Arknights Wiki

Breogan is a background NPC in Arknights. His legacy plays an important role in Stultifera Navis.


Picturebook Page - Long Journey

Breogan left the ocean and wandered across the land...

Picturebook Page - Dialogue

...together with like-minded Aegir...

Breogan was an Aegirian engineer who, like the other Aegir of Iberia, fled there after their homeland came under siege from the Seaborn. Knowing that the Aegir could not defend their homeland alone, he presented himself to Iberia's royal court. Iberia was able to operate Aegir's superior technology with Breogan's supervision, beginning the country's Golden Age, when it became a major maritime power. Breogan was Iberia's leading engineer and ordered the construction of numerous towers and ports, including the lighthouses which formed the Eyes of Iberia.

Picturebook Page - Ordination

...before presenting himself to the king of Iberia...

Picturebook Page - Framework

...and building the Stultifera Navis among others

As more and more Aegir fled to Iberia, Breogan began to worry that Iberia would also fall to the Seaborne. After gaining approval from the King, he gathered his close friends on land, notably Saint Carmen, Alfonso, and Garcia, to work on an important project: the building of a naval fleet and the construction of the Stultifera Navis, a ship which would come to represent the ultimate combination of the technology of both land and sea. Breogan hoped that use the ship to further his research. However, it was taken and redesigned as a warship by the Iberian government despite his wishes. In an act of defiance, Breogan stored all his research notes on the Seaborne in the ship, hoping that they would one day be found and help end the threat of Seaborne invasion.

Despite his efforts, however, the Eyes of Iberia failed to protect the country from the Profound Silence, an incident which Breogan blamed himself for. He was killed by angry crowd, composed of Iberians and Aegir alike, as they blamed him as the source of the disaster; this marked him the first victim of anti-Aegir persecution in Iberia.[1]

Breogan's legacy played an important role years after the Silence, when Iberia attempted to use the notes he had hidden inside the Stultifera Navis to reactivate the Eyes of Iberia and regain control over their coastlines. The Abyssal Hunters also sought out his research on Leviathans, sea monsters that are the source of all Seaborn.


  1. Bloody Button description