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Lullabye is an Arknights song released alongside Episode 08 and dedicated for Faust and Mephisto, performed by the Mongolian-American vocalist Úyanga Bold. It is one of the three Arknights songs that are entirely in Russian, the others being Requiem and Proshchaniye.

Lullabye can be interpreted as a heartrending farewell to Faust (who had been killed in action during Episode 06) and Mephisto (who are implied to be dying after his transformation), which can be seen from its title that is a portmanteau of "lullaby" and "goodbye". As a matter of fact, Lullabye's music video (see Media) features the younger selves of Faust and Mephisto (as Sasha and Eno, respectively), which shows their bonds and promise to "live and die together."


I arise from whispers of thee,
In the first tranquil slumber.
As the memories are burning low,
And the pasts are shining pale,
I chant with the Lullabye of thee.

Alas. Long may the dreams shimmer.


Спи, спи маленький
Малыш мой ты
Глазки свои закрывай
Слёзки забывай
Во сне, сне видишь ли ты
Приключения грозные
Как ты вырастешь малыш
Кто тебя защитит?

В небесах одна
Шепчет луна
Сказку тебе расскажет
Может судьбу покажет

Не убежать никак
Догоняет всегда
Ночное время
Всех поймает, а сейчас

Песенку тебе я спою
Баюшкины баю, баю
Земля она то вертится
Глазки закрываются
Песенку тебе я спою
Баюшкины баю
Глазки закрываются

Если в дверь кто-то стучит
Кто бы это было бы
Может это ветерок
А может и волчок

Малыш ты не бойся
Того кто воет и зовёт тебя
Слёзки высуши
И смело засни

В небесах одна
Шепчет луна
Сказку тебе расскажет
Может судьбу покажет

Песенку тебе я спою
Баюшкины баю, баю
Земля она то вертится
Глазки закрываются
Песенку тебе я спою
Баюшкины баю
Глазки закрываются

Spi, spi malen'kiy
Malysh moy ty
Glazki svoi zakryvay
Slozki zabyvay
Vo sne, sne vidish' li ty
Priklyucheniya groznyye
Kak ty vyrastesh' malysh
Kto tebya zashchitit?

V nebesakh odna
Shepchet luna
Skazku tebe rasskazhet
Mozhet sud'bu pokazhet

Ne ubezhat' nikak
Dogonyayet vsegda
Nochnoye vremya
Vsekh poymayet, a seychas

Pesenku tebe ya spoyu
Bayushkiny bayu, bayu
Zemlya ona to vertitsya
Glazki zakryvayutsya
Pesenku tebe ya spoyu
Bayushkiny bayu
Glazki zakryvayutsya

Yesli v dver' kto-to stuchit
Kto by eto bylo by
Mozhet eto veterok
A mozhet i volchok

Malysh ty ne boysya
Togo kto voyet i zovot tebya
Slozki vysushi
I smelo zasni

V nebesakh odna
Shepchet luna
Skazku tebe rasskazhet
Mozhet sud'bu pokazhet

Pesenku tebe ya spoyu
Bayushkiny bayu, bayu
Zemlya ona to vertitsya
Glazki zakryvayutsya
Pesenku tebe ya spoyu
Bayushkiny bayu
Glazki zakryvayutsya

Sleep, sleep,
Oh my little child.
You may close your eyes,
And forget your tears.
In your dream, dream, do you see,
Trials so fierce and terrible?
How will you grow, my child?
And who will guard you there?

Lone in the skies up high,
Whispers the moon.
She'll tell you a fairy tale.
Maybe she'll show your fate.

There is no escape from it,
It always catches up.
Come the dead of night,
It swallows all, and now...

The smallest song I'll sing to you,
Hushaby-a-by, a-by.
The earth is gently turning round,
As your little eyes close.
The smallest song I'll sing to you,
As your little eyes close.

Should someone come knock at the door,
Whoever it is now?
Maybe it'll be the breeze,
Or maybe a baby wolf.

Do not fear, my child, now;
Whoever howls or calls to you.
Forget your teary tears,
Be brave and fall asleep.

Lone in the skies up high,
Whispers the moon.
She'll tell you a fairy tale.
Maybe she'll show your fate.

The smallest song I'll sing to you,
Hushaby-a-by, a-by.
he earth is gently turning round,
As your little eyes close.
The smallest song I'll sing to you,
As your little eyes close, now...

Unofficial English translations provided by Hasshu.

Sleep, sleep, little
child of mine; may you
Close your eyes,
forget your tears.
In your dream, your dream,
are you seeing formidable adventures?
How will you grow up, little one?
Who will protect you?

Alone in the sky,
the moon is whispering.
It will tell you a fairytale,
maybe will foreshow you your fate.

No way to escape—
the nightfall
always catches up.
It will take everyone, but now...

I will sing you a song,
Hushaby-a-by, a-by.
Earth, it yet moves.
Your little eyes are closing.
I will sing you a song,
Your little eyes are closing.

If someone is knocking on the door,
who could it be?
Perhaps, it's the wind,
or maybe a bad wolf.

Little one, do not be afraid
of the one who is howling and calling for you;
dry up your tears,
and fall asleep with no fear.

Alone in the sky,
the moon is whispering.
It will tell you a fairytale,
maybe will foreshow you your fate.

I will sing you a song,
Hushaby-a-by, a-by.
Earth, it yet moves.
Your little eyes are closing.
I will sing you a song,
Your little eyes are closing...

In-game use[]

Lullabye is used as the background music of M8-8 and H8-3, which is played when Mephisto, "The Singer" enters his "hibernating" state. If the operation drags out for too long, an instrumental version of Lullabye will be looped for the rest of the operation.

This makes Lullabye the first background music with voiced lyrics, even though only for the first several minutes of its use.



  • In its cover photo, this song's name is written as "Lullabye :|".
  • "Баюшкины баю" (Bayushkiny bayu) is a misspelling of "Баюшки-баю" (Bayushki-bayu), a word used in Russian lullabies which has the closest meaning to "hushaby, a-by" in English.

See also[]
