Arknights Wiki

Honey Funny Days is a song made for Arknights performed by Ceobe's Japanese VA Asami Seto. It is one of the four songs released during JP's 3rd Anniversary Festival along with The Dawn After Long Night, Bouquet of Smile, and Minamoto.


みんなほしい ぜんぶほしい
あれも これも みんなほしいだ

隠すのは ダメったらダメ!
夜道でも 危ないとこも
どこへでも 探しに行っちゃうよ!

今夜は帰ったら ごちそうはあるかな?
ぐーぐー おなかが 鳴っちゃってるんだ
早く食べたいな まてない!

はちみつクッキー いっぱい食べる
甘くてさくさく 幸せの味
おたからもっと いっぱいほしい
並べてほくほく 幸せな時間

みんなほしい ぜんぶほしい
あれも これも みんなほしいだ

今日もまたおたからを 探すんだ 邪魔しちゃダメ!
おいらはね 強いんだ
邪魔したら 嚙みつくぞ!

うーんうーん 難しそう 解けるといいな
お腹もすいたな まてない!

全部食べたいな みつかっちゃって
つまみ出されるな なんでだ!

はちみつクッキー いっぱい食べる
甘くてさくさく 幸せの味
ねむたくなったら いっばい寝よう
夢でもばくばく 幸せな時間

みんなほしい ぜんぶほしい
あれも これも みんなほしいだ


Unofficial English translations provided by Nikitazero.

I want 'em all, I want 'em all.
I want this too, I want that too.

Where could you be, huh?
You can't hide, you can't!
Even on the road at night or dangerous places,
I'll go after you, wherever you go!

Is there going to be a feast when I come back home?
*rumbles* My tummy is rumbling...
I wanna eat quickly, I can't wait!

Eat a lot of honey biscuits.
Sweet and crunchy, the taste of happiness.
I want more happy times
together from you.

I want 'em all, I want 'em all.
I want this too, I want that too.

I'm looking for treasure again today, so don't get in my way!
I'm strong, you know.
If you get in the way, I'll bite you!

Will I ever solve this mystery?
Hmm... That sounds difficult, but hope I can solve it.
I can't wait, because I'm hungry!

Someday, when I found the feast
beyond that door, I'll eat them all.
That's why I won't be kicked out!

Eat a lot of honey biscuits.
Sweet and crunchy, the taste of happiness.
If you're sleepy, then let's go to sleep
and have a happy time exploring our dreams.

I want 'em all, I want 'em all.
I want this too, I want that too.


See also[]

Other songs made for Arknights JP's 3rd Anniversary Festival:
