In the lead-up to the release of Dossoles Holiday for the special summer event in CN server or for the 2nd Anniversary in the Global server, there are several DH-themed community events.
The Interview focuses on the reporter Eureka meeting the following characters on their opinions for the upcomming Warrior Championship:
Upon login, players will immediately receive Dossoles Ice Bucket. Each interview will be rewarded 600 Orundum, 20000
LMD, 10
Strategic Battle Record via their game mailbox. They will also receive Dossoles Limited Edition Motorcycle once the interview is complete.
In the CN server version, there is also an encrypted message by presssing the letters "SECRE" and the dog's left eye on the Warrior Championship logo. On the other hand, in the EN server, this is only readible only after completing the five interviews during the server maintenance for DH. The message is a secret letter written by Tequila:
- Tequila's secret letter
Team B has failed. It took another day to cope the aftermath for them. We must come up with yet another plan. I told them so many times not to underestimate Ms. Candela. They always thought they were just taking over a bar or park or something like that, [but] they were wrong. Dossoles is not — it cannot — be built upon purely entertaining purpose. Nothing that simple can survive long in the land of Bolívar. |
- Global link (no longer active):
- For the interview transcripts, see Dossoles Holiday/Interview.
Anniversary Preparation Plan[]
The Anniversary Preparation Plan is only exclusive for the Global server for the celebration of the 2nd nniversary. As a puzzle mini-game, players will have to login daily to receive two random [Palette Piping Bags] and complete the daily Cake Adornment Program. In return, they will random amounts of [Delectable Seal] where they can exchange for rewards. Obtaining additional [Delectable Seals] will complete bigger sections of the commemorative image with the [Palette Piping Bags]; once the whole image is complete, 500 Orundum will be granted, and players may download and save the Cake Program commemorative image.
- Global link (no longer active):
Customized Birthday Card[]
The Customized Birthday Card event is only exclusive for the Global server for the celebration of the 2nd Anniversary. After login, players could select three templetes for the card, write down their words, decoreate it with provided stickers, and submit it to the official website where it will be published for others. Players are allowed to share them on their social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), and the luckiest one will win a prize from the lucky draw. Do note that each player could only submit 5 cards in total.
- Global link (no longer active):