Arknights Wiki
Chosen as assistant I will be your bodyguard, Doctor.
Talk #1 I've always had my suspicions about Rhodes Island. Still do.
Talk #2 Why are you staring at me? Nothing better to do?
Talk #3 Hmph.
Talk after Elite 1 promotion I know every nook and cranny of Lungmen. The docks, the neon signs, the winding paths, I can see them all in my mind, clear as day. I'll never forget them.
Talk after Elite 2 promotion Things around here have deteriorated lately. I'll be on guard, but I'll still need you to be careful.
Talk after Trust increase #1 Maybe one day that man will take note of my efforts, but until then...
Talk after Trust increase #2 Amiya trusts you completely. When I see you two together, it makes me wonder, what if I had someone like that by my side...
Talk after Trust increase #3 I've... I've never been able to rely much on anyone, not even...
Idle Doctor? You fell asleep? Hmph. No nerves to keep you awake, then.
Introduction Ch'en. Leader of the L.G.D.'s Special Inspection Unit. For my own reasons, I'll be joining you for a while. Seeing as we're already well acquainted from our prior work together, I'll ask you to take me to my workplace now.
Given Battle Records It's all in the service of more efficient operations.
Elite 1 promotion A promotion? I've been through these things before.
Elite 2 promotion Roger. Just give me all the missions your usual Operators can't handle.
Added to squad No problem.[note 1]
Chosen as squad leader Listen up! We'll be much more efficient if we work together.
Operation start Everyone! Prepare for battle!
An enemy is about to spawn Ready? Stick to the plan.
Selected #1 This is Ch'en.
Selected #2 Ready to move.
Deployed #1 Moving out!
Deployed #2 Take them out fast.
Skill activation #1 Slash!
Skill activation #2 Flash!
Skill activation #3 Drop your weapon!
Skill activation #4 Don't force my hand!
Operation cleared (4-star) Your evil must be stopped. I will do so by any means necessary.
Operation cleared (3-star) Where did you find the courage to challenge me?
Operation cleared (2-star) The wounded wait here for a medivac. The rest of you, stay on guard.
Operation failed Tactical retreat. Don't break formation!
Assigned to RIIC So this is Rhodes Island's base? Bigger than I expected.
Tap Hey! What are you doing!
Trust tap Doctor, you're in a good mood. Is it because that operation went well? Same here.
Greetings Oh, it's you, Doctor.
Title Arknights.


  1. Spoken as "Mou mantai" (Hanzi: 無問題/无问题; Jyutping: mou5 man6 tai4) in-game, which means "Relax" or "No problem" in Cantonese