Arknights Wiki
This article pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights.
The following are based on tentative translations which may not represent the official localization.

Gravity is an operation mechanic[note 1] in Arknights, introduced in Lone Trail.


As the Terrans never experience extravehicular activity in space due to lack of spaceflight until the Project Arc Horizon, Rhine Lab, through collaboration with the Columbian Department of Defense, has developed methods to simulate zero gravity situations to train their personnel and test their equipment before the Project.

The operation's gravity can be influenced by the Gravity Sensor which is represented in-game by two buttons, the red UP and the green DOWN, and indicated by a golden ring on the left side of the map. When an enemy with at least 3 weight is on top of a Sensor or a friendly unit with at least 1 block is deployed on it, the gravity will change to either point upwards (UP/U) or downwards (DOWN/D); both Sensors cannot be activated at the same time, however.

The gravity has the following effects:

  • Friendly units that are facing alongside the gravity have their ASPD increased by 25, while those facing against the gravity have their ASPD reduced by 25.
  • Enemies moving alongside the gravity have their speed gradually increased up to +64%[note 2], while those moving against the gravity have their speed gradually reduced up to -70%[note 3].


Intermezzi CW-TR-1CW-3CW-4CW-5CW-TR-2CW-7CW-8CW-9CW-10CW-EX-1CW-EX-2CW-EX-3CW-EX-4CW-EX-5CW-EX-6CW-EX-7CW-EX-8CW-P-1CW-P-2CW-S-1-ACW-S-1-BCW-S-2-ACW-S-2-BCW-S-3-ACW-S-3-BCW-S-4


Enemy Interaction
When attacking a unit on a Gravity Sensor tile, reduces their block count to 0 for 3 seconds.


  1. Actually provided by a static device of the same name, which is hidden in-game.
  2. Starts at 8% and increases every x seconds to 20%, 32%, 40%, and 64%
  3. Starts at 10% and increases every x seconds to 34%, 40%, 64%, and 70%