This interlude's content includes depiction of suicide, which may be disturbing to some readers. As such, reader discretion is advised. |
IS-ST-3 Troublemaker
Il Siracusano: Stagione delle Piogge |
Pain is inevitable when you reach the roots. |
Characters |
![]() Bellone Mafioso ![]() Loyal Mafioso ![]() Mafioso ![]() Rubio's Daughter |
Backgrounds |
“ | On a clear morning, the crisp clarion call of a pistol's muzzle reverberates across Volsinii through every radio. | ” |
<Background 1> | |
[Lavinia opens the door and enters to see Rubio's daughter waiting for her.] | |
Rubio's Daughter | Oh, you really came, Judge Lavinia! |
Lavinia | You must be Segretario Rubio's daughter, yes? |
Rubio's Daughter | Yeah! I thought my father was just joking around when he said you'd come babysit me! My friends and I all adore you. Compared to people like my father, you're like, the only clean person in the government. |
Lavinia | Do you not get along well with your father? |
Rubio's Daughter | Meh, so-so, I guess. I still like him as a person, because he always makes time for me and plays with me a lot. But you know, I think people like him, who only care about protecting themselves and not rocking the boat, really should have bigger goals in life. His old work friends who started out on the same level as him are way up there now. It took him this long to land a half-decent job, and he doesn't want to do anything more with it. |
Lavinia | His old work friends? |
Rubio's Daughter | Yeah, one of them was Carracci, Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici,[note 1] who just died not too long ago. |
Lavinia | It's a dangerous job. |
Rubio's Daughter | I know... But, I saw him on TV every day, and wise guys from all the big famiglie treated him really well. I dunno, I just think it doesn't make sense trying to be a politician if you can't make it to that level. |
Lavinia | That might be true. |
Rubio's Daughter | So, that's why I was really surprised when my father suddenly decided to become the new Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici. I'm not sure what finally made things click for him... But if he did it sooner, my mother probably wouldn't have divorced him. |
Lavinia | Divorced? |
Rubio's Daughter | Yeah, she thought he was a good-for-nothing, so she left him a few years ago. But my mother has a temper, so I decided to stay with my father. Oh, by the way, you know how he got appointed ministro, right? Can you tell me more about it? |
Lavinia | Sorry, I actually don't know anything... |
Rubio's Daughter | Aww, okay then. Anyway, you can sit anywhere you'd like. I'm not going anywhere today, but I do want to listen to my father's inaugural speech. |
Lavinia | ...... |
[Lavinia walks through Rubio's house.] | |
Lavinia | (Segretario Rubio... keeps his room tidier than I would've expected.) |
Rubio's Daughter | You're surprised too, huh? He probably seems like he'd be a total slob, but he keeps things pretty organized. Oh right, and he keeps a diary. |
Lavinia | Really? |
Rubio's Daughter | Yeah, lemme think... Right, he keeps it over here. He only writes in it when he feels like it. It's not an every day thing. After years of jotting stuff down, he's still got all these blank pages. |
Lavinia | Does he not care if you snoop around his things? |
Rubio's Daughter | It's totally fine. He left it there because he doesn't mind people reading it. I've flipped through it a few times, but it's all boring stuff. I'd call it like, chronicles of a middle-aged man? Boring, it drags on and on. You can take a look if you want. |
Lavinia | ...... |
[Lavinia reads Rubio's diary.] | |
March 5th I ran into Carracci at a restaurant. We had a drink for the first time in a long while. Reminiscing about old times, I couldn't help but to get teary-eyed. | |
<Background 2> | |
Bellone Mafioso | Signor Rubio, this is where you'll be giving your speech. |
Rubio | Please leave me. |
Bellone Mafioso | But we've got orders to protect you. |
Rubio | Nobody could get in here, right? |
Bellone Mafioso | Right. Okay. |
[The mafioso closes the door.] | |
Rubio | ...... Hmph. Power, huh. |
[After ensuring the door is locked, Rubio blocks it with a nearby sofa.] | |
Rubio | Now I'll barricade the door with the sofa... This is about as much as I can do. Okay... Well, Carracci, I won't keep you waiting much longer. See you soon. |
<Background 3> | |
[Exusiai is called by Sora.] | |
Exusiai | How's it looking? |
Sora | The doctor says the strike just missed her heart by a few centimeters, so she didn't die instantly. But, she's still in really bad shape. Where's Texas? |
Exusiai | Umm... |
Texas | ...... |
Exusiai | She's been in a stupor ever since she got back yesterday. She just sits there motionless. Won't even respond when I ask if she wants to eat. |
Sora | Just give her some time. Croissant and I will guard the hospital, so please take care of her. |
Exusiai | No need to worry about me. You two look after yourselves. |
[Sora hangs up.] | |
Exusiai | *sigh*... So bored. Oh right, I heard there was supposed to be some speech today? Maybe I'll give it a listen. |
[Exusiai tunes the radio to Rubio's speech.] | |
Radio | Buongiorno,[note 2] my dear friends and citizens. I imagine most of you don't know much about me, and I can't blame you for that. After all, I came held very minor and unimportant role of Segretario di Sicurezza Alimentare[note 3] before this. In fact, I believe that most of our dear citizens, apart from the late Ministro Carracci and the honorable Judge Lavinia, know very little about our government. I do not know Judge Lavinia very well, but I do have somewhat of a history with the late Ministro Carracci. I believe it would be appropriate to begin my speech with him, a figure everyone here should already be familiar with. |
<Background 4> | |
Radio | Carracci and I both joined L'Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato[note 4] around the same time. He was strong and energetic, taking care of the fieldwork while I handled the paperwork behind the scenes. He became known within the system for his bold words and actions, and he even dared to challenge prominent famiglie. To be perfectly honest, it seemed like the guy was indomitable. He was almost taken out a few times by dissatisfied famiglie, but managed to weather the storm or push through the situation. But at the time, L'Autorità staff saw him as a pain, and nobody wanted to help him. So the job of reporting to him naturally fell to me, unpopular as I was. And let me tell you, that job took a whole lot out of me. But at the same time, it filled me with a sense of accomplishment. Though I could never be as direct and straightforward as him, I could do what I wanted to do through him vicariously, and that was a reward in itself. Throughout this process, the two of us became fairly well-acquainted. |
[Bernardo and Leontuzzo are listening to the speech.] | |
Bernardo | Leon, you were working with Carracci for the last two years, and I know you thought highly of him. Does this account match with what you knew of him? |
Leontuzzo | He certainly was energetic. He knew exactly how to deal with the famiglie, and that went beyond just being tactful. He knew how to help them under the table while also getting them to serve his interests. A lot of what he wanted to do would've been blocked by various famiglie, but in his hands, he always managed to get things done, step by step. |
Bernardo | I can tell you learned a lot from him. |
Leontuzzo | I just thought there were some similarities in the way I saw things and the way he operated. The days when problems can be solved with fighting and killing are over, padre mio.[note 5] If the famiglie are going to survive, they have to adapt accordingly. |
Bernardo | You still don't understand, Leon. |
Leontuzzo | What do I not understand? |
Bernardo | You've subconsciously lumped yourself in with Lavinia and Carracci. But don't ever forget, you are not one of them. |
Leontuzzo | I know. |
Bernardo | If you really knew, you wouldn't be standing here. Unfortunately, you're out of time. |
Leontuzzo | Padre? |
[Bernardo punches Leontuzzo, knocking him unconscious.] | |
Bernardo | Leon, if you get through this alive... It's what it is. |
<Background 1> | |
...... | |
Radio | Even though he was a thorn in the side of many famiglie, his talents were evident to all. And so, he rose through the ranks long before I did. In fact, I thought he wouldn't last long after his promotion. I used to think that, because he was never in a place where too many different interests overlapped, he wouldn't face any serious attempts on his life. If he kept behaving the same way he always did as he rose through the ranks, sooner or later, he was bound to step on toes that he could not afford to step on. I was wrong. |
Rubio's Daughter | I never knew my father could be such a talkative person. What do you think, Judge Lavinia? Judge Lavinia? |
Lavinia seems completely oblivious to the calls of Rubio's daughter. She is engrossed in the words of the diary in her hands. | |
May 3rd ...... Just resolved a small case, but it touched me deeply. There's a problem that everyone is unaware of. Or, should I say, is turning a blind eye to. Why, even in the age of Signora Sicilia, does Siracusa have two different sets of rules at once–one internal, and one external? The brutality and greed of the famiglie have long been documented, but as brutal and greedy as they may be, they have chosen not to control things themselves. There's a reason for this. It's actually quite simple. Population. The institution of a famiglia is based on bloodline or personal identity. And this inefficient organization means that the numbers in any given famiglia will never reach the order of magnitude required to manage even a nomadic city. This means they must rely on a system established by the common citizenry, and they can only seize control of a behemoth such as Siracusa by manipulating this system behind the scenes. Signora Sicilia was acutely aware of this fact, so after she rose to power, she drew an even more pronounced line between mafiosi and ordinary folk. And by emphasizing her absolute might and control, she, over the past few decades, has gotten everyone in Siracusa to believe that in Siracusa, "the existence of two orders, internal and external, is taken for granted." To the extent that everyone was forced to forget how the establishment of Siracusa's underground order was only made possible by the consistency of the outward-facing order. This cannot be called anything other than a manifestation of political wisdom. | |
Lavinia | Rubio, you... |
<Background 3> | |
Radio | In fact, in our system, there is no shortage of people with the same fundamental intentions as Carracci. However, for various reasons, they finally chose to submit to these famiglie, even becoming their cronies. But Carracci was different. Not only did he not give in, he was always looking for ways to fight against them. And, his efforts paid off. He did not die as easily as I thought he would, and he even managed to climb higher. And when we met again at a banquet, he said something that I will never forget– "The famiglie these days are weak." |
Exusiai | This dude's pretty brave... Huh? |
<Background 5> | |
[A number of mafiosi are rushing outside Penguin Logistics' office which is close to Volsinii's broadcast tower.] | |
<Background 3> | |
Exusiai | Umm... Texas, there seems to be something happening outside. Lemme go check it out. |
Texas | ...... Exusiai. |
Exusiai | Huh? |
Texas | Do you think... we could bring Giovanna back to Lungmen? |
Exusiai | Why not? She seems fun. But, it doesn't feel like that's what you think. Right? |
[Exusiai closes the door.] | |
Texas turns her eyes to the table by the window, upon which a necklace sits. It was a symbol of trust from Signora Sicilia. A gift that Giovanna left for her. In her grandfather's eyes, the Columbian famiglie had soured. They'd do anything for the sake of profit, getting involved in the lowest businesses, committing murders with no morals at all. In her father's eyes, the Siracusan famiglie had decayed. Passing up profit and opportunity, not fighting for their interests, limiting their progress for the sake of supposed morality. All of it was the pinnacle of stupidity. In Texas's eyes, her father and grandfather were right and wrong. If... If she is only angry about what happened to Giovanna, then she could leave just like she did seven years ago, only this time bringing Giovanna with her. However, when she got news of her grandfather's death, when she turned a blind eye to the carwash worker, when she turned her back on her father's orders to help, the only thought on her mind was– There's no end to it all. | |
<Background 1> | |
Radio | He showed me how to deal with the famiglie in a comically simple way– He offered them goods they couldn't refuse. Benefits. It's not as if the famiglie couldn't take what he had. But what they always lacked was a great manager. They only knew how to plunder, but never actually learned how to govern. Relying on his outstanding abilities, he gradually became a celebrity to several prominent famiglie. And when they fought over who would fill the role of Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici, he became the candidate that everyone was happy with. Having said all this, I'm sure a lot of you will have questions– You might think Carracci sounds like a guy who played both sides. But what I'd like to say is, in a country like Siracusa, a country rooted in evil, it has never been possible for a good person to exist. To put it mildly, we are all evil. |
Rubio's Daughter | Should he be saying stuff like that in an inaugural speech? |
Lavinia | ...... |
October 15th I met with that judge, Lavinia. From the way people talk about her, I imagined someone like Carracci, a righteous person who wasn't willing to throw away her integrity. Meeting her only confirmed that. There's no way she's unaware of the futility of what she's doing, in our current landscape. There's no way she's unaware of the fact that should she ever cross any of the famiglia, her life would be in grave danger. The irony of all this is, the rights of ordinary people that she strives to protect as a judge mean nothing in the eyes of the famiglie. They mean so little to them that she has not been snuffed out on her path forward. Talking to her was torture, because I had to hold back my admiration for her and treat her like I would anyone else. Carracci once joked that my position made him feel at ease because even if he died, he knew I would be there to pick up the torch. But... what if I also died? It's not as if I haven't cultivated and won over a number of youths, but they've never had a leader with any real sway like Carracci. And undoubtedly, Judge Lavinia would make an ideal successor. Of course, I can't push my ideas on her. But, I'm afraid I don't have much time left either. There is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of me. I don't have time to convey each and every one of my thoughts to her. I do believe, however, that if my plan goes well, Judge Lavinia will at least be willing to look after my daughter. Alas... Carracci, my old friend, let me put your death to good use. If our souls can meet once more, I'll have to apologize to you again. –But, a noble soul like yours probably won't end up in the same place as mine, haha. | |
Lavinia | ...... |
<Background 5> | |
[Exusiai is pinned down by the mafiosi.] | |
Exusiai | Ugh, I knew we should've relocated as soon as we could. But we're just gonna have to work with this, considering everything that happened yesterday. |
Mafioso | Gah, that Sankta's a pain in the ass. It's just one woman! Surround her! |
Exusiai | My trusty partner here is trying to relax, so mind keeping it down? |
[More mafiosi joins in.] | |
Exusiai | Ugh, you guys sure love raising hell, don't you? Oh, if anyone else was here, they'd probably be like, "But Exusiai, you also love raising hell too!" It sure sucks having to do this alone. |
[Suddenly Lappland shows up and strikes the mafiosi pinning down Exusiai.] | |
Lappland | What's this? Someone need a helping hand? |
Exusiai | I've been wondering, do you, like... have way too much time on your hands? |
Lappland | I'm just like you. We're all waiting for an answer. |
Exusiai | What do you mean by that? Does it make a big difference to you whether or not Texas goes back to Lungmen? |
Lappland | Absolutely. And as of right now, I want her to go back. |
Exusiai | Hmm... Does that mean you're on our side? |
Lappland | Sure does. |
[Lappland engages the mafiosi.] | |
Exusiai | Great. Can't party alone. |
![]() | |
Radio | Sorry, sorry. I shouldn't have said all that depressing stuff. However, it should be clear to everyone by now that I'm not here to give an inaugural speech. I came here to speak from my heart. Carracci, as bold as his vision was, never mentioned anything to me about his outlook regarding the new city. The reason for that is, when he took up his position, he was already prepared to die. We've all borne witness to what he did over the past two years. And just when I thought he might make it long enough to see the birth of the new city, he suddenly died a few days ago. As for me, that was the last straw. So, I cozied up to Famiglia Bellone, recommended myself to them, and obtained this position. In that process, I discovered a shocking conspiracy the Bellone and Saluzzo famiglie have been brewing– From the very beginning, they plotted to plunge this city into chaos and seize the newly-built nomadic city. Then, they will seek to leverage it against Signora Sicilia. |
<Background 2> | |
Loyal Mafioso | Don Alberto, this– |
Alberto | ...... Any news from Bernardo yet? |
Loyal Mafioso | No, Don Alberto. |
Alberto | What's the meaning of this, Bernardo? |
[Alberto calls someone.] | |
Alberto | Danbrown. |
Carwash Worker | ...... |
Alberto | Danbrown! |
Carwash Worker | ...I'm here. |
Alberto | You're near Rubio's location, right? |
Carwash Worker | Yes. |
Alberto | Whack that lunatic. |
Carwash Worker | Yes, Don Alberto. |
<Background fades out and in> | |
[Danbrown breaks into the broadcast room where Rubio is giving his speech.] | |
Rubio | Alright... I guess I can't keep you out, if you really want to come in. |
Carwash Worker | You're an idiot. What's the point of all this? ...... |
Rubio | The way you're dressed... Are you an ordinary worker? |
Carwash Worker | I work at a carwash. It's called "Auto Lavaggio Danbrown." |
Rubio | Oh, that rings a bell. |
Carwash Worker | Yes. |
Rubio | So, you must be Danbrown then? |
Carwash Worker | That's me. |
Rubio | Do you have any particular concerns about your job? |
Carwash Worker | No. Siracusa's gotten soggy and stale. I've had nothing to do, so I found some work for myself. |
Rubio | That's a shame. You should've looked a little harder. You arrogant wise guys think you can lord over us forever. You think your only enemies are each other, you never take any of us seriously. But, the times are changing. Nothing stays the same forever. |
Carwash Worker | No matter how nice your words might sound, they're just words. Can words overthrow the famiglie, or Signora Sicilia? |
Rubio | No, but I've taken this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and said what I needed to say. As for who'll win between the Bellones and Signora Sicilia, I don't know, or care. All I know is–this new era has no room for the likes of you. If the next chapter of Siracusan history is about to be written, the heroes of that story won't be the famiglie. We may have no power. We may indeed be weak. But we know that civilization rose to overcome this savagery. We pursue a form of equality, an order not rooted in violence. |
Carwash Worker | Violence is in our nature. |
Rubio | Really now? Why, then, are all the famiglie moving in the same direction? Why are they chasing money and power instead of violence and conflict? Is killing me today just a cathartic release of this violence? Or is it because... I got in the way of the people behind you taking power? |
Carwash Worker | ...... |
Rubio | See, you already know the answer. And, if you don't mind, I'd like to be the one to finish myself off. Do you know what this is? |
Carwash Worker | A gun? |
Rubio | That's right. I purchased it from Blacksteel a few years ago, through my connections. It's hard to use, and it's not very useful against a pack of wise guys lunging at you. All it can do is offer a little protection to one as weak as myself. By the looks of things, I already figured out who I should be pointing it at years ago. ...... |
Rubio slowly raises the gun's muzzle to his temple. | |
Rubio | Oh right, Danbrown. I hope that one day, you can just be a regular carwash worker here in Siracusa. One who never has to hold a weapon, ever again. |
<Background 1> | |
October 19th How I yearn to unload everything on my chest in a speech. But, I cannot. I have to convince them that I decided to take revenge on the famiglie because of Carracci's death. Plus, there are some words that cannot be spoken yet. I'm not here to usher in a new era. I'm not arrogant enough to think that. I don't even know how many hearts my words will be able to reach. But, I believe that as long as this country still has people like me, Carracci, and Lavinia... Then there is still hope for Siracusa. So, I will write what I wanted to say here: Having said so much about Carracci, the reality is, as you may realize, I'm not here to talk about Carracci. I'm here to talk about myself. And all of us, my dear citizens. We live in a cage called the famiglie. They may not always directly affect our lives, but they are always a part of it. Every ordinary person in Siracusa, over the course of their lives, will come to gain their own understanding of the famiglie through various ways. And eventually, they get used to it. However, I hope you can take a good look at the people around you, and look back at your own life. There is one thing we all should understand– We are human beings. Our lives are very much real. We are not livestock in a pen. And above all, we are powerful. Our power comes from the very lives we have created. The lives the mafiosi relish in were also created by our hands. This is the country we've built, brick by brick. | |
Lavinia | ...... |
Rubio's Daughter | Judge Lavinia, am I dreaming? Why is my father... talking with a hitman like that? No, father! He's in danger! |
Lavinia | ...... |
Lavinia feels tears welling up in her eyes. But she does not have time to wipe them, because she already has a premonition in her heart. She moves to Rubio's daughter and gently covers her ears. | |
![]() | |
The inhabitants of Volsinii will never forget this day. On a clear morning, the crisp clarion call of a pistol's muzzle reverberates across Volsinii through every radio. Former Volsinii Segretario di Sicurezza Alimentare Rubio died during his inaugural speech, taking over as Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici. The chaos that ensued, though it would be subdued before half a day's time, in fact became the first step toward a new era for Siracusa. |