Arknights Wiki

Hamilton is an NPC in Arknights. He is one of the antagonists in Episode 09.


Colonel Hamilton is the Supreme Commander of Hillock's troops. He is known for his ultra-nationalism and his xenophobic attitude towards the Tarans. In his eyes, The Tarans are rebellious in not accepting Victoria's culture, thinking that anyone who resists it is an enemy to the empire. He firmly believes that the people of Tara will bring inevitable downfall to Victoria. As a harsh leader, Colonel Hamilton believes to use any mean to put down the Tarans' rebellion, especially since his soldiers are constantly murdered by a mysterious squadron.[1]

Main Theme[]

Episode 09[]

In order to persuade him in investigating the missing Originium product, Horn personally meets him for a negotiation in Hillock's military camp. However, the colonel stubbornly refuses the cooperation. Not only he blames the Tarans for the matter, but also he scolds Horn for her naivety. Upon reeciving new reports of dead soldiers, Hamilton orders Horn to leave the office immediately.[1]

During the secret night meeting among the Tarans, Hamilton leads his soldiers to break into the mansion of Baron Bolton to arrest them. To Horn's anger, he actually follows after her and Bagpipe so that he could locate those traitors. He uses harsh methods to interrogate the people. Though Bagpipe and Horn are furious to see his violence, they could not do much as he has the right. When Hamilton is about to do harm on Seamus Williams, someone throws a bomb in disguise of a ball.[2] After noticing the appearance of Dublinn's squadrons, he immediately orders his soldiers to put down the rebellion.

But to Hamilton, it is not enough to resolve the age-old problem between the loyalists of the Aslans and Dracos. He orders his troops to use the Originium products they seized from the local warehouses and customize them into dirty bombs.[3] He also has Horn kidnapped and her regiment killed so that they will not interfere his plan.[4] With everything is prepared, Hamilton orders a merciless artillery shelling onto Hillock, bombing both the Dublinn soldiers and innocent citizens in the process.

Hamilton's act competely enrages Horn and she accuses him for conducting a genocide. In return, Hamilton proclaims that a war onto the Tarans has already begun. He would have killed Horn, but he spares her life out of her respect for her loyalty to the empire. He also defends himself by saying that what he does is for Victoria to discourage the nation's enemies. Being totally disappointed by his action, Horn gives him a stern warning that she will bring him to the court-martial if she ever survives the bloodshed.[5]

As the saying goes, "pride would lead to downfall." Hamilton's troops could not handle the numerous Dublinn soldiers and its supreme tactics. Some of them decide to leave Hillock, believing that their defeat is inevitable. Worst of all, his trusted adjutant Hill has already defected to Dublinn. With all his soldiers leaving him, Hamilton decides to clash with Dublinn alone. And the moment he steps outside his office, he is instantly killed by the fire set by the Dublinn soldiers.[6]

