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The "Essence of Evolution" is a boss enemy in Arknights. It is the main boss of Operation Originium Dust.


A madman who should not have stepped upon this world. An oddity that should not have existed in the other world. The union of the two gave birth to this node of "evolution" that far surpasses the limits of biology. It's existence naturally contradicts all of Terra. It should not live. It must not live.

Unable to move; Will evolve after a certain duration or when HP falls below a certain threshold; Periodically creates Originiutant Excrescence or Originiutant Tumor; Periodically deals a large amount of True damage to all deployed Operators; During [Newborn Form], greatly reduce Physical and Arts damage taken from units to the left; During [Evolution Form], greatly reduce Physical and Arts damage taken from units to the right; During [Perfect Form], massively reduce Physical and Arts damage taken, however lose HP every second.


Essence of Evolution Unleashed

The Essence of Evolution breaking free from its tank

A biological abomination created from the unholy combination of Originium particles and radioactive mutagens through the Earthling Dr. Levi Klitschko's experimentations, the Essence of Evolution is a levitating inchoate mass of living Originiutant tissue covered by a translucent spherical "shell" and Levi's lab coat with "arms" holding two spherical "eggs" jutting out below. It is considered an antithesis to all life due to its origins, and has the potential to be a harbinger of doom to Terra.

The Essence of Evolution has massive HP and serviceable defenses, but it does not attack and will remain stationary throughout the operation, never moving towards a Protection Objective. However, this makes the Essence no less threatening, as this monster has a large number of abilities to make it a challenging foe, with it being widely regarded as the most annoying boss in Arknights:

  • Spawns an Originiutant Excrescence every 5 seconds, alternating between one on the left and right sides of the Essence.
  • A special attack where the Essence charges up for 7.17 seconds, telegraphed by its body flashing red and a reddish-black ring forming around it, and a distinctive alarm sound effect; once fully charged, the Essence releases a shockwave that deals 600 (900 at Level 1) Pure damage to all friendly units. The special attack has a cooldown of 32 seconds from when the Essence spawns.
  • Newborn Form: The Essence starts in Newborn Form which has a shield that reduces Physical and Arts damage it takes from friendly units on its left side by 80%.
  • Evolution Form: 100 seconds after the Essence spawns or once its HP falls below 60%, whichever comes first, it will transform into Evolution Form, shown by its shell cracking open to expose its "core" (tearing off Levi's lab coat in the process) and losing the smaller egg on its arms with the larger egg now held above it, becoming invulnerable for 10 seconds after transformation (indicated by a golden aura surrounding it) and gaining the following properties:
    • Now spawns two Originiutant Tumors (one on each side) every 3 seconds instead of Originiutant Excrescences.
    • The special attack now deals 700 (1000 at Level 1) damage with a shorter cooldown of 15 seconds.
    • The shield (see above) now protects the Essence from friendly units on its right side.
  • Perfect Form: 100 seconds after the Essence transforms into Evolution Form or when its HP falls below 20%, whichever comes first, it will transform again into Perfect Form, shown by its restored shell and larger size with its arms jutting out to the right and the larger egg nowhere to be seen, becoming invulnerable for another 10 seconds after transformation and gaining the following properties:
    • Now spawns three or one Originiutant Tumor(s) every second.
    • The special attack now deals 800 (1200 at Level 1) damage and has no cooldown.
    • The shield (see above) now covers the Essence's entire body and reduces the Physical and Arts damage it takes by 99% – effectively making Pure damage the only way to damage the Essence. To offset its nigh-invulnerability and the rarity of Pure damage sources, however, the Essence will lose 300 HP every second.

If the player somehow reduces the Essence of Evolution's HP to 0 in one hit or quickly enough in its Newborn or Evolution Forms (which is possible with sources of Pure damage and buffers/debuffers), it will be instantly defeated without transforming into the next forms.


Side Stories OD-8OD-EX-8


AttributeLevel 0Level 1
Elemental Resistance0
Attack interval5 sec.
5 sec.
Movement speed1 tiles/sec.
1 tiles/sec.
Life Point penaltyN/A
NotesLevel 1 stats are used in OD-EX-8.
Additional information
Cannot be blocked


Silence Stun Sleep Freeze Levitate
Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross