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Cannot Goodenough also appears in Integrated Strategies as the Rogue Trader who runs the eponymous node where the player can exchange Originium Ingot Originium Ingot for various items including Rec. Vouchers and Collectibles to aid the player.

The price of the Rogue Trader's wares are:

Ware(s) Price
Regular/Elite Rec. Vouchers 4 Originium Ingot icon
5 Originium Ingot icon
Frontline/Backline Corps Rec. Vouchers 6 Originium Ingot icon
8 Originium Ingot icon
Special HR Dispatch Letters 10 Originium Ingot icon
  • Rare Collectibles
  • Tier 2 Foldartals (Expeditioner's Joklumarkar)
12 Originium Ingot icon
  • Super Rare Collectibles
  • Tier 3 Foldartals (Expeditioner's Joklumarkar)
16 Originium Ingot icon

Having the Strange Sunglasses $trange $unglasses/Rusted Iron Hammer will give a 50% discount to the Rogue Trader's wares. In Phantom & Crimson Solitaire, Wild Gold "Wild Gold" also has the same effect (albeit one-time only) and can be stacked with Rusted Iron Hammer for a 75% discount.

Prospective Investment[]

Since Crimson Solitaire, the player may invest their Originium Ingots at the Rogue Trader through the Prospective Investment System which will give them various bonuses at certain thresholds. Keep in mind that the function is independent for each I.S. theme (e.g. the player's investment in Crimson Solitaire will not be carried over to Mizuki & Caerula Arbor or vice-versa) and not all Rogue Trader nodes allow the player to make Prospective Investments.

Each investment deposits 1 Originium Ingot icon to the Rogue Trader, who can hold up to 999 Originium Ingot icon. There is a chance when investing that the market will crash, preventing the player from making further investments for the rest of the run.

The Prospective Investment bonuses are:

Inv. Rewards
25 Originium Ingot icon
  • #2: The Rogue Trader has one additional ware
  • #3: The invested Originium Ingots can be withdrawn (see below)
  • #4: The invested Originium Ingots can be withdrawn (see below)
100 Originium Ingot icon
200 Originium Ingot icon
  • #2: The invested Originium Ingots can be withdrawn (see below)
  • #3: The Rogue Trader has one additional ware but will raise the price of a random ware by 50%
  • #4: The Rogue Trader has one additional ware
325 Originium Ingot icon
500 Originium Ingot icon
  • #2: The Rogue Trader has one additional ware
  • #3: The Rogue Trader has one additional ware but will double the price of a random ware
  • #4: The Rogue Trader has one additional ware

After investing 200 Originium Ingot icon (Crimson Solitaire)/25 Originium Ingot icon (since Caerula Arbor), the option to withdraw the invested Originium Ingots are available. Each withdrawal gives 1 Originium Ingot icon and deducts the invested Ingots by:


  • a is the final withdrawal cost.
  • b is the withdrawal count, up to 6.

In Caerula Arbor, the withdrawal also costs 1 Key Key.


Can Cannot show you his wares?

After investing 100 Originium Ingot icon, a button saying "Touch the goods tentatively" will be present on the Rogue Trader; pressing this button five times will irritate Cannot and gives the player two options: Listen to Cannot and "Bargain" with Cannot.

  • If Listen to Cannot is chosen, he will talk the player down and they can browse or buy Cannot's wares and make Prospective Investments (if available) as usual, and the "Touch the goods tentatively" button is no longer present.
  • If "Bargain" with Cannot is chosen, the player will be forced into an ISW-SP operation featuring Cannot himself as a boss enemy. Should the player clear said operation, they can loot the Rogue Trader: all of his current wares are free but Cannot will leave for the rest of the run, meaning all Rogue Trader nodes from this point will have no wares available and will not allow the player to make Prospective Investments!

Mizuki & Caerula Arbor[]

  • The player can roll the die for a chance to refresh the Rogue Trader's wares at the cost of 1 dice roll:
    • [Favored by Fortune] Cannot is willing to offer you certain "premium goods": If the die lands on 7 to 12, all of the wares will be refreshed and the Collectible(s) may be those that normally cannot be purchased in the Rogue Trader.
    • [Smooth Sailing] Cannot is willing to show you some new wares: If the die lands on 5 or 6, all of the wares will be refreshed.
    • [Calm Seas] Cannot brings out two new items: If the die lands on 1 to 4, two of the wares will be refreshed.
  • After investing 200 Originium Ingot icon, the Rogue Trader will raise the price of one of his wares, chosen at random, by 50%. The price hike is increased to 100% (i.e. doubled) after the player invested 500 Originium Ingot icon.
  • Unlocking the "Negotiation" Cognitive Shaping nodes give a chance that the Rogue Trader gives a discount to his wares' price after rolling the die (see above).

Expeditioner's Joklumarkar[]

  • The Rogue Trader can now perform a maintenance and upgrade to the Survey Equipment at the cost of 12 Originium Ingot icon, increasing the Anti-Interference Index by 1.
  • Unlocking the 表达规则 Cultural Comparison node allows the Rogue Trader's wares to be refreshed once per node.