Arknights Wiki
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Cartier and Magna Naumanns are backround NPCs in Arknights. They are first mentioned in Eyjafjalla's files, and their legacy play a supporting role in So Long, Adele


Hailing from a renowned academic family in Leithanien, Cartier and Magna Naumman were researchers who worked at the Williams University, with the former being a graduate teacher in the school of Originium with a remarkable ability to use powerful Arts, and the later a specialist in ecological research[1][2]. Thanks to their studies on the field of Originium, volcanology, and enviromental research, which revolved primarily in the observation on Catastrophe activity and their prevention, the two would earn a reputation in the Leithanian academic community, and later have their only child, Adele, named after the Siestan volcanologist Adele Keller, an old friend of them.

However, their life was far from peaceful. Following the fall of the Witch King in 1079, Leithanien entered a state of political tensions within the nobles, and the Naumanns being caught in the middle of the storm. To ensure a proper academic environment, Cartier had to hand over part of their work to the military, who already had contact with a year before under the orders of a certain Kurfürst. [3]

In the Terran year 1095, the Naumanns would realize a survey on Mount Unna in the Leithanian wastes as part of their project of Catastrophe study, with the volcano being chosen as a key site. A goverment envoy would approach them, but Keller would help keep the authorities at bay so the two could continue their survey with ease. Unfortunately, the volcano would erupt, claiming the couple's life in the process.[3][1][2]

Adele couldn't believe the news about their passing at first, and in the following nights after the tragedy, she woke up screaming and crying every time she dreamed with volcanos[2]. However, she would take various documents about her parents's work, including most of the research of Mount Unna, so she could continue their work and legacy.[1] On the other hand, Keller would decide to not climb volcanos again, and instead dedicate the Siesta Volcano Museum as her last tribute to the couple.[4]

