Arknights Wiki

Assembly machine developed by Sunvalley Industries.
Produces mechanical workers that gather certain resources, saving on manpower.
—Basic Gathering Hub description
Improved assembly machine developed by Sunvalley Industries.
Produces improved mechanical workers that gather certain resources, saving on manpower.
—Advanced Gathering Hub description
Advanced assembly machine developed by Sunvalley Industries.
Produces advanced mechanical workers that gather certain resources, saving on manpower. The newest model has an especially shiny paint job.
—Executive Gathering Hub description

The Gathering Hub is a deployable device in the Reclamation Algorithm game mode of Arknights.

When deployed, Gathering Hubs will periodically spawn Basic Harvesters which proceeds to harvest resources within the Hub's range which includes Thickets, Monoliths, and Strange Ore Veins. A single Gathering Hub can support up to three Harvesters at a time.

The Gathering Hub has three variants as follows.

  • Basic: The standard variant whose Harvesters gather Wood Wood from Thickets more efficiently, costing 7 Wood to produce.
  • Advanced: The improved variant with more HP and DEF whose Harvesters gather Stone Stone from Monoliths more efficiently and are spawned faster, costing 5 Stone to produce.
  • Executive: The further improved variant with even more HP and DEF whose Harvesters gather Iron Ore Iron Ore from Strange Ore Veins more efficiently and spawned even faster, and can support a fourth Harvester as well, costing 3 Iron Ore to produce.

As Wood is one of the primary resources in R.A. especially in the early game because it is needed to produce Crabbie Pumpies, the player should prioritize producing and making use of as many Gathering Hubs as possible, and be sure to keep them safe from enemy harassment.


Can be deployed on low areas
HP 7000
DEF 600
Aggression level -1
DP cost 5
Redeployment time 10 sec.
Block count 1
Attack interval


Skill-BasicGatheringHub Gather
Auto Recovery
Auto Trigger
Effect Initial SP SP cost Duration
Produces <Gatherers> to gather from <Thickets>, <Monoliths>, and <Strange Ore Veins>, with a bonus when gathering from <Thickets>. Limit of 3. 15 20

Can be deployed on low areas
HP 10000
DEF 700
Aggression level -1
DP cost 5
Redeployment time 10 sec.
Block count 1
Attack interval


Skill-AdvancedGatheringHub Gather
Auto Recovery
Auto Trigger
Effect Initial SP SP cost Duration
Produces <Gatherers> to gather from <Thickets>, <Monoliths>, and <Strange Ore Veins>, with a bonus when gathering from <Monoliths>. Limit of 3. 10 15

Can be deployed on low areas
HP 13000
DEF 800
Aggression level -1
DP cost 5
Redeployment time 10 sec.
Block count 1
Attack interval


Skill-ExecutiveGatheringHub Gather
Auto Recovery
Auto Trigger
Effect Initial SP SP cost Duration
Produces <Gatherers> to gather from <Thickets>, <Monoliths>, and <Strange Ore Veins>, with a bonus when gathering from <Strange Ore Veins>. Limit of 4. 5 10
