Arknights Wiki

Hui and Ming (Chinese: 晦明; lit. "vague and bright") is an operation mechanic in Arknights, introduced in Who is Real.


All Ink Spirit enemies are subject to the Hui and Ming mechanic, in which they start with either the Hui or Ming "attribute" (not to be confused with unit attributes), denoted by a black (Hui) or white (Ming) swirl that can be seen above them. Friendly units can receive the Hui or Ming attribute by deploying them on Marks of Hui and Ming; the exact attribute depends on the color of smokes emanated by the Mark.

Units with the Hui and Ming mechanic will have the damage they dealt and took increased by 40% (to 1.4×) if the target or attacker's attribute opposes them, but reduced by 40% (to 0.6×) if the target/attacker's attribute matches them.


Enemy Interaction
Attacks friendlies whose Hui and Ming attribute opposes them over the others.
  • Can only be blocked by friendly units whose Hui and Ming attribute matches them.
  • The damage dealt by their explosion upon defeat is affected by the friendlies' attribute (4.4× opposing, 3.6× matching).
  • If two Smarties with opposing attributes are in a radius of 1 tile to each other, they will detonate in a stronger explosion dealing even higher damage of 15× ATK, which is also affected by the friendlies' attribute (16.5× opposing, 13.5× matching) and with a larger radius of 2 tiles.
Can only be blocked by friendly units whose Hui and Ming attribute matches them.
Their attacks deal +1.8× damage against friendly units whose Hui and Ming attribute opposes them (for a total of 2.52×).
  • The explosion of Two-Step Firecrackers mk2 will switch the Hui and Ming attribute of enemies caught in its wake.
  • Enemies passing through a Mark of Dusk and Dawn will have their Hui and Ming attribute switched, but only once per Mark.


  • The Hui and Ming mechanic is a reference to the idiom "from dusk to dawn" and alludes to the Yin-Yang philosophy in Chinese culture.