Arknights Wiki
Kazimierz Major

The Kazimierz Major is a triennial event that takes place in Kazimierz every three years in its capital. It is a professional martial game competition/league pitting the knights into matches using the single, pairs, or free-for-all/battle royale formats. Indeed, the Major evolved from a festival held by the Kazimierzians to celebrate and honor their knights. In addition to direct combat, the preliminaries also contain other competitive activities such as racing. This makes the Major an amalgamation of gladiatorial combat, medieval knightly tournaments, and mixed martial arts on Earth.

Most competitive knights who participate in the Major are organized into teams called "knightclubs" or "Clubs" in a similar way to sports clubs in our world. If a Club achieves greater accomplishment, it will be promoted into a "Knight Order," though it must also maintain its status quo to prevent itself from demotion.[1] Independent knights are also allowed to take part in the Major, however they are naturally at a significant disadvantage compared to knights from major knightclubs who are more well-funded, better prepared and may not even have to fight through the preliminaries thanks to the point transfer system.

Knights who perform well in the Major can often be granted titles and sponsorship from corporations and knightclubs. Not all titles are equal however, as only the greatest knights - the so-called Grand Knights - are granted "simple" titles, including the word "The" (e.g. The Blood Knight, The Radiant Knight, The Black Knight, etc.).

The Major have several rules which includes the following:

  • Article III: Competition knights may not harm or threaten the safety of the persons or property of the audience. (i.e. using offensive abilities or Arts which could affect anyone other than the opponent within the user's proximity is prohibited)
  • Article VII: Competition knights may not in any way interfere with the judges' ability to make subjective rulings. (i.e. using any means which would prevent the judges from making fair decisions regarding the match's outcome, such as by giving either side too much of an advantage or disadvantage, is prohibited)
Maria Nearl, the Blemishine

Moments of fame and glory in the Major like this far outweighs its darker sides

Behind the scenes, however, the majority of the Major's stakeholders are influential Kazimierzian companies that make up the General Chamber of Commerce – one of the three ruling bodies of Kazimierz in the National Council. This gives the stakeholders a seemingly limitless power to influence the Major matches' outcome for their favor by whatever means necessary, whether using match fixing/rigging or even sabotages.

In addition, the Major is also plagued by commercialization and greed as part of Kazimierz's rampant capitalism. Advertisements are present in nearly every aspect and sponsorships could promote or break a campaign knight's career in the Major. Sports betting is also encouraged to its audience in which they will receive a large sum of money if the knightclub/competitor they choose wins a match.

Long ago, Infected knights were forbidden to participate in the Major until the miraculous victory of the Blood Knight forced the government to implement new rules.[2] Since then, the number of Infected knights is gradually increasing over the pass three years. They are mostly segregated through the "Infected Participation System" in which the Infected knights are forced into fighting various arena creatures and sometimes each other in no-holds barred blood sport arenas. Still, anyone or any knightclub who manage to win the Participation System is allowed to compete together with non-Infected knights in the Major. However, the Infected knights are viewed with great suspicion by the Knights' Association and it only grows stronger especially since the Great Kawalerielki Separation.[3]

Notable knights[]

Czarny and Platinum at the Champion's Wall

Degenbrecher the Black Knight made history as the champion of three consecutive Kazimierz Major seasons prior to her departure to Kjerag

Flickering Candle, Fleeting Shadow

Viviana Droste the Candle Knight shows a good track record in the 24th Kazimierz Major, leading to publicity and various gossips surrounding her

Lord of the Nightzmora

Despite not recognizing his own knighthood and seen as a maverick, Tola the Nightmare Knight inspired many imitators out of his pure Nightzmora bloodline and illusory Arts

Light and Blood

Margaret Nearl the Radiant Knight and Dikaiopolis the Blood Knight, two of the MVPs of the 24th Kazimierz Major seen as heroes of the Infected

  • Austin: An independent competitive knight from grassroots background who fought Fioren in the preliminaries of the 24th Major.[4]
  • Azure Knight: A competitive knight known for their use of twin blades who lost to Degenbrecher the Black Knight in the finals of the 20th Major.[5]
  • Broken Wrist Knight: A competitive knight who fought the Mist Knight in the preliminaries of the 24th Major.[4]
  • Card Knight: A competitive knight who withdraws from the preliminaries of the 24th Major season alongside his team over his dissatisfaction for his treatment.[6]
  • Diamond Knight: A competitive knight known for their "luxurious, high-tech" armor who lost to Degenbrecher the Black Knight in the finals of the 19th Major.[5]
  • Feather Knight: A competitive knight who fought Justyna the Fartooth Knight in the preliminaries of the 24th Major.[4]
  • Fioren: An independent competitive knight from an old and renowned knight house who fought Austin in the preliminaries of the 24th Major.[4]
  • Frost Skull Knight: A Sami [7] competitive knight who at one Major season becomes a runner-up and recruited by Warwhip K.C. as a coach/instructor for the 24th Major.[8]
  • "Gałązka" (pronounced "Gah-wows-ka") Knight: An independent competitive knight who fought against Maria Nearl and Sona the Flametail Knight during the free-for-all Fireblade Melee bout part of the 24th Major preliminaries, ending up in the fourth place.
  • Mist Knight: A competitive knight who fought the Broken Wrist Knight in the preliminaries of the 24th Major.[4]
  • Nail Knight: A competitive knight who are expelled from his knightclub in the preliminaries of the 24th Major over rule violations.[6]
  • Savage Knight: A competitive knight known for their hot-headedness who lost to Dikaiopolis the Blood Knight in the finals of the 23rd Major.[5]
  • Silver Knight: A competitive knight known for their skill in a lance who lost in the finals of the 21st Major to Degenbrecher the Black Knight and in the finals of the 22nd Major to Margaret Nearl the Radiant Knight.[5]
  • Stream Knight: A competitive knight who lost to Viviana in the preliminaries of the 24th Major.[4]
  • Fissure Knight: A competitive knight who fought with Whislash at one point, said to had learned all her attacks and movements.[9]

Notable knightclubs[]

Pinus Sylvestris[]

Roar K.C.[]

Members of the Roar Knightclub are known for their use of a combat armor which temporarily renders them impervious to all forms of conventional and Arts attack, giving them time to overwhelm the opponent. Notably, the shields used by Dublinn's heavily armored troops incorporate similar designs as Roar K.C.'s standard-issue armor.[10]


Szewczyk the Plastic Knight is the Roar K.C.'s MVP.

Bloodboil K.C.[]

Members of the Bloodboil Knightclub are known for their ruthlessness during matches, landing a series of attacks to inflict as much damage to the opponent as possible. In addition, every time their comrade falls, they also become stronger.


Olmer Ingra the Brassrust Knight is the Bloodboil K.C.'s MVP.

Bladehelm K.C.[]

Members of the Bladehelm Knightclub wield an Arts-infused glaive with a long reach that renders conventional armor useless against them, not to mention that they are so determined that they will come back with a vengeance upon being beaten down.


Tytus Topola the Left-handed Knight is the Bladehelm K.C.'s MVP.

Nova K.C.[]

Members of the Nova Knightclub are known for using luminal Arts channeled through a candelabrum which could be done to attack from a distance or unleashing a wide-reaching burst that takes some time to be casted and exposes their position due to the intense brightness.


Viviana Droste the Candle Knight is the Nova K.C.'s MVP, whose members are forced to imitate her[11] with some of their top players even plotting to oust Viviana from her position.[12]


  • Snowyheel Knightclub: Not much is known about the Snowyheel Knightclub aside of their ranks being mostly made up of archers with at least one meteor hammer-wielding melee combatant.[13] They were forced to temporarily accept the Corrupted and Withered Knights into their ranks by the General Chamber of Commerce as part of a rigged match to "dispose" Maria Nearl.
  • Eszeweria Knightclub: One of the top 100 knightclubs in Kazimierz, sponsored by Słoma Food Co. and MARTHE. Recently one of Eszeweria's MVPs were forced to "graduate" after their romantic affair is exposed to the public.[14]
  • Northwood Knightclub: A federation of several knightclubs which includes both the Blade Helmet and Spikeshield Knightclubs. Northwood K.C. also starts to recruit smaller knightclubs and independent knights into its ranks after most of the knightclubs under its wing failed to be promoted into a Knight Order.[1]
  • Tyrell Knightclub: A knightclub sponsored by Ellen Select Technology Co. made up of two smaller knightclubs: Rachel Knightclub and Warwhip K.C. Tyrell Knightclub made a spotlight after their recent promotion to a Knight Order after contending within the Top 100 Knightclubs for quite some time and their recruitment of Frost Skull Knight as a Warwhip K.C. instructor.[8]
  • Panhard Order: A Knight Order whose new training camp's construction is recently finished with Dikaiopolis the Blood Knight presiding over its inauguration.[15]
  • Crimson Chalice/Goblet Knightclub: A knightclub formed by Dikaiopolis the Blood Knight as a place for Infected competitive knights.

Notable matches[]


Match Participants Outcome
The Black Knight VS The Diamond Knight (finals) "Black Knight" Degenbrecher
"Diamond Knight"
Degenbrecher's victory; Degenbrecher becomes the champion of the 19th Kazimierz Major
The Black Knight VS The Azure Knight (finals) "Black Knight" Degenbrecher
"Azure Knight"
Degenbrecher's victory; Degenbrecher becomes the champion of the 20th Kazimierz Major
The Black Knight VS The Silver Knight (finals) "Black Knight" Degenbrecher
"Silver Knight"
Degenbrecher's victory; Degenbrecher becomes the champion of the 21st Kazimierz Major
The Radiant Knight VS The Silver Knight (finals) "Radiant Knight" Margaret Nearl
"Silver Knight"
Margaret's victory; Margaret becomes the champion of the 22nd Kazimierz Major
The Blood Knight VS The Savage Knight (finals) "Blood Knight" Dikaiopolis
"Savage Knight"
Dikaiopolis' victory; Dikaiopolis becomes the champion of the 23rd Kazimierz Major

Maria Nearl[]

Match Participants Outcome
Mist Knight VS Broken Wrist Knight "Broken Wrist Knight"
"Mist Knight"
Fioren VS Austin Fioren (independent)
Austin (independent)
Maria Nearl vs Plastic Szewczyk
Maria Nearl VS Plastic Knight
Maria Nearl (independent)
"Plastic" Szewczyk (Roar K.C.)
Maria's victory (KO)
Justyna VS Feather Knight Justyna "Fartooth" Valentine (independent)
"Feather Knight"
Justyna's victory(?)
Candle Knight VS Stream Knight "Candle Knight" Viviana Droste (Nova K.C.)
"Stream Knight"
Viviana's victory
Maria Nearl vs Brassrust Olmer Ingra
Maria Nearl VS Brassrust Knight
Maria Nearl (independent)
"Brassrust" Olmer Ingra (Bloodboil K.C.)
Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub vs Bloodboil Knightclub Greynuty "Ashlock" Kaliska (Pinus Sylvestris K.C.)
"Brassrust" Olmer Ingra (Bloodboil K.C.)
Greynuty's victory (KO)
Fireblade Melee Many, including Maria Nearl (independent), "Flametail" Sona (Pinus Sylvestris K.C.), and "Gałązka" Knight (independent) Maria ended as one of the top scorers
Maria Nearl vs Left-hand Tytus Topola
Maria Nearl vs Left-hand Knight
Maria Nearl (independent)
"Left-hand" Tytus Topola (Blade Helmet K.C.)
Maria's victory (KO)
Maria Nearl vs Corrupted and Withered Knight
Maria Nearl vs Snowyheel Knightclub
Maria Nearl and Justyna "Fartooth" Valentine (both independent)
Corrupted Knight and Withered Knight (Snowyheel K.C. substitutes)
Maria's victory (technically); inconclusive due to Margaret Nearl's interference
  • Justyna "Fartooth" Valentine was unable to participate in the Maria Nearl VS Snowyheel Knightclub match due to being missing after being involved in a violent brawl,[16] forcing Maria to fight alone during the match.

Near Light[]

Match Participants Outcome
Capture the Flag Many, including "Brassrust" Olmer Ingra and Jamie of the Pinus Sylvestris K.C. Stopped mid-way due to Jamie's death at the hands of Olmer Ingra and the risk of Originium contamination
Radiant Knight VS Left-handed Knight "Radiant Knight" Margaret Nearl
"Left-handed" Tytus Topola
Margaret's victory (KO)
Radiant Knight VS Candle Knight "Radiant Knight" Margaret Nearl
"Candle Knight" Viviana Droste
Margaret's victory
Radiant Knight VS Nightmare Knight (semi-finals) "Radiant Knight" Margaret Nearl
"Nightmare Knight" Tola
Tola disqualified for violating Articles III and VII; Margaret and Tola's opponent rearranged to the Wind Knight and "Blood Knight" Dikaiopolis, respectively
Nightmare Knight VS Blood Knight (semi-finals) "Nightmare Knight" Tola
"Blood Knight" Dikaiopolis
Dikaiopolis' victory (TKO)
Radiant Knight VS Wind Knight (semi-finals) "Radiant Knight" Margaret Nearl
"Wind Knight"
Margaret wins by default after the Wind Knight forfeits before the match
Radiant Knight VS Blood Knight (finals) "Radiant Knight" Margaret Nearl
"Blood Knight" Dikaiopolis
Margaret's victory; Margaret becomes the champion of the 24th season of the Major


  1. 1.0 1.1 Maria Nearl Breaking News 3
  2. MN-4 After
  3. Maria Nearl Breaking News 4
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Maria Nearl Breaking News 5
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Voice of Rosebud 14
  6. 6.0 6.1 Related Articles of Kawalerielki Sports' Maria Nearl Breaking News articles
  7. MN-EX-2
  8. 8.0 8.1 Maria Nearl Breaking News 6
  9. Whislash's INS-X Module description
  10. Dublinn Heavy Defender's description
  11. Nova Knightclub Trainee's description
  12. Nova Knightclub Elite's description
  13. MN-8 Before
  14. Related Articles of Red Wine's Voice of Rosebud articles
  15. Related Articles of Kawalerielki Sports' Voice of Rosebud articles
  16. Maria Nearl Breaking News 12