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What the Firelight Casts: Swamp in the Mists
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She casts a flame into the long night.
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Victorian Guard A icon
Patrol Captain
Victorian Guard B icon
Patrol Member
Male Victorian A icon
Taran Refugee
Noblewoman icon
Witty Noble
Manor Hall
Victoria Streets Night
Quagmire Night
In a Taran district where tensions flare higher with each passing day, Reed takes it upon herself to save two refugees' lives.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 1>
Eight Years Ago
County Oak Grove
[A witty noblewoman is talking with the Earl of Warwick.]
Witty Noble Your Lordship, more than a paucity are inquiring after you, wondering what our planned next move will be.
Our repertoire has been a massive success, all thanks to your backing.
The Tarans' own theater, and the Tarans' own history. Two hundred strong came to see the premiere, and my, were they overjoyed.
Now, we can pursue joint partnership in a few factories on Baron McAneny's estate, or we can accept this offer of alliance with a number of bankers...
Earl of Warwick Leave these topics for after the soirée, Sir Perth. Or have a typist make the arrangements in your stead, and they won't make much mess of it.
We should talk tonight only of the freshly concluded performance, and of Taran culture. Forget all that Victorian long-windedness and flattery.
Everyone, all this status and etiquette, this daintiness and diction, this respectable vocabulary we rely on to exchange thoughts, we were taught all of it by the Victorians.
They're the same as the Victorians' machines, saddling the Tarans' hearts with contemporary ills.
Time was we only knew our natural highness and valor, and the blood we inherit from King Gaeil would stir without rest at the call of battle...
But now, we've been trained in the Victorians' guile and vanity, to the point where faced with a true and genuine undertaking, a rally to an ideal, many can only play it as a game in their own interest.
It is not solely us, either. It goes for the everyday Taran citizen we so often meet in the streets, too.
Since being contaminated by Victorians' vice, they have become Oripathics, and become rascals, ruffians.
Witty Noble Very well said, My Lord–
[The sound of a wine glass falling interrupts the noblewoman...]
Plain-Dressed Bard –I'm sorry, I accidentally broke my wine glass.
[...prompting the Earl to approach the bard, who turns out to be Seamus Williams.]
Earl of Warwick It seems your glass wished to interject.
Plain-Dressed Bard I'd like to ask Your Lordship's opinion on something.
Earl of Warwick Pardon my memory, but who might you be...?
Plain-Dressed Bard Williams, the bard. Writer of that play that happened tonight. But you don't need to go to the trouble of remembering my name; I can't say I've made much contribution to the literary circles.
Earl of Warwick Hardly, Mr. Williams. As I've said, I most detest the Victorians' long-windedness.
Ask away.
Plain-Dressed Bard You've likened the Tarans to a diseased people. How should we heal ourselves in your view, then? How should we save fellow Tarans from the brink?
Earl of Warwick I fear no matter how hard we strive, we cannot cure the blight core to us, just as muddied water cannot clean itself.
Plain-Dressed Bard So you say it's beyond us to save them, the rascals, the ruffians.
You don't believe they simply lack for knowledge, education? That the power to help them lives in our pens?
Earl of Warwick *sigh* Too fine an intellect is exactly what our enemy is.
Of course, we write, we rally, we dream of the ideal nation of Tara... We try to rouse the memories of it sleeping in our blood.
But you and I will have to be the ones to stay behind in these olden days.
You see, I very much enjoy your works. And yet, we're forced to use the Victorian language.
Plain-Dressed Bard ......
Earl of Warwick "I lay down now my soldier's honor here, so that in time the soil of Tara need no longer be soaked in carmine blood, and Draco cross no swords with Draco kin."
"Be that unless a day comes, whereupon Red Dragon's flame should lead all those that fell, our fighters from the forge to be reborn."
Plain-Dressed Bard As much as I'm flattered, it's all a simple record of the folk ballads. The most I did was add some metered polish.
Earl of Warwick No, I'm just thinking...
It's no sure thing that Tara will never have another Red Dragon.
After all, none of us have ever seen a Draco before. How would we tell if whoever passes by us isn't actually a Vouivre?
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2>
Village of Redridge, Scáthanna Fields
Reed ......
Patrol Member Found them. It was these two mucking about in the streets. Sound of the window breaking must've been their doing.
[The patrolmen drags two Taran refugees with him.]
Patrol Member Hey, settle down, you two, or else it's not your wrists the rope goes around next time.
Taran Refugee *spit*!
Fionn Wait–come on, stop being vile now...!
I–I'm sorry! I'm sorry, officers! It was our fault!
Patrol Captain Is that the wanted lot, the ones rubbing up with Dublinn?
Patrol Member One of them's wanted. The other I've never seen.
Patrol Captain Heh, I knew these Tarans would all be in on it. Bloody good-for-nothings.
[The captain punches Fionn the refugee.]
Fionn Eek! Please don't do anything, I beg you...
This is all we had on us, you searched us and all... Ask us anything you want, we'll explain, we will...
[The captain ignores Fionn's pleas and punches him again.]
Patrol Captain Shut up. What are your pals up to, eh? Where'd they go? Are they off gossiping info to Dublinn?
Fionn I–I don't know, honestly, I don't...
We don't even have any pals! We've never met anyone from Dublinn before!
Taran Refugee And you just want some people to beat to death, give yourself something to report to your noble brass!
[The captain punches Fionn again...]
Taran Refugee *spit*! You... you bloody Victorian scumbags!
[...before punching the other refugee in retaliation.]
Patrol Captain Keeping mum, are you?
Take them inside. Don't let these ballsacks make their racket on the street. They'll wake the rest of us up.
Question the one with the bag first. If he's honest, he can suffer a little less.
Fionn I–I'm honest, I'm an honest person, I swear, I don't know a thing...
Patrol Member Hold on, Captain.
I think there's more nearby.
[Reed, now in a different attire for her "homecoming", briefly peeks out of the corner to do something.]
Fionn Uh, the–there's...
Patrol Member What's bag boy shouting about?
Fionn Fire!
Patrol Member Shut UP! Don't try and cover for your friends–
Fionn –No, but there's a fire off behind you!
[A warehouse close by is on fire.]
Patrol Member It's the warehouse!
Patrol Captain Bloody Nora! I want the word out to Team 1! Prioritize firefighting!
[The patrolmen rushes off.]
Fionn Er, did they dump us and go?
Taran Refugee Fionn, come on, undo my ropes here!
Fionn H–How? I'm tied up too...
[Reed reveals herself and unties Fionn and the refugee.]
Fionn Who are you?
Reed Let's go, quick.
<Background 3>
Fionn *huff* I'm sorry you had to run with us. You've got nothing to do with this...
Reed ...It's fine, we shook them off.
Taran Refugee Hey, Fionn, the radio?
Fionn Right here. Should still be usable, just a little quiet.
Taran Refugee Quiet's good. Keeps us from being found.
Fionn *sigh* You listen for any word, I'll go wash my face at the pond. Try and calm down.
Excuse me, Vouivre. You can go if it's dangerous to you. I'll point you on your way.
Reed No need... I can wait here, and keep watch for you.
Fionn ...Alright, thank you. You're a good one, truly.
<Background fades out and in>
Fionn (Deep breath)
No nerves, Fionn, no nerves. Out of sight, out of mind.
You didn't touch blood. It is not blood. It's just marshy mud. Wash it off and it'll be fine...
<Background fades out and in>
Taran Refugee Bollocks... hey! You swear this stupid thing still works?
Fionn Shush, god's sakes! Those army lot can't be far away!
Give it a few more knocks, then crank it!
[The radio picks up an airwave.]
Voice on the Airwaves ...approximately 9:30 PM...
Taran Refugee There.
Voice on the Airwaves A case of arson in a settlement close to the County Trent... methods resemble those of the Dublinn insurrectionists...
...the three suspected are still on the run...
Should... clues on Dublinn elements not report them to the authorities... considered equally guilty as these rebels...
...warn you once again... the lights-out bell, you are not to go outside. All areas apart from mines and factories are forbidden from lighting any lamps whatsoever...
Put a stop... all activities related to these insurgents...
[The refugee tries to switch the radio's airwave, but...]
Voice on the Airwaves (White noise)
Taran Refugee Diabhal.[note 1] They really broadcast nothing else past 9 PM.
What are these bloody rules, in ainm Dé?[note 2]
Reed ......
Taran Refugee Sorry. That's a foul tongue for Taran. Could you understand that?
Reed Yes... but that's fine.
Taran Refugee ......
No, still, I'm sorry. For dragging an outsider like you into this.
Reed It's okay... Tarans are the same, no matter where they are.
I once visited the Scáthanna Fields, myself. But they didn't have rules about lights-out back then.
Taran Refugee Ó, I'm guessing you're from a nomadic city, then?
Bell-ringing as law has been around for years. Used to just be out on the barrens, to mind whoever tried sneaking into whatever count or viscount's hunting grounds at dead midnight.
Bell rings, we snuff the lamps, and fires go out too. If someone in the barrens lights a fire to herd beasts at this hour, you can see it clear as day from miles and miles away.
But muck-ups like today only happened once the new rules got stricter. Those night patrol tossers see anyone in the street, they snatch 'em.
[The refugee leans beside Fionn.]
Taran Refugee There, Fionn. Calmed down?
Fionn Suppose so...
...Er, where's our medicine? Are we all out?
Taran Refugee Take a guess?
Fionn ...*sigh*. Shame about my fountain pen. Can't even note my own debts now.
Taran Refugee Stealing is what we're doing. Don't think you have to make up for it with what you've got.
Fionn How many days have we been outdoors now?
Taran Refugee If it's not midnight yet, then it's day 12 for us.
Fionn Alright. Twelve days, and we've barely gotten far. I keep thinking if only it'd clear up, I might see chimney smoke or something from a village.
We've just been hounded by the army, chased around in circles here...
Be honest, do you really think we can make it out?
Reed ...What happened with you two?
Fionn ......
We had a little confrontation with the patrol. They sent a warrant out for us.
Taran Refugee Fionn!
Fionn Let me talk, Fergal. I can feel, this lady's a good person.
When the patrol came here to make arrests, they summoned everyone who had a record. And then they started with the beatings, so we fought back...
Taran Refugee You didn't, Fionn. Don't give yourself credit.
Fionn Ugh, okay.
We hadn't done all that bad, really, truth told. One family ran after they couldn't pay tax dues, so the patrol was dragging all their relatives in by the scruff for questioning. Fergal was brewing a little moonshine just for himself, and I'd missed some formalities while selling stuff.
*sigh* We'd always owned up properly too, whatever it was. It all got too much that day.
It wasn't just us two who scarpered once the patrol started beating. It's ten or so of us, all summoned that day by the army. We all ran at once.
But if the army wants someone, there's no escaping it. That lot won't change their tune just because someone's word says they're innocent.
Reed You ended up killing someone?
Fionn ......
Taran Refugee Yeah, we did two of 'em in. Got one straight off with a hoe while they weren't on guard, the other we laid low in the whole scuffle.
Shame we let the third one do a runner, or else the army'd never know about what we did.
Fionn Hey! We wouldn't be in such a miserable spot if we'd had one night more of a head start.
...Fergal, you think we could... give ourselves up to them? I could do it alone, even. Just can't stand these days on the run anymore.
We didn't even nab the medicine. Oran's cut's just festering away, and he's... I can't take it, I can't.
Taran Refugee You drop the bloody idea. You think they'd make it easy on you?
Bloody wouldn't. They'd torture you first, crush your spirits.
Two minutes with someone like you, and they'd get everything about us pouring out.
Fionn Look. We've got no meds. Torture by sickness, that's torture all the same, yeah?
Reed Are you–short of medicine?
Fionn Haha... we were sent out to rustle up some more, I'll say. They're waiting for us, a decent ways back somewhere.
We were here planning to buy it, honest.
Taran Refugee But we knew in our heads, all the shops'd shut the moment lights-out sounded. We'd never make it in time beforehand.
Fionn So we got a rough idea of when the patrol changes shifts, er, and we smashed through a shop window... I thought they wouldn't notice around about then.
[Fionn looks at Reed.]
Fionn ...God.
...You? Guessing you're from the city. What got you out in this desolate a place?
Reed ...I'm searching for some things.
Do you–know about "Dublinn"?
Taran Refugee ......
Fionn ......
Reed Yes, I understand.
I have some–antihemorrhagics and bandages on me, actually.
Mr. Fionn, I saw you were hurt... we should sort that out.
Fionn Oh, you noticed? It's nothing big, really...
But–if you're willing to share a bit of medicals with me, that'd be fair play.
Our mates are hurt far worse. I'd bring 'em to them, if that's okay.
Er, they got bit by gloompincers.
Reed In that case, I can go with you...
[Sounds of people are heard nearby.]
Patrol Member That way! We have footprints in the mud, leading that way!
It's the Tara rabble behind the arson! They're around here, no doubt!
Fionn –Q-Quick, hide!
It's... it's a whole unit, half a dozen people, they're shining their torches this way!
Taran Refugee Quick, bend down, come this way! It's solid ground here!
Reed It's alright... those soldiers won't dare to move too fast through the marsh.
[Reed and the refugees lie down below the reeds as the patrolmen walks by without noticing them.]
Taran Refugee (Fionn, I can hear your teeth chattering!)
Fionn (I... ngh...)
Reed ......
A torch flashes over them.
Reed grips her spear tight, the metal warming, hotter and hotter.
[Suddenly the patrolmen are ambushed by a woman who appears to be a Dublinn soldier...]
Dublinn Soldier? Well, that's shite! How come you lot get torches?! Pisses me off just seeing you!
[...catching them by surprise.]
Patrol Member Dublinn?!
Get her! She's got info, no doubt!
Dublinn Soldier? Get me? You're codding me!
[The Dublinn soldier runs away whilst throwing mud at the patrolmen...]
Patrol Member Peuch! What're you slinging mud for?
[...putting them at disarray.]
Patrol Member Ugh–
Taran Refugee Come on, Fionn, we've got to help her! Don't be a coward!
[Reed and the refugee runs after the Dublinn soldier...]
Fionn Alright, alright, okay...
[...with Fionn following.]
<Background fades out and in>
[The Dublinn soldier singlehandedly beat up the patrolmen...]
Patrol Member Urgh–!
[...knocking them down as Reed and co. catches up with her.]
Dublinn Soldier? Hah, couple of fresh boys don't take much to sort out.
Hey, Fionn, Fergal! You made a right hames here, didn't you? Would've kicked the bucket if I didn't come looking, no?
Fionn No, yeah. Saved our skins. All thanks to you.
I told you, see, all this smashing and looting business might be beyond me...
[The Dublinn soldier, who are somehow acquainted with the refugees, draw out a dagger.]
Fionn Wait, what are you doing, Selmon? It's enough to knock them out. You're going to kill them all?
Aren't we going to be more guilty for that?!
Selmon Same difference! It doesn't matter how guilty if they're after a Taran–you get taken in, you're not coming out alive.
Fionn *sigh* It makes a difference in my head.
Selmon Coward. You watch, I'm gonna do all these Victorian bastards right and–
Reed Stop. Don't do that.
[Reed walks toward the Dublinn soldier, now known as Selmon.]
Selmon And who do you think you are?
Reed ......
Selmon Hah, what's the staring for? Gonna be a tattletale? Just you try.
Reed Tattle? No, you're not even part of Dublinn. Why are you... dressed like that?
Why are you copying the Spectre Force's methods?
Selmon –And on what basis do you claim that? You some Dublinn know-it-all?
Reed ......
Fionn Er, calm, now, Selmon.
She's just a doctor. She was doing a runner with us just now...
...I think she's a good soul. I told her all about us.
Right, um, doctor... what you said about taking a look at our wounded, is that still valid?
Selmon, honest, you need to cool it... We mucked it all up. We didn't get the medicine. This kind doctor says she can help us, so that's all we can rely on now.
Selmon Tch, leave me out of this. Seems this doctor here recognizes my clothes.
Reed ......
...I'm sorry, I'm not a doctor.
But I still want–to try and help you.


  1. Literally "devil" in Irish, but in this context means "damn it"
  2. "For God's sake" in Irish