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Lingering Echoes: Afterglow Hall
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The dancers make their steps in grace; the performers play the opening notes.
Reserve Operator - Logistics icon
Female Vyseheimer A icon
Cheerful Infected
Vyseheim Shopkeeper icon
Food Stall Owner
Kreide's Grandfather icon
Leithanian Nobleman A icon
Frivolous Noble
Male Vyseheimer A icon
Mannered Infected
Male Vyseheimer B icon
Passionate Infected
Female Vyseheimer B icon
Worn-out Infected
Vyseheim Afterglow
Afterglow Hall
Kreide Room
Leithanien Room
Afterglow Hall Stage
Afterglow Hall Auditorium
Vyseheim RI Office
News of Infected taking a surprise turn for the better comes out of the Afterglow, a district of Vyseheim, Leithanien, where Hibiscus arrives to investigate. Coinciding with famed musician Czerny's farewell concert holding its selections, the noble youth Ebenholz and the wandering Kreide apply to participate in the occasion.
"The Sky is blue and fine,
The Breeze lilts by in Song;
The River murmurs clear,
My Heart is filled with Hope.
The Mist parts overnight,
The Earth welcomes Dawn's Light;
Praise be Leithanien,
Where free Men find their Home."
–Lied des klaren Himmels
[note 1] (1078)
<Background 1>
[The now-matured Hibiscus walks through the streets.]
Hibiscus (According to the map, I shouldn't be far from the Rhodes Island branch office now.)
(Got held up a bit coming into Vyseheim, but if I just hurry up, I can hopefully make it there before I'm late...)
[An Infected citizen approaches Hibiscus.]
Passionate Infected Hold it right there!
Hibiscus Er... me?
Passionate Infected Yes indeed, you, beautiful Dame! You're an unfamiliar face. Could this be your first time here in the Afterglow?
Hibiscus Yes, I'm a Rhodes Island Operator, here to look into the Serendipitous Infected Prognosis Phenomenon–
Passionate Infected Leave behind your work and duties for now. I cordially invite you here to perform with me in song!
Hibiscus Perform?
But I bought this concert flute as a staff. I couldn't play you a single song...
Passionate Infected No matter! If you can just make it sing, I have faith I can spin your notes into a song to offer to you, Dame. Let's commemorate this fine day!
Hibiscus I have an appointment with someone, and I'm almost late as is.
Passionate Infected Don't worry, don't worry. Anyone would let a little delay go, with weather so fine.
Come, this won't take long!
Hibiscus I... I just play some random notes then?
Passionate Infected Please!
[Hibiscus plays the flute.]
Hibiscus (Alright, alright, I can make it sound...)
Passionate Infected Do... fa... la.. so... fa... mi...
Wonderful, a motif full with hope!
Emma, I'll play. What if you and our visitor dance a tune together?
Hibiscus Together?
[A female Infected citizen joins in.]
Cheerful Infected Come, beautiful Fräulein, let us skip!
Hibiscus But I really don't have the time, and I'm not much of a danc–
Cheerful Infected No worries, we all dance poorly at times. No one will laugh at you.
Passionate Infected Very well, I'll play this in three...
One-two-three, one-two-three... ready–go!
<Background fades out and in>
[Hibiscus and the Infected citizens have finished dancing together.]
Hibiscus I'm sorry, I trod on you so many...
Cheerful Infected That's fine, I'm delighted to dance with you! Thank you for joining us!
Passionate Infected Goodbye! Have a beautiful day!
Cheerful Infected Welcome to the Afterglow!
Hibiscus Thank you, thanks.
[A female R.I. operative approaches Hibiscus.]
Woman in Operator Attire Good morning, Hibiscus~
Hibiscus You're... Andante? From the branch?
Andante That's right! Welcome to Vyseheim's Afterglow!
Hibiscus Thank you. This is awkward, you coming out here just to greet me.
Andante I didn't come just to greet you.
Hibiscus Eh?
Andante Word came that before you left for the Afterglow, you were piling pressure on yourself, staying up all hours of every night. You were reading papers right up until you left the landship.
So today, your job is entirely to relax!
Hibiscus I'm actually fine.
Andante No, can't have that! Strings snap when you stretch them that thin!
Besides, you came just at the right time. Herr Czerny's farewell concert is in a week, and it just so happens today's application day.
Apparently, he's performing at the plaza in front of Afterglow Hall! It'll be over if we're a moment too late!
Hibiscus But the mission...
Andante If this chance goes, it's gone! We can talk missions tomorrow! Let's run!
[Andante took Hibiscus somewhere.]
<Background black>
Andante We're here!
<Background 2>
Hibiscus ......
Andante Afterglow Hall. They say it's this very concert hall the Afterglow gets its name from.
Hibiscus Is... this even a building, or is it a giant instrument...?
Andante Enough, the Hall's not going anywhere, we'll have time to admire it later. Our focus today is Herr Czerny.
Hibiscus I think... I read about Mister, Herr Czerny beforehand. He was born in the Afterglow?
Andante He was. He's still the one and only musician ever to both be Infected and renowned in Leithanien. He's even held minor tours around the country–
I see him, there he is!
<Background fades out and in>
The musician stands on the steps outside the hall, a colossal instrument his height upright beside him.
No one stands in the five-meter semicircle around him.
Outside that semicircle, the crowds teem.
Andante Blow me down! Half of the Afterglow's here, at least.
Hibiscus Half?!
Andante Herr Czerny used to constantly perform outdoors here, but he's been ill for half a year, and it's his first time back. You don't know how excited everyone is–
[The sound of a piano being played are heard.]
Andante (Whisper) It's starting.
With the sound of a piano, the plaza quickly falls to a hush.
Practically everyone stops talking.
Even the peddler hawking incessantly until now lowers his voice.
<Background fades out and in>
The song is short.
The moment Czerny's performance ends, a mountainous applause erupts.
It gradually abates. While Czerny prepares to play the next song, someone neatly dressed squeezes through the crowd, and arrives at his side.
[A nobleman walks toward Czerny.]
Frivolous Noble Herr Czerny, Dame Gertrude sends her regards.
Czerny Oh. You, I see.
Frivolous Noble She asks me to remind you that be it an applicational affair or the concert day itself, you haven't been booked for an outdoor performance.
Czerny And what does it matter?
Other places may have their schedules, but you are hard-pressed to stop me performing for all in the Afterglow.
Frivolous Noble Your health isn't the fairest. You'd best not tire yourself too much...
Czerny I know my health best. If I didn't feel better today, I wouldn't be here.
Go tell Gertrude: mind her own business. Don't come all persnickety at me.
Frivolous Noble Very well.
[The nobleman leaves.]
Hibiscus What was his problem? Why did no one say anything?
Andante He's a retainer of Dame Gertrude Strollo.
Hibiscus Gertrude Strollo... Countess Strollo, the ruler... the Lehnsfrau of Vyseheim?
Andante The very same.
But Herr Czerny sent that man packing in just a few words! What a feel-good sight.
Hibiscus I see.
Andante Let's head into Afterglow Hall in a moment. Application's about to begin.
Seeing the noble's figure disappear into the crowd, Czerny clears his throat.
Czerny Thank you all for your support.
Today, I came not just to play you all a passage or two, long while that it's been, but to warm up for the concert next week.
I invite you all to be enthusiastic in this application. Prove your love for music on the stage. I'll be here, supporting you all.
I'll be at the selections tomorrow too, casting my own discerning eye.
Now, let me play a few more pieces for you all. I welcome you to bring out whatever instruments you're good with. Whether you accompany me or play by your own tune, I welcome it all.
Thank you, everyone!
Czerny bows, the heavy silence finally lifts, and the crowd erupts into even more fervorous applause.
[In the streets, a food stall owner greets a coffee barrista.]
Food Stall Owner Hey. You set up shop here too?
Coffee Shop Owner Damn near everyone's here at the Hall. Where else am I going to do business if not here?
Food Stall Owner Sure, but I don't think anyone's willing to drink your coffee.
Coffee Shop Owner Easy for you to say–
Infected Excuse me, I'll take a tub of sauerkraut. A big one!
Food Stall Owner Coming up!
Coffee Shop Owner ......
A crowd full of anticipation, a musician forcing his ailing body along, a noble given the cold shoulder...
(Whisper) Touches my heart.
<Background 3>
[An elderly Feline is talking to a young man by the name of Kreide.]
Disgruntled Old Man Kreide. You still insist on applying to that concert?
Kreide Yes, I do want to go...
Disgruntled Old Man Fine. Don't often see you turning a deaf ear like this. You want to go, go.
Kreide Thank you, Grandpa!
Grandpa You sign up and come straight back, don't linger outside.
Kreide I'll try.
Grandpa Try?
Kreide Apparently, entrants have to perform onstage for this application, so they can prove their skill...
Grandpa But your cello's been wrecked forever. You only have the one string to play. What are you doing about that?
Kreide It's alright, they'll provide a loaner instrument.
Grandpa *sigh* Very, very thoughtful of them. Why did nobody tell me, hm?
Kreide Grandpa, are you... mad?
Grandpa What? No, I'm just a little uneasy about it.
Kreide I promise, I'll be back as soon as the application's over. I won't run off anywhere!
Grandpa Fine, fine, I hear you.
Kreide I'll put the tea by the stove, now. Remember to drink it soon, don't let it get cold!
[Kreide leaves the house.]
<Background 4>
Mature Noble Application's beginning soon. It's about time you went.
Young Noble I still can't swallow this. You called me here, all the way from Urtica, specifically to have me apply to this concert full of Infected?
Mature Noble Such a level of interaction with Infected won't pose any risk.
Young Noble You don't have to tell me. I know.
What I mean to say is, I don't understand why you invited me here just for some run-of-the-mill concert.
Mature Noble You've always wanted to breathe the air of freedom, haven't you?
Young Noble I can't deny that, but–
Mature Noble Don't let doubts overtake you now. Enjoy the commoners' festive atmosphere.
Young Noble (Shrug)
Mature Noble The car is ready for you. There's some way to travel from the Cliffy Patio to the Afterglow; I recommend you not go on foot, so as not to affect your performance at application.
Young Noble I appreciate your kindness. Farewell, Strollo–
Mature Noble You're forgetting. I prefer my given name, not my surname.
Young Noble I apologize, Dame Gertrude.
<Background 2>
[Hibiscus and Andante looked at the queue of people in front of the Afterglow Hall.]
Hibiscus What a queue!
Andante That's the line for application. We're just going with the crowds, so come this way~
[Close by, Kreide walks toward an Infected in line.]
Kreide Hello, can I ask...?
Worn-out Infected Here to apply, right? End of the line's there. Head over and queue up.
Kreide –It's so long!
Worn-out Infected Plenty of folk started queueing before the sun came up.
Kreide But I'm really in a rush to get my application over with. I'm still caring for my grandpa back home.
Worn-out Infected No can do. Look, we're all Afterglowers. Who hasn't got someone to care for at home?
Kreide Well... but...
Worn-out Infected Get in line, quick. It'll be even longer soon enough.
[The young Caprinae nobleman from before, whose horns is somehow identical to Kreide's, join in.]
Young Noble Can you really not accommodate, just this once?
Worn-out Infected I said no. That's just–
Wait, y–you're a noble, aren't you? You're here to apply to our concert?!
Young Noble If you see as much, then could you oblige myself and my friend here?
Worn-out Infected But we've got rules...
Young Noble Or do you plan to refuse a noble's sincerest request?
Worn-out Infected I wouldn't dare.
Young Noble Thank you for your understanding.
[The nobleman gestures Kreide,]
Young Noble Come, now.
Kreide ......
Young Noble Didn't you hear me? They're letting us through.
Kreide A... Alright!
[The nobleman had already left.]
Kreide Er, where'd he go?
<Background 5>
Mannered Infected Next, please.
Can I have your name, please?
Kreide People call me Kreide.
Mannered Infected What instruments are you proficient in?
Kreide The cello.
Mannered Infected Did you come without your own cello?
Kreide I don't have one...
Mannered Infected That's fine, we provide common-use instruments to musicians. You can access them at your leisure.
[After the Infected staff gave Kreide a cello...]
Mannered Infected Alright, you may begin. Be careful not to go over one minute.
Kreide ......
Mannered Infected Is there a problem?
Kreide I didn't get to ask just now, but how do you determine pay for participation?
Mannered Infected Pay?
Kreide Eh?
The person who told me about the concert said that so long as I was chosen, I'd get ample pay.
My grandpa's gravely ill, and I need money for his treatment.
Mannered Infected I sympathize with your plight, but there is no material reward for this concert.
Kreide There's no pay at all?!
Mannered Infected I believe the vast majority feel that the ultimate honorarium comes from performing with Herr Czerny at his farewell concert.
Kreide How could this be...?
Mannered Infected It's your decision to perform or not. However, if you do decide to leave, I hope for you to at least leave us with a fine melody before you do.
Kreide ......
I... alright.
<Background black>
Kreide, somewhat dejectedly, bows.
He slowly takes a seat, and steadies the cello between his knees.
With a hand on his bow, and the other on the strings, the dismay is all but swept from his face, leaving only concentration.
From the cello's strings flows an ornate melody, gradually filling the whole hall.
After a number of bars, Kreide's performance reaches its sweetest point, when a concert flute joins from below the stage out of nowhere.
The noble in black plays the flute, accompanying Kreide's cello, and he paces his way onto the stage.
Kreide is briefly startled, but nevertheless concludes the passage with his own cadence, while the noble follows the cello's ending with his own, briefest cadenza.
<Background 5>
Mannered Infected And that's one minute.
That was the most beautiful performance I've heard today.
I feel we should pay our respects to both you young men.
[The staff looks at the young nobleman.]
Mannered Infected Are you here to apply to this concert too?
Young Noble The very same.
I was planning to do so alone, but professedly, Herr Kreide's performance struck me deep, and I did happen to meet him earlier.
I was loath to miss a chance to perform with such a superb instrumentalist.
Mannered Infected Understood. May I have your name?
Young Noble ......
Mannered Infected To have someone like y... Ebenholz?
Are you certain? Your real name is Ebenholz? That's not an alias you just came up with after staring at the piano?
Ebenholz You really are too mistrustful.
Besides, a piano isn't the only thing with keys. Does a flute not have them too?
Mannered Infected Even so, your lineage and estate–
Ebenholz I'll say again, my name is Ebenholz. Do you have any other questions?
Mannered Infected Very well.
That said, since you and Herr Kreide brought no agreement on whether to apply as an ensemble, the decision lies with him.
Herr Kreide, what do you feel?
Kreide I was only applying to this concert... for my grandpa's medical fees...
Ebenholz Should Kreide assent to an ensemble, I'd be very willing to provide him and his grandfather economic assistance.
Kreide –Really?
Mannered Infected That kind of aid doesn't come without strings attached. Make sure you're completely clear about this.
We saw a musician swindled last year. He signed an extremely unfair contract...
Ebenholz Please, I ask for some respect.
Mannered Infected ......
Kreide I'll do it!
Mannered Infected Then I'll leave it at that.
If the two of you are entering the selections as flute and cello, then the one choice you have is "Morgen und Abend."[note 2]
It's a duet for flute and cello with piano accompaniment, and one of Herr Czerny's signature works. Are you okay with that?
Ebenholz Said piece marked a turning point in my learning flute. I'm extraordinarily honored that I may perform it on Herr Czerny's stage.
Kreide I'm fine with it, too!
<Background 6>
Hibiscus Why is that noble helping Kreide?
Andante A lot of musicians have nobles as backers. Nothing strange about it.
Some do it because they're not good enough themselves, so they see a really skilled musician and leap for them. They like how it makes them look better all around.
I can't figure out this Ebenholz either, though. Maybe he is just appreciating a fellow maestro.
Hibiscus Something still doesn't sit too well with me.
Oh, we could treat Kreide's grandpa–
Andante Hibiscus, you were here to investigate the Serendipitous Infected Prognosis Phenomenon, weren't you?
Hibiscus Erk.
Andante And our branch is too small. We don't have what it takes to admit patients like a hospital.
Examinations, diagnoses, prescriptions for milder cases, getting patients in touch with other organizations when they need hospitalization–that's our limit.
Hibiscus But I'm still a little worried.
Andante In that case... Kreide's application is over, anyhow. Let's go catch up and ask him, see if we can offer him any help, okay?
<Background 7>
Andante Test results are in. Cell-Originium Assimilation is 8%, Blood Originium-Crystal Density is 0.23u/L... I can't say it's too severe, but it's not good by any stretch.
Typically, any patient should receive standard treatment with indicators at this level, no matter how they feel themselves. I suggest hospitalized recovery.
Grandpa Standard treatment, hospitalized recovery...
I hear Rhodes Island is just as much a business. You might be pitying me, giving me the test with no charge, but there's no such thing as a free lunch for me, eh?
Andante We're partnered with some organizations in Vyseheim. We can refer patients to them.
They have collaborative protocols in place with Rhodes Island. The prices will be cheaper compared to anywhere else.
Given your present circumstances, I can try to talk down their fees further, or I could help offset expenses on both sides...
Grandpa No need.
If I knew Kreide was only going for my sake, I wouldn't have let him go, no matter what.
Kreide. I'll say it again. You return every last cent to that noble. We're going.
What could possibly be happening behind you when an aristocrat gives you money for no good reason?
Kreide But Ebenholz just wants me to perform with him.
Grandpa Even if he means no harm, he–
*sigh* He might mean no harm, and an old man like me totting about without any grand standing or friend in power won't be worth much to exploit.
The hospitals still wouldn't be angels to me, even if they do admit me. I don't want my life depending on their whimsy.
If you see a heart of gold in that little lord, then use that money for your own sake. Do some business that lets you get on with your life.
Kreide No. I already agreed with Ebenholz. The money he gives me is for treating your sickness!
Grandpa You're tired of me. Throwing me into hospital so you can never look back, isn't that right?
Kreide What? How could I...
[Hibiscus voices a suggestion,]
Hibiscus How about he convalesces here, instead of going to any partners?
Andante Hibiscus, I understand how you feel... but we don't have beds here, and our medication stores are for emergency response.
Hibiscus If we can have him recovering here, we'll be able to monitor his health condition more tightly. I'm sure it'd be of help to our investigation too.
I can clear my own guest bed for him to take. Medication-wise, we'll sell at our partners' prices. I'll write a report after the fact explaining the situation.
That should all be watertight under procedure, right?
Andante I think... that works out.
Hibiscus Then we're all good to go on our end. Sir, how about you? Are you able to accept that?
Grandpa ......
Hibiscus I guarantee, your treatment will be highest priority for us. All research propositions will hinge on informed consent, and we'll never commit to anything harmful to your health.
Kreide I agree!
And I have to rehearse with Ebenholz soon, too. I might not have too much time to look after you.
Besides, conditions here are so much better than at home. If you're here, I can put my heart at ease too... please, Grandpa!
Grandpa *sigh*.
I'll go home this evening to pack some things. I'll be back tomorrow morning. You'll let me have that much, won't you?


  1. "Song of the Clear Sky" in German
  2. "Morning and Evening" in German