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Rhodes Island's reproduction of a room at an inn near the Silverash territory's railway station.

The Kjerag-Style Inn is a furniture theme in Arknights.


The Kjerag-Style Inn is the recreation of a room in Turicum, Kjerag, which is the capital of the Silverashes' territory.

All of Kjerag-Style Inn's parts are only available during Break the Ice and its Rerun through various methods noted below.


Post Station Decorations Set[]

Completion bonus: 150 Ambience icon
Furniture Type Ambience icon Ambience Acquisition
Panoramic Display (Snowy Mountains) Wallpaper 240 Turicum Trade Zone (90 Stone of Kjeragandr)
Kjerag Inn Floorboards Floor 240 Complete the Kjerag Guidebook mission which requires the player to clear BI-8 with 3 stars
Windproof Pendant Light Ceiling Lamp 90 Complete the Kjerag Guidebook mission which requires the player to clear BI-6 with 3 stars
Thick Fur Rug Carpet 175 Complete the Kjerag Guidebook mission which requires the player to clear BI-5 with 3 stars

Post Station Bedding Set[]

Completion bonus: 310 Ambience icon
Furniture Type Ambience icon Ambience Acquisition
One-Piece Solid Wood Bed Bedding 615 Complete the Kjerag Guidebook mission which requires the player to clear BI-4
Solid Wood Nightstand Cabinet 180 Turicum Trade Zone (75 Stone of Kjeragandr)
Storage-Use Ceiling Ceiling 345 Complete the Kjerag Guidebook mission which requires the player to clear BI-6
Household Herb Rack Wall Decoration 165 Complete the Kjerag Guidebook mission which requires the player to clear BI-7

Post Station Warming Set[]

Completion bonus: 200 Ambience icon
Furniture Type Ambience icon Ambience Acquisition
Fire Pit Pendant Light Ceiling 110 Furniture Store (190 Furniture Part icon or 1 Originite Prime icon)
Traditional Fire Pit Table Table 505 Furniture Store (700 Furniture Part icon or 4 Originite Prime icon)
Exotic Round Stool Seating 145 Furniture Store (245 Furniture Part icon or 1 Originite Prime icon)
Fine Kjerag Liquor Decoration 145 Furniture Store (245 Furniture Part icon or 1 Originite Prime icon)

Post Station Style Set[]

Completion bonus: 275 Ambience icon
Furniture Type Ambience icon Ambience Acquisition
Handloom Decoration 350 Complete the Kjerag Guidebook mission which requires the player to clear BI-2
Pointed-Top Cabinet Cabinet 390 Complete the Kjerag Guidebook mission which requires the player to clear BI-1
"Feeding Station" Decoration 245 Turicum Trade Zone (60 Stone of Kjeragandr)
Kjerag Leather Snow Boots Decoration 145 Turicum Trade Zone (60 Stone of Kjeragandr)