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From the New World
Lingering Echoes: Afterglow Hall
Previous LE-8 (Story)

Some have but old friends, and no old home.
Reserve Operator - Logistics icon
Male Vyseheimer B icon
Dispirited Infected
Kreide's Grandfather icon
Male Vyseheimer A icon
Nervous Infected
Calm Nobleman
Respectful Servant
Hotel Room
Leithanien Room
Vyseheim Afterglow
Vyseheim RI Office
Vyseheim Sewers
RI Room
RI Corridor
The string of events has left different scars on each participant, but Ebenholz has yet to find the strength to understand these scars. He still needs time.
<Background 1>
??? Is that all there is?
Calm Nobleman I'm not hiding even a shred of truth from you.
??? The way this was handled... was quite the surprise.
Calm Nobleman How should we proceed now?
??? How should we proceed? We don't.
This never had anything to do with you to begin with. All we're doing now is making adjustments to how the territory in question will be handled. How does that have anything to do with you?
Calm Nobleman You're right about that, but with how things turned out, those Infected will get to stay on that city plate. It'll be difficult to keep them from gossiping about this.
??? And? Who would believe Infected nonsense?
Calm Nobleman Then what shall we do next...?
??? What shall we do next?
There's no rush. We still have lots to do.
<Background 2>
Respectful Servant That's all I have to report for this incident.
Woman Thank you.
Have you located the piece that this Czerny man wrote during the incident?
Respectful Servant The Empresses' Voice is ready to transcribe it at any moment and can personally play it for you in a few hours.
Woman No need. I can listen to the recording.
[The regal woman in white/golden attire, who is actually one of Leithanien's Twin Empresses – the White Empress, listens to a recording of Czerny's "Licht und Schatten".]
Woman ......
Not bad. I can even hear him crying from the bottom of his heart as he wrote the piece.
He's a talented man. Too bad he's not quite talented enough.
<Background 3>
Nervous Infected So how did it go?
Dispirited Infected Not bad. It didn't get worse.
Andante said the infection deterioration caused by the incident was unusual. Most infections went into a continuous, stable phase, and I'm no exception.
Nervous Infected It's not going to get worse again like before, right?
Dispirited Infected Andante said they looked into the phenomenon pretty thoroughly. Apparently nearly all of the Originium that got activated during the incident has gone into an extended low-activity state.
In other words, I get to hang around a little longer.
Nervous Infected Thank goodness...
Right, does Andante know what the Herzog is going to do with the Afterglow?
Dispirited Infected Well, this is just what she said she heard, but apparently the Empresses' Voice has requested the Herzog not lay a finger on the Afterglow.
Nervous Infected Oh, thank heavens, and thank Their Majesties' kindness–
Dispirited Infected Keep it down!
Nervous Infected ......
*Sigh*, what should we do from here on out...?
Dispirited Infected Oh, shut up. You don't think things have gotten out of hand enough as is?
What to do from here on out? Live one day at a time, that's what.
Nervous Infected I want to live more than a day, though.
Dispirited Infected Then you should really keep your mouth shut.
<Background 4>
Andante ......
Hibiscus, I finally get it now. There are some things that you're better off not knowing anything about.
I guess I'll apply to be transferred somewhere else as soon as I'm done with the follow-up work here.
Maybe I'll go to the landship. That sounds nice.
<Background 5>
Biegler Don't move.
It took a lot of effort just to find you.
Grandpa ......
Biegler Do you have anything to say?
Grandpa It was your men who tricked Kreide into coming to Vyseheim, right?
Biegler ......
Grandpa Everything you said was the truth, except for the bit about payment. You knew he was in a hurry to make money for my treatment, and you lured him into this mess with that.
But you two had nothing against each other! Why did you do it?!
Biegler If I told you, I'd have to kill you.
Grandpa I don't have much longer to live to begin with.
Biegler Alright then. Seeing as we're old colleagues, I will tell you.
Gräfin Strollo was already looking for Kreide, and she was very close to finding him.
Grandpa So what? Kreide was always there by my side, and that practically meant you had full control of him!
Biegler You read her research notes. You know full well just how terrifying her work on the Voice of Terra was.
Until I got my hands on her notes, all I knew was that she had put a lot of time into researching this subject, but I never knew the true extent of her research.
If we'd let her continue working, she might just have been able to do something even more appalling with the Voice of Terra. Say, triggering and inducing Resonanz at much greater ranges.
You could've woken up in the morning and found your grandson transformed into a monster. Would you have wanted that?
Rather than letting things come to that, it was much better to bring Kreide right to her. Put the rush on her, and let her put her plan in motion before she could work out the kinks.
So? Any more questions?
Grandpa What would you have done if Ebenholz hadn't found the amplifiers in the Afterglow Hall?
Biegler What do you think?
However the Afterglow turned out, that's how I would've turned out myself.
Grandpa No further questions.
Biegler Come with me, then.
Grandpa Not going to kill me?
Biegler I've got no reason to kill you, and it would've given me yet another thing to weigh on my conscience.
Come. Let's head to my shop for a cup of coffee. We'll talk about those stupid, honorable young men.
Grandpa Must I?
Biegler What do you think?
<Background 6>
Hibiscus Lava?
Lava Why'd you push yourself like that? If anything happened to you, I'd never, ever forgive you!
Hibiscus Huh?
Oh, you're talking about what happened in Vyseheim, right? Look, I'm all fine–
Lava And who was it who had a standoff with an angry mob, who didn't evacuate even knowing that she'd be affected by the Voice of Terra, and who fought those people even though she barely learned any Arts?
Hibiscus I don't remember telling you any of this...
Lava I already talked to Mr. Czerny! He told me everything!
Hibiscus Uh... If you wanted to know all the whys and wherefores, why didn't you come talk to me directly?
Lava I actually visited Mr. Czerny to ask him about my piano teacher in Leithanien, Mr. Johann, and it was only after we kept talking that I found out you almost–
–I'm warning you! If something like this happens again, don't you dare push yourself like that! Y-You hear me?! You hear me?!
Hibiscus Alright, don't cry anymore. Look, see? I'm alright.
Lava But your infection–!
Hibiscus Yes, it's got rather severe thanks to the Voice of Terra, but it's under control now, so...
Lava No! That's not enough! You're always on my case about my health, but you don't care about what happens to you at all!
If you... If I lost you... I... I...
Hibiscus ......
Lava, I promise you I'll look out for myself more, okay?
Lava Really?
Hibiscus Really.
Lava Don't you dare lie to me!
Hibiscus Why would I? The Doctor gave me quite a long holiday, you know? I'm going to spend this time well and get some quality rest in.
Alright, now, you said you asked him about Mr. Johann? How is he?
Lava Mr. Czerny said he saw Mr. Johann at a gathering a year ago and that he was fine and well.
Speaking of, you went all the way to Leithanien yourself and even got a flute for your wand. Did you learn how to play while you were there?
Hibiscus You mean this?
The most I'm doing with it is treating it as a wand. I don't know how to play.
Lava Really?
Hibiscus Of course really.
Lava You're just being shy, aren't you?
Hibiscus Why would I be shy about this?
Lava I don't believe you! Play something!
Hibiscus Well... Alright, here goes...
Lava Alright!
<Background black>
[Lava rushes out of the room and shuts the door.]
Lava That's the worst sound I've ever heard in my life!
<Background 7>
Czerny Thanks for your concern, Doctor. I'm feeling very well.
And I must thank you again for the protection you are offering the Afterglow.
If you and Rhodes Island hadn't intervened, the Empresses' Voice would never have lifted a finger for my home.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Just doing my job.
Czerny You're too humble.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Helping the Infected is Rhodes Island's creed.
Czerny It's exactly as you said, and I'm starting to appreciate that more and more.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor The Afterglow is a lot easier to handle than Ebenholz.
Czerny ......
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Czerny I suppose there must be a reason you summoned me here?
Doctor You asked to be deployed to the front lines, and I have to confirm your intentions.
Czerny I've already written my thoughts in full on the report.
Doctor Your condition's stable, but your infection's serious.
Anything can happen in battle.
Czerny I'm prepared.
Truth be told, Doctor. When Hibiscus helped me up and walked me to the concert hall, I was already prepared to die.
Even though so much has happened, and things turned out nothing like I had imagined, I... lived.
It really feels quite peculiar, and I cannot describe it very well, whether through words or music.
I'm not expecting to find how to express this feeling on the battlefield, but I'm thinking that it might prove beneficial if I try to fight for the Infected in an entirely different way.
Czerny I understand.
Speaking of which, Ebenholz is here too, is he?
Doctor Of course. / Why do you ask?
Czerny I haven't seen him at all since the day after we arrived at Rhodes Island.
Sometimes, I can't help but think that the black-clad Graf Urtica might have actually died.
Doctor According to Leithanien's official reports, he's indeed gone. / He's alive and well. Give him some time. / Ironically, that actually helped get our cooperation with Leithanien on track.
Czerny You're right.
Well then, I'll take my leave now, Doctor.
Doctor Speaking of Ebenholz, it happens the next thing on my agenda has to do with him.
Do you want to see him?
Czerny ......
Never mind. I don't dare to claim I know how much this incident has affected him. I can only imagine.
If there comes a day when he's willing to see me or Hibiscus, we'll talk then.
Goodbye, Doctor.
Doctor Goodbye. / ...... / I look forward to hearing the music you'll write off the battlefield, and hope it'll be no less impressive than your past work.
[Czerny leaves.]
<Background black>
[The Doctor opens the door to see Ebenholz inside.]
Ebenholz Doctor? I'm surprised you found me here.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Some nice, fresh air with all the wind here. Helps destress.
Ebenholz I don't need destressing.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Ebenholz Have you got nothing to say to me?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor There's an Operator who saw you here.
Ebenholz Who? I don't mind having a little chat.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
RI Landship 1
Doctor I digress. I'm a Messenger today. Here's a letter for you.
Ebenholz A letter? Where is it from?
Doctor Leithanien.
Ebenholz I have an idea what it is. Hand it over.
Doctor Need me to stay and open it with you? One of my many services.
Ebenholz You're a funny one.
Doctor I get that a lot.
Ebenholz I really can't imagine you in a fight... Are you always this lighthearted when you're out commanding battles?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Haha.
Ebenholz Is this how you always react when you're embarrassed?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Ebenholz You have that hood on, and you hardly ever say a word. Hmm hmm. It's quite imposing.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I wouldn't mind you getting a little less serious when you're off to a field operation.
Ebenholz Well, I look forward to it, then.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Doctor I'm going then. Enjoy your alone time.
Ebenholz That goes without saying.
[The Doctor leaves and closes the door as Ebenholz opens the letter.]
Ebenholz This... is the passport of a Leithanian citizen... Ebenholz.
Kreide's... and Graf Urtica's... death certificates.
Hm? There's more?
A letter?
<Background black>
Dear Mr. Ebenholz:
Congratulations on the freedom that you have been longing for.
I am writing this letter to inform you that our common enemy, Graf Urtica, has passed away.
I would like to extent my sincerest apologies to you in regard to the troubles he and his friends have brought about.
It is my hope that this letter and the file enclosed may reach you as a consolation.
P.S. Please ensure that the death of Graf Urtica remains a cold hard fact.
Otherwise our joint effort will eventually go down the drain.
Ebenholz It's not signed... An anonymous letter?
Just my impression of her.
Rhodes Island Operator Ebenholz presses the tip of his wand to the letter and sets it ablaze.
Not long after, the flames reach the passport, then the Count of Urtica's death certificate, and then Kreide's.
The smell of burning paper spreads across the deck.
Ebenholz picks up the cello next to him.
He thinks back to how his dear friend played the cello, closes his eyes, and begins to play a simple, lively melody.
When the Twin Empresses first took control, countless pieces of music singing their praises sprung up all over Leithanien. This, too, is one of those pieces.
Today, the second half of the song has long been forgotten. Only the first half is still sung by a small number of people, thanks to its uplifting melody and the lyrics openly express the singer's cheerful mood.
The sunset is glaringly bright.
Traurige Betrachtung
The Sky is blue and fine,
The Breeze lilts by in Song;
The River murmurs clear,
My Heart is filled with...