Arknights Wiki
This Integrated Strategies theme is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights; the information are based on tentative translations which may not represent the official localization and will be updated when the Global release is announced.

Integrated Strategies #4: Expeditioner's Joklumarkar (stylized as Expeditioner's Jǫklumarkar[note 1]), often simply known as Integrated Strategies 4 (IS4) or Expeditioner's Joklumarkar/Expeditioner's Jǫklumarkar, is the fourth theme of the namesake roguelike game mode in Arknights.


Difficulty levels[]

  • Challenge the Nature is initially available, while Challenge the Nature +1 and above are unlocked by completing a run in the preceding level (e.g. Challenge the Nature +11 will be unlocked once the player completed a Challenge the Nature +10 run).
  • The specific handicaps of Challenge the Nature +3 and above are carried over to every succeeding levels, with those increasing enemy attributes stacked on top of each other.
  • Buff increases the HP and ATK of enemies by the specified percentage on each floor (starting on the 1st floor and increases on subequent floors), using the following formula: (a is the total buff, b is the buff percentage, and c is the floor number).
    • The secret floor applies the buff at the floor when the player enters it, and do not increase the buff.
  • Style is the chance that a Foldartal comes with a Style when obtained.
  • Score is a modifier to the run's final score.
Level Description Buff Style Score
Challenge the Nature
The icefield is eroding the frozen soil, and there is no end to the shadows.
0% 0% −40%
Challenge the Nature +1 The Collapse Level from Level 3 increases at a higher rate. 0% 0% −20%
Challenge the Nature +2 Starts with -4 Life Point cap. 0% 0% 0%
Challenge the Nature +3 Clearing an operation after losing Life Points increase Collapse by 1. 0% 5% +10%
Challenge the Nature +4 Elite enemies have their ATK increased by 10%. 0% 7.5% +20%
Challenge the Nature +5 Enemies have their HP and ATK increased by 5%. 1% 10% +25%
Challenge the Nature +6 4★ and above Operators cost +1 Hope to recruit. 2% 12.5% +30%
Challenge the Nature +7 Enemies have their DEF increased by 10%. 3% 15% +35%
Challenge the Nature +8 Enemies take 5% less Physical and Arts damage. 4% 17.5% +40%
Challenge the Nature +9 Unit Limit reduced by 1. 5% 20% +45%
Challenge the Nature +10 Enemies have their ATK increased by 10%. 6% 20% +50%
Challenge the Nature +11 Bosses take 5% less Physical and Arts damage. 8% 20% +50%
Challenge the Nature +12 Lose 1 Anti-Interference Index at the start of the run and when entering the 3rd and 5th floors. 10% 20% +50%
Challenge the Nature +13 Elite enemies and bosses take 5% less Physical and Arts damage. 12% 20% +50%
Challenge the Nature +14 Enemies have their HP and DEF increased by 5%. 14% 20% +50%
Challenge the Nature +15
  • Enemies have their HP, ATK, and DEF increased by 10%.
  • Entering a new floor increases Collapse by 1.
16% 20% +50%


Squad Information
Eternal Hunters Squad
Eternal Hunters Squad
Starts with +2 Life Point cap. Clearing an operation without losing LP reduces Collapse by 2, but clearing an operation after losing LP increases Collapse by 1 instead.
Unlock condition: Unlock the "Threshold Cognition" Cultural Comparison node.
Lifesaving Squad
Lifesaving Squad
Starts with 3 random Foldartals. Can choose a specific Foldartal when receiving one from Visions.
Unlock condition: Unlock the "Interaction Paradigms" Cultural Comparison node.
Scientific Squad
Scientific Squad
Starts with 0 Anti-Interference Index, but entering a new floor increases Anti-Interference Index by 2.
Unlock condition: Unlock the "Instrument Consensus" Cultural Comparison node.
Special Training Squad
Special Training Squad
Starts with 3 Objective Shields. Promoting Operators are free.
Unlock condition: Obtain 1000 Command EXP across all runs.
Leader Squad
Leader Squad
Starts with +2 Life Point cap. Receives 1 Life Points after clearing operations.
Gathering Squad
Gathering Squad
Increases the squad size and Unit Limit by 2.
Unlock condition: Clear the 3rd floor.
Support Squad
Support Squad
Starts with +20 Originium Ingot icon and +2 Hope.
Unlock condition: Obtain 150 Originium Ingot icon across all runs.
Spearhead Squad
Spearhead Squad
Starts with only 1 Life Points, but friendly units have their maximum HP and ATK increased by 15%.
Unlock condition: Complete a run with at least 10 Life Points remaining.
Tactical Assault Operative
Tactical Assault Operative
4★ or higher Guards and Vanguards cost -2 Hope to recruit and -1 Hope to promote, and may be automatically promoted when recruited.
Unlock condition: Complete a run with at least 5 Guards or Vanguards recruited.
Tactical Fortification Operative
Tactical Fortification Operative
4★ or higher Defenders and Supporters cost -2 Hope to recruit and -1 Hope to promote, and may be automatically promoted when recruited.
Unlock condition: Complete a run with at least 5 Defenders or Supporters recruited.
Tactical Ranged Operative
Tactical Ranged Operative
4★ or higher Medics and Snipers cost -2 Hope to recruit and -1 Hope to promote, and may be automatically promoted when recruited.
Unlock condition: Complete a run with at least 5 Medics or Snipers recruited.
Tactical Destruction Operative
Tactical Destruction Operative
4★ or higher Casters and Specialists cost -2 Hope to recruit and -1 Hope to promote, and may be automatically promoted when recruited.
Unlock condition: Complete a run with at least 5 Casters or Specialists recruited.
First-Class Squad
First-Class Squad
Receives a random Advanced Rec. Voucher when recruiting Operators at the start. 5★ Operators are more likely to be automatically promoted when recruited.
Unlock condition: Complete a run with at least 20 Operators recruited.


Floor Start/failure flavor texts
IS4 Floor 1
IS4 Floor 1 image
Newly Frozen Lake
Going into the nature from hereon, fresh white snow falls on the water, cold wind pushes the boat and walking around makes you lose track of time
The roots of the giant tree twisted eerily, a hint that you've drifted too far and befriended the nature.
IS4 Floor 2
IS4 Floor 2 image
Silent Forest
Hornbeasts lay down in the forests, inviting the travelers to rest with them. The shadows of the trees casted on the snow, but the prey didn't even notice it
The explorers are lost in the jungle bereft of light, and the compass can't show directions anymore.
IS4 Floor 3
IS4 Floor 3 image
Tundra of Ambiguity
Severe coldness pierce the bones, amount of trees are thinning, the black-pitch darkness are separated with dots of rainbow light. the map is uncharted, whose guidance can be trusted?
Those who seek and walk in obscurity stumbled upon the tundra. Sami's final and the only prophecy is about you.
IS4 Floor 4
IS4 Floor 4 image
Everlasting Permafrost
Explorers are forbidden to see what lies in the dark north, the resilient Samifjod raised the mountain and its formidable warriors built the wall. Do you want to continue?
People might call it recklessness for trying to cross over the boundary, but nature has never spoken a word for whatever it takes.
IS4 Floor 5
IS4 Floor 5 image
Garden of Purity
Across the mountain, devoid of life. From time immemorial, countless living creatures are frozen solid and crystals shaped like flowers are thriving.
No need to hit it with sticks anymore, you've fallen into the endless icefield along with the shadows of the past.
IS4 Floor 6
IS4 Floor 6 image
Foretold Place
An inevitable fate lies at the end of the icefield,
now, everyone can witness it.

That vision is still your future.
IS4 Secret Floor
IS4 Secret Floor image
The Lost Depths
In the corner of deep forest lacking visitors, another group of people are getting in there. Nature never welcomes and it never refuses.
Henceforth, even if you try to nurture the soil, and use it to nurture your necessity, it still chooses to stand by.
Additional information
  • The 6th floor can only be entered by clearing the 5th floor while having the Everlasting Gift Everlasting Gift.
  • To enter the secret floor, enter the Bosky Passage (which only appears once a Cultural Comparison node is unlocked) and choose "Why can't I walk on the trees?" at the cost of 1 Anti-Interference Index.
    • The secret floor has varying amount and type of nodes with various handicaps. The following are the possible node types and their respective handicaps; the (Emergency) Operations will be those that appears in the floor where the secret floor is entered.
      • An (Emergency) Operation where there are 12 patches of Dominion fogs (reduces the ASPD of friendly units on them by 50) on deployable tiles across the map, but friendly units have have their maximum HP and ATK increased by 30%.
      • Two or three non-combat nodes where the player gains 2 Hope upon entering them.
      • An (Emergency) Operation where friendly units have their ATK reduced by 40% but the damage they dealt against targets that are at least 2 tiles away from them is doubled.
      • Two Rogue Traders where the player gains 15 Originium Ingot icon upon entering them but they will sell nothing but wares that cost 12+ Originium Ingot icon.
      • An (Emergency) Operation where friendly units have their redeployment time reduced by 80% but the Unit Limit is reduced by 4.
      • An (Emergency) Operation where enemies have their speed halved but their DEF, RES, and weight are increased by 800, 30, and 1, respectively.
      • An (Emergency) Operation where the SP cost of friendly units' skills are reduced by 30% but manually activated skills will be activated on its own whenever they are fully charged.
      • An (Emergency) Operation where the Life Point cap is increased by 3 upon starting it, but enemies in said operation will deduct 1 additional LP upon entering a Protection Objective.
    • No Vision will be received upon entering the secret floor.
    • Once the secret floor is cleared, the player will be taken back to the floor where they entered it and proceed into the node succeeding Bosky Passage.

Operation drops[]

ISW-NO and ISW-DF operations
Floor (Emergency) Operation Dreadful Foe
EXP Ingot EXP Ingot
1st 10 (12) 2 (3) N/A
2nd 12 (18) 2 (3)
3rd 14 (24) 2 (4) 32 5
4th 16 (30) 3 (4) N/A
5th 25 (38) 3 (5) 52 7
6th 25 (45) 3 (5)
Secret 29 (38) 3 (5) 52 6
Additional information
  • The 5th floor's Dreadful Foe only awards the EXP and Ingot when cleared if the player fulfills the condition to enter the 6th floor, as doing so otherwise will end the run instead.
  • Since the 6th floor's Dreadful Foe ends the run when cleared, no EXP and Ingots are awarded from doing so.


When an Expeditioner's Joklumarkar run ends, the ending will be played if the run is completed; if the run fails, the "Trapped in White Halls" message is shown instead.


Floors cleared
  • None: 0
  • 1: 30
  • 2: 80
  • 3: 150
  • 4: 270
  • 5: 400
  • 6: 550
  • 7: 650
The secret floor is counted as one floor should the player enters and clears it.
Steps taken 1 × no. of entered nodes
Normal battles fought 10 × no. of cleared Operations (including ISW-DU and ISW-SP ones)
Operators recruited 2 × no. of recruited Operators
Items obtained 5 × no. of obtained items (Collectibles; those traded away in Lost and Found still counts)
Boss battles fought 30 × no. of cleared Dreadful Foes
Elite battles fought 20 × no. of cleared Emergency Operations




  1. A portmenteau in Old Norse of jǫklum, "glaciers," and markar, "forests" or "borderlands"