DH-ST-2 Intermission
Dossoles Holiday: Dossoles Warrior Champion |
To take a short break is to prepare oneself for the next high tide. |
Characters |
![]() Casino Boss Casino Underling Manager Soldier Waiter |
Backgrounds |
“ | Swire and Hoshiguma share a conversation about the city, while Ch'en and Lin Yühsia share the information they have with each other in a bar. At the same time, Ernesto has his own plans. | ” |
<Background 1> | |
[Back in the Search Game, Rafaela has noticed that someone's following her down the streets of Dossoles...] | |
Rafaela | ...... |
[Rafaela picks up the pace as the one following her turned out to be Yühsia...] | |
Lin Yühsia | ...... |
[...who picks up the pace as well.] | |
<Background fades out and in> | |
[After circling around for a while...] | |
Rafaela | ...... |
[...Rafaela quickly runs away befoe Yühsia could catch up with her.] | |
Lin Yühsia | (She's gone?!) (But she shouldn't have spotted me.) (Perhaps she's got training and keeps her anti-surveillance act up?) (Or is there some place around here she can sneak into without anyone noticing?) (Oh well... I'll go look for Hui-chieh first.) |
![]() | |
D.D.D. | First things first, let's look at which teams made it. A total of fifteen teams entered the first round of this competition. Team LUNG wRATh is definitely this competition's hottest team. Team Grey Feather, Team Pacer-man, Team Honey Summer, Team Business Cooperation Call 5453-46235... |
<Background 2> | |
Manager | Nice work out there, D.D.D. Sorry you had to take on such an unfamiliar job. |
D.D.D. | No prob. I'm used to tooting the big shots' horns. I thought I wouldn't be cut out for this, but it turns out it's basically just like DJing. It's just one uses music to get the crowd pumped up, while the other uses words. |
Manager | It's great that you think that way. If you don't want to do it, though, I'll do everything I can to turn the job down. |
D.D.D. | I gotta say, I'm really just going along for the ride. I did kinda think I said some stuff I probably wouldn't have said before, though. That was close. But I really gotta say. You saw how that team LUNG wRATh did. Those two chicks on the team were amazing. |
Manager | Oh, I agree. |
D.D.D. | Just watching the two of them was enough to really give me that creative itch. Makes me want to write a song for them, y'know? And knowing I can keep watching them fight in the VIP section motivates me to stick with this job, too. |
Manager | Haha, that's great to hear. |
<Background 1> | |
[Hoshiguma and Swire visit a cafe.] | |
Hoshiguma | Eh, Missy, I don't get it. The competition's over, and only now are you excited. You've been strolling around the streets for the past few days, but it doesn't really look like that's all you're doing either. Is there something out here that piques your interest? |
Swire | I'm taking a stroll around alright, but I do have another reason. |
Hoshiguma | What is it? |
Swire | I want to get to know this city. |
Hoshiguma | How come? |
Swire | You see, Bolívar is right out there, past the city's borders. A country under three different governments. The Singas government that's propped up by Leithanien, the Coalition government supported by Columbia, and the True Bolívarians that sprang up to oppose those two governments. I'm sure clashes between those three governments, big and small, are happening all across the country while we're just sitting here. And this city doesn't look like any of the other Bolívarian cities that we stopped at on our way here. You can't say this one's just prosperous. Even I've never seen a place so extravagant, so totally dedicated to leisure. Don't you think it's strange that a city like this popped up in Bolívar? |
Hoshiguma | Well, I do think it's strange, but this isn't Lungmen, and I can't be bothered to look into it. |
Swire | You know, you know everything, but if it's got nothing to do with Lungmen or Ch'en, you never seem to care. |
Hoshiguma | It's a force of habit. Go on, Missy. You've got an idea or something, don't you? |
Swire | If this city was dark and gloomy, then I certainly wouldn't have felt anything off about it. On the contrary, though, it's so full of energy here that it's irritating. If every city out there had a heart, then Lungmen's would probably be a lively one, and its blood would be healthy, and vivid red, always getting pumped to the heart to keep it going. But Dossoles's heart is way too shady. It keeps on pumping in dirty, black blood, but it doesn't hurt. In fact, it's somehow beating even stronger than our healthy Lungmen. And that makes the place seem like it's got more pep than Lungmen. And let's not even go into how Lungmen very rarely finds itself held back by any external forces. This city is in Bolívar, where the political situation couldn't be more messed up. Don't you think that's strange? |
Hoshiguma | Oh, that's a good analogy. Really makes it easy to understand. So you're curious why the city is like this, even when it shouldn't be? |
Swire | This city tolerates crime, encourages gambling, and you've got the most voluptuous, spendthrifty kinds here. Each and every day, someone hits it big, while some other poor sod goes bankrupt. This creates the illusion that this city's main sources of income are its tourism and entertainment industries–They attract visitors and squeeze the money out of them. An entertainment industry by itself can't support all of a city's operations, however. That's why the city leaves its entertainment industry and even crime on the streets unchecked, attracting all kinds of sketchy people. And that gives the city its false, unstable prosperity. There's an explanation. But is that really how things are? |
Hoshiguma | Hm... Missy, I kind of think you're overreacting a little. |
Swire | What did you just say?! |
Hoshiguma | It makes sense, though. For a pampered lady like you, the way this city works is uncommon and barbaric. But it's all pretty near and dear to me. I'm sure you know that Higashi isn't in a much better shape than Bolívar. In Higashi, even when there's a full-scale war outside, the elites holed up inside couldn't care less. Fundamentally, this city isn't all that different from those cities I know. Oh, but now that you mention it, it's true that you can't run a city on entertainment and tourism alone. There aren't any cities like that in Higashi either. So I guess you should tell me more, Missy. About your discovery. |
Swire | I don't wanna talk about it anymore. |
Hoshiguma | Oh, come on, Missy. It's all my bad, okay? Waiter, one raspado de verano, please. For the lady. |
Waiter | Yes, ma'am. |
Hoshiguma | Okay, Missy, don't be mad. Cool off with some shaved ice, okay? |
Swire | Hmph, do you remember what happened when we came to this city? |
Hoshiguma | Didn't we walk right in as soon as you flashed your card? |
Swire | That's me being well-prepared. Lungmen has a trade agreement with Dossoles, so I could come right in with just my card. I'm not talking about myself. I'm talking about the other people that were there. |
Hoshiguma | Oh, I remember seeing a few pretty nervous guys trying to get inside. The guards asked them a few questions, but let them through right after. The guards were pretty friendly, too. They even gave them directions. |
Swire | Do you remember seeing a lot of factories outside the city center? |
Hoshiguma | Yes, I did. |
Swire | Bingo. |
Hoshiguma | Oh, I get it. The political situation is ever-changing in Bolívar, so it's dangerous to rely on trade for daily necessities. So the city had to take fate into its own hands. And those poor folks are factory workers. |
Swire | That's right. I asked around at the bar the last couple days. The factories here apparently pay really well. That's why a lot of people take the arduous journey just to come here to work. |
Hoshiguma | And if they manage to get a good foothold here, that's going to make them a small fortune compared to outside. |
Swire | Right. It may not make them as much as fighting for the Coalition or Singas, but working here is much safer. |
Hoshiguma | Haha, I'm not sure which is safer, between getting bludgeoned to death in a back alley or dying on the battlefield. |
Swire | Stop interrupting. After that, I looked up some old news articles. This city may be known all over Bolívar for its entertainment industry, but its wine, coffee, and sugar are the finest in the country too. All the Bolívarian elites, whether they are from the Coalition, Singas, or True Bolívarians, are buying them up. And even outside, I've seen lots of Bolívarian tequila and coffee back home. I don't remember the exact place they were produced, but I've definitely seen these factories' brands before. |
Hoshiguma | The guards are well-equipped and full of energy... And otherwise, aside from its entertainment and tourism sectors, the city also has a firm grip over a luxury goods industry that no one can ignore. I get what you mean now. The city may seem chaotic on the surface, but it's actually very stable deep down. It's 100% capable of becoming a proper, methodical city like Lungmen. Now this is really starting to pique my interest. |
Swire | And here you said I was overreacting. |
Hoshiguma | I beg your forgiveness, Milady. Your insight is unparalleled. A lowly errand girl like me cannot dare to compare. |
Swire | That's some glib tongue you got. |
Hoshiguma | Really though, Missy. Speaking from experience, the answer you seek is actually very simple. No matter what, those who stand on top will never tolerate a variable out of their control. If this city is managing to keep this appearance up, then that must mean that, to its ruler, what we think is chaotic here is hardly worth batting an eye over. |
Hoshiguma | In other words, this city has a powerful, crazed mastermind. |
Swire | That's my conclusion as well. The mayor is named Candela Sanchez. My family participates in some of the business dealings between Lungmen and Dossoles, but I've really never truly understood her or her city until now. I'm curious just what kind of a person she is to shape her city this way. |
Hoshiguma | You could talk to her directly. Just tell her who you are. She'll most definitely see you. |
Swire | I'll pass. You can fool others with words, but not with the outcomes of your actions. Let's go. We still have a lot of places to visit. I want to take a look at the factories in the countryside. Let's hurry. |
[Swire leaves just as a waiter brought the raspado she ordered earlier.] | |
Waiter | Ma'am, your raspado. |
Hoshiguma | Hey, wait, Missy. Your ice just got here. Oh, what do I do with this girl... Sometimes she's just like Ch'en. Always so impatient. Fine, I'll eat it myself. Missy, wait up! |
[Hoshiguma rushes off to catch up with Swire. Meanwhile, Ch'en catches a glimpse of the Oni...] | |
Ch'en | ........ (Green hair and a horn... Is that Hoshiguma?) |
[...as Yühsia joins her.] | |
Lin Yühsia | What are you looking at? |
Ch'en | Nothing. Just thought I saw an old friend. |
Lin Yühsia | From Lungmen? Where? |
Ch'en | There's too many people. She was gone after I looked away for just a second. It's okay. There's no way she'd be here. My eyes are probably playing tricks on me. And what about you? You asked to meet here, and you're late? |
Lin Yühsia | I took a detour. Let's go in first. |
Ch'en | This isn't that bar you trashed the other day, right? |
Lin Yühsia | It's my turf now. Come on. |
<Background 3> | |
[Ch'en and Yühsia enter the same casino bar Yühsia had run into trouble with earlier, apparently having made peace with the boss.] | |
Casino Boss | Hey, boss, what brings you here? |
Ch'en | ...... |
Lin Yühsia | Make sure no one comes near us. We'll be talking, alone. |
Casino Underling | Understood! |
Lin Yühsia | A whiskey. |
Ch'en | Just soda water for me. |
Casino Boss | Right away. |
[Ch'en and Yühsia sit down.] | |
Ch'en | Go ahead. What is it? I doubt you'd ever invite me out just for drinks. |
Lin Yühsia | I tailed a team during the match. They were going all around the residential district, setting up bombs. And judging from their conversation, there were probably at least three or four teams doing the same. |
Ch'en | Didn't you just say... Oh, so you suspect Ernesto. |
Lin Yühsia | You don't? |
Ch'en | Well, I see where you're coming from. That's no small operation, and news of it wouldn't have gotten to Lady Candela if it had been just a single smuggling operation. Someone is definitely manipulating the information somewhere down the line. Ernesto's fairly suspicious, but even if he's in the clear, there's definitely somebody else. |
Lin Yühsia | I can't get to the bottom of everything just by myself, though I do have one of the bombs right here in my pocket, at the very least. Want to give it a squeeze? |
Ch'en | I'll pass. Which team? |
Lin Yühsia | Grey Feather. |
Ch'en | Them, huh? Didn't expect that. |
Lin Yühsia | It wouldn't have occurred to me either. |
Ch'en | Which means they're definitely up to something, and they have a well organized plan. And since they've got explosives, that's definitely no normal plan. |
Lin Yühsia | What are you going to do? |
Ch'en | I think we should talk to Lady Candela first. |
Lin Yühsia | Are you sure? |
Ch'en | What do you mean? |
Lin Yühsia | I'm sure you've noticed what they are propping up this city's colorful appearance with, Hui-chieh. And Lady Candela, the mayor of the city, is allowing all of this to happen under her nose. Does a city like this, or someone like her, really deserve your help? |
Ch'en | I'm going to fight you again if you tell me you'll let those guys set up bombs just because of that. |
Lin Yühsia | Quite the opposite. I don't really care that much about what this city is like or what's going to happen to it. I'm here to represent Chief Wei. What I care about is Chief Wei's image. That's why I don't really have a choice. I have to complete Lady Candela's request. But what about you? How do I know you're not standing up against me because of that overflowing sense of justice of yours? |
All of a sudden, Ch'en lifts her head and stares straight into Lin Yühsia's eyes. | |
Ch'en | What are you trying to say? |
Lin Yühsia isn't backing down either. She, too, is staring straight at Ch'en. | |
Lin Yühsia | What I'm saying, Hui-chieh, is that you should stop faking all those emotions you have for people you've never even met. You have no right to get involved with anything that has to do with the city, and you definitely have no right to blame me for anything. |
A thunderous "pop," that of a fist and a palm clashing together, rings through the quiet bar. Ch'en's fist is about an inch away from Lin Yühsia's face, held firmly back only by Lin Yühsia's palm. | |
Ch'en | ...... |
Lin Yühsia | ...... |
Their faces are still as water, leaving only their fierce stares to reveal their convictions. Standing not far away from them, the casino boss sees a shapeless fire burning amidst their silence. The flame is raging and growing more intense by the second, as though it could engulf everything in their vicinity at any moment. Right away, he starts to work out how much he will spend renovating his casino, as well as which contractor in the neighborhood charges the least. However, contrary to his expectations, the flame does not erupt into a volcano of rage. After another brief moment of silence, Ch'en retracts her fist, and Lin Yühsia lowers her hand. | |
Ch'en | This won't help you absolve yourself. |
Lin Yühsia | And I'm not trying to absolve myself. |
Ch'en | One day, I will make sure you pay for all that you've done. |
Lin Yühsia | Heh. And how will you make me do that, Lungmen Special Inspection Unit Chief Emeritus, Miss Ch'en Hui-chieh? |
Ch'en | With righteousness. |
Lin Yühsia | Well, at least that has a slightly better ring to it than justice. If that day ever comes, I will be ready and accept my punishment. |
Ch'en | Anything else? |
Lin Yühsia | That's it. You can do whatever you want to do, and I will do things my way. That's what I'm trying to tell you. |
Ch'en | The fewer people who know about this, the better, but we should at least let Lady Candela know, no matter how we go about this. |
Lin Yühsia | Even if you tell her, there isn't all that much she can do. We still don't know what their objective is. Trying to scope them out or arrest them is just going to startle them. Also, don't use your phone. |
Ch'en | I don't need you to tell me that. |
Lin Yühsia | Oh, right. I forgot how much you cops love your wiretaps. |
Ch'en | You really want a fight, don't you? |
Lin Yühsia | I haven't the interest. Well, you've made up your mind. Go talk to Lady Candela, then. I've got better things to do. |
Ch'en | Alright. |
Lin Yühsia | I never thought the day would come for us to work together... |
Ch'en | Likewise. |
<Background 4> | |
Ernesto | You don't have a big enough fist, and what are you standing up straight like that for...? |
[Someone knocks the door...] | |
Ernesto | Shop's closed today. |
??? | I'd like a fishing rod. |
Ernesto | Come in. |
[...who turns out to be Rafaela.] | |
??? | Hermano,[note 1] can't you stop changing the password every day? It's a chore to get them down. |
Ernesto | No. Rafaela, stop letting your guard down. Do you know how hard it was for me to disguise your mistake as some normal weapons smuggling? If Ms. Candela manages to sniff us out, we're done for. If you're doing this, see it through. |
Rafaela | *Sigh*... Fine. |
Ernesto | I'm not trying to yell at you, Rafaela. You're a klutz,[note 2] but you do a decent job with everything you need to do. It's the idiots who don't know the gravity of all this. This city is full of entertainment, but if that's all the city has, there's no way it could've gotten such a foothold in Bolívar. |
Rafaela | But you still called me a klutz... |
Ernesto | But, my lovely sister, you are a klutz, no? |
Rafaela | Hmph. Actually, I got the feeling that I was being followed just now. |
Ernesto | Really? |
Rafaela | I'm not sure, but that's what it felt like. |
Ernesto | I'll let everyone in the competitions know to be careful. Never mind... I guess that, outside of the mission, these guys aren't all that different from the folks who live here. You wouldn't be able to get much out of them. Anyway, how did the mission go? |
Rafaela | We got the bombs installed in the residential district. |
Ernesto | Did anyone find you? |
Rafaela | I ran into the purple-haired girl on your team about halfway through. I avoided a direct confrontation with her, like you'd told me. |
Ernesto | And what did she do? |
Rafaela | She didn't bother us. |
Ernesto | She didn't come to me about it. I guess she really didn't notice... No, there's no guarantee that's the case. She's clearly mistrustful of me, even more so than Ch'en. It's possible that she found out but chose to hide it from me. And even if she found out, there's probably very little she could do... *Sigh*, they don't want to work together, and I can't keep an eye on both of them at once. What a pain. |
[Ernesto calls someone with his phone.] | |
Ernesto | It's me. |
Soldier | Your orders? |
Ernesto | If the mayor starts investigating the competition area, let my father know right away. |
Soldier | Understood. |
[Ernesto hangs up.] | |
Ernesto | Phew, I guess this will do for now. I've taken a look at which teams made it through. Out of the forty teams in the competition, twelve are on our side, and nine of those made it through. It's more or less what I expected. |
Rafaela | Yeah, if it wasn't for the blue haired girl getting in the way, we probably could've taken down another team or two. |
Ernesto | It was never all that reliable of a plan, luring out teams with pure gold out in the open and then taking them down, so there's really nothing to complain about with these results. We made it through the first round. All we have to do during the second round is get in the other teams' way. After all, the second round's full of Ms. Candela's underlings hiding in every corner to ambush anyone who tries to take a shortcut. It's not the right time to set up more bombs. And the less teams at the end of the second round, the better. That's our goal in this round. You remember that, right? |
Rafaela | Stop taking me for a dummy. |
Ernesto | I'm just telling you again, just in case. Right, since you're here, I might as well tell you now. There's a change in plans. |
Rafaela | What's wrong? Are those outsiders that tough? |
Ernesto | Yeah, they're probably a little too tough, even. |
Rafaela | Should we take them out? |
Ernesto | No. First, we'd probably pay a dear price for that. And secondly... They are good people. |
Rafaela | Good people? |
Ernesto | That's right. Good people. If I'd known them longer, I'd even try to persuade them to join our cause. |
Rafaela | Would they join us? |
Ernesto | No idea, but it's not happening now. That's why I can only assume the old man will be in danger if they get close to him on the ship. We'll need to do all we can to stall them. But to get to the point, I probably won't be on the ship, so I'll probably try to work with you on land. |
Rafaela | Will you need my help? |
Ernesto | If it comes down to it, I will. That's why I'm telling you this now. |
Rafaela | Okay. |
Ernesto | Let's move on to something less serious. That reminds me, Rafaela. You've lived in this city for a few years now. Do you know where the name Dossoles came from? |
Rafaela | Hm? I haven't really heard why... But I'm guessing it has to do with why they call this the City of Two Suns. |
Ernesto | That's right. Now take another guess. Which two suns? |
Rafaela | Hm... The one on the sky? |
Ernesto | This one's too obvious. You can see it just by looking up. |
Rafaela | And the second one... is the one you see in the water? |
Ernesto | Very good. I thought you wouldn't figure it out. The city's ocean completely engulfs the sun in the sky. |
Rafaela | Papa told me about that before. |
Ernesto | Now, do you know that this city was almost renamed Tressoles, the City of Three Suns? |
Rafaela | Huh? Three suns? |
Ernesto | That's right. Now what do you think the third sun is? |
Rafaela | The third sun...? Maybe the mayor? |
Ernesto | Hahaha, that's one theory. Ms. Candela is like the city's sun, and this city only exists because of her. That's not the right answer, though. |
Rafaela | Huh? It's not? |
Ernesto | The mayor is a prideful person, but she wouldn't compare herself with the sun. Her pride is above even the sun. She wouldn't put herself on the same level as two other suns. She would say all three suns are hers. |
Rafaela | Then what's the third sun? |
Ernesto | The answer's simple. It's on your papa's boat. |
Rafaela | He's your papa... He's my step-dad. Eh, is it the pretty gold statue? |
Ernesto | Haha, that's right. That's the city's third sun. Supposedly, it took everyone quite a while to persuade Ms. Candela not to go there. |
Rafaela | ...... That sounds kinda lame. |
Ernesto | Is there anything that isn't lame about this city? |
Rafaela | It looks like you enjoy living here though. |
Ernesto | Do I look like I enjoy this place? |
Rafaela | You don't? I kind of think you've been enjoying working for the mayor the last few years. |
Ernesto | If that's the case, why would I help Father? |
Rafaela | No idea. I've always thought you weren't going to. |
Ernesto | *Sigh*... Your intuition is always so on point. |
Rafaela | And here you just called me a klutz. |
Ernesto | Hahaha... Anyway, let's get back to preparing for the match. |