Arknights Wiki

Giovanna Rossati is an NPC in Arknights. She is a major supporting character in Il Siracusano.


Giovanna is the donna of the Rossati, one of the three leading mafias of Siracusa. Notably, she possesses Columbian lineage as she is the descendant of late Vivienne who has a good relationship with the Texans. She befriends Cellina for a very long time ever since their childhood when the two were playmates back in Columbia.[1]

Following the purge of the Texans seven years ago (the year 1092), Giovanna and other Columbian famiglie returned to their ancestral homeland under the order of Signora Sicilia. After taking the position, she declared the Rossati as the genuine heir of the Texans. In order to commemorate the Texans' past, she wrote a play titled La Morte di Texas under the pen name Caterina, and her play had received well reception in Siracusa. Even then, she has been dreaming of searching for Cellina and wants to bring her back to her famiglia.

Side Stories[]

Il Siracusano[]


  1. IS-6 Before
