Arknights Wiki

Enemies will enter the battlefield from here.
—Incursion Point tooltip
Enemy aerial units will enter the battlefield from here.
—Aerial Unit Incursion Point tooltip

Incursion Point is a terrain feature in Arknights.


As the name implies, Incursion Points are where enemies will spawn into the operation's map. This also includes allied units in certain operations; Talulah, the Fighter in Episode 08, however, will head into a specific Incursion Point rather than a Protection Objective.

Aerial Unit Incursion Points are where enemy aerial units (drones) will spawn, though not always; in some operations, drones spawn together with otther enemies from regular Incursion Points.


Incursion Points are notably absent on the following operations:

Main Theme 2-96-17JT8-1
Side Stories DH-9IC-P-1IC-P-2
Vignettes AF-1AF-5
Supply operations CA-1CA-2
Integrated Strategies Demonic CageDisorderly BanquetFanatic Siege
Paradox Simulation Scene: Faceoff

In R8-8 and DM-MO-1, there is an Incursion Point where no enemies will spawn from. The former is meant to be the destination of Talulah, the Fighter; the latter is meant to warn the player of Sarkaz Grudgebearers and Bladeweavers that will be spawned in the vicinity later in the operation.

Aerial Incursion Point[]

Main Theme 0-30-40-50-60-103-34-64-75-45-55-66-116-146-157-2R8-7R8-810-1410-15H5-1H6-3H6-4H8-2S2-2S2-6S2-8S2-9S2-10S3-2S3-7S5-3S5-4TR-10
Intermezzi DM-4SV-3SV-4SV-5SV-6SV-8SV-EX-6SV-EX-7WD-EX-8
Side Stories BI-1BI-EX-2GA-EX-2GT-HX-2
Vignettes AF-1AF-5BH-5FA-2SA-1SA-6SV-7
Supply operations AP-1AP-2AP-3CA-2CA-3CA-4CA-5LS-1LS-2LS-3LS-4LS-5LS-6
Annihilation Abandoned MineChernobogFlooded SeashoreFrozen Abandoned CityLungmen DowntownLungmen OutskirtsThe Grand Knight Territory OutskirtsWatery Tidehollow
Integrated Strategies A Dance TogetherAncient IceArts and AnvilsAssaultBob's BeersDemon HunterDrone Landing ZoneEscaped Bee ColonyFireworks ShowFlying ThiefPressing AheadReformSarkaz DesireSurprise FactoryThe Biting ColdThe Point of No ReturnTheft From AboveWilderness Hunting Group
Contingency Contract Abandoned High-riseAbandoned PlotEast ArmorySandsea Remnants
Multivariate Cooperation Old Plate Ruins
Interlocking Competition LK-DP-BLK-DP-DFIN-TSTB-DB-2
Paradox Simulation Catapult: Anti-Air ArtilleristCutter: Blade of LoyaltyDurin: Focused CooperationExusiai: Laterano StyleGravel: Here, There, EverywhereJaye: Fruit of Hard WorkJessica: Trembling With FearKroos: Simulation Scenario 1122KMatterhorn: Still as a PeakMayer: The Aesthetics of ExplosionsMeteor: Arrow ShowerNightingale: Impregnable IllusionOrchid: Mind at PeacePlatinum: Drone FilterSchwarz: Flame NetSpecter: Still Spirit and Bone PersistVanilla: Farewell Fragility