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Demetri Certaldo is an NPC in Arknights. He is a supporting character in Il Siracusano.


Demetri is one of the member of Famiglia Bellone, acting as one of their consigliere and also carries out assassination missions sometimes. A staunch believer of Bernardo Bellone's ideal, he'll do what it takes to fulfill his ambition even if it means he'll become Leontuzzo's possible enemy in the future.[1] He also acts like a foster brother towards Leontuzzo, despite their opposite ideals as mafiosi. While he may act and sound ruthless doing his missions, he also hid a rather protective and caring nature towards Vigil. Even Leontuzzo noted that had he met and befriended Penance before he wouldn't be as ruthless as he is now.[2] He's later involved in the planning and execution of the assassination attempt of Giovanna Rossati in the Teater di Milano which was foiled by Leontuzzo and Texas in the last minute. Demetri isn't fond of Lavinia and her ideals noting that she and him cannot be on the same sides.

Demetri is also quite powerful, when Zaaro appeared and knock everyone out with his overwhelming presence, he's one of the three people that didn't pass out aside from Leontuzzo and Lavinia and even survived the confrontation with the Signore del Lupi.

Side Stories[]

Il Siracusano[]

Demetri was first mentioned when Lavinia called him asking if he knows any of the mafia hitmen in the town lately when she's investigating a possible hitmen murder victims. He rebukes her accusation, noting that Volsinii is currently under the Bellone famiglia control and no other famiglia members dare to cause scenes. He even notes that this action is akin to disrespecting them directly, in which Lavinia concludes that it might be not even be a Siracusan citizen doing it. Later, it was revealed that he's been employing Capone and Gambino privately unknown to the Bellone famiglia members in an assassination attempt towards Rubio where Leontuzzo is also present. He's next seen taking care of Leontuzzo after he passed out from a combination of his fatigue and injuries. A conversation between him and Leontuzzo later revealed their difference in views regarding Lavinia's presence in the Bellone famiglia, in which he reaffirms his difference with her. He also accepted Leontuzzo's request to lay low until the true culprit behind the assassination attempt to reveal themselves. He attempted to assassinate Lavinia later, but missed her and instead hit the hitman Lavinia arrested. He fled the scene with the others after a Bellone famiglia member warned him that Texas just blitzed through their ranks like it's nothing.

He later followed Leontuzzo secretly in a bar where he secretly meets Wallach and divulge his whole plan. Demetri lamented his plan, wondering whether Lavinia had influenced him and revealing the bigger picture of Bellone famiglia's mission: to cause chaos in the city and provoke Signora Sicilia. However, Lappland surprised him and his men from out of nowhere with a cooperation plan which Bernardo agreed to. Afterwards, Demetri met Leontuzzo again in the Bellone Famiglia's estate, criticizing Lavinia's presence in his life for making him losing his ambition as the famiglia's heir.

Leontuzzo retaliated by revealing his investigations that he knows Demetri is the one behind all the chaos in the city lately adding that Texas is willing to take blame over the course of his actions. However, Demetri said he won't back off from the plan he's set, not especially after Lappland came with her own plan. Later, when Lavinia asked to meet Bernardo he told her that he already left for the Saluzzo mansion, even imploring her not to involve herself further with them. He also asked Lavinia to stop "interfering" with Leontuzzo's life emphasizing that he's still a Bellone famiglia member and they have to stick together. Lavinia mocks him saying that the said path they're treading is nothing but "craven ambition".

He's later seen in Teater di Milano in an assassination attempt towards Giovanna Rossati. He fought Wallach, but was defeated easily and saved by Leontuzzo in the last minute. In the aftermath, he was dragged by Leontuzzo out of the theater after negotiating with Wallach. When Leontuzzo revealed that in the end he still wants him to be on his side, he laughed and said that this might have been all his plans all along to keep both him and Lavinia on his sides.

After Rubio's radio broadcast incident in which he revealed their plans publicly,[3] Demetri frantically wakes Leontuzzo up and told him that he can't find Bernardo everywhere. He was shocked to learn from Leontuzzo that Bernardo has been working with Zaaro for his grand plan of abolishing the famiglia system in Siracusa. He told Leontuzzo that no matter what happens next, the Bellone famiglia still needs a de jure head and asked him to do things in his father's stead which Leontuzzo accepts. When Leontuzzo's talk with Alberto Saluzzo is interrupted by the city core's separation, he came together with Wallach and told Leontuzzo to go to Bernardo's place and made his distrust towards the Saluzzo famiglia very clear in response to Alberto's attempt at Leontuzzo's life. After the fight ended in Alberto's escape, Demetri begrudgingly reveals his own dissatisfaction in Bernardo's grand scheme and told Wallach that there's no point for them fight anymore. While on the way to the core with Wallach, both of them realized that they were being delayed on purpose noting that the road they've taken are filled with blockades set up earlier.

Strade Diverse

"This is where we go our separate ways, fratello."

After much delay, both of them finally arrived to the core area where he meets Lavinia and Leontuzzo where Leontuzzo declared that he's siding with Lavinia much to his dismay. When Zaaro made his appearance public and declared Bernardo's suicide, Demetri was left confused asking why did he do all of this when Lunacub snapped him back to the reality to be aware of the dangerous situation they're in. He was last seen during Bernardo's burial ceremony, tossing away a pocket watch Bernardo gave him to his grave. In a private conversation between the two, Demetri revealed that while he personally has forgiven Leontuzzo's actions, the other members might not have and warns him that eventually they might become enemies and telling him not to die easily.

Azione Solo[]

Demetri left the room where Bernardo and Leontuzzo are meeting. He wishes Bernardo's "pep talk" would instill the old mafioso ideal to Leontuzzo again to replace Lavinia's ideals which he deems "lame and weak". When Bernardo asked him what he thinks of Leontuzzo lately, he answered it truthfully adding that Leontuzzo doesn't have what it takes to be the next Don and even said he's gone soft. Afterwards, he left for the Teater di Milano to set up the plans for Giovanna's assassination and stepped out to rest for a bit in the park. He wonders whether he'll be able to tell Bernardo about what he actually thinks of Leontuzzo's plan and if Leontuzzo is serious enough before going back to the theater to execute the plan. In the end, when a former Bellone famiglia mentioned Leontuzzo's departure to Nuovo Volsinii, he told them that they should leave him alone warning them that Texas is still present and Leontuzzo is under Signora Sicilia's protection which can result in their annihilation as a whole. Demetri told the member to leave and said to himself that he shall be the only one to personally delivers the revenge.

