go to bed earlier every day, Chiave.
Chiave God, y'know, Aosta? My own mamma[note 1] never told me that.
Aosta Sticazzi...[note 3] just shut up.
Aosta says as he starts the engine.
Chiave What's some good tunes to put on...
*Clicks tongue* Respect to the owner, they listened to a lot... Ah-ha, I like the look of this sleeve. Put this on!
Chiave inserts his newfound record disc into the car's hi-fi system, and lively music bursts from the speakers—
"♪Saturday's coming, wanna ride my beast far"[1]
"♪To your apartment with a present like a star"[2]
Chiave (Whistle) Not bad.
Aosta For sure. Okay, on we go.
[The trio's car drives off.]
<Background fades out and in>
[While driving the car...]
Chiave By the way, Aosta.
Aosta Mm?
Chiave Where are we heading right now?
Aosta I should've answered this before we set off.
Chiave I forgot.
Aosta I bet you weren't even listening in the first place.
I nabbed a map while were slipping out. For now, we're heading towards Locomotiva City, since it's closest.
They've taken a rocky road with our family. As long as we're lucky, we can join up with them.
If not, at least we have somewhere to stop over.
Chiave Hey, I used to hear about this weird village in the west of Siracusa. It was all haunted inside. Let's go take a look.
Aosta Keep dreaming. We don't even know where it is. You don't even know if someone just made that up.
Chiave Then how about we go see a city one of the other Twelve Families runs?
Hey, y'know, the Sicilia Legale counts as one of the Thirteen Families, but they fight each other plenty. Some alliance, hah!
Aosta The Sicilia Legale don't organize like all the actual Families. After all, it's made up of tons of families, big and small.
Nobody from the big Families would give a shit about our Sicilia Legale nobodies.
Chiave Pff. They'll come begging for me to join them one day, no doubt about it.
Aosta In any case, there's no heading back to Vite City for now... no, maybe we can never return.
And we've offended the Trin Famiglia. We've got no place in Vite anymore.
Chiave Ha ha. We caused a shitstorm, after all. I kinda wanna see my old capo Layton. *Hack*—*spit*! See what his stupid face looks like right now.
Aosta For sure.
Chiave Ha. Too late for regrets at this point.
Aosta Regrets... I wouldn't go that far. Layton was a real son of a bitch, after all.
Sold us out and still wanted us to count his money. Wasn't happening.
Broca Mm-hm. No regrets here either.
Chiave Hey, take your mind off it. Look, there's still some families who treat coming out of jail for the first time like an initiation, and you're not a real member until then.
And yesterday, we defied our Family and hightailed it out of the city.
So I now declare, you are true members of my Chiave Famiglia!
Aosta, you're the family's consigliere!
Aosta Haha.
Chiave Broca, you're the family's underboss!
Broca Heh.
<Background fades out>
"♪But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell—"[3]
"♪You don't know—"[3]
"♪You don't know you're disgusting!"[4]
<Background fades in>
Chiave By the way, we've been driving for ages without seeing a single guy, eh.
Aosta Apart from a couple gathering spots and settlements, there wouldn't be any lone travelers outside the cities in the first place.
Because there's a few families who couldn't stick it in the cities and spread out to the barrens to wreck shop. I've been with the family's caravans a few times before, and every time we'd make the right preparations.
Anyone like us, running off into the wild without a second of prep? Probably cruising down Death Road.
Chiave Ha, Death Road. I like that.
But yeah, back in the garage, I saw plenty of guys prepping themselves a hell of a lot of stuff to head out with.
Egh, if we coulda brought a little more to eat when we escaped, that woulda been good. Aosta—
Aosta Forget about the food in the trunk. That's for emergencies.
Chiave Tch.
Aosta I'll take the fact we escaped at all.
If we weren't lucky enough to have Mandel on guard that night, we'd probably be tied to chairs blindfolded in a dark closet right about now.
Chiave Broca, next time something like this happens, remind me to bring more food.
Broca Alright.
Aosta You... whatever.
Chiave Man, this is boring, though. All this land forever and no way to use it.
Look, over here, we could set up a garage THIIIIIIIIS big, and then we could pimp rides inside. Wouldn't that rule?
Aosta And what about Catastrophes? We'd have no way to stand up to one.
Chiave Egh. Catastrophes, Oripathy—nothing's ever good in this whole stretch of world.
Broca, I'm begging you, you got ANYTHING interesting?
Broca Want to take a look?
Chiave What's this?
Broca A book I just finished reading.
Chiave About what?
Broca A novel about a pair of lovers who were broken apart in the end due to the conflict between their two families.
The ending is very moving.
Chiave Forget it. Whaddaya even doing bringing that kinda book?
Broca Because Aosta said the journey would be incredibly boring.
Chiave Yo, Broca, I've been pretty curious for a while now. You like reading those?
Broca Not "like" like. I just read them when I have nothing else to do. They're alright.
Chiave I gotcha. Yo, that reminds me, Aosta, you ever get a girlfriend before?
Aosta No.
Chiave You, Broca?
Broca No.
Chiave Pfft. Me neither. I don't get what's so fun about dating.
Hey, Aosta, I'm guessing you like that kinda book too?
Aosta I prefer political and historical titles more.
Chiave Tch, I shouldn'ta asked. Those two words make me fall asleep.
<Background fades out>
"♪She played mouth harp in a Victorian band,"[5]
"♪But she fell in love with a Columbian man."[5]
<Background fades in>
Chiave Yo, can something just happen already—huh?
Hey, Aosta, look over there.
Aosta That's...
<Background fades out and in>
Merchant I'm begging you, my mother's growing old and my children need me...
Bandit Leader Outta my face. I'm feeding my old and my young just the same.
Now be nice and shut up. You piss me off and I'll open you a few new breathing holes!
Merchant *whimper*...
<Background fades out and in>
Chiave Hey, Aosta, Broca, I've got an idea.
Aosta Don't tell me you wanna play robbers with them.
Chiave Eh? I'm saying we scare the robbers the hell outta here, and then we ask these merchant guys for some supplies. How about it?
Yo, but your idea's not bad either.
Aosta No. Actually, let's go with your plan.
Chiave For sure?
Aosta For sure.
And if they don't cough up the goods, we just have to make them.
Chiave I like it! C'mon, full speed ahead, let's knock those morons into next week! Broca, get ready to fight!
Broca Alright.
[The trio floors their car right into the bandits.]
Bandit A Hey, look over there!
Bandit Leader What?!
<Background fades out and in>
[Chiave forces his way out of the car...]
Chiave Ha! Get down!
[...before fighting one of the bandits...]
Bandit B Hmph!
[...eventually knocking him out cold as Aosta gets to the merchant's side.]
Chiave Tch.
Aosta (Whisper) I'll give you an opportunity. You take it...
Merchant (Whisper) Got it, got it.
Aosta Also, Broca, you...
Broca Alright. I'll do my best.
Bandit A What're you mumbling about over there!?
Broca !
Bandit Leader Out!
[The bandits attack Broca, who easily withstands them.]
Bandit Leader Tch. You're a pretty tough guy. All of you, over here! Deal with him!
Bandit C Got it!
Broca Hmph!
Aosta ......
[Aosta runs off...]
Bandit B Hey, pretty boy, where you going!?
[...only to be forced into fighting one of the bandits.]
Aosta Now!
Merchant Right, right!
<Background fades out>
With Aosta acting as bait, the bandits have momentarily overlooked the merchants' presence, and on Aosta's signal to seize this chance, they jump aboard the car.
After that, following a fit of rumbling, the car vanishes into the dirt and dust.
<Background fades in>
[The merchant's car flees the scene, much to the bandits' anger.]
Bandit Leader Cazzo,[note 4] you three sons of bitches!!!
Chiave Wait, what about our supplies now?
Aosta Just stay alive!
As the merchants draw the bandits' attention, Aosta jumps aboard the gang's own ride and revs the engine up.
Aosta Chiave, get on!
Chiave Yeah!
Without waiting for Chiave's response, Aosta first drives the car straight into the throng of bandits.
But Chiave's known how things roll for forever now, and after dodging two guys, he grabs onto the door handle while the ride's still accelerating, and clambers aboard.
Bandit A You're not getting away!
Aosta Broca!
Broca Here!
Broca brandishes a drill bit out of nowhere at the bandits to push them off, and the moment the car passes him, Aosta putting pedal to the metal, he turns and jumps inside.
Aosta Hold on tight!
Bandit Leader Tch! Don't let 'em get away!
<Background fades out>
The bandits attempt to stop the three's car, but stopping a vehicle that's already going ain't easy. Their ride breaks out of the bandits' encirclement without a hitch, and races towards the horizon.
Bandit Leader What are you doing staring at them?! You, you, and you, pursue the merchants! The rest of you, after those three assholes!
They WILL die in this wasteland today, you hear me!?
Bandits Got it!
<Background fades in>
Chiave Whoaaaa, Aosta, look, they're catching up to us!
Aosta I know! Fasten your seatbelts, I'm shifting this thing up!
<Background fades out>
"♪Con las manos arriba, cintura sola"[6]
"♪Da media vuelta y sacude duro"[7]
"♪No te quites ahora, que esto solo empieza"[8]
<Background fades in>
Even as Aosta takes it to the redline, the bandits bite ever closer at their heels.
Chiave These jokers just don't give up, ha—*cough* *cough*.
Aosta Chiave, don't stick your head out at them. Close the window.
Chiave What—did—you—say? I can't hear you over the wind!
Aosta Broca, pull him back in.
Broca Alright.
Chiave *cough* *cough* *hack* *cough*—What the hell are you doing?!
Broca Aosta told you not to stick your head out.
Aosta Chiave, what's wrong? What's the coughing for?
Chiave I don't know. Probably caught too much wind in my mouth?
Aosta Hopefully that's it.
I have good news and bad news. Which do you wanna hear?
Chiave Bad news first.
Aosta We're almost out of fuel.
Chiave Ha. What's the good news, then?
Aosta The good news is, it looks like we can shake them off before we run empty.
<Background fades out and in>
Chiave Whoa, I can see the wall of a nomadic city from here!
Aosta Yep, that should be Locomotiva City now.
Chiave Yo, doesn't look half bad. It's got more style than old Vite—*cough* *cough*.
Aosta Seriously, Chiave, are you okay?
Chiave I'm okay, I'm okay.
Aosta Then you're gonna help push the car with us. It looks real close, but if that's where we're going, we're not gonna make it today.
Chiave The car's out of fuel, c'mon. What are we still doing with it? It's gonna be faster just to walk.
Aosta There's actually still just a little fuel left. I'm leaving it for either when we get close, or when they catch up to us.
Also, this is the most valuable thing we have right now. Are you seriously gonna go into a city with empty pockets and try to make a living?
Chiave (Whistle) Fine.
Even as his face says he couldn't care less, Chiave still wanders over to one corner of the car, and starts pushing it with the other two.
Chiave Hey, Aosta, I can turn the stereo on for some tunes, right? Not like it'll waste much fuel.
Aosta ...You can have that.
Chiave Awwrighty, ha, lemme see—let's put this one on now!
"♪Hello, brightness, my old friend"[9]
"♪I've come to talk with you again"[9]
Chiave —Tch, this song doesn't get me pumped at all.
Aosta I think it's pretty nice to listen to.
Broca Same here.
Chiave Fine, you both like it anyway. This works.
<Background fades out and in>
Chiave Yo, say, Aosta, you remember how we met each other, right.
Aosta Hm? Yeah.
You were still a mechanic at the time, and then you beat the shit out of my family's people. I got sent in to clean you up.
Chiave Ha, and then us two fought, and then we were best friends forever.
Aosta Heh.
Chiave *cough* *cough* *cough*.
Aosta Hey.
Chiave I'm fine. Broca? You still remember?
Broca Of course. I'll never forget. You two saved me.
Chiave Ha ha, damn right. You really were a goddamn lunk, getting sold out by your family without even realizing.
But rest assured. I'll never deal you away.
Broca Mm.
Aosta ...Tinkinh about it, we really have known each other for a while now.
Chiave Sure have—*cough* *cough*.
Aosta Chiave, I'm vetoing you. Just rest in the car, no acting strong. Me and Broca can push just fine.
Chiave Hmph. I'm not acting strong.
Broca, I think we both got Oripathy together, right?
Broca I don't know.
Aosta I think probably not. You just got examined at roughly the same time.
Broca's should be from that time with the fire, where someone gashed him with that Originium thing.
And as for you, you never normally protect yourself against anything. I wouldn't be surprised no matter when you got it.
Chiave Yeah, yeah, yeah.
*cough* *cough* Aosta, you spend the whole time with us, and you're gonna get it too one day.
Aosta Perhaps.
But even if I do, something tells me it won't be that bad.
Chiave Eh? Why's that?
Aosta It'll be better than me watching you two suffer.
Chiave Ha ha ha, now that's my good brother right there.
Aosta You've been talking endless crap today. Just lie down inside and relax yourself.
Chiave *cough* *cough*.
Aosta, I've decided what's going top of the list of things I hate.
Aosta What is it?
Chiave It's Oripathy.
Aosta Broca, carry Chiave into the car.
Broca Alright.
Broca, taciturn the whole journey through, goes over as he's told and picks Chiave up in his arms, putting him into the car's back seat, before moving right back to his original position and continuing to push the car.
As Chiave lies on the back seat, he's dazzled by the sunlight, and he brings up his arm to shield his eyes.
Chiave Heh. We got this disease, and that asshole Layton threw us out like we were disposable 'cause of it.
Hated me to the point it got hard to even breathe.
Aosta, the day we become heads of the Thirteen Families, I'm gonna find some way of settling this Oripathy thing, once and for all.
Aosta Mm-hm. When the time comes, we'll get a whole taskforce of doctors just to research the disease. Or maybe those real mighty hospitals. Give them some cash and get them studying.
Chiave Ha, damn right. And then I'm gonna set up this whole big hospital. Gonna find every single guy the world hated 'cause of their disease, and I'm gonna throw 'em all in there and cure 'em.
And I'll clean up every single person who hated 'em.
Broca I'll help you out.
Chiave Ha, of course you gotta. Aosta, you too. Don't forget, you two are my consigliere and underboss.
Aosta Mm. Chiave, you'd best stop talking now. Just rest nice and easy.
Chiave *cough* *cough*...
Hey, Aosta.
Aosta What is it?
Chiave What do you think about dying out here on the barrens?
Aosta Huh?
What are you talking about.
Weren't you gonna be head of the Thirteen Families? What the hell are you dying in a place like this for.
Chiave Ha, yeah.
But I thought about it kinda carefully just now. And nothing seems too bad about just dying here in the barrens, really.
All the big cheeses are gonna go in the ground someday. What's the difference between death in a wasteland and death on a bed that cost a couple million, huh?
Find a couple stones, dig a hole, lie them down in it, and then close their eyes.
Pow—one person's dead.
Not so bad hearing it out loud, right.
Aosta Hold on, Chiave, what the hell are you saying?!
Chiave I'm saying, the sky today—cazzo,[note 4] it's so blue—
<Background black>
"♪Seppellire in terra sconfinata."[10]
"♪O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella"—[10]
Perhaps it was the battery that exhausted itself, as with little fanfare at all, the car stereo's music comes to a halt.
Aosta Chiave? Chiave?!
What the hell are you dying in a place like this for?!
Broca, get in. I need to find some kind of rest stop somewhere. Hopefully I'll find someone...
Chiave Zzz... zzz...
Aosta ......
Broca Aosta, he just fell asleep.
Aosta Goddamn you.
But... we still can't be hopeful about Chiave's illness. Our best option remains to find an Infected doctor who's willing to treat him...
Rhodes Island Operator Hey, you look like you've got car problems. Do you need some help?
<Background 2>
[On one night in the Rhodes Island landship's cafeteria at the present day, Jaye gave Aosta, Broca, and Chiave – now part of R.I. – some sashimi.]
Jaye Here, three portions of sashimi.
Chiave Ha ha, about time.
Aosta Thank you.
Broca Thanks.
Jaye So, when you and the others got rescued by Rhodes Island, Chiave, that was when you joined them?
Aosta Not at all. That operator, codenamed Straightedge, brought us all the way to the Rhodes Island office in Locomotiva, and then asked the medical operator stationed there to give Chiave some treatment.
Chiave Eyo, Jaye, you've got some real skill.
Jaye Much appreciated. See, I always thought that was how you joined Rhodes Island.
Chiave How? We didn't know them from Adam yet, and besides, Aosta gave the car over in exchange for the medicine. At the time, I actually thought Rhodes Island was pretty lousy.
Jaye Haha.
Chiave But Rhodes Island's medicine's pretty effective, right, Broca?
Broca I can confirm.
Aosta As for why we joined Rhodes Island, to put it simply, it's because Chiave offended one of the big family heads in Locomotiva, and we had people out for our blood again.
That time, Straightedge saved us again.
And then, under his referral, we just straight-up came to Rhodes Island.
Jaye Got it.
Chiave Heh. For the record, Aosta, that one was never my fault.
Aosta I know.
Jaye It sounds like another new story all of its own.
Chiave Heh, you got time, Jaye, brother? I'll tell it to you, in all its glory.
Jaye It's already past midnight, and there's no missions tomorrow. I'll go get some Lungmen wine. We can drink and talk.
Chiave Ha, now that's a plan.
That evening, me and Aosta were gonna go see...
<Background black>
The men share their stories on into the dead of night in the empty cafeteria...


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Mother" in Italian
  2. "What the f**k!" in Italian
  3. Italian profanity which could mean either "Screw that", "F**k off", "To hell with it", or the like
  4. 4.0 4.1 "f**k" in Italian


  1. Paraphrased from Young for You by The Gala, specifically the following line: "Sunday's coming, I wanna drive my car..."
  2. Taken from Young for You by The Gala, specifically the line after the previous one
  3. 3.0 3.1 Taken from What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction
  4. Taken from What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction, but with the "beautiful" changed to "disgusting"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Taken from Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran, but with the "fiddle", "Irish", and "English" changed to "mouth harp", "Victoria", and "Columbia", respectively
  6. Paraphrased from Danza Kuduro by Don Omar ft. Lucenzo, specifically the following line: "Las manos arriba, cintura sola..." ("Put your hands up on the waist..." in Spanish)
  7. Paraphrased from Danza Kuduro by Don Omar ft. Lucenzo, specifically the following line: "Da media vuelta, danza kuduro..." ("Turn halfway around and dance the Kuduro..." in Spanish)
  8. Paraphrased from Danza Kuduro by Don Omar ft. Lucenzo, specifically the following line: "No te canses ahora, que esta solo empieza..." ("Don't get tired now, this is just the beginning..." in Spanish)
  9. 9.0 9.1 Taken from the beginning of The Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel, but with the "darkness" changed to "brightness"
  10. 10.0 10.1 Bella ciao (Italian folk song)