Arknights Wiki
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Unofficial English translations provided by Sucralose.
Towards Greater Heights
Hortus de Escapismo: Abandoned Chapel
Previous HE-EX-4
Next HE-EX-6
HE-EX-5 map
The past has been left behind, but still hurts us from afar.
<Holy Statue> Can appease civilians
<Temporary Path> A temporary path made of wooden boards that can be easily damaged by falling rocks and turned into Crypts, causing ground units over it to fell under and instantly defeated


Recommended level Elite 2 Level 20
Sanity Drill Plan EXP LMD
15 1 150 (180) 150 (180)
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
8 20 3 17
Static devices Holy Statue ×2


First clear
3 Stars
Originite Prime
3 Stars
Eikon Fragment


Allies Monastery Resident ×2
Normal Elite Wilderness Bandit ×6, Elite Wilderness Lurker ×2
Elite Bounty Hunter Crossbowman Leader ×7


Condition: 3 tiles on the battlefield cannot be deployed upon
Recommended level
Sanity Drill Plan EXP LMD
15 3 150 150
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
8 20 1 17
Static devices Holy Statue ×2


First clear
Originite Prime


Allies Monastery Resident ×2
Normal Elite Wilderness Bandit ×6, Elite Wilderness Lurker ×2
Elite Bounty Hunter Crossbowman Leader ×7
