CB-ST3 Crack of Dawn
Code of Brawl: Downtown |
Those lurking behind the curtains always have much to gossip about, perhaps to make the next show a bit more exciting, or perhaps just to cross each others' palms. |
Characters |
Passerby Punk |
Backgrounds |
“ | In the abandoned bar, wine and words mix, and people sneak uninhibited. Someone from Laterano named Suffering(?) comes to take Mostima away. Sunset approaches, bringing another brawl with it. | ” |
<Background 1> | |
3:21 AM \ Clear Downtown Lungmen, "The Ends of the Earth" lounge, ruins | |
Penguin Logistics | Cheers!! Cheers!! |
Exusiai | Whew, tonight sure was a good time. |
Croissant | You wouldn't think it from the stinkin' pile of garbage we're sittin' in, but it was great. Just thinkin' about somebody else footin' the bill for all our expenses makes me all warm inside! |
Sora | Texas, if you figured it out earlier, you should have told us. |
Texas | I just guessed. |
Sora | You're a really bad liar, you know that...? |
Exusiai | The boss had it all planned out, didn't he? Don't sweat it~ Eating, drinking, and fighting are good for the body and good for the soul. |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Bison | ...... |
Mostima | What's wrong? You're not going to join them? |
Bison | No, I'm okay. I just, how can I say this? I just feel like I can't accept it. |
Mostima | You get used to it. |
Bison | If I'm used to it then it's all over. Like what was everything tonight even for? And Emperor, he... |
Mostima | ...gave his life to make the party more fun. |
Bison | Mostima, you told me you would be giving me a grade for my performance at Penguin Logistics, didn't you? |
Mostima | I did. I've been thinking about it. And while you didn't exactly mesh with everybody, you made some great strides. That much is clear. Maybe... |
Bison | No. I'm not staying here. |
Mostima | Oh? I thought with everything that happened, you'd need Penguin Logistics to be a springboard for you to bigger and better things. |
Bison | That was the original idea. Turns out you had that all figured out... It's not that I think Penguin Logistics is terrible. Well, it is terrible. But I think, with Messengers like this, who live like this... Even though my common sense tells me it's ridiculously dangerous... I think it might be... what I actually want. Or maybe it's like I'll start to question reality if I don't look at it this way. ...like one, completely insane dream. |
Mostima | Yeah. Fistfights, explosions, and high altitude drops will do that to you. |
Bison | Getting thrown into the deep end with Penguin Logistics isn't great for your mental health. |
Mostima | But if you've made your decision, and as your fellow Messenger, I wish you luck. |
Bison | ...Thanks. |
Mostima | Especially since it means your father won't have any grounds to dock my pay. |
Bison | D– dad! I totally forgot about that. I need to talk to him. But what is he even doing right now...? |
Exusiai | Mostima! Drink up! |
Mostima | Cheers. What's with you suddenly flitting over here? You spilled all over yourself. |
Exusiai | If I take my eyes off you for one second, you could vanish. And I got a lottttt of questions to ask you. |
Mostima | A lot, huh...? Like about that incident back in Laterano? With your sister? Or maybe... my horns? |
Exusiai | — |
Mostima | Hahaha, you're dumbstruck? Oh, Exusiai, you never change. You're always so easy to read. |
Exusiai | MOS! TI! MA! |
Mostima | All right, all right. I'll tell you. ...But right not now. You've been digging into it on your own for a while now, so you must understand. |
Exusiai | Um, I don't know why, but it's classified as a state secret now. Does that matter? I have to get closure on everything about you. |
Mostima | You really do, huh...? It could be a long and treacherous path, with your precious guns confiscated, the wicked watching you, hounding you to the mouth of hell? |
Exusiai | Hm, that's weirdly specific. But no big deal. I run pretty fast. They'll never catch me! |
Mostima | Fine. |
Exusiai | You give up? |
Mostima | I give up. Not that anyone could ever tell you what to do. |
Exusiai | That's not true. There's the boss. And Texas, I'll listen to Texas. Sometimes. Kinda. |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Texas | ...... |
Croissant | Ya hear what they're whisperin' about? I think I heard most of the story already, but to tell the truth, I'm all kinds of curious right now. What kinda place is Laterano anyway? |
Texas | ...Don't go digging too deep. It's her choice. |
Sora | But what about Bison? |
Texas | He lost his temper quite a few times tonight. He'll get used to it. |
Sora | He's an excellent new-comer to this industry. Is it okay to leave him like that? |
Croissant | Bison~ Lemme give ya a copy of the Great Foodie Guide. I did it up myself after real, in-person, on-site investigations! |
Bison | You wrote the Foodie Guide! |
Croissant | Hehe. Advertisin's a real important revenue stream! |
Mostima | ...Wow. Okay, you'll have to give me some secret recommendations. |
Exusiai | By the way, there's some fancy rich guy butler-looking dude standing outside the door? |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Butler | ...... |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Croissant | Can ya really say he's outside the door when the walls are crumbled like so? *Sigh* And we have to pay the retainage for the small thruster this month... |
Bison | ...I'm going to get some air. |
<Background 2> | |
Butler | Young Master. |
Bison | I know everything. Father and Emperor had a deal at the same time a Siracusan gang came up against the Rat King, is that right? |
Butler | Everything has a purpose, Young Master. You performed spectacularly well, given the circumstances. The Master of the House is most pleased. And yet, I... |
Bison | Twice. That's how many times you followed my dad's order and did the trick with my shield. |
Butler | Thank you... Young Master. |
Bison | *Sigh* Having been through so much, how can we still relax and enjoy a party over broken glass and splintered barstools? |
Butler | This kind of boundless optimism is born from the innumerable life-or-death experiences of a life well lived, Young Master. |
Bison | I know. But they're Messengers. Why do they always risk their lives? |
Butler | That's what a Messenger does. Should you leave home, leave the Master of the House, and leave Lungmen, you too will come to understand. |
Bison | ...I hope so. |
Butler | Shall we head back and see the Master of the House? |
Bison | Father's probably plotting something with Chief Wei right now. I'm sure it's something very important that I can't concern myself with. |
Butler | You are very clever, but the Master of the House did not make these choices to be rid of you. You will grow stronger, and more tenacious. |
[Bison recalls his experience of being around with the P.L. crew throughout the gig in Lungmen.] | |
Bison | ...Maybe. I'm not sure if I really will see that day. |
Bison | You go to my father. I need to... cut loose a bit. |
Butler | I understand. Do enjoy yourself, Young Master. |
Bison | Oh, there was one more thing. |
Butler | Hm? |
Bison | I did have a very good time tonight. |
<Background 1> | |
Exusiai | ...Nnng... |
Mostima | She gets drunk and makes trouble. But she sure is cute when she's quiet, isn't she? A little sister to be proud of. |
??? | I don't care about her or her sister, but you need to stop her from digging any deeper into that stuff. We don't need that trouble. Not to mention, the most important thing... |
[The mysterious Lateran Liberi from before, who turns out to be Mostima's supervisor Fiammetta, appears.] | |
??? | Weren't you just telling me not to talk in such a roundabout way? |
Mostima | What do you mean? Isn't it scarier how you can apparently hear everything I say all the time? Did you bug the place or something? |
??? | You should always remember who made me your keeper. |
Mostima | ...Okay then, Miss "Keeper," what are you calling yourself these days? |
??? | Why do you ask? |
Mostima | It's time for your routine report, isn't it? I've been waiting all night. The big shots up top don't have any new ideas? |
??? | Why should I tell you? |
Mostima | I have a right to know. We're colleagues, aren't we? And I'm personally very interested in the way you change your duties each month. |
??? | Fine. I guess we would need codenames to refer to each other in case something happens. I'm under the Notarial Hall this time. The usual. Independent special operations. Duty name... it's... |
Mostima | What's the name? |
??? | ...Suffering. |
Mostima | ...... |
??? | ...... |
Mostima | Um. What? Why? |
Suffering? | How should I know! They said they watched some slasher flick and then decided they were going to change it to this with no explanation... |
Mostima | Suffering? All right. At least it's less cringey than last time's "Chosen Overseer." |
Chosen Overseer? | Hmph. They're taking the piss out of someone else's job, and why did the Notarial Hall agree to it? Did they think for even a moment, what if I had to meet Wei Yenwu? How am I supposed to announce myself?! |
Mostima | "Hello. I'm Suffering from the Laterano Notarial Hall. It's a pleasure to meet you." |
Suffering? | ...... |
Mostima | Was "Tomb Knight" better? Or "Super Sticky" from last month? Or "Treasure Guardian" that came earlier than them? When you first volunteered to go with me, I really thought Laterano had an organization called the Treasure Guardians, you know...? |
Treasure Guardian? | That's enough! ...I'm writing a letter to Laterano right now. If they don't give me a perfectly ordinary assignment, they better not expect to get regular correspondences from me anymore. |
Mostima | You need to understand where they're coming from. It's not easy to trust a horned Sankta. |
Treasure Guardian? | Can't they just give me a normal assignment?! |
Mostima | An exceptional promotion would be cause for suspicion. And being so frantic all the time will give you wrinkles, Miss Suffering. |
Suffering? | — |
Mostima | Woah, don't take it so seriously. Drawing your gun at the first disagreement is a pretty bad habit. |
Suffering? | Whatever. Watching your performance all night made me sick. You're such a ham. |
Mostima | Then is it about time we leave Lungmen? I could take you shopping, as a way of making it up to you. |
Suffering? | ...Yeah, that's a good idea. |
![]() | |
Suffering? | Which reminds me, you must've made a lot of money this time around? How about sending some my way? A little hospitality? |
Mostima | We're both from Laterano. Who's the host here? |
Suffering? | Fine. By the way, this angel's halo is blindingly bright. |
Mostima | They get in the way sometimes. |
Suffering? | Lucky you don't have that problem, fallen angel. |
Mostima | Are you jealous? I could buy you a fluorescent lamp to wear on your head. |
Suffering? | Sounds like a pain. How do you deal with it? |
Mostima | Instinct. The moment we start using language, the halo appears. |
Suffering? | Like the first time you blurt out "mama" or "dada?" What a beautiful image. |
Mostima | Haha. Exusiai's first word was "sis." Even though they're not blood related, they still... |
Suffering? | Enough. Let's not talk about her sister. Even if Laterano doesn't care, it's not a topic for casual conversation. It's because you leveled this precious gun at the captain that you fell. Do you really plan to tell her the whole story someday? The little sister of your beloved battle-sister? |
Mostima | Hm... You've followed me this long and I still haven't told you. It might be that you, also my "beloved battle-sister..." have a really bad temper? |
Suffering? | I'm only under obligation to remind you that you must not speak even one word of what happened at Kazdel. |
Mostima | But what about my travel memoir? |
Suffering? | Sounds great. Hey, why don't you go get your staff back from that freaky guy before I write you up for it. You're running out of time. |
<Background 1> | |
Mostima | Yep. You're right. I'll do exactly as Suffering says. |
Suffering? | You... |
Mostima | ...Boss, is there more work to do? |
[Emperor, who turned out to be alive and well despite of – clearly – being backstabbed by the Rat King earlier, appears.] | |
Emperor | Before you leave Lungmen, I'll have a real pain in the ass job for you, no doubt. |
Suffering? | Wait, you're not dead...? How much did you hear? |
Emperor | A gentleman don't eavesdrop on two ladies havin' a private conversation. Plus I don't need to. Bein' omniscient and all. |
Suffering? | ...so you heard everything. Whatever. You're Emperor. It's fine. |
Mostima | Did you really feel like you wanted to kill him back there...? I guess that's our Suffering... |
Suffering? | Shove it. Don't talk about me like I'm some kind of villain. |
Mostima | Would you ever consider joining Penguin Logistics? You wouldn't have to keep swapping around these cringey codenames. |
Suffering? | ...I must keep track of you, as a Laterano. |
Mostima | Right. It's just an idea I had. It's hard not to use your real name, you know. |
Emperor | Aight, time for you to bounce. This ain't a Laterano cathedral. We don't welcome Suffering here. |
Suffering? | I... whatever. I'm going to go... send a letter. ...Damn it. |
[Fiammetta leaves.] | |
Emperor | Uh huh. Every one of them reports gets some government office swappin' your name around, huh? Seems like you're real popular over there. |
Mostima | I think at least half the reason they do it is just because it's fun for them. |
Emperor | It's fun, huh? Mmm, makes sense. Sounds like at least a couple Laterano big shots know how to live. ...Hold up. Fun... someplace fun... Aight, I got a idea. Mostima, you're gonna like this job. You know what? This job's gonna blow you away. You just wait 'til I hit you up. |
Mostima | It really worries me when you talk like that, boss... But the sun's almost up. I better go find her. Since everything here's all wrapped up with a nice little bow, it's time for me to leave. Say goodbye to everyone for me. Especially Exusiai. And buy her dinner for me. |
Emperor | Don't worry about it. We all gonna see each other again real soon. |
<Background 3> | |
Bison | ...Wow... the sun's coming up. How do I get back? Uh oh... I think I'm lost... Oh, I'm here. How do I always end up coming back here? Is that...? |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Mostima | ...... |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Bison | Mostima? Oh, she's praying. I better not bother her... |
[Bison accidentally bumps to a passerby.] | |
Passerby | I wanna see the sunrise! |
Passerby | Sorry, he's drunk. Can you let us by? Thanks! |
Bison | Erm... Okay... Damn! Mostima... she's already gone. (But it looked like there was some kind of red shadow next to her? Did I see that right?) |
Punk | Hey, that kid over there's in the way. |
Bison | Me? |
Punk | You're the prince of MDL, aren't you? The rich as hell prince! Why don't you come with us? Just need a minute of your time. |
Bison | ...Again? ...Um, heh heh, well... |
Punk | What are you laughing at? Hey! The little punk wants to fight! Let's get him, boys! |
[Bison was forced into a brawl with the punks.] | |
<Background black> | |
Speed of Light / DJ OKAWARI | |
—Special Thanks— Candy catering – Victoria Rainbow Sweets | |
Major expenditures on stupid things – Mountain Dash Logistics Getting beaten for no reason – Tung's Finballs | |
Extra – Suffering from Laterano...? Possibly being dead – The Gambino Family | |
Guest appearance while taking a walk – "Rat King" of the Lungmen Slums | |
And the glorious, the incredible, the unstoppable, who clear any obstacle, solve any case, complete any job, Penguin Logistics | |
<Background 4> | |
Texas | This new car is great. |
Exusiai | Yeah! Let's go to the docks and seek revenge for Bison! |
Croissant | Texas, can ya take it a little slower, I'm puttin' some cream on Bison... |
[Texas suddenly stops the car.] | |
Croissant | Ah! Sorry! |
Emperor | What's to be sorry for? He got a bloody nose. Just cram the cream up there. |
Bison | ...It's okay. I'll do it. |
Emperor | Yeah, that's about right for the son of that dumbass cow. Can't give anybody an inch. We got three hours and twenty-five minutes until we gotta see off Bison. That's more than enough time for a farewell party. Let's see how many punks come at us. |
Bison | Sorry, I didn't mean to be a bother... |
Emperor | Bother? Nah. No bother. Honestly, I been watchin' these wannabes for a while. They don't even know how to do crime. Those clowns tryin' to share a city with us? That's a crime. |
Exusiai | That makes us sound like we're the most dangerous? |
Sora | Just up ahead! That warehouse is their hideout! |
Emperor | Grab whatever you want. Texas, crash us on in there! |
Texas | On it! |
[The P.L. attacks the Siracusan Mafia's hideout as a payback for what they did to Bison throughout the whole Lungmen gig.] |