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All Things Have a Soul
Invitation to Wine: Tales of Ten-Mountains
Previous IW-4 (Story)

A day without dream sees lives and spirits still.
Male Yanese icon
Curious Passerby
Bitey icon
Ink Spirit
Female Yanese icon
Panicked Passerby
Grindstone Waregeist icon
Strange Object
Yan Indoor B
Shangshu Liang Estate
Yan Downtown
Shangshu Pass
Shangshu Street
Mountaintop Pavilion
Painted World Landscape
A mysterious bounty hunter seizes Liang Xun's hidden goblet, leaving Lee no option but to partner with Miss Du and head out. The spirits attached to household wares gradually begin to proliferate, becoming a bona-fide nuisance.
<Background 1>
It's nearly dawn.
I suddenly realize, ever since I came to Shangshu, I haven't had a proper sleep.
There's a great commotion outside. It seems two people are fighting.
But I know their fight isn't because of each other. They're fighting over me, and that cup.
I've always considered myself fine at reading people. I've guessed, too, that this can't all be that simple.
My premonitions have never been far off the mark either. So I've prepared two letters, sat on the table.
Lee Let's not trouble our Mr. Liang for now.
But I am curious. Are you just allowed in or out of the Liang estate whenever? Liang Xun might not put on government airs, but this has to be a little too careless.
<Background 2>
Miss Du Stop there!
Travel-Weary Woman (Rim Billitonian) Crikey, my list didn't have nothin' about this sheila!
[The Savra woman from before attempted to run, but Du cornered her.]
Miss Du Hmph. Nowhere to run.
Who sent you?!
Travel-Weary Woman ......
Miss Du Wait, you're not even Yanese! Where did you come from?
[Lee shows up.]
Lee What's going on?
Miss Du Here I was thinking you kicked the bucket in your sleep.
Lee You're...
(Are these beasts long-snouted slumberfoots?)
Travel-Weary Woman ......
Miss Du She was clearly scheming something outside your room. You think do-gooders do that?
Travel-Weary Woman (Rim Billitonian) I'm not secret here anymore, so it's in for a penny, in for a pound...
Lee Er, okay, Rim Billitonian woman, hold your beasts...
This is the Shangshu magistrate's land. I don't mind either way, but getting on the court man's bad side won't do you any favors.
Travel-Weary Woman (Rim Billitonian) You're able to rabbit on in the ol' Rim Bil?
Lee Roughly.
May I have your name, young woman? And what are you paying your very bold visit here for?
Travel-Weary Woman ......
Blacknight Ye Ban. Blacknight.
Miss Du Why were you ignoring me if you could speak Yanese?!
Lee You're a Rim Billitonian, but you have a Yanese name?
Blacknight That's not the point. I really don't end up in these situations, but I'm not looking for too much trouble in this city anyway.
A hunt with no traps and no plan is a hunt just waiting to fail.
Miss Du Give it up. You're not pulling any schemes here with me on the scene.
Lee Miss Du's a temperamental sort.
Blacknight So you two are working together.
This works out just fine, actually. While you've been focusing on me...
Light, Drill!
Nearby Howl Wrroooaw—!
Lee (There's more slumberfoots!)
Miss Du Gah! It's got the goblet in its mouth!
Blacknight See you never!
[The Savra woman, now known as Blacknight, runs away alongside her tamed slumberfoots.]
Miss Du Hold it right there!!
Hey! What dimension are you living in? After her!
Lee Long-snouted slumberfoots don't live in Yan, let alone keeping a cadre of tame ones as your partners in crime. This woman's probably come chasing us from somewhere else entirely.
Miss Du What are you still thinking about? If I didn't help you, she would've trapped you to death right there!
Lee No, I wouldn't say she was after my life.
Miss Du Cool, you lost the goblet, and you don't even act like you care. Aren't you scared Mr. Liang's gonna chew you out?
Lee Now I've lost the cup, and your hopes have come true. Isn't that just dandy?
Miss Du Tch... Fine, I said that, but if this spirals out of our control, what do we do then?
I just wanted my dad to suck it for once. I didn't think the whole Association would be done for.
Lee Where's Liang Xun?
<Background 3>
Mr. Nothing Benefactor, this... matter you raise... it's far beyond the pale. You'll have to let me absorb this slowly.
Kroos Don't blame you. I've known Nian forever, but I still need some time to take this in.
Mr. Nothing And you told me without the slightest reservation.
Kroos You're a Rhodes Island operator too.
Mr. Nothing Right you are, benefactor.
Kroos But... whether or not we agree with it, having a nation's top organizations watching Rhodes Island so closely... doesn't make for easy sleeping at night.
Mr. Nothing The Sui Regulator, the Ministry of Rites. Just their names alone are intimidating.
Yet I didn't quite pick up on any malice when they spoke to us, you know?
Kroos Perhaps we've taken "Nian's household affairs" too simply.
Eugh. Should at least have Amiya and the Doctor know about this before we make any calls...
But it's not like Closure and Amiya'd have no idea about this, right...? But they agreed to Nian's requests too, back then...
And who knows if Lava's given the branch office a shout yet.
Mr. Nothing Benefactor, given things are currently brewing up a storm, perhaps we should put our own safeties first, don't you think, or...?
Kroos We'll discuss this with Mr. Lee first. Nian be damned, but Dusk's not somebody who makes things mysterious on purpose.
If what she said was true, then it looks like this whole thing has a lot more moving parts than we thought...
Mr. Nothing A safe proposition. That's my benefactor.
Kroos You say that when Yan's Sui Regulator's already come knocking. Don't think safe's the day of the word here—
[Suddenly Kroos noticed the strange beast from earlier nearby.]
Strange Object ......
Mr. Nothing Benefactor...? What has you furrowing your brow?
Kroos This thing's—
Strange Object Ao!
Kroos —! Nothing, move it!
[The creature jumped at Mr. Nothing, who reflexively struck it.]
Mr. Nothing ...Oho!
Wh—What in the world...?!
Kroos What? Is this some... metal animal?
[Suddenly many inanimate objects nearby turned into life as more of the mysterious creature.]
Kroos W—Wait, that's a teapot, that's a painting frame... Are these things alive—?!
Mr. Nothing Where did these things crawl out from—h-hold on, has that teapot grown legs?
Strange Object Wrroooaw—!
[One of the creatures attacked Kroos...]
Kroos Wargh!
[...knocking her down.]
Mr. Nothing Watch out, benefactor!
[Mr. Nothing runs towards the creatures and strike one down...]
Mr. Nothing A fair, square hit!
Strange Object (Wails)—!
[...which reverts into a paperweight.]
Kroos Looks like that works—!
Mr. Nothing —Slow down, this—thing's turned back into a common paperweight...?
[More of the creatures show up.]
Kroos (Damn—they're all over the place here—!)
Strange Object Aaaaow!
[The creatures attack Kroos...]
Kroos Urgh!
Mr. Nothing —Benefactor!
[ some civilians show up.]
Curious Passerby What's happening? You're making lots of noise here... um, uh, why's that flowerpot moving...?
Panicked Passerby Waaaagh—what's going on?! What are these things?!
[The people panicked as more creatures appear out of nowhere.]
Mr. Nothing Where did this miscellany all come from...?!
(Oh! What did I just step on?)
Nian's Charm
Mr. Nothing Did this—fall out of my benefactor's bag?
[A creature jumped to Mr. Nothing...]
Mr. Nothing —!
Strange Object Pfhh?
Kroos Nothing!
Strange Object Ao—!!
[...which promptly bites him and pins him down...]
Mr. Nothing Geh!
[...but he managed to strike the creature down.]
Mr. Nothing What are you all charging at me for?!
Kroos There's one more!
Mr. Nothing !
[Kroos shoots down the creatures threatening Mr. Nothing with her crossbow.]
Mr. Nothing That one was narrow! Much thanks, benefactor!
Kroos Ow—ow, ow...
Mr. Nothing But what could possibly be happening? Could there possibly even be more scoundrels working against us?
Kroos I've got this feeling I've seen these things somewhere before...
Mr. Nothing Erk, you're right! They practically seem an homage to Miss Dusk's Ink Spirits!
Strange Object Fphhh...
Mr. Nothing Wargh! Were there still leftovers?
Kroos They're all coming at the charm Nian gave to Lava. That settles it—
—They have to be pretty much like Ink Spirits!
<Background 1>
Liang Xun ......
[Lee opens the door and enters.]
Lee Liang Xun...!
Liang Xun Lee.
Lee The cup got stolen?
Liang Xun I was careless. It seemed to be a beastmaster's tame beast that did it...
Lee Wasteland long-snouted slumberfoots have a special organ in them. There's some kind of hypnotic substance they can secrete.
But none of the sort live in Shangshu. Someone skilled, strong, and in command of beasts that put people to sleep? A fine accomplice if you're out to steal a cup.
Liang Xun ......
Lee And the thief's not even with the inn people.
Liang Xun You ascertain that much?
Lee You're not surprised at all. You figured it out long before I could, I'm guessing?
Liang Xun ...Hm.
Lee The look on your face tells me this one was definitely unexpected.
Any immediate suspicions?
Liang Xun I didn't tell anyone at all where the cup was hidden.
Lee I think you told someone else I had it on me.
Liang Xun I did indeed say that.
Lee That's good, then.
But look at this study. Completely neat and tidy, just missing that case you hid the cup in.
So who can get into your study, and who could send someone to sticky-finger the cup on such short notice?
Liang Xun ......
Lee —Don't—Don't tell me too much. I'm scared I'll get my feet caught in your bureaucratic vines.
Do you need my help to bring the one behind that thief to light?
Liang Xun Reclaiming the goblet should come first.
Moreover, hunting that one down... would be too hasty.
<Background 3>
Lee Hey, little girl.
Miss Du I have a name!
You're so slow about everything... What did Mr. Liang say to you?
Lee Some quite perplexing things, but absolutely not to do with your old dad this time.
Miss Du Tch...
Lee Seems our Miss Du Yaoye does like her father after all.
You said how you were all for young against old, and how you didn't even want to take this job, but you've got other ideas too, don't you?
Miss Du N-No talking about me for now! You know what's happening, so think how we can haul her back in, quick!
Lee Easy enough.
Miss Du That Blacknight had real freak skills. You think it's so simple to get her?
Lee We're just in luck. The better the skills, the easier they take the bait.
But what's important is, as a Rim Billitonian, how she chased her way into Shangshu. And who it is controlling her behind the scenes.
Miss Du She's not from Lungmen?
Lee I didn't hurry too fast from Lungmen to Shangshu. If she really was out tracking me down, she could've pulled things off at any Messenger station. Why wait to move until I'm on the Liang estate?
Not to mention, a Rim Billitonian wantonly raiding a Yan magistrate? Either she's an idiot, or someone's using her.
Miss Du Hah. Doesn't that make her an idiot either way?
Lee Not necessarily. People do act naive at times.
Miss Du When?
Lee When they want something from someone very badly.
Miss Du Are you trying to tell me something?
Lee You're imagining things.
Miss Du Will Rhodes Island really do something just because you left that letter in your room?
Lee We have a level of trust.
Miss Du Do you know them that well?
Lee Good people always know each other well.
<Background 1>
[Kroos enters Lee's room, but nobody is inside.]
Kroos His door's open... but where's Mr. Lee?
Mr. Nothing Benefactor, there's two letters here. It seems one's meant for us.
Kroos Let's see...
Mr. Nothing Benefactor, I admit I've been holding in my curiosity. Just what kind of person is this Brother Lee?
Kroos ...Err.
He's a detective. Had dealings with Rhodes Island since a while ago now... well, mainly the kids from his agency have.
But little by little, him and us have gotten familiar.
Mr. Nothing I see, a detective... no wonder he's so meticulously minded. By his wardrobe, I would've guessed him to be some manner of tianshi with a mild hand for Originium Arts.
What did Brother Lee write, then?
Kroos Says...
Read it for yourself.
Mr. Nothing "Cup was taken. Find Master Shen at ferry crossing," and...
W... Well, he really hasn't taken us for outsiders. Master Shen would be that boatman of some admittedly suspicious intrigue, no?
Kroos If we don't get this sorted properly, Rhodes Island can kiss goodbye to not getting involved. Better we listen to Mr. Lee for now.
He predicted this situation'd get more complex, so that's why he didn't want us involved at the beginning... Does this really mean he saw all this coming?
<Background 3>
Lee ......
Miss Du How come you're out of things to say now? Really? We haven't run that far yet.
And can you tell me how you know they're gonna listen to your letter at all?
Lee If I start telling a youngster like you, Miss Du, it'll be your fault when you get bored.
Miss Du You love pretending you're so mature... That's why I hate all you kung fu nutjobs.
Lee You've got the wrong idea there. I run a licensed detective agency.
Miss Du Does being the boss of one guarantee you're a detective?
Lee Er...
Miss Du What, you're wasting all this effort just to find this goblet's owner and nothing else? You swear?
Lee Of course there's more. I want my own answers, too.
Miss Du Y-You know, if what you say is true, couldn't that Blacknight bandit seriously just leave Shangshu?
Lee A thief with knowledge of how Magistrate Liang's study is laid out? She must be somewhere nearby, off to meet her puppet master.
Miss Du And on the off chance she scrams?
Lee If a Rim Billitonian can get out safely after stealing the magistrate's property, then someone wants her leaving—or to put it the other way around, she's going absolutely nowhere.
Miss Du Guaranteed?
Lee Not that guaranteed, actually. It'll just be a gamble.
Miss Du Then we're too late then, aren't we?!
Lee If worst comes to worst and she did scarper on us, then with your help, we'll just get her back.
Miss Du Easy for you to say! How am I meant to know which way she went?
Lee Well, if they've come prepared, then how do you find a single person in a Shangshu-sized haystack? Is one pair of eyes and one pair of legs going to do the trick for you, Miss Du?
Miss Du Then what can... wait...
Lee It's not me who wants that lousy goblet, either.
Someone's stolen it? Brilliant. We'll go see just what fins those anglers are trying to fish up with it.
Miss Du Do you already have guesses for who they are...?
Lee All I'll do is ask is that you all take your seats.
<Background 1>
[Ms. Ning enters.]
Miss Ning Very rare you should call for me so early in the morning, my Lord.
Liang Xun Miss Ning...
Miss Ning The camellias in the roadside garden have bloomed. Have you seen them?
Liang Xun You were the one who planted them.
Miss Ning Yes, much thanks to your tender care for them.
You truly let your own garden run wild. 'Tis become a means for me to kill my time.
I will sprinkle a few red plums next time, then.
Liang Xun As you wish.
Miss Ning Why such agitation, my Lord?
Liang Xun There's something I wish to consult you on, Miss Ning.
Miss Ning ......
Liang Xun ......
Miss Ning Well, will you say it? Since when could you no longer say things straight, Liang Xun?
Liang Xun It's to do with that friend of mine.
Miss Ning Do you not trust me?
Liang Xun I have always trusted you, Miss Ning.
Miss Ning Really? If so, why do you ask to confirm before you speak?
Liang Xun Er. You are completely right...
Miss Ning Though I do not mind the walk to see you, 'twould not be just to ask me some questions that you called for me, so rare that is?
Liang Xun If I have displeased you, I humbly apologize.
Miss Ning Haha. Why the nervousness? Am I so frightening?
Liang Xun ......
Miss Ning Yesterday morning, I went to old Zhao's jewelers', and had repairs on the bracelet you gave me. At noon, I went to Miss Wen's shop to pick furniture; I have long wanted a larger dining table...
After, I went with Miss Wen to meet her husband at the dock.
In the afternoon, we ate our meal at Chef Hu's, talked of everyday domestics...
Liang Xun ......
Miss Ning Finally, I went to Uncle Bai's, watched him teach his potter apprentices, and went on a stroll with him.
Is there anything you still wanted to ask, my Lord?
Liang Xun The bracelet I gave you was just an ordinary silver one. It's not of great worth.
Miss Ning Really, may I not like it if it is not of great worth?
Liang Xun I hear Uncle Bai has had a cold the last few days. He's admittedly getting on in years; he's at the point he should be minding his health.
Miss Ning He will.
But Uncle Bai has been pottering in Shangshu for ten years now, every afternoon and for six hours. Thunder could not move him.
Habits become nature; there will be no exhorting him now.
Liang Xun You met all five of them, throughout all of yesterday?
Miss Ning 'Tis routine matters.
Liang Xun I understand now.
Miss Ning So, now you have finished questioning me, you shall next be heading out, my Lord, shall you not?
Liang Xun It's almost daybreak.
Miss Ning 'Tis early to be visiting the theater, no?
Liang Xun Not a suitable time, indeed.
Miss Ning And you know my body is frail...
Liang Xun I will go and brew some tea, then. You wait.
Miss Ning Mm.
Liang Xun Oh, yes. Miss Ning, the book you borrowed yesterday from my study... have you finished reading it?
<Background 5>
Miss Du It's day now.
Lee But the snow still hasn't melted.
I have something I need to ask you too.
Miss Du What?
Lee Do you see these... little whatsits multiplying?
[A number of creatures appear nearby.]
Strange Object Phhh... ao!
Miss Du What is this?
Strange Object Fphhh...
Lee ......
If these things appear because of that goblet...
Then that means we bet on the right street.
<Background 6>
Blacknight (...They haven't followed me? I'm finding this too easy.)
(Let's see this letter... that storyteller has seemingly changed profession? Pottery? Pottery what...)
??? Where are you going?
Blacknight —Who is that?!
[Zheng the innkeeper reveals himself.]
Innkeeper Zheng Why is that "unaccounted-for" goblet in your grasp?
<Background 4>
Ink Spirit Gkh...
[A creature noticed the Ink Spirit...]
Strange Object Ao?
Ink Spirit Gkh...?!
Strange Object Wrrao!
[...and both promptly attacks each other.]
<Background 5>
Ink Spirit Gkh... gkh...?
<Background 6>
Ink Spirit Gkh...
Strange Object Ao...
<Background 7>
[Dusk reads through a scroll.]
Dusk ......
So you *are* here.