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Bitey icon
Ink Spirit
Yanese Villager Male icon
Inn Assistant
Male Yanese icon
Odd Traveler
Female Yanese icon
Grindstone Waregeist icon
Strange Object
Yanese Thug icon
Street Youth
Yanese Thug icon
Suspicious Passerby
Male Yanese icon
Suspicious Townsfolk
Hurrying Assistant
Yan Indoor B
Shangshu Teahouse
Shangshu Pass
Painted World Landscape
Shangshu Street
Yan Alley Night
Yan Downtown
Yan Inn
Shangshu Liang Estate

Dusk uses an Ink Spirit to pass a message onto the pair, conveying her request to seek out the master of the goblet. Lee entrusts the pole-carrier with helping him find leads, but falls prey to a trap set by the innkeeper.
I was born in a small village a hundred li away from what is today Shangshu. It was a beautiful oasis.
If you gazed out from the village, you would see a range of mountains that formed a line. The line enveloped a swath of land named Shangshu.
There was a Catastrophe when I was young. The mountains covered a wide area, and the looming clouds covered an even wider area..
The Catastrophe Messengers were quick at their work. As we evacuated, we could see sparks lighting up the sky. All of us knew that Shangshu's Three Mounts would never look the same after the Catastrophe passed.
<Background black>
I was still very young. All I remember is the adults' swaying backs and their forced smiles.
The rescue team moved quickly, but all of us knew that the houses, the farms, and the orchards would all perish in the storm.
Background-Mountaintop Pavilion
We passed a mountain on our way.
With my own eyes, I saw a drunken woman lounging in a pavilion.
<Background black>
I saw her share a toast with the sky.
I saw her fall unconscious in the pavilion, completely inebriated.
But the rescue team didn't stop. The adults around me pretended as though they didn't see her.
<Background 1>
Liang Xun ...A black goblet.
Was this the cup she drank from...?
Miss Li...
[Mr. Liang is interrupted by a part-time worker rushing into his room.]
Part-Timer Sir! Do you need something?
Liang Xun Can you describe the guest just now?
Part-Timer Of course... I could never forget a Forte hunk like him...
Liang Xun Prepare two boxes of pastries and pay Miss Ning a visit.
If Miss Ning meets with the Forte there... come back and let me know.
Part-Timer Very well, though why aren't you—Uhh... My apologies, I shouldn't have asked. I will go right now.
[The part-timer leaves.]
Liang Xun ......
<Background 2>
Mr. Nothing Benefactor, I asked around, and it seems we'll arrive at our rendezvous point if we follow this path up the mountain.
But suppose we really don't find anyone there, what should we do?
Kroos Then we'll just have to go back to the Liang estate to find Mr. Lee. He said Magistrate Liang asked him to look into the goblet's owner. We should help him out.
Mr. Nothing But what if Miss Du spoke the truth, and it was indeed a man of renown who seeks the cup...? Would Magistrate Liang truly know nothing of it?
But would that all of this was a mere premeditated conspiracy, why would Magistrate Liang need to go through the trouble and put on such a show?
Kroos It's not like we haven't ever seen any big shots ourselves.
Mr. Nothing You mean the boy who claimed to be a Messenger...?
Kroos Haha... If only the Doctor was around. We could've just handed all this trouble off.
*Sigh*... I miss the dorm's soft beds.
Mr. Nothing *Sigh*... Why must we always mix ourselves up in trouble...?
Kroos Finish your tea... It's time to go.
[A Savra woman wearing a black qipao enters the teahouse...]
Travel-Weary Woman Hm...
[...and looks for someone.]
Travel-Weary Woman Should be around here...
Hurrying Assistant Hot water coming through. Out of the way—
[A teahouse staff rushes to deliver hot water...]
Hurrying Assistant Hm! Watch out!
[...and bumped into the Savra woman in their rush.]
Travel-Weary Woman (Rim Billitonian) —Strewth! Don't scratch the paint, cobba.
A letter? From just now...?
<Background 3>
Kroos It's past the rendezvous time. They really didn't come.
Mr. Nothing What should we do now? We don't know if Benefactor Lava has been to the office...
Kroos ......
Mr. Nothing Perhaps we should wait a little longer?
Kroos *Sigh*.
Or we could meet up with Mr. Lee first—Hm?
[Kroos noticed the presence of one of Dusk's Ink Spirits nearby, which is outside one of her painted worlds for some reason.]
Ink Spirit Gkh—!
Kroos An Ink Spirit...?!
Mr. Nothing Hold on, hold on! Can those things leave the scrolls?
Kroos I have no idea myself...
Mr. Nothing Hey, little guy. Where did you come from? Where's your owner?
[The Ink Spirit approaches Kroos and Mr. Nothing, and bites the Liberi...]
Ink Spirit Gkhaa!
Mr. Nothing Hey, no biting! Let go! Let go!
[...which somehow transports the two into one of Dusk's painted worlds...]
<Background 3>
??? You're the one who provoked it.
[ Dusk reveals herself before the two.]
Dusk Bitey, that's enough.
Mr. Nothing Owie—!
Kroos Dusk!
Dusk We ran into a bit of trouble. You'll have to bear with me talking to you this way.
Kroos Trouble...?
Dusk Don't worry about it. It's nothing you can help with.
Kroos In Shangshu, we ran into some court envoys who're investigating what happened at Mount Hui-ch'i in Kou-wu City... They said they're from the Sui Regulator.
Dusk Tsk... I thought Nian would have everything sorted out by the time she came knocking on my door.
It seems I should've kept my expectations low with the way she goes about things.
Did you fight them?
Mr. Nothing Heaven forbid we should try to tussle with the mandarins... Not that we would've won if we'd tried, haha...
Kroos They mentioned you and Nian, but it didn't seem like they were looking into you two too seriously.
They came to Shangshu on a different mission.
Dusk I don't know about that... Do you have any clues?
Kroos It's got something to do with a black goblet.
Dusk Black... goblet.
Mr. Nothing We're helping a certain Mr. Lee to look into the cup's master too. The cup looked like it had a pattern on it... Much like the trinket that Nian gave Benefactor Lava.
Dusk Heh.
A cup... No wonder something seemed strange... I have a pretty strong hunch as to who that cup belongs to.
She can help us with quite a bit if we actually manage to find her. At the very least, she can help me keep Nian's mouth shut.
??? Dusk! Get out here already! The old fart's rambling away, he's really pissing me off! It's your turn!
Kroos Uhh... Is that Nian?
Dusk You must've misheard.
??? Heavenly forge—
Mr. Nothing P-Perhaps we should keep you no longer?
Dusk You said you're looking for the master of the cup, weren't you?
Find her before the mandarins do. Persuade her to help us.
At the very least, drag this out until we get to Shangshu. Don't let the Sui Regulator take her away.
I'm counting on you.
<Background 3>
Mr. Nothing ......!
Kroos Hm, we're back...?
Mr. Nothing Benefactor, is it just me, or does this baffling trickery of Dusk's really come in handy?
Kroos It's not worldly Arts anyway, so don't bother trying to learn it.
But it is convenient, I'll give you that.
<Background 5>
Pole-Carrier You're looking for a pavilion?
Lee I'm guessing that a pole-carrier like you, having come up and down the mountains so many times, the range here must be like your own backyard.
Pole-Carrier Let me tell you, then. The Three Mounts and Seventeen Peaks are full of pavilions, be it old rest stops or newly built scenic spots.
It's tough to find a specific one.
Lee You can do it.
Pole-Carrier It'll take a lot of work, and I get paid by the trip, you know...
Not like anyone across the world would work for free.
Lee Indeed. Here's your reward, then.
[Lee gave some money to the pole-carrier.]
Pole-Carrier You're from Lungmen?
Lee Yes, what should I call you, kind sir?
Pole-Carrier The name's Shang... Like Shang-Qie.
What do you want me to do for you? Be your guide? Or do you want me to find somewhere that fits the description and report back?
Lee Time is of the essence. It'll be for the better if we can split up.
Pole-Carrier You're not from around here... and you're with a boatman?
Boatman I've spent a very long time in the rivers, and I am familiar enough with the area.
Pole-Carrier The rivers are nothing like the mountain roads.
Boatman They're both in Shangshu.
Pole-Carrier ......
You can skip the Bieli, Ziyun, and Qingluan Peaks. They're just small peaks that people back in the old days decided to count toward the Seventeen Peaks.
Lee Very well. We're actually focusing our search today on the Qujiang Peak here.
I'd appreciate if you could find me some clues before sundown... and please do look out for any towns with famous wine shops while you're in the mountains.
Pole-Carrier Wine?
Lee Aren't all those who frequent pavilions connoisseurs of drink? They're always passed out drunk in them.
Pole-Carrier I'll ask around, then.
Lee Much thanks.
Pole-Carrier We'll meet in the teahouse there in the evening, then.[note 1]
Lee Very well.
Pole-Carrier See you.
[The pole-carrier leaves.]
Boatman Well, if you aren't a casual guy. You pulled a random person off the street and asked them to help you. Aren't you afraid of getting duped?
Lee I'm a detective. Gotta take a risk every now and then.
Boatman Can we trust him?
Lee Just barely. He got attention from all the shopkeeps along the road. That means he's got decent relationships.
A pole-carrier who would swindle this little money wouldn't have such a good reputation in the neighborhood.
Besides, it's better than searching blindly.
Boatman You have a point... Where do we head next, then? Any clues?
Lee A mysterious person that our magistrate insists is in Shangshu, their whereabouts unknown nonetheless, wouldn't hang out in a normal town like this.
So much of the problem lies in the cup.
Besides... If someone's bent on getting their hands on this no-name goblet, it only means that this little trinket is the key.
Master Shen, suppose the two of us run into the thieves from the other day. Do you think we can fend them off together?
Boatman *Sigh*, I've spent a few decades on the rivers, and the only thing I've ever worried about is how my grandchildren are doing in school. I've never fought anyone, and it would be quite the problem if I ever ran into a bandit.
All I can do is be your tour guide, kid. If you're worried, you'd better go to Mr. Liang soon and have him find you a bodyguard or two.
Lee You haven't ever needed to lift a finger in your line of business?
Boatman I've been boating on the rivers for a few dozen years. I've never gotten myself into any of those hairy situations.
I can guarantee your safety if we run into some wild beasts on our journey through the mountains...
But with all the construction around the mountains the past couple years, you won't come across any beasts.
Lee So there aren't any wild beasts... but are there any creatures with metal plates on their backs?
Boatman Now what's that about?
Lee I don't know myself.
Boatman Where did you see that?
Lee I saw it...
[Lee points to the strange beast from earlier, which is nearby and can be seen by Shen the boatman as well.]
Strange Object Ao...?
Lee ...right here.
Boatman This... this is...
Strange Object Ao!
[The beast runs away.]
Lee Hm, it's gone...
Boatman You scared it away...
[Some of Du's underlings approach Lee and Shen.]
Street Youth Hey.
Lee Need something...?
Suspicious Townsfolk Do you have the cup?
We work for Innkeeper Zheng. He has a small eatery in this town as well. He wants to treat you to lunch.
Lee ......
Boatman Run!
<Background 3>
Street Youth A I really don't understand what Miss Du and the innkeeper are thinking. This is such a pain in the ass...
Street Youth B First, they want us to steal the goods, then they want us to ensure no one makes off with it, and they even want us to get in the employer's way... Hm?
Hey, get up. Take a look over there...
[The underlings noticed Zuo Le in a distance...]
Zuo Le ......
Street Youths ......
Zuo Le ......
[...and approaches him.]
Street Youth B Stop right there...!
Zuo Le Hello, sir. How may I help you?
Street Youth B Uh... Umm... I'm traveling right now, but I lost my wallet. I don't know nobody here. Think you can help me out?
Zuo Le Did all of you lose your wallets together?
Street Youth B N-No, we... uh... we couldn't all be bothered to bring our backpacks with us, you know? So we put our cameras and wallets and whatnot all in one bag. It's the bag that we lost.
Street Youth A We ain't gonna ask much from you. Just head back down the mountain and call the cops at the hotel there. I promise it'll be worth your while. Please, help us.
Zuo Le ......
<Background 6>
Kroos Look at the time already... Sundown here comes early, huh?
Nothing, mate, how do we get to the Liang estate again?
Mr. Nothing This way, Benefactor...
[Mr. Nothing leads the way to the Liang estate.]
<Background 7>
Mr. Nothing Shangshu's streets and alleys are vivid and colorful. There's a certain charm to gazing out at the mountains in the distance and the markets below from atop the skyscrapers here.
It's an entirely different scenery than what you'd find in Kou-wu.
Kroos Right. It's got a nice vibe, and the view is great. Not to mention, when the wind blows, you can sometimes smell the rust.
Am I right?
[Zuo Le shows up before Kroos and Mr. Nothing.]
Zuo Le It has been a while since my blade was last unsheathed. How could it possibly rust?
Kroos You need us for something?
Zuo Le Of course... Rhodes Island has gotten too involved.
Kroos So you've been digging up dirt on us?
Zuo Le Here's a Yanese idiom you might like, Miss Kroos. "Justice casts a wide net."
A medical company that strives to rescue all Infected and sees them as equals, regardless of their race, status, and wealth—
—Even the purest of mountain springs must be no match for Rhodes Island in purity.
Kroos Thanks for the compliment.
Zuo Le Oh, please don't get the wrong idea... I didn't mean that as a threat.
After all, if Rhodes Island was a dishonest organization, you two would be in jail right now.
In other words, I would like you two to see our current situation as a form of trust.
Kroos Should I say thanks?
Zuo Le However, Infected should not be wandering about in such a bustling part of town out in the open. Safety remains a concern, after all.
Would you follow me? Let's take this somewhere else.
Kroos ......
Mr. Nothing (What should we do, Benefactor? This kid's sketchy through and through.)
Kroos (Not necessarily, and it's not like we have a choice...)
Sure, let's go somewhere else.
Zuo Le Very well. I see you two are of formidable talent as well. I'll wait for you at the top of the tower to the north in a quarter hour.
[Zuo Le leaves by jumping off the a nearby pole.]
Kroos Is that what you guys call qinggong in Yanese martial arts?
Mr. Nothing More or less. Of course, considering his martial prowess, he's no normal man.
Alright, fine... He's extraordinary, actually.
Kroos I don't see you get this serious often.
Mr. Nothing Haha, you jest, my benefactor. I'm always solemn and serious about every last detail.
To possess such fine skills at his age... He must have studied under a distinguished master to hone his extraordinary talent. Even that might be an understatement. His abilities are likely beyond our imagination.
Like I was saying, if he had that bull of a mandarin for a bodyguard, he is not to be taken lightly.
Kroos They know about Nian and Dusk. Obviously, they know about Mr. Lee too.
Dusk said... We have to find the goblet's master first.
Getting involved with a Yanese mandarin, though... Amiya's going to chew me out when we get back...
*Sigh*, if only the Doctor... Guess we can't always count on the Doctor, huh...

The youth named Zuo Le once again makes contact with Kroos, and confesses to the existence of Yan's Sui Regulator. He then proposes cooperation with Rhodes Island. Lee and Liang Xun drink together, and in their drunkenness, catch a glimpse of a terrifying truth.
<Background 8>
Lee Well, that was an unfruitful day...
I never had such headaches back at the agency in Lungmen.
Boatman Because Mr. Liang left you no leads to follow?
Lee No, it's actually because... I have a lot of friends in Lungmen.
And aside from Mr. Liang the shut-in, the only friend I have in Shangshu is you, Master Shen.
Boatman *Sigh*...
There's a crowd at his door, isn't there?
Lee Doesn't look like they're trying to be discreet.
Suspicious Passerby Hey, the Lungmenite's here too. Right... Don't be rash. Just don't let them get away.
Keep an eye on them.
Lee Eh, I don't suppose we walked into their trap?
Boatman Weird... It doesn't matter how glorious they were in the old days, they're just a bunch of restaurateurs now. Do they really have this much influence?
Odd Traveler There's no one else around—W-Wait!
[Suddenly Shang the pole-carrier shows up.]
Suspicious Passersby M-Master Shang.
Pole-Carrier ......
I'm here.
Boatman ......
Lee H-Have a seat. Would you like some tea?
Pole-Carrier I asked around.
There are a few spots that fit the description. Very few visitors, but there are some pavilions that have been around for a while. I marked them on the map.
As for your wine shops, wherever there's a settlement, it's practically guaranteed that there's one. These places fit the bill.
Lee Hmm...
Boatman There's one at Qujiang Peak?
Pole-Carrier I have no idea myself, but Old Qian insisted that there is.
These are all out-of-the-way trails. No normal sightseers would go there. Be careful.
Lee I see. Thank you, Master Shang.
Pole-Carrier I will take my leave, then...
Lee Master Shang, do you know those men outside the door...?
Suspicious Passersby —!
Pole-Carrier Don't know them.
[Shang leaves.]
Suspicious Passerby What's going on...?
(Tell the innkeeper... Master Shang and the Lungmenite have dealings with each other!)
Odd Traveler (Should we still block the way out here?)
Suspicious Passerby (What the hell are you even trying to block? Let's go! We're out of here!)
<Background 9>
Liang Xun You're back.
Lee That trip was a complete waste. Please don't ask.
Liang Xun I'm just worried about bandits coming after you.
Lee As long as you're looking out for me, they won't make trouble.
What's more, our hot little goblet isn't in my possession anymore. You should be careful yourself.
Liang Xun No need.
We found out who ambushed you. It's all a misunderstanding. They thought you were a smuggler pillaging artifacts.
Lee Well, it sounds like Shangshu's chivalric code is alive and well. That was quite the brawl for a minor "misunderstanding."
Liang Xun Don't blame them.
Master Shen, Lee isn't a local. I'm afraid I'll need you to take care of him for the next couple of days.
Boatman Of course, it's not big deal.
Liang Xun I know things are hectic at the docks lately. I'll pay you double your wage for your time.
Boatman Don't worry about it, Mr. Liang. We never talk money.
Liang Xun I can't do wrong by my citizens.
You've been a great help, and I might need more of your help in the future.
Boatman Fine, then... If that's how you feel, then I won't push it.
I'll stick with our boy Lee for as long as he's here. Those of us who make a living on the mountain trails and rivers know the Three Mounts and Seventeen Peaks like the backs of our hands.
Liang Xun Thank you.
Lee —Liang Xun.
Liang Xun What's the matter?
Lee We'll talk inside.
<Background 1>
Lee I remember telling you that as long as you aren't hiding anything from me, this will be nothing complicated.
Tell me, what exactly is the story behind the cup and its master?
Liang Xun ......
Lee You can't tell me?
Liang Xun No.
Lee I ran into those guys again in the mountains today.
Liang Xun What...?
Lee So that little "misunderstanding" of yours isn't actually very convincing.
Liang Xun ......
Lee How high are the stakes?
Liang Xun As high as heaven.
Lee *Sigh*...
You should've told me sooner.
Liang Xun I was afraid you'd get dragged into the mess if you knew too much.
Lee So you still think I'm not part of the mess?
Liang Xun Forgive me.
You should get some rest. If our friend proves too difficult to locate... then you don't have to worry about it.
Lee We've come this far. You can't suddenly have second thoughts about this, can you?
I appreciate the feeling, but if I really call it quits here, that's the end of the good life for you. I know that much.
So what's on the table? You can at least tell me that, can't you?
Liang Xun Both the people and the country.
Lee Well, the stakes do sound high, and it's such a tall tale, I'm finding that kind of hard to believe.
Liang Xun I would never joke about such a serious matter.
Lee Of course I know you wouldn't.
Let me change the subject, then. You wouldn't be entertaining a lovely lady this evening, would you?
Liang Xun —*Cough*.
There is nothing between me and Miss Ning.
Lee I never said there's anything between you two.
Liang Xun Your eyes said enough.
Lee Really? Everyone always ridicules you for how unsociable you are, but even Huai Tianpei's girl is all grown up now. You have to have scored a home run at least once or twice?
Liang Xun ......
Lee You have your reasons, huh?
Liang Xun ......
Liang Xun How about a drink?
It's high time we had a drink together.
Lee Right... We're long overdue.
<Background 7>
Zuo Le You truly are a swift one, Miss Kroos. The innkeeper wasn't kidding.
Where is the man with the fan?
Kroos We couldn't risk a complete wipeout in case you had any traps set up here, can we?
Zuo Le How peculiar... I thought you would send him, while you hide in the shadows.
As the saying goes, one should sacrifice a pawn to save one's queen. Not only are you the "queen," you're a crossbowman and an escape artist.
Even so, you came personally.
Kroos Well, my mate Nothing isn't a regular operator yet. I can't just have him fly into the face of danger.
Zuo Le And yet you still have a mind for danger, especially when you have to go it alone, don't you?
Kroos If you're the kind of bloke who goes all 'I can see right through you' just to seem smart, I'd rather go home and have a sleep.
Zuo Le Haha... so temperamental. Forget I said anything, then.
I'll get to the point. We've looked into Rhodes Island a little. With so little time, we didn't dig up a lot of information.
I don't claim to fully know you, but at least know you can be trusted.
Kroos Can I? Not only did I butt my head into this affair, I'm an Infected, you know?
Zuo Le You must put the right people to the right job. Oripathy is a misfortune that all Infected face. What does that have to do with their responsibilities or skills?
Kroos ......
Zuo Le I would like Rhodes Island to do us a favor.
No, in fact, if you don't help us, then I'm afraid you'd be making an enemy of us.
Kroos You want Mr. Lee's goblet.
When I chased the thief that night, right away, the tracks split into two. It was dark out, and you moved quick, but I never took my eyes off the one who'd actually left the Liang estate.
I lost them not long thereafter, though. And then a certain someone showed up, just like it was a planned diversion—
The innkeeper drew my attention. Was he drawing it away from you?
Zuo Le No wonder he thinks so highly of you.
Kroos Bingo, eh?
What does the cup have to do with "Sui?"
Zuo Le You know of "Sui?"
Oh... Looks like you're not lying, though you know only half the story.
Kroos Hm, is that so?
Zuo Le Considering you see Nian and Dusk as friends... and that she told you about this much, they must see Rhodes Island as a lifeline of sorts.
In years past, so long as they stayed in line and broke no rules, the Sui Regulator would turn a blind eye to whatever they did.
But nowadays, things are different.
Not only are the times changing, you are on friendly terms with Nian, and you even brought Dusk off her mountain. That put you on the Sui Regulator's wrong side.
Kroos We were just...
Zuo Le I know you meant no ill will, but what comes next?
How is Great Yan meant to know that they are not planning anything when they are all in one place?
Kroos "Great Yan..."
Zuo Le I'm not trying to exaggerate.
Nian and Dusk disappeared not long after they reached Shangshu, and it just so happens that a goblet associated with them made its way here around the same time. Furthermore, the man of the hour is on Rhodes Island's side.
This is a tremendous coincidence. Wouldn't you say so, Miss Kroos?
Kroos ......
Zuo Le And I'm not one to believe in coincidences.
<Background 6>
Inn Assistant Oof!
I forgot to hang the clothes to dry. Oh no, oh no... If I don't get to that now, there won't be anything to wear tomorrow.
Shang Zhong, huh? You shouldn't have come.
Pole-Carrier ......
Inn Assistant Now get lost. I'll pretend I didn't see you.
Pole-Carrier There was a young man who asked me to look for a pavilion in the mountains.
Inn Assistant We all know things were complicated when you left, but not only did you leave us without an explanation, you even set the innkeeper up. Going by the rules, that makes you a traitor.
Pole-Carrier Then your men surrounded him.
Inn Assistant Please, traitor, Brother Shang, I'm begging you. If anyone sees us, things will get hairy. Let's put a stop to this.
Pole-Carrier Who is that man?
Inn Assistant Brother Shang!
Pole-Carrier I'm asking you, who is that man?
Inn Assistant The Lungmenite...?
Pole-Carrier Yes.
Inn Assistant It's all business. It's got nothing to do with outsiders, and I have nothing to tell you.
Pole-Carrier It'll be ten full years at the end of this one. I've been thinking of giving the Association an explanation soon.
I'll give all of you an explanation.
I'll settle the score with Zheng Qingyue.
Inn Assistant I still can't tell you, Brother Shang!
Pole-Carrier Liu! Who pulled you out of the fire all those years ago?!
Inn Assistant I can't say.
Pole-Carrier It has to do with the goblet, doesn't it? The cup from ten years ago?
Inn Assistant You—
Pole-Carrier Bingo, then...
So that's the "goblet" the kids have been talking about...
Inn Assistant Hey, you didn't interrogate any of the young disciples, did you—
Pole-Carrier This must be fate...
[Shang leaves.]
Inn Assistant —Hey, Shang Zhong! Don't just leave after you got that answer from me! Our years of friendship mean nothing to you, huh?! Hey!
<Background 1>
[Lee and Mr. Liang are having a toast.]
Lee Hah, looks like you're a better drinker than you used to be.
The Liang Xun of the good old days would probably be curling up into a ball under the table right about now.
Liang Xun I drink by myself every now and then.
Lee Well, that's our Magistrate Liang. You find the time to drink even as a government official—Hold on, you drink by yourself every now and then. That doesn't mean what I think it means, does it?
Liang Xun I drown my sorrows. It's human nature.
Lee They say that it takes a personality change to build your tolerance for alcohol. Wise words, don't you think?
Liang Xun It's a fair point.
Lee *Sigh*... When we drown our sorrows, it's a whole myriad of relationship we're trying to drown.
To tell you the truth, I was actually pretty surprised when I saw you again.
Liang Xun Hm? Why is that?
Lee The Liang Xun I know is a methodical, taciturn fellow.
I remember that time in school, outside the Chamber of Teachers Emeriti, when you said you were going to bless all under heaven. You said the world's a harsh, cold place, so you'd build a fire to warm everyone up, and they would never know darkness again.
Liang Xun I was just spouting words. We were young. Perhaps those were the exact words that led me to reflect on myself now.
Lee It was years ago.
Liang Xun Many years ago.
You aren't the refined young master you used to be either.
Lee Time flies, and I frittered all mine away.
Liang Xun It's been a long time since you left home. Have you spoken to your family?
Lee It hasn't been that long since I left home.
Liang Xun You're saying that detective agency in Lungmen is your home now?
Lee Of course.
Liang Xun What about back in Jiangdong?[note 2]
Lee Jiangdong, or Kong Tung as we call it,[note 2] is just a place with a house, some lanterns, and a few old friends.
Liang Xun We've both changed.
Lee I hope that when we clink our glasses together, it's not the sound of our past ambitions crumbling away that we hear.
No, no, no, that's not quite right. You're a mandarin of some standing and the magistrate responsible for a city.[note 3] If the masses are happy with you, perhaps you've already achieved your dreams?
Liang Xun We still have a long road ahead of us. Shangshu has always been a bustling place. What I'm trying to accomplish is just gilding the lily.
Lee I hope that you won't forget who we once were, then. Gon bui.[note 4]
Liang Xun Gan bei.[note 5]
<Background 7>
Kroos Seems like Yan's research into occult mysticism is the greatest secret across this whole world.
Zuo Le You make it sound like we don't want to share.
They may take different forms, but all nations approach the same problem in their own way. Everyone faces this issue.
Though, because of certain... historical reasons, Great Yan's Sui Regulator happens to be at the forefront of "Feranmutology." Always has been. Always will be.
Kjerag still worships them as gods and Sami attempts to coexist with them, but the Sui Regulator's research has advanced to unparalleled heights.
Kroos So, the "Sui" in Sui Regulator is the same "Sui" that Nian talked about?
Zuo Le Did Nian tell you about those legends? The old emperor, the wild hunt, and what they uncovered?
Kroos (That's the stuff Lava talked about...)
Zuo Le In ancient times, the people thought of certain creatures as "gods," and with civilization's advancement, they gradually began to go into hiding.
The "Sui" is one such creature.
Kroos "Certain creatures...?"
Zuo Le Whether they actually meet the definition of a living being is up for debate, and I don't suppose we need to go there.
All you need to know is that when at last they come to bring destruction to the world, Yan has the power to annihilate them. That's all.
Kroos Fair enough...
Zuo Le This is not exactly confidential Sui Regulator information, but it's not exactly common knowledge either.
I'm telling you all this not because I want a scholarly discussion.
Kroos ......
Zuo Le Nian, Dusk, and the one who's in hiding somewhere in Shangshu. All of them are under the Sui Regulator's surveillance.
Normally, these things would not happen at such a pace. But then one day, the clouds all dissipated from that mountain. By the time the Sui Regulator Candleholders arrived, Dusk was nowhere to be found.
Kroos That happened just a few days ago.
Zuo Le It took only a few days for the Candleholders to brief the court on this matter too.
Kroos That's something... There's quite a bit of distance between Mount Hui-ch'i and the capital, isn't there?
Zuo Le Rhodes Island is getting itself involved without knowing the whole picture. The ignorant are blameless. On the contrary, it's unimaginable that you would work with those two without knowing anything.
And now, we would like Rhodes Island to follow the Sui Regulator's arrangement and persuade the Lungmenite to surrender the goblet himself.
Kroos I knew it... Liang Xun was under your thumb the whole time.
Zuo Le Correct.
Kroos He had Mr. Lee deliver the cup all the way from Lungmen to be stolen, and it's all a show, huh?
Zuo Le You call the magistrate by name, but gave the Lungmenite a courtesy title. That shows you are a good person.
Kroos Does being a good person mean anything else in Yan?
Zuo Le Please don't get the wrong idea. I'm not trying to beat around the bush. All I'm saying is that you aren't hiding your trust in the Lungmenite anymore. Is it because of his partnership with Rhodes Island?
Kroos It's actually more than that... He's a friend too.
Zuo Le There aren't many people we can truly call friends. It seems Nian and Dusk are your friends too.
Kroos It sounds like the Sui Regulator has some high standing in Yan. So why the ruse? Who are you trying to fool?
Zuo Le I'm afraid that's more than what Rhodes Island needs to know.
Kroos And you straight up admit that?
Zuo Le There's nothing to hide. It's just a more elegant way to go about this to save our mandarins some face.
Now that I've told Rhodes Island so much, can we set aside our differences and negotiate?
Kroos You want our help?
Zuo Le We'd like Mr. Lee's too.
Kroos What do you need help with?
Zuo Le The elimination of the Sui.
<Background 1>
Lee I'm not drunk. No need to hold me like this.
Liang Xun You're my guest.
Lee I'm just a grunt you summoned from Lungmen.
Liang Xun I actually considered the possibility that the Messenger might not be able to find you in Lungmen.
Lee And I actually registered my agency in Lungmen hoping that you would find me.
Liang Xun "Lee's Detective Agency." Why did you choose to build your business in Lungmen, though?
Lee It's the farthest away I could get from Yan.
Any farther than that... I have no place to go.
Liang Xun You could come back.
Lee I don't want to.
Liang Xun.
Liang Xun Hm...
Lee I know, actually.
Liang Xun You always knew.
Lungmen is not your home, yet you spent half your life holding out hope for Lungmen.
Lee I thought, there, I could finally find what it was that I wanted to do.
Liang Xun Did you?
Lee I did, but I also found that I could find it just about anywhere.
Liang Xun All those years ago, Huai Tianpei said he'd study kung fu and make a name for himself.
Lee And all those years ago, Liang Xun wanted to do something for all people under heaven, to change the ways of the world such that they would no longer have to be afraid.
Liang Xun What about you?
Lee I was just a finbeast in a river, and the moment I jumped a few chi out of the water, I felt I was at the top of the world.
Liang Xun ......
Lee Okay, I'm pooped. I've got a long day ahead of me tomorrow. You should get going.
Liang Xun Very well.
Take care.
[Liang leaves while Lee stares as the empty wine glass.]
Lee There's no more wine...
Old friends, old friends...
<Background black>
How About a Game of Chess?
An Indistinct Dream ...A brilliant move.
Lee? ......
An Indistinct Dream I see that I'm losing. I suppose there is no need to continue?
Lee? That's right.
There is no need to continue.
An Indistinct Dream There are more to the four arts than weiqi, and yet that's the one you always pick to challenge me. This is a form of bullying.
Lee? One man must avoid one's shortcomings.
And we both know I am no match for you in poetry and song.
An Indistinct Dream Fair.
Lost interest already?
Lee? These are times of peace.
Though these times of peace are enjoyed only by Yan.
An Indistinct Dream Your stones are set only in Yan.
Lee? Correct. The board is entirely within Yan's borders.
Though I am not necessarily playing every round. In that case, the other games must take place elsewhere in the world too.
An Indistinct Dream Will those games have aught to do with you?
Lee? Real men remain silent as they spectate and never regret their moves.
An Indistinct Dream So all you do is spectate. You watch mankind as they wage wars and battle with each other.
Lee? I'm just learning the art of the game by spectating. Even children start to play by imitating.
An Indistinct Dream Hm...
But you are not him.
Lee What do you mean?
An Indistinct Dream You... Oh, you are one of his pieces.
Will you play in his stead, then? Mr. Lee of Lungmen?
Lee What...? I...?
An Indistinct Dream Hoh... This is peculiar.
Why did he drag an ordinary man like you into this game?
No, perhaps he didn't choose you in particular. He simply realized that things would come to this sooner or later, no matter who and no matter what?
Lee What are you talking about?
An Indistinct Dream I'm saying you are not the disheartened man, but you are sitting here in his stead, playing a game with me.
Lee Who are you...?
An Indistinct Dream Ling.
Lee What is this place?
An Indistinct Dream A dream... from a hundred years ago.
Lee Now that's funny. How could I have a dream that takes place a whole century ago...?
An Indistinct Dream Indeed...
How could you?
<Background black>
What are you doing here?!
[Lee woke up to hear voices outside.]
Lee —!
Hmm... It feels like I had quite the dream... Oh?
Voice Outside the Window Stop right there!
Lee That voice...


  1. The origianl text actually mentions the meeting time at the hour of youshi (Hanzi: 酉时; "the hour of rooster" that is equivalant to 17:00 ~ 19:00).
  2. 2.0 2.1 Hanzi: 江东, Pinyin: jiāngdōng; referring to the historical Jiangdong region.
  3. The original text actually mention's Liang's position as the fourth rank (Hanzi: 四品, Pinyin: sìpǐn) within the imperial government.
  4. Hanzi: 干杯; “Cheers" in Cantonese (Jypting: gon1 bui1)
  5. Hanzi: 干杯; "Cheers" in Mandarin (Pinyin: gānbēi)