Arknights Wiki

The Elves[1] (singular: Elf) are an Ancient race in the world of Arknights.


As their name suggests, Elves resemble the eponymous race from various fantasy settings in our world, which can be seen from their longer, pointed ears, and a taller stature when compared to Durins. They also possess a very long lifespan that can keep their youth forever.[2] Unfortunately, Elves are very sensitive to Originium, and Oripathy will drastically decrease their lifespan to only less than a month. Such inadaptation also causes the Elves to lack the ability to use any kind of Originium Arts, but their unique "magic" can supplement such defect.[3]

Due to Originium pollution caused by the industrialization of Terran civilization in modern era, Elves are currently an endangered race, being dubbed as only "belonging to the past."[4][5] Most Elves choose either living a hermit life up in the forests or risking their lives to dwell in cities.[3] Nevertheless, there are still Elven communities thriving in some unpolluted havens in the wilderness such as the forests in central Sami.[6]




  • The Elves' connection to nature is a reference to how they are portrayed as being the guardian of the nature in folklores involving them.

See also[]

