Arknights Wiki
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Unofficial English translations provided by Sucralose.
The Sunset
Hortus de Escapismo: Abandoned Chapel
Previous HE-EX-7
HE-EX-8 map
We will depart for the end of our lives alone.
<Temporary Path> A temporary path made of wooden boards that can be easily damaged by falling rocks and turned into Crypts, causing ground units over it to fell under and instantly defeated
<Falling Masonry> Periodically drop rocks, rolling forward along the ramp to damage allied units
Ranged Operators can be deployed on Melee tiles in this stage


Recommended level Elite 2 Level 40
Sanity Drill Plan EXP LMD
20 1 200 (240) 200 (240)
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
9 10 3 50
Additional information
Friendly ranged units can be deployed on all deployable melee tiles.


First clear
3 Stars
Originite Prime
3 Stars
Eikon Fragment


Allies Monastery Resident ×1
Normal Hungry Gnawbeast ×19, Elite Wilderness Bandit ×16, Elite Wilderness Marauder ×6
Elite Bounty Hunter Crossbowman Leader ×7, Fortuna the Fallen Angel
Boss "The Gardener"
Additional information
The Gardener enters the second phase in 195 seconds.


Condition: Falling Masonry deals increased damage to allied units
Recommended level
Sanity Drill Plan EXP LMD
20 3 200 200
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
9 10 1 50
Additional information
Friendly ranged units can be deployed on all deployable melee tiles.


First clear
Originite Prime


Allies Monastery Resident ×1
Normal Hungry Gnawbeast ×19, Elite Wilderness Bandit ×16, Elite Wilderness Marauder ×6
Elite Bounty Hunter Crossbowman Leader ×7, Fortuna the Fallen Angel
Boss "The Gardener"
Additional information
The Gardener enters the second phase in 195 seconds.
