IS-ST-1 Lingering Illness
Il Siracusano: Stagione delle Piogge |
Waking with a start on a rainy night, old wounds aching. |
Characters |
![]() Actress ![]() Bodyguard ![]() Calm Hitman ![]() Cheerful Columbian ![]() Clerk ![]() Frivolous Columbian ![]() Loyal Mafioso ![]() Pensive Hitman ![]() Radical Mafioso ![]() Saluzzo Guard ![]() Skeptical Mafioso ![]() Theater Manager |
Backgrounds |
“ | Texas wakes up from a dream, knowing that her past has come knocking on her door. Dark clouds loom over Volsinii; the rainy season has come. | ” |
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The streets of Columbia, as a whole, are generally more spacious and vibrant than those of Siracusa. But when walking through these streets, one sometimes feels a sense of emptiness, as if one does not belong. | |
<Background 1> | |
[A Columbian walks into a carwash...] | |
Frivolous Columbian | Hey you, carwash guy. Heard you're from Siracusa, so I got a question for you. |
[...and welcomed by a carwash worker.] | |
Carwash Worker | I'm here to wash cars, not answer questions. |
[The Columbian menacingly get closer to the worker.] | |
Frivolous Columbian | Don't be like that, pal. Relax, we're not here to cause trouble for broke-ass bumpkins like you. Heard a group of your countrymen came into town today, and we just wanna know where they are. |
Carwash Worker | What business do you have with them? |
Frivolous Columbian | Business? Uhh... catching up on old times? |
Carwash Worker | Old times, huh. |
Frivolous Columbian | Hey, my nonno always used to tell me, "never forget that you're Siracusan." |
Carwash Worker | You don't look "Siracusan" to me. |
Frivolous Columbian | Me? Siracusan? Hah! Columbia is the future, pal! It's where the gold certificates are! |
The young associates of the Columbian families always heard from their forefathers that they came from Siracusa. But they've never taken it seriously. | |
Carwash Worker | ...... Your roots will always be in Siracusa. |
Cheerful Columbian | It's the crusty old fossils who say stuff like that. Columbia is a land of pioneers! Roots? We don't need roots. |
Frivolous Columbian | That's right, hick. You'd better tell us where your paesani are, if you don't want any "accidents" happening to your little shop here. |
Carwash Worker | They're in that bar across the street. |
Cheerful Columbian | You got a good head on your shoulders, pal. Don't see a whole lotta wolf pups out there as bright as you. |
[The Columbian mafiosi leave.] | |
To be a pioneer is to invite chaos, and the Columbian families gradually lost the order they should've had amidst this chaos. But for Siracusa, order stands taller than the law itself. The carwash worker zones out their noise and commotion, turning and slowly opening a cabinet to produce a tool that he is all too familiar with. It is heavy and sharp, having been meticulously polished by the carwash worker. The glint reflecting off its blade reminds one of the moonlight in Siracusa. Then, he slowly walks toward the complacent idiots who have their backs turned to him. Like a carwash worker who only wants to scrub the floors before opening up shop. Like a Siracusan. | |
[The carwash worker stabs one of the Columbian mafiosi in the back...] | |
<Background black> | |
Texas's eyes snap wide open. As her vision comes into focus in the darkness, she sees a poster Exusiai put up against her will. Her hands transmit to her the sensation of the down quilt that Croissant sold to her at a special price when the season changed. Sora's sleep-assisting CD is still playing. All of this lets her breathe a sigh of relief. She understands full well that the dream had never really happened, that the Columbian family never had a chance to pester the Siracusan guest. As for the carwash worker, she has only met him once. A dream that has no meaning except to remind her of her Siracusan roots. Since coming to Lungmen, she hasn't had this dream in a long while. So why have it now? She unconsciously wants to see the night outside her window. | |
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The moonlight still shines bright and clean. Myriad colors still dot Lungmen's nightscape. But within it all is an existence utterly incompatible with everything around it. Outside her window, on a rooftop beneath the moon, a wolf is staring directly at her. If everything surrounding it can be called the creations of civilization, then this wolf is undoubtedly a symbol of the wild wastes. He does not belong here, and never should have appeared here. But he still appeared in all his majesty, his figure seeming to tower above everything else around him. | |
Come. It is time for you to fulfill your end of the deal. | |
Texas | ...... |
In an instant, Texas understands why she had the dream. Dreams are not necessarily connected to reality. But dreams often are omens. And without a doubt, the dream she had tonight portends– That her past has come knocking on her door. | |
[An ominous howl is heard...] | |
<Background black> | |
[ the one talking with Texas is revealed to be Zaaro, one of the "Signori dei Lupi" of Siracusa.] | |
<Background 2> | |
Zaaro | Noisy. Excessive. Corrupt. How far you've fallen, to become indolent in a place like this. But, at least you thought of killing me the moment you saw me. That means my trip was still worthwhile. |
Texas | I can give it a serious try, Zaaro. |
Zaaro | It won't make a difference in the end. Same as seven years ago. You should feel grateful, last wolf of Famiglia Texas. Our deal still stands, which means you still have a chance to pay off your debt. The wastelands have always played fair. |
Texas | Stop calling yourself the wastelands. It has never cut deals with anyone, "Signore dei Lupi." |
Zaaro | Heh. Maybe you've just never gotten close enough. |
Texas | ...... Stop talking in circles. What do you want me to do? |
Zaaro | Follow me back to Siracusa. You are to assist my Fang. |
Texas | ..."Fang." |
Zaaro | Fulfill his request, and consider your debt paid in full. At that time, whether you choose to return here or remain there is no longer any of my concern. |
Texas | Fine. |
[Emperor suddenly shows up.] | |
Emperor | If it ain't Zaaro, Lord of Wolves. Think you can just show up in my city, take my people, leave like it ain't no thing? Your brain overgrown with weeds now too? Ah, my bad. Forgot, you ain't even got a brain. |
Zaaro | Emperor, my wretched kin. How long has it been since we last met? Two hundred years? Three? What is this revolting outfit of yours? What are you dressing up as? What happened to your sheet music? Or your conductor's baton? Have you finally tired of pretentiously tickling the ivories atop the lofty spires of Leithanien? |
Emperor | Mind your business, Zaaro. As if I'd remember when the last time we met was. Wish there wasn't a last time, hope there won't be a next time, and that I forget about this time. |
Zaaro | I don't understand. You can choose to step aside, and then forget all about it. |
Emperor | Did I stutter? Get your sorry ass back to Siracusa, and leave my people outta your shit. I don't even get how your brothers and sisters still let you and your pups play your little mob game in Siracusa. |
Zaaro | There are many paths to victory. This was my decision, and it has nothing to do with you. |
Emperor | Y'all had some kinda inside deal there, right? Like y'all keep to your own turf, keep outta human business. |
Zaaro | Take a good look at yourself. You hardly look any different from the humans, and you're telling me to stay out of human affairs? What are these toys of yours to the glaciers that have not melted for tens of thousands of years? What are these ridiculous black glasses of yours compared to the lasting darkness of the polar nights? And then, there's your so-called "music." What need is there for music when you already have the coldest wind? Throw all of this away, Emperor. You are forgetting what you truly are. What "we" truly are. |
Emperor | You made up those rules. They ain't for me. My life ain't your business, wolfie. They came up with something new, I decided I liked it, and I made it mine. Simple as that. |
Zaaro | We've always belonged to the wasteland. |
Emperor | You showed your ass callin' this land the "wastes." Ain't nothin' wasted here to me. Think you're any different from the humans? Rollin' around the forests of Siracusa didn't get you all hungry for power. You never thought about where all that ambition came from? Zaaro, you ain't made no progress in millennia, and on top of that, you also picked up the dumbest shit humanity's got on offer. |
Zaaro | (Low snarl) |
Emperor | Stow your fangs, kid. That's rude. |
Zaaro | ...... There's no point fighting amongst ourselves. Nothing will come of it. I'm just a messenger, here to claim what's rightfully mine. She isn't even qualified to be my pawn yet. |
Emperor | My people are more than qualified to do anything. Including guttin' you. |
Zaaro | Your people? She doesn't belong to you, Emperor. Perhaps, you can ask her opinion. |
Texas | ...... Seven years ago, when I wanted out of Columbia, Zaaro struck a deal with me. I'd be allowed to go free, and in return, I would do him one favor, in the future. Without this promise, I wouldn't have made it out of Columbia alive. |
Emperor | Ugh, I know all that. Point is, you gonna leave with him? |
Texas | Sorry, boss, but I have to honor my word. |
Emperor | ...... I don't give no shit about deals and words, Zaaro. She's my employee. Texas, I could, magnanimous man that I am, give you some vacation time and let you sort through all your business. Got nothin' to do with me. I mean, Penguin Logistics employees are free, even if they're in Siracusa. And you, Zaaro, if you dare get up in her business, I'll show up at your stinkin' lair and rip the tail hairs outta you and every one of your siblings. Make myself a nice broom. |
Zaaro | Hah. Child of Texas, you may make preparations as you see fit, or say your goodbyes. |
Texas | No need. Sorry, boss, but I'm going to need a favor. Tell the girls I'm going to be gone for a while, but I'll be back soon. |
Emperor | I'll just tell 'em you were cryin' about wanting to head back to Siracusa, and you took a long vacation. I tried to stop you, but you wouldn't take no for an answer. |
Texas | Then... I'll have to buy them some extra souvenirs, and apologize to them when I get back. |
Zaaro | If you have nothing to say, let's be off. |
Texas | Fine. |
And so, a woman and a wolf walk westward, soon disappearing into the night. The streetlights flicker on and off. | |
<Background 3> | |
Volsinii Alleyway | |
[A man runs through the alley amidst the rain...] | |
Clerk | *pant*... *pant*... Did I make it? |
[ a man in black suit walks toward him.] | |
Calm Hitman | Heh, good question. |
Clerk | When did you–?! |
Calm Hitman | You're pretty lucky. Right when took the shot, you bent over to pick up the keys that had fallen under the seat. |
Clerk | Wh-Who are you people? What did I ever do to you?! |
Calm Hitman | "Did I make it?" Hah! "Did I make it?" Can you make it away from air and water? Can a Siracusan ever get away from the rainy season? Who could ever get away from them? Or well, from us? |
Clerk | What famiglia do you belong to? I've done everything right. No gambling, no debt. I'm just an ordinary clerk at il Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici[note 1]! |
Calm Hitman | Ohh, il Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici. That's a hot topic around Volsinii these days. |
Clerk | I... I know the son of Don Bellone! |
Calm Hitman | That's enough talking. |
Clerk | I... (Now's my chance!) |
[The clerk threw his belongings at the hitman, allowing him to escape.] | |
Calm Hitman | Ugh, what a pain in the ass. A little trick won't save you. The rain's not letting up, huh. |
[The hitman leaves.] | |
<Background 4> | |
[Exusiai, Croissant, and Sora are having lunch on a Siracusan restaurant.] | |
Exusiai | Want a bite? After all, this is Siracusa, the land of pizza! I've ordered all the flavors the gourmet guide said were worth ordering! |
Croissant | At least one of us is in a good mood. You didn't forget why we came here, didja? |
Exusiai | Not like worrying about it's gonna do any good. We've been asking around. Those guys in the black suits don't ever say anything! All I heard is that some family by the name of Bellone recently welcomed a guest. I'm gonna head over and take a look around their place. That scene, though, tsk tsk. The fowlbeasts are probably gonna make a detour once they pass by. |
Croissant | Ain't that all the more reason to worry? |
Exusiai | Lemme tell you, our girl's from here. With her skills, she won't get into any big trouble. Plus, we came here with the expectation that we might not see her face-to-face at all. Isn't that right, Sora? |
Sora | Mhm. Plays and operas are a very robust scene in Siracusa. Whether you're in a tavern or in a theater, there are always many performances to be found. Siracusans from all walks of life regard opera as a way to unwind. They say even the mobsters are no exception. So I thought, maybe if I could get into a troupe... |
Croissant | Gotta hand it to ya, Sora, quick thinkin' there nabbin' this chance through Monster Siren Records. |
Sora | Coincidentally, my agent just asked if I was interested in going to Siracusa to develop my career, which I turned down because I didn't want to leave Lungmen. |
Croissant | But even so, ain't Siracusan opera way different from yer usual style? |
Sora | It sure is. Both the choreography and the singing will pose major challenges. Plus, we're also talking about a completely different kind of stage. But after seeing my performance, the director said he'd be willing to give me a shot. Aha... If MSR didn't already have a contact ready to go, I would've had to keep waiting. |
Exusiai | Are you sure I'm not gonna wake up to find you also disappeared without saying goodbye? |
Sora | That's not going to happen! I'm not even brave enough for that. |
Croissant | Speakin' of which, ain't it time for your meetup with the troupe's artistic director? You always had these meetings in some kinda company building or theater before. Crazy he wanted to meet ya in a restaurant like this. |
Sora | That's not completely unheard of. Some people prefer to chat in a more natural, everyday setting to get a better feel for the actor. |
Croissant | An everyday setting, huh. Poppin' up in Siracusa like this don't feel natural to me in the least. But, all I'n do is hope it goes well. When we get back to Lungmen, Texas is payin' for three months of boba tea... No, make that six! |
Exusiai | Only six? We've got a chance to make her pay through the nose! |
[Someone entered the restaurant...] | |
Croissant | Wow, the director actually showed. |
[...who turned out to be the clerk from before...] | |
Clerk | H-Help me! |
[ he is fired upon...] | |
Exusiai | Huh? What's going on? |
Croissant | Look out! |
[...breaking the retaurant's windows.] | |
<Background 5> | |
[A theater manager takes a picture of an actress.] | |
Theater Manager | Spectacular! I got some great shots from the rehearsal just now! |
Actress | How was it, Signor Bernardo? |
[Bernardo the troupe director replies,] | |
Bernardo | ...... Not bad. |
Actress | Really?! |
Bernardo | But, not good either. You're too eager to perform, Lena. It's as if you want ten critics to see twelve different emotions in one of your performances. But, that's too excessive for my needs. Just give me one thing, as long as it's yours. Your own grief, your own passion, your own desolation. It's not easy being an actor. You are not a prop on the stage, Lena, and you should not settle for being a prop either. |
Actress | S-Si, signor! |
Theater Manager | Director, the guests from Lungmen have arrived. |
Bernardo | Very good. |
Theater Manager | Are you sure you need to meet with her personally though? She's just a small-time songstress from Lungmen. I can handle this myself. |
Bernardo | Loreno, I know that you, as Lena's uncle, have always sought to impede her potential competitors. But you could try to hide it a little better. |
Theater Manager | Wait... I'm not trying to hide anything from you at all. It's just that we don't have a particularly deep relationship with Monster Siren Records. Rather, there isn't a single theater troupe in Siracusa who thinks highly of this agency trying so desperately to wriggle into our market. But you went beyond expectations in agreeing to the deal to bring one of their singers over to study at our theater. Both logically and emotionally, this doesn't benefit us at all. And now you're even going to meet her, personally? |
Bernardo | It's as you said, Loreno. She is just a small-time songstress from Lungmen, with nothing inherently deserving of my attention. But, as you will soon see, the "from Lungmen" part holds a special significance. |
Theater Manager | Are you talking about...? |
[A bodyguard comes to Bernardo's side.] | |
Bodyguard | (*whispers*) |
Bernardo | Thank you. Tell him, don't go overboard. It's our life, isn't it? |
<Background 4> | |
[The mafiosi gunned the restaurant with live weapons.] | |
Exusiai | These guys are actually using explosive bolts?! |
Sora | Are you alright, sir? |
Clerk | I-I'm fine, for now. But you people... you're foreigners, right? You shouldn't have helped me. Getting mixed up with those people is a good way to get killed. |
Croissant | Am I the only one who thinks it's mighty strange that there's a murder in broad daylight and nobody seems to care?! |
[Exusiai and co. retaliates at the mafiosi, who proves to be better than Lungmen's second-rate mafiosi.] | |
Exusiai | Grr, these guys are tougher to deal with than the gangsters back in Lungmen. |
Pensive Hitman | You're only making trouble for yourself, straniera.[note 2] |
Exusiai | What a coincidence. The thing I'm second best at is making trouble for myself. By the way, the thing I'm best at... is getting rid of those troubles~ |
Calm Hitman | You're in Siracusa now. |
Exusiai | So what? |
Calm Hitman | So that means you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. |
Croissant | Watch out, Exusiai! |
[A woman interrupts the fight by striking one of the mafiosi.] | |
??? | Attacking civilians! Which famiglia are you with? Have you forgotten our ironclad laws? |
Calm Hitman | Ugh... Talk about bad timing... |
Pensive Hitman | No wonder this little runt kept running toward Lavinia's commute. |
Calm Hitman | Let's get outta here. |
Exusiai | Get back here! |
[The mafiosi flees as the clerk recognized the woman as Lavinia Falcone, a local judge.] | |
Clerk | Judge Lavinia! |
Lavinia | I remember you. You're from il Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici... What's going on? |
Clerk | I-I have no idea! I was just heading to work! |
Lavinia | From the way those guys were dressed up, they should've known the rules. Then, why... |
Clerk | I'm just a law-abiding citizen. I've never even gotten mixed up with any of the famiglie! Why, why are they still... Your Honor, don't you think there's been something weird in the air recently? |
Lavinia | ...... Are the three of you alright? |
Exusiai | I'm fine, but those guys ended up getting away... Heh, I never expected Siracusa's customs to be so cutthroat. |
Lavinia | Foreigners in Siracusa should try to be a bit more careful. |
Croissant | And who might you be? |
Lavinia | I am Lavinia, a judge for this city. What about you? |
Exusiai | You can call me Exusiai. And she's Sora. And that's Croissant over there. |
Lavinia | First of all, I would like to thank you. Your brave actions saved the life of this innocent civilian. |
Exusiai | Need my help chasing those guys down? |
Lavinia | Don't bother. They know this city like the backs of their hands, and you won't ever catch them. I'll sort out the rest. Where are you from? |
Sora | We came from Lungmen. |
Croissant | Might as well give you our business card. If'n ya ever need somethin' delivered, you give us a holler~ |
[Croissant give a business card to Lavinia.] | |
Lavinia | Lungmen, Penguin Logistics... You're with a logistics company? |
Exusiai | That's right! No matter what it is, a tiny coin or a big ol' burdenbeast, we can take it wherever you need it to go! Day or night, rain or shine, the customer's satisfaction is our mission! Oh, assuming you have the money to pay, that is! |
Lavinia | ...Pfft. |
Exusiai | Huh? Is our pitch that funny? |
Lavinia | No, I'm sorry. I've just been a bit on edge lately. Did you come to Volsinii to expand your business, or just for pleasure? Either way, you chose an unfortunate time to come. |
Croissant | Well, actually, we came lookin' fer a friend of ours... |
[Someone calls Lavinia...] | |
??? | Lavinia, we're about to enjoy a grand celebration. What better time could there be to visit? A new city is about to be born in Volsinii–the greatest event in the history of Siracusa. Should they be lucky enough, our new friends may get to witness its birth. |
Lavinia | ...Bernardo. |
[...who is revealed to be Bernardo.] | |
Bernardo | Don't worry. These are my guests. |
Lavinia | Yours? Or your troupe's? |
Bernardo | Which would you prefer? |
Lavinia | I hope... it's neither. |
Bernardo | That's too bad then, because the answer is both. |
Lavinia | ...... It's not too late to go back to Lungmen right now, Exusiai. |
Exusiai | Whaddya mean? |
Bernardo | You always get the wrong idea about me, Lavinia. I wasn't even the one who invited them here. Signorina Sora chose to come to Volsinii herself. Isn't that right? |
Sora | Yessir. In fact, I'm grateful to Compagnia dell'alba[note 3] for being willing to take me. |
Lavinia | Alright then. Since you're Signor Bernardo's... guests, you won't have to worry much about your safety, at the very least. Just, please contact me if you need something, alright? My number's right here. |
Exusiai | Can do~ |
Lavinia | Now then, I need to ask this gentleman about what happened to him. The rest of you... enjoy your chat. |
[Lavinia leaves with the clerk.] | |
Sora | Bernardo... Bernardo... Oh!! Wait, are you the Bernardo, artistic director of Compagnia dell'alba? |
Bernardo | That I am. |
Sora | Oh wow... You came all the way out here just for us... |
Bernardo | I've always chosen actors myself. After all, you know what they say about wanting a job done well. And, who might these two be? |
Sora | They're my good friends who came to Siracusa with me. |
Croissant | We're her bodyguards, too. The name's Croissant. |
Exusiai | And you can just call me Exusiai. |
Bernardo | Very interesting names. |
Croissant | Shouldn't we be... moseyin' along? |
Bernardo | There's no need. The famiglia associates don't cause trouble without reason. I'm not sure what kind of mess that clerk got himself into, but Siracusa is not without its own order. |
Croissant | This ain't your typical "order" now, is it? |
Bernardo | You think so? I got the impression our Sankta friend here would be quite familiar with it. |
Exusiai | Nah, even in Laterano, something like that would've been considered straight-up assault! |
Bernardo | Hah, the Signora of Siracusa always says she brought "guns and order" from Laterano, but the reality seems to be a bit different. The customs here might be a bit too extreme for outsiders. But, if you plan on spending any amount of time here, you'll want to get used to them as quickly as possible. Setting aside the little intermezzo we just enjoyed, Signorina Sora, is now a good time to discuss your new job? |
Sora | Oh, of course! |
Bernardo | I'm assuming you haven't read the script yet, correct? This is our troupe's latest masterpiece, and your role is found within. |
Sora | I-It would be an honor... |
Bernardo | We haven't finalized the title of this production yet, but the name our creative team has chosen for this tragedy in three acts is– "La Morte di Texas."[note 4] |
[Exusiai and Croissant was surprised to hear the play's title which namedrops Texas.] | |
Croissant | Wh-What did you just say? |
Bernardo | Oh? Seems my play has already captured your attention. Let's take our time and talk. Oh right, I almost forgot in all the commotion just now. Benvenuti in Siracusa, mie amiche.[note 5] |
<Background 6> | |
[The hitmen takes shelter from the rain.] | |
Calm Hitman | Grr... It just had to be Lavinia again. Rotten luck. |
Pensive Hitman | And there was that Sankta too. Why the hell would a bunch of foreigners just show up in Siracusa, at a time like this? Plus, she had some real skills too... |
Calm Hitman | Think it might be true that Signora Sicilia's guy might already be in Volsinii? |
Pensive Hitman | Ugh, who cares. Let's head back and then– |
[Someone walks toward the hitman...] | |
Calm Hitman | Who's there? |
[...who is revealed to be Capone.] | |
Capone | Relax, paesani. I ain't your enemy. |
Calm Hitman | Who do you belong to? |
Capone | Hmm... If I had to say, I s'pose I'd call myself a Sicilian. |
Pensive Hitman | A Sicilian? Stop joking around. They got rubbed out ages ago. |
Capone | Is that so? |
Calm Hitman | I don't have the energy to waste my breath on you, so get outta my way, unless you got a death wish. |
Capone | I'm just here to remind you there are people from the court waitin' in ambush over there. Steer clear, if you know what's good for you. |
Calm Hitman | What?! Who the hell are you? I never heard nothin' about nobody coming to talk to us. |
Capone | Course you didn't. Because I didn't come here to talk to you. That brings me to the second thing I'd like to remind you of– The Sicilians may have been erased, but they didn't die out. |
Calm Hitman | What– |
[Gambino suddenly appeared and slashed the calm hitman...] | |
Calm Hitman | Urk... Guh... |
[...killing him.] | |
Capone | By the way, we came here to silence you. |
Gambino | You talk too damn much. Hope Lappland's not rubbing off on you. |
Capone | That, we can agree on. |
[Gambino calls someone.] | |
Gambino | Hey, it's me. We're done here. Stay in place and wait? Grr, you're the boss. Ain't like I got a choice. |
[Gambino hangs up.] | |
Capone | ...... |
Gambino | ...... Looks like we chose the wrong day to come back. |
Capone | Why do you say that? |
Gambino | Rain. I hate the rain more than anything. |
Capone | It's the rainy season. I already told you before we came back. Now that you don't have your little brother trimming your fur for you, I think you oughta go across the street right now and get it all shaved off. |
Gambino | Watch it, or that mop's gonna come right off your scalp. |
Capone | I actually was considering it myself, but my barber talked me out of it. Said my head's lopsided, I'd look ugly. |
Gambino | ...... |
Capone | ...... But, I gotta hand it to you for findin' a way to make money so quick. |
Gambino | Hmph. Looks like you spent too much time in Lungmen, Capone. That Lin fella, sure he's got a few tricks up his sleeve and all, but doesn't Lungmen's governor have him pinned down pretty good? But this is Siracusa. And here, the famiglie run the show. It's easy to find an odd job or two. With so many famiglie running around, everyone always needs some capable hands. |
Capone | Alright, maybe I was in Lungmen too long, but what really surprises me is how they're still running the same playbook they used to when I left Siracusa. The famiglie control everything in this city from the shadows, but they never walk out onto the stage. |
Gambino | Why do you say that? |
Capone | A new city is about to be born. On the surface, they're in the middle of voting for its administrator. But the truth is, the famiglie backing these people are constantly jockeying for power. |
Gambino | What the hell are you even talking about? If we didn't lose our own city, we'd be doin' the same exact thing. |
Capone | I've been away from Siracusa for a long time, Gambino. Was it eight years? Ten? |
Gambino | That's a drop in the bucket. What's gonna change in that amount of time? |
Capone | It's long enough to change the way I see a lotta things, but clearly not long enough to fix your shortsightedness. |
Gambino | You know, it ain't like we came to no peace agreement, you and me. Our work just isn't done yet. If you're so eager to die, I'm glad to send you on your way. |
Capone | How can you be sure that you won't be the one dying? |
Gambino | Hah... |
Capone | Hmph... |
[Capone and Gambino drops to the ground to avoid crossbow shots from the other side of the street, allowing Gambino to strike the shooter down.] | |
Bodyguard | What?! How'd you know...? |
Gambino | Bartender, get your ass out here! |
[A red-haired "bartender" reveals himself.] | |
Bartender | I didn't think the two of you were on such good terms. |
Capone | Haha, looks like your patron ain't as reliable as you thought, Gambino. |
Bartender | Let's be clear here. As long as the two of you complete my commission, I naturally will not mistreat you. However, the commission is not yet complete. |
Gambino | You think you can double-cross me?! |
Bartender | Double-cross? If this is your idea of a double-cross, then I recommend you open your eyes a bit wider, Sicilian. |
Capone | So, where does that put us now? |
Bartender | I need to see what you two are capable of–right here, right now. It's that simple. As long as you walk out of this alley alive, you pass. |
Capone | I thought you were gonna say you'd take both of us at once. |
Bartender | Haha, my brothers would rake me over the coals for that one. "You weren't going to let anyone pass in the first place," or something like that. |
Gambino | You sure talk a big game. |
Bartender | I'm looking forward to meeting both of you again. |
[The "bartender" leaves.] | |
Gambino | Pretentious bastard. Thinks he's human just because he got used to the city. |
Capone | Hah... It's been a while since I've heard that. Looks like we don't have a choice. |
Gambino | I'll make sure he figures out who doesn't have a choice. |
Capone | Heh. If I knew I'd be fighting for my life back in Siracusa, I would've just stayed home. |
Gambino | Was that your call to make? |
Capone | Alright, fine. If we didn't show up, we probably would've been turned into mille-feuille within a day. But we followed her here, and she went and disappeared without a word. As if she was saying, "I brought you back home. Now you're free to do whatever you want, go fend for yourselves." |
Gambino | The moment you start thinking that is when she pops up right in front of you. You've jinxed it. |
Capone | You look like you got used to life here as well. |
Gambino | She will come for us. |
Capone | Oh? |
Gambino | Lemme ask you this. In Siracusa, who's in bigger danger–a wolf who leaves the pack and goes rogue, or two strays? |
Capone | Well that's new. Never thought you'd fess up to being a stray mutt. |
Gambino | I ain't dumb enough to act like I ain't lost everything. |
Capone | Wish you'd admitted it sooner. Still, it's pretty obvious that she's tryin' to play with fire right under Signora Sicilia's nose. |
Gambino | Right. We ain't even shit on the side of the road to that woman. And I won't stand for it. If I get the chance, I swear I'm gonna kill her. But then there's her. She doesn't even give a damn about Signora Sicilia. The same Signora Sicilia who sends us a letter and gets us shakin' in our boots. And that wasn't enough to get her back to Siracusa. But now, she's back, all over another lone wolf. Oh, what was it that she asked again? Right, how we ended up so scared of Signora Sicilia? You scared of her, Capone? |
Capone | Honestly, yeah. Nobody can really go against Signora Sicilia. |
Gambino | Every Siracusan's afraid of her. |
Capone | So, you wanna see how she dies? |
Gambino | I wanna see how she lives. |
Capone | Hate to admit it, but I'm with you. |
[A number of mafiosi runs toward Capone and Gambino.] | |
Capone | That's why we need to stay alive. |
<Background 7> | |
[A group of mafiosi are having a discussion.] | |
Radical Mafioso | Another civil servant got attacked? And a Bellone associate to boot? |
Loyal Mafioso | Yeah, someone's clearly trying to pick a fight. |
Radical Mafioso | Hah, serves 'em right. If you ask me, it's probably the Rossatis behind it. Those scumbags and their bag of petty tricks. Disgusting. |
Skeptical Mafioso | But, a lot of the Dodici Famiglie have already said they support the Bellones taking over the new city. So what's the point of pulling a stunt like this now? |
Radical Mafioso | Hmph, hard to say. The Don's son, Leontuzzo, is now a secretary at il Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici. If someone has the skills to take him out along with il Ministro himself, wouldn't that blow things wide open again? Considering that runt's dumb enough to set his own famiglia aside to be a yes-man for the government. |
Skeptical Mafioso | You say that, but are you forgetting how many associates ate shit over the last two years because they underestimated him? Oh, I almost forgot, you were one of them. |
Radical Mafioso | Bah. I'll admit, the runt's got some talent, but that's only because the don's been sitting on his hands the whole time! Once he decides to call the shots... |
Loyal Mafioso | That's true. The don hasn't said anything yet, and the Bellones can't name themselves the winners so soon. |
??? | Enough. |
The entire room suddenly falls silent, the clamor and chatter from before seeming like nothing more than an illusion. | |
??? | I don't care what you believe deep down, but during this tense time, you don't make light of the situation, and you don't do anything rash. I know what you're all thinking. I get it. Of the Dodici Famiglie, only our Famiglia Saluzzo hasn't yet placed our wager. It is still too soon for that. |
Mafiosi | Yes, Don Alberto. |
Since time immemorial, Famiglia Saluzzo has always been like this. One is allowed to think, but not to advise. Because Alberto Saluzzo calls all the shots. Alberto never allows anyone to question his decisions. Nobody in the famiglia finds this unusual. They say that the Saluzzos' strength comes from the fact that Alberto is always correct. [stopmusic(fadetime=3)] | |
[Someone familiar walks in.] | |
??? | Everyone's here? My, now that I look closely, I see a lot of old faces. |
Radical Mafioso | You... You're... |
But, that is not to say that there are no rebels. Only, most of them have been erased from the famiglia. And were never heard from again. With the exception of a white wolf named Lappland. She pulls a chair over and props her feet up on the table, as if she owns the place. | |
Alberto | Who let her in? |
Saluzzo Guard | Don Alberto, sh-she killed everyone outside and forced her way in... |
Alberto | This is a famiglia meeting. Get her out of here. |
Loyal Mafioso | Signorina, I mean, Lappland... The Don has asked you to leave. |
Lappland | I turned down Signora Sicilia's lunch invitation and rushed back like a good little fowlbeast, eager to return to its nest. This hideout we have in Volsinii... it's kinda drab, compared to the old Saluzzo stronghold. Tony, do you really have to treat me so cold? |
Loyal Mafioso | You're no longer an associate of this famiglia. |
Lappland | What, you think I came back to beg the old man to let me back into this damned–I mean, this most distinguished famiglia? |
Loyal Mafioso | Please watch your words, signorina. |
Lappland | Right, right. Even though I was so disgracefully kicked out, this famiglia has always had a special place in my heart. So, at this critically important time, I have chosen to come back home, at risk to my own life, ignoring my father's disdainful glare, to bring back a vital piece of intelligence. Does that not move you to tears? |
Skeptical Mafioso | Lappland... Even if you are the Don's own daughter, you've overstepped your bounds. This is no place for you to run roughshod... |
[Lappland stabbed the mafioso with her sword...] | |
Skeptical Mafioso | You... Nngh... Urgh... |
[...and he falls dead.] | |
Lappland | Never seen that guy before. Was he new? |
Radical Mafioso | Y-Yes! S-Signorina Lappland. |
Lappland | You're so cruel, Father, to doubt the sincerity of my actions. |
Alberto | ...... You got my desk dirty, Lappland. |
Lappland | Desks can be replaced, right? |
Alberto | Let's hear it then. Your so-called "vital intelligence." |
Lappland | Texas. |
Alberto | The same Texas you let go? |
Lappland | That's right. Bellone brought her back. |
Alberto | ...... |
Lappland squints at her father. This homecoming has not inspired a single shred of emotion within her. She carries with her only a faint glimmer of amusement as to what might happen. Or rather, what she is about to make happen. Because, she has been in such environments far too many times in her life. She has returned. The thoughts that inadvertently bubble up in her mind seem ever so laughable. | |
<Background 8> | |
[A man named Leontuzzo greets Texas.] | |
Leontuzzo | Celli–– |
Texas | Just call me Texas. |
Leontuzzo | Alright, Texas. How does it feel to be back in Siracusa? |
Texas | Not too great. |
Leontuzzo | I can imagine. If I were you, I wouldn't feel too great about suddenly being forced to go somewhere, even if it was my homeland. Though, if this isn't too much to ask, I'd like you to imagine this as well: your father suddenly forced a "bodyguard" onto you, and she's a whole lot stronger than you. That's not a great feeling either. |
Texas | Understandable. |
Leontuzzo | ...... That's what I wanted to hear. Unfortunately, I don't have the power to let you leave. All I can say is, I hope we can both do what we need to do. Go ahead and get changed. We had this outfit custom-tailored in old Famiglia Texas style. I hope you can be my bodyguard tonight and accompany me to the banquet. |
Texas | Sure. |
Beside Texas lies the well-pressed suit that Famiglia Bellone has prepared for her. She looks toward the tightly-shut door. She knows what she is supposed to do. To fulfill Zaaro's contract, she needs to exit this room, kill a few irrelevant people, create some chaos, and then finally, kill a few important people. Irrelevant, or important. This is the attitude Siracusans have toward life. She, too, used to think like that. Even now that she has learned to see the world through a different lens, as soon as she stepped back into this city, she quickly realized that these practices were still ever so familiar to her. She has returned. The thoughts that inadvertently bubble up in her mind fill her with disgust. |