Operation | Guide | Story |
Previous MN-ST-2 | Next MN-ST-3 |
Characters | |
Arena Worker Female Tourist Male Tourist Newsboy Shadow in the Darkness Tourist Voice in the darkness | |
Backgrounds | |
“ | With her intended partner suddenly disappeared, Maria is forced to step onto the field alone. A conspiracy comes to fruition, and Maria's opponents are far more than she expected. | ” |
<Background 1> | |
Maria | Team battle? |
Zofia | It's a two on two, a rather uncommon competition format. Originally, to showcase the teamwork within the Knightclubs, it should've been at least three on three or four on four. No matter the format, you don't have a Knightclub, so we need to find you a partner. |
Maria | Oh... Who am I up against? |
Zofia | The competition schedule says it's the Snowyheel Knightclub. |
Bald Marcin | ...They have some decent archers, and even one knight that uses meteor hammers. I don't know who you'll end up against. Maria's finally reached the point where we'll know her opponents by name alone, huh. |
Maria | Ahaha...... |
Zofia | I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing... |
Bald Marcin | Maria, defeating Tytus is definitely something worth celebrating, but it also means that there will be a lot more eyes on you. Draw on the lessons you learned from Flametail and Ashlock. Don't tip your hand. It's important to compromise and work with the corporations when you have to. Times have changed. You can't hold onto your glory with wins alone. |
Maria | ...... |
Zofia | ...Why didn't you help me convince her last time? |
Bald Marcin | I did have a proper conversation with Maria after you slammed the door——By the way, you broke my door that time. |
Zofia | Ugh. I'll cover it... Where's V and Kowal? |
Bald Marcin | It's "that day". They're not back yet. |
Zofia | Ah... They're at the gravesite. Shit, I wanted to ask if he could help repair Maria's equipment... |
Bald Marcin | Just use his workshop. He even said so himself, one time last year, drunkenly. If you ever wanted to, Maria, he would gladly pass on his workshop to you. |
Maria | Eh?! Why haven't I this before? |
Bald Marcin | Either way, he's still sworn to never touch the anvil again. |
Zofia | *Sigh*... Even after so many years... |
Bald Marcin | It's hard enough for anyone to let go of the past, let alone us oldies who have nothing but the past. |
Zofia | Lets forget about them for now. Maria, you'll need to fix up your equipment yourself. And then... Do you have a partner in mind? |
Maria | Me? Umm... ...... D-Do I actually not have any knight friends? |
Zofia | That's why I wanted to introduce you to someone. A known quantity is always safer than getting a random stranger assigned by the Association. |
Maria | Err, who is it? |
Zofia | The Fartooth Knight. She's an expert archer. Just like you, she fought her way up as an independent knight, refusing to accept sponsorships from the corporations. I've heard she's even planning to form a completely self-sufficient knightclub. I think you'll be able to get along, and cover each other's weaknesses in battle. You'll come to understand that team battles are completely different from melees or one-on-ones. If only we had more time, you could get to know each other better on the training field. Unfortunately, you'll have to improvise. |
Maria | ...O-okay. |
Bald Marcin | This is the disadvantage of being an independent knight... Temporary allies fighting against a battle-hardened team will always be at a disadvantage. |
Maria | I wonder what she's like... I'm a little nervous... |
<Background 2> | |
Spokesman Czarny | This is our third time passing this street today. |
Corporate Employee | Ah, yes, Mr. Czarny... |
Spokesman Czarny | You're very accustomed to such work. Running between the various arenas and joining in countless teleconferences. |
Corporate Employee | Ah, no... There's nothing to be said for someone like me... |
Spokesman Czarny | Your appearance is somewhat sloppy. One's appearance is also an important bargaining chip, is it not? |
Corporate Employee | A-Apologies... To be honest, I was unemployed not too long ago... So... |
Spokesman Czarny | Oh... What has that got to do with this? I don't dislike employees like you. Only those who have fallen to rock bottom are able to understand the cruelty we face. It is only when you have acknowledged it, that you will be able to make satisfactory decisions. |
Corporate Employee | ...... |
Spokesman Czarny | Remember each and every word I have said, each and every action I have taken. |
Corporate Employee | Eh? Ah, the meeting minutes for the Snowyheel Knightclub? Don't worry, I've prepared—— |
Spokesman Czarny | No no no, their sponsor is an old friend of mine. They won't trouble us much. It's just for a particularly insignificant...working habit of mine. |
<Background 3> | |
Zofia | ...Maria. |
Maria | Hm? |
Zofia | You know I never approved of you becoming a competition knight, not since the beginning. |
Maria | Eh, huh? Where did that come from? I knew that already... |
Zofia | But you've proven yourself. |
Maria | Though it was always by the skin of my teeth... |
Zofia | Rather than your motivations, platitudes, promises or whatnot... Winning in the arena is the only proof of your determination. Even though you're still very naive. |
Maria | Ahaha...... |
Zofia | Maybe...it's your desire to win back the glory of the Nearl family that makes you so strong. ——Though it was just a fluke, being able to take a point off Tytus means your upcoming opponents should be manageable. You've developed your own Arts techniques, but it doesn't seem to work against particularly strong opponents, unfortunately. For example, if the Left-hand Knight had fought seriously from the start, you would've probably lost even if there were four of you. I can teach you swordsmanship and tactics, and you can ask V about archery techniques. He may not look it, but back in the day V was an expert your granddad respected. ——But when it comes to Arts, you are the only one who can grasp your light. Got it? |
Maria | Mm-hm! |
<Background 4> | |
Spokesman Czarny | Yes... Even though there were unexpected incidents, our plans are progressing on schedule. What? No, you're overestimating our clients. There will definitely not be any condemnation from the audience. They're not a particularly moral bunch. Yes, you're right. I am very thankful for the two... helpers you've provided me. I will ensure that they all receive an excellent report. |
??? | ...... |
Spokesman Czarny | Bless you, sir. ...And now, everything is ready. Let us await the beginning of this remarkable competition. |
<Background 1> | |
[Kowal and Vogelweide enter the bar.] | |
Bald Marcin | Oh... you're back. |
Old Knight | Didn't they promise no rain? Why'd it still end up raining...? |
Old Craftsman | Hmph... You really can't believe all that crap they put on TV, whether it's news, sports or weather forecasts. |
Old Knight | What about Maria! Ain't the competition today? |
Bald Marcin | I've got food and wine for the both of you. How was it? |
Old Knight | ...Whaddya mean how was it? It's been so long... There's a few less this year too. Always less of us to visit the captain's grave. |
Old Craftsman | *Sigh*... She said she'd challenge me to a drinking contest, but she left before the booze was even poured. |
Old Knight | ...Forget it, it's all in the past. |
Bald Marcin | Yeah... Who'd have expected that the two of you really stayed single your entire lives for her sake. |
Old Knight | Stop twisting the knife. Out with the wine! |
Old Craftsman | That's right! Enough talk about who's still alive and who's not. We're here to enjoy Maria's performance! |
Old Knight | Cheers, Kowal! |
Old Craftsman | Cheers! V! |
Bald Marcin | ...... Here's a great bargain for today, self-service for all drinks. Help me watch the joint. |
Old Knight | Oh? Is it free? |
Bald Marcin | In your dreams. |
Old Knight | Where're you going? |
Bald Marcin | The arena. |
Old Craftsman | Huh? You got ahold of a ticket? |
Bald Marcin | ...I got someone to get me one. Tickets nowadays are so overpriced. |
Old Craftsman | That's called business. |
[Someone knocks the bar's door.] | |
Newsboy | Good day, sir. Here's the midday sports news. |
Bald Marcin | Thanks, kid. Have some milk. |
Newsboy | Nice! Thank you, sir! |
Bald Marcin | The midday sports news, huh—— ——Wait, what's this? |
<Background 4> | |
[The audience cheers.] | |
Greatmouth Mob | Welcome! Welcommme, one and allllll, to the Fireblade Arena! The previous match just ended, and the blood of the "Softwind" Knight still stains the ground. But that's just seasoning for the next battle! No doubt, everybody's here today to witness the splendor of Nearl——! This lassie here may yet be young, but she's already done miracles before our very eyes! We'll have an extra short break. In just ten minutes the temporary duo of Maria Nearl and the Fartooth Knight will—— Go against this year's rookies——The alliance of vengeance formed by elites of past years who've failed to enter the Major——The Snowyheel Knightclub! A brand new legend versus the blade of vengeance, in an all-new two-on-two point match. What an unbelievably thrilling sight! The match shall begin soooon! |
<Background 2> | |
Zofia | Maria, your wounds? |
Maria | Right! They're much better now! It's all thanks to you taking care of me! |
Zofia | Alright, I believe you. |
Maria | ...Mm! |
Zofia | Hmm, she's late... Fartooth has always been bad with time. |
Maria | It doesn't matter, as long as she makes it here before the match—— |
Arena Worker | Miss Maria! Miss Maria Nearl! Please head over to the waiting room and get ready! We're about to begin! |
Maria | Ah. It's about to begin... I'd better get going, Zofia. |
Zofia | ...Yes. |
[After Maria leaves for the arena, Marcin hurriedly rushes to Zofia.] | |
Bald Marcin | ...Zofia? Where's Maria? |
Zofia | Marcin? Why're you here? |
Bald Marcin | Oh... I get it. You're still waiting for the Fartooth Knight. She's not coming. |
Zofia | ——What? |
Bald Marcin | Here, the sports page. |
Zofia | Hmm... The Fartooth Knight... seriously injured?! |
Bald Marcin | She got dragged into a fight between knight fans and is now MIA. At least, that's what the paper says. |
Maria | Wait...she got dragged into a fight? |
Zofia | This must be fake. What kind of fan violence can cause a battle-hardened knight to "disappear"? Wait... could it be... |
Bald Marcin | Right now, the question is what do we do for the match? Something is wrong, Zofia. Just think about it. |
Zofia | Maria has to forfeit! We're out of time, follow me—— |
<Background 4> | |
Greatmouth Mob | No rest for the wicked, eh——What? You still think we're letting them rest too much? Come on, we've got to at least act like we're clearing up the battlefield, alright? How many of you are here for Nearl?! How many of you want to see the lovely Nearl?! Speaking for myself here, as someone who's followed every step this super rookie has taken, I've personally watched this prize pool grow to the king's ransom it is today! Let's look at the numbers! Right here, right now, in every city, every village in the country, the crowd watching this fight is in the hundreds of thousands! Who do we have to thank for this?! I'm sure we all know! But! I have some tragic news. The Fartooth Knight suffered heavy injuries in the incident last night and remains missing! Even so! Maria did not choose to forfeit! She steps into a two on one fight completely undeterred! Let me see how much her bravery means to each and every one of you! Presenting——The hottest rookie of this season! Nearl's little knight, Maria Nearl! |
[Maria enters the arena and the audience cheers loudly.] | |
Maria | Oh no, is she not here yet? What should I do...? ...No, I can't give up easily. To give up before I've even begun is to disrespect knighthood! Knighthood...yes, knighthood. |
[The audience cheers upon seeing Maria in the arena.] | |
Greatmouth Mob | And on the other side! Two veterans of the Snowyheel Knightclub! Back in their old Knightclubs, they failed to make it into the Major two seasons in a row. Looking for a way out, they finally ended up together in this Knightclub of vengeance! The two members of the Snowyheel Knightclub here today are also well-known knights! They are—— |
A sudden deafening sound interrupts the announcer. | |
Male Tourist | Wait, what's this? Am I seeing things? |
Female Tourist | N-no, there's a weird smell, it's really gross—— |
Male Tourist | What's happening?! |
Heavy footsteps resound within the twenty thousand seat arena. As people regain their senses, the entire place remains silent. | |
Greatmouth Mob | ...Ugh. |
A rare occurance in the world of knight sports. In a place that should be packed with vivacious enjoyment, tens of thousands of tourists and spectators hold their breaths, as if listening for the source of the footsteps. The first to grasp it are VIPs on the grandstand, themselves knights. | |
Left-hand Knight | ...Is that fog on the field? Originium Arts? Or some special equipment? Is there anyone like that in the Snowyheel Knightclub... hmm...? ...No. Not them. It can't be them. That's—— |
[Two Sarkaz knights cladded in black armor and exuding a dreadful aura enter the arena.] | |
Male Tourist | ...... |
Female Tourist | ...Those are, ugh, knights? |
<Background 1> | |
Old Knight | ——Kowal! |
Old Craftsman | I know! I know! Let's go! That thing... They're trying to kill Maria! |
<Background 2> | |
Platinum | ...... |
Shadow in the Darkness | Miss, all teams are in position. |
Platinum | Don't be so nervous. We're here to stop anyone from coming into the arena. |
Shadow in the Darkness | ...Yes. But if we have to stop—— |
Platinum | If that Młynar dares try anything... I'll deal with him. Even though it'll be a huge pain... *Sigh*. |
<Background 4> | |
Maria | ...... |
Greatmouth Mob | Ugh, so these are the Snowyheel Knightclub's... (Hey! What's going on? The deal for the day was——what? Huh? I can't figure out which of them is——) ...The Snowyheel Knightclub's—— |
[Mob looks at the Sarkaz knights for a bit.] | |
Greatmouth Mob | The "Corrupted" and "Withered" Knights! |
The expected cheering does not materialize, as silence envelops the audience. Naturally, the first thought in their minds is that of terror. However, they soon come to realize that this terror is not for themselves, seated in the audience, but for the young girl who has not yet understood her situation. This cruelty brings about a striking round of applause. | |
[Despite the Sarkaz knights' dreadful presence, the audience cheers.] | |
Tourist | This... Isn't this too scary? |
Tourist | ...Nearl is going to fight these two all by herself? |
Tourist | Hey... Isn't this going to be an amazing show? |
Greatmouth Mob | Alright, then let's start the ma—— |
[Suddenly, the greatbow-wielding Sarkaz knight (Withered Knight) fires at Maria, but she narrowly guards herself from his attack.] | |
Maria | What—— |
[The Withered Knight glares at Maria.] | |
Withered Knight | Target hit. |
Corrupted Knight | ——Guh! |
Maria | Why so... ugh?! |
Corrupted Knight | Guh... Shield, very durable. Not easy. |
Withered Knight | No matter... Kill her, not difficult. |
[Nevertheless, the audience cheers.] | |
Greatmouth Mob | T-They're already exchanging lightning-fast blows before the match has even started! Is this a problem? Of course not! In fact, the match started the moment the knights stepped onto the field! Can Nearl turn this around?! Or will she choose to forfeit early—— (What? Not allowed to forfeit...? This... urgh, fine.) |
![]() | |
Greatmouth Mob | ——Within each of your hands lies the only way to turn the tide! Invest your money in the pitiful Maria! Maybe those simple little toys will be her key to victory! |
<Background 4> | |
Maria | Ugh... This fog... What is it? My Arts are being suppressed...? My wounds, I can't heal them...? Agh... ouch... |
Withered Knight | Target... Losing ability to resist. Kill her, quickly, like an accident. |
[The warhammer-wielding Sarkaz knight (Corrupted Knight) takes a combat stance.] | |
Corrupted Knight | Understood... |
Maria | (No, don't even think of giving up, think of a way to——) (These two Sarkaz...are twins? Their Arts are almost the exact same——!) Then... let's try again! |
[Out of nowhere, an Arts explosion occurred on Maria, followed by the Corrupted Knight striking her with his warhammer that pushes her back a distance...] | |
Maria | (Eh?) |
[...as the bewildered Mob and the audience are watching the match.] | |
Greatmouth Mob | ————! T-This is unbelievable! What just happened?! There was a sudden explosion on Maria's body, and the Corrupted Knight followed up with a hit that sent her flying! (Was that Withered? Corrupted? Does it matter anymore?) |
Maria | Nnng——! *Cough* *cough*... *cough*. Blood...? Why... why aren't my Arts working? |
Withered Knight | She is vomiting blood... the Arts have taken effect. |
Corrupted Knight | ...Fester, wither, decay... I can smell her death. She cannot escape. |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Zofia | Maria! Forfeit the match! Quickly! Tsk—— Let me go! Marcin! |
Bald Marcin | Do you want to die with her?! |
Zofia | Mph—— ——Dying together is better than Maria dying alone! |
Bald Marcin | Zofia! |
<Background 2> | |
Old Knight | Hurry up, Kowal! |
Old Craftsman | D-Don't run so fast. I'm not a Kuranta—— |
[Platinum halts Kowal and Vogelweide, blocking their way.] | |
Platinum | Sorry, you're not allowed back here. |
Old Knight | You—— |
Platinum | Former level-2 campaign knight, Vogelweide. Or should I say, Batbayar. Your bloodline had you fighting all over the world. You got to run and howl across the prairies of no-man's-land. And you, senior craftsman of the Craftsman's Guild, Kowal. Your master was a great blacksmith, respected by the Silverlance Pegasus, and your apprentices are still out there on the front lines even today—— You're both fine, upstanding Kazimierz citizens. Could you just, like, leave? |
Old Knight | ...The way you talk ain't nothing like that lil' girl I once met, Platinum. |
Platinum | Hm. You know? |
Old Craftsman | Yes, we know. Of course we know. We have a personal grudge with some of your bosses. |
Platinum | ...Ah, so that's how it is. I heard that the last Platinum's first job was to assassinate a campaign knight. A really pretty lady, named—— |
Old Knight & Old Craftsman | ——Shut up. |
Platinum | ...Funny. Another leader dying for a woman, in the end. Maybe working this job too long really does screw with your head. *Sigh* I gotta take a vacation, go traveling... |
Old Knight | Stop wasting time with this crap! Are you the ones messing around with Maria?! |
Platinum | ...Keep watching the perimeter. I'll deal with this. |
Voice in the darkness | ...Yes. |
Old Craftsman | So you have helpers after all. Why not call them out? |
Platinum | I really don't want to fight you. Can we not just take a step backwards? |
Old Knight | Hah! That's funny. An assassin of the Armorless Union has a soft heart? Don't worry, I won't go all out against a young lass like you. When you've given up, we'll be off to rescue Maria—— |
[Platinum fires several warning shots at Vogelweide.] | |
Old Knight | —— |
Old Craftsman | V——! |
Old Knight | I... I'm fine. Just a scratch. I just didn't expect her to draw her bow that quickly and accurately... Yeah, she's done talking. She might be young and immature—— But she's still above the dregs of the Armorless Union, as the Platinum in that "one-two-three inverted triangle" of theirs. |
Platinum | Umm... I'll take that as a compliment? |
Old Knight | Get ready, Kowal. Let's see if you've still got it. |
Old Craftsman | Hah! I've long suspected that you're half-blind now, V. |
Platinum | Alright, alright. To you two feisty olds—— ——Don't sprain your backs. |
<Background black> | |
Are you leaving now? Yes, time is tight. Then... Please be careful. Please, please be very careful. Don't worry so much... She's still with you, right? ...Yes. Don't worry, it's fine. I swear——knight's honor. Y-You don't need to do that. Go on, I believe in you. Good. Have a safe journey. Yes, thank you, Liz. | |
<Background 4> | |
[Maria is badly injured from the Corrupted and Withered Knights' relentless assault; the two Sarkaz knights are intending to actually kill her.] | |
Maria | *Cough* *cough*... *cough*. (My wounds are rotting, I can't heal them...! Losing blood... It's cold...) Faster than Mr. Szewczyk... Bigger than Mr. Ingra... These two—— ——Should I forfeit? |
Forfeit? | |
Maria | No, just hold on, I can still—— |
[The Corrupted and Withered Knights continue their assault onto the injured Maria, who barely withstands it.] | |
Withered Knight | ...Hit. She should have fainted. You, go. |
Corrupted Knight | Guh... Boring fight... Just smash her head in. |
Withered Knight | Go, quickly! |
Corrupted Knight | ...... |
...The Sarkaz raises his weapon up high. The sun shines brightly on the girl trying to regain her balance. | |
Maria | Ugh, *cough*... |
The blood on the ground, the metallic taste in her mouth, ears buzzing, head spinning, the fragrance of dirt after rain. She tries to support her body with her hands, but gives in to the intense pain. | |
Maria | (Old wounds... Hands...!) |
Corrupted Knight | Guh... It's over. |
Maria | Nnng... |
Maria lies on the ground, unmoving. This sorrowful scene is reflected in the Sarkaz knight's emotionless eyes. Suddenly, her vision brightens. Perhaps the clouds blocking out the sun have dissipated, or perhaps the angle of the sunlight just happened to pass through the building's shade. The next moment——He hears a thunderous sound. All the cells in his body are warning him, telling him that he must act immediately, that he must strike this defenseless little knight—— His vision brightens even more. At the same time, the warhammer in his hand flies off, knocked away by someone. |
“ | At the last, perilous moment, the Radiant Knight rushes into the field. Her light washes out the suffering, and the two sisters join together in a battle for glory. | ” |
<Background black> | |
There is an old man in the audience. This old man has not a speck of interest in competition knights. At the behest of his beloved grandchild, he has grudgingly purchased two tickets to the event so hyped up by the newspapers and media. He frowns, he sighs, for he does not know why the crowd cheers for the public execution of the young Kuranta by the Sarkaz. He does not think anything is wrong, for he too was once a knight, a campaign knight without a noble title. He merely scoffs at the competition, at the Sarkaz. | |
![]() | |
Yet, the battlefield suddenly flares with a blazing light. The old man remembers that the knight is the young lady of the Nearl family. What a pity, he laments as he stares at the dazzling light. At the same time, the very few Kazimierz present in the audience simultaneously recall an old story. The story takes place in a land beyond rivers, forests and lakes, in a great fortress formed of towers and walls. Every day, as night falls, blazing torches form an unbroken line. The campaign knights' armor gleams beneath the moonlight, the sharp edges of their silver lances point at the restless enemy prowling in the darkness. The invaders are ruthless. The Leithanians, capable of coloring the sky, black out the moon. The terrible armies of Ursus overwhelm the castle walls. Cities are captured and brought into Ursus in humiliation. The lines fall back once and again, as "Silverlance" becomes a mocking joke leveled at the knights by the warmongers. They are pushed to the outskirts of the last city, the last line of defense—— ——Where Kazimierz makes its last stand, a pegasus with golden hair appears. On the dawn of that day, when the Ursus suffer their first defeat of the war, on the faraway horizon of Kazimierz, two suns rise. | |
<Background 4> | |
Light. The light does not dissipate. Rays of light diffuse into a haze, banishing the terror. At this moment, even the sun itself nods, welcoming the returning knight. ...... | |
<Background black> | |
...... ...Maria. Stand up, Maria. | |
Maria | ...... ......Margaret? |
![]() | |
Maria. You've grown up. You've really done well. | |
<Background 2> | |
Spokesman Czarny | No... That's not Maria's Arts... What happened? |
Corporate Employee | Mr. Czarny! We just received a message from——the Armorless Union! A beam of light crashed into the arena from a kilometer away northwest! It was very, very fast! They couldn't even get a glimpse of what it was! |
Spokesman Czarny | ...Terrorist attack? |
Corporate Employee | I-It doesn't seem like a weapon. It's a person, a Kuranta, but only the strongest knights are able to handle speed like that—— |
Spokesman Czarny | ...... ...No. Impossible... Light... Could it be... |
<Background 4> | |
[Just before the twin Sarkaz knights could kill Maria, someone appears out of nowhere in a blinding flash and engages them, disorienting the twin Sarkaz.] | |
Corrupted Knight | Guh... Where's the enemy? Too bright, can't see...! |
Withered Knight | Mission, must be completed. No matter who——kill the target first! |
[The unknown assailant knocks down the Corrupted Knight...] | |
Corrupted Knight | Guh....! Knocked off my feet... barehanded...? Who? |
[...ans it turns out to be none other than Margaret Nearl, the Radiant Knight and Maria's sister!] | |
Margaret | Foul Arts and tortured Sarkaz Infected. Is this what a "knight" should be? |
Corrupted Knight | Gaa... |
Maria | Margaret...? Wait... Is it really you? I'm not hallucinating, am I...? |
Margaret | It's me. |
Maria | ...... R... Really? |
Margaret | Yes. |
Maria | ......Margaret? |
Margaret | You've done well, Maria. |
Maria | *Sob*... Margaret... What... What took you so long...? |
[The Corrupted Knight strikes at Margaret while she is distracted...] | |
Corrupted Knight | ...Wretch! Kill them both! |
Margaret | No, don't even think about it. |
[...but the Radiant Knight easily parries all of the Corrupted Knight's attacks.] | |
Corrupted Knight | Why... Why can't I hit her...? |
Withered Knight | ...Her light is gathering and suppressing our Arts. Retreat. I will deal with her. |
[Margaret faces the Corrupted Knight in a duel, much to the surprised audience's cheer.] | |
Greatmouth Mob | It's her——She came in that light. It's——that's——that's the Radiant Knight! |
[The audience cheers for the Radiant Knight.] | |
Greatmouth Mob | What's going on?! The exiled Radiant Knight returns at the climax of this fight! (Hey! Go get the spokesman! What the hell is going on?! What——Huh?) Sh-She broke the rules! But that's not important! To save her sister, the Radiant Knight did whatever it took to return to Kazimierz! Exceptional courage! Extraordinary demeanor! Unrelenting in the face of the two knights from hell! Let us cheer——for the Radiant Knight! |
[The audience cheers for the Radiant Knight once again.] | |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Zofia | That's... Margaret? That knight with the shield is the Radiant Knight...? W-Why did she come back to Kazimierz...? |
Bald Marcin | I don't even recognize her anymore... ...It's her. What has she been through all these years...? |
Zofia | *Sigh*... |
Bald Marcin | The Radiant Knight, that spirited Margaret... She's returned? |
<Background 2> | |
Old Knight | Huff...... Just be a dear and let us through. |
Platinum | Sorry. No can do. |
Old Knight | So we gotta put our lives on the line then, eh? |
Platinum | I'd really rather you didn't. I'll say it again: there's nothing you can do. I live by a rule, I don't fight with anyone but my target. As long as you stay away from the arena, you get to live——Hm? ——It's getting bright? |
Old Craftsman | Hey! V, look over there! |
Old Knight | What... That light... that... Old Man Nearl...? |
Platinum | (This is a lot more intense than Maria's Arts. Could it be...?) (But... The two Lazurites... It can't be...) |
[Someone contacts Platinum through her radio.] | |
Platinum | Hm. It's me. |
??? | Time to stop playing, little pegasus. Pack up and skedaddle. |
Platinum | ...What? |
??? | The Radiant Knight herself is in the mix. No point to guarding the door anymore, is there? |
Platinum | ...... I think I get the gist of it... But you still failed, even with the both of you? |
??? | Don't be so suspicious of your superiors, little pegasus. The board of directors only asked us to "watch the Radiant Knight" after all, not fight her... I was thinking that even if we did fight, I would have that dumb-faced idiot with me so it wouldn't be any problem at all. Turns out there was, uh, a tiny issue shall we say. First off, the Radiant Knight seems to have gotten just that little bit stronger... There are also some troublesome horns together with her, it's really annoying. |
Platinum | Well... If it's even giving you trouble, you're wasting your time telling me about it. |
??? | Oh, I almost forgot. I wanted to tell you about it because the target is approaching your location right now——Hmm, might be too late, actually. Well, try to avoid fighting at all costs. Good luck surviving, little Platinum. |
Platinum | Sorry? Wait... |
[The call abruptly ends.] | |
Platinum | What the hell are they doing... Could it be Młynar? No, can't be... He should still be in his office... Then... Nnh...! (Wh-what? Just now, was that...a blue shadow?) |
Old Craftsman | V...! |
Old Knight | I know! |
Old Craftsman | What's happening? I've never felt like this before... |
Old Knight | ...Don't move. Breathe slowly and look around. |
Platinum | (Feels like I've been made... And those two are looking jumpy...) Oh, here. |
[Nightingale and Shining, Margaret's sisters-in-arms, appear.] | |
Old Knight | ...... |
Old Craftsman | ...... |
Platinum | ...... |
A white-horned Sarkaz holding a sword stops in front of them. She breathes softly, raising her eyes at them. | |
Shining | ...... |
Platinum | ......Ugh, of course they'd be difficult to handle... They're not even knights... |
Shining | ...... |
Platinum | Let them pass. Their names aren't on the list anyway. |
Shining | ...Thank you. |
[Nightingale and Shining walk past the bewildered Platinum, Kowal, and Vogelweide.] | |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Shining | Liz, can you still move? |
Nightingale | Yes... It's bright over there. |
Shining | It's Nearl. |
Nightingale | Let us go then? |
Shining | Yes. |
[Nightingale and Shining head out to the arena and meet Margaret.] | |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Platinum | ...Really, what's going on today... |
Old Knight | That Sarkaz just now... Does she know Margaret? What's happening? |
Old Craftsman | It's really Margaret! V! Margaret's back! |
Old Knight | ...Don't yell. Then... What about us? Do we keep going? |
Platinum | Don't stare at me like that... You get to live. |
Old Knight | ...... |
Platinum | They cancelled the mission. I don't have a reason to stop you anymore. You get to live. |
Old Knight | You gonna leave, just like that? Halt! |
Old Craftsman | V! Don't bother with them, let's get to the arena! |
Old Knight | Tch...damned Armorless Union. |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Spokesman Czarny | Margaret Nearl... The Radiant Knight! Where's the arena security? |
Corporate Employee | S-Security...? That was the Radiant Knight charging at full power, we'd probably have to raise the city's barrier to stop her... |
Spokesman Czarny | ...... Radiant Knight... Haha... Radiant Knight... With things as they are now, why did you even return? To look at the knights' epitaph? |
Corporate Employee | Mr. Czarny! We've received word from the General Chamber of Commerce... You... |
Spokesman Czarny | ...... Mr. Malkiewicz. |
Corporate Employee | Yes? |
Spokesman Czarny | No matter what happens next, even if I don't return, you must not leave this room. |
Corporate Employee | O-Okay... |
Spokesman Czarny | Yes, I've already prepared everything beforehand... Yes, Czarny, you have already done everything you could, so just wait for the curtain call. How amusing... Pfft, hahaha... |
Corporate Employee | Sir...? |
Spokesman Czarny | Ah, excuse me... |
[Czarny's phone rings.] | |
Spokesman Czarny | ...... |
Corporate Employee | Mr. Czarny? Your phone...? |
Spokesman Czarny | ...I know, I know. Please excuse me... for a moment. |
<Background 4> | |
[Back in the arena, the deadlock between Margaret and the Corrupted Knight continues, with the former gaining the upper hand.] | |
Margaret | ...Knight techniques. But drug overdose and signs of overreliance on Arts. Also... |
Corrupted Knight | Guh—— |
Withered Knight | I will suppress her! Kill the target! |
The mentally crippled Sarkaz warrior brandishes his weapon, Arts and the smell of a grave. But the Radiant Knight does not move. | |
Withered Knight | ——Kill her! |
[The Withered Knight fires his Arts-infused greatbow at Margaret, but she manages to dispel its delayed explosion...] | |
Margaret | Hmm, the explosive energy has been dissipated—— |
Corrupted Knight | ——Die! |
[...and Maria runs toward Margaret just as the Corrupted Knight is about to strike her...] | |
Maria | —— |
[...parrying the attack.] | |
Corrupted Knight | Guh....! You...still have strength?! |
Margaret | Maria, your wounds—— |
Maria | Margaret! You once said a knight raises her shield to protect others... right? But, now, on this battlefield—— ——There is no one that you need to protect! |
Margaret | ......! |
Maria | I will become your shield, so—— |
Withered Knight | Move aside, I will blast them both to death! |
Maria | ——I'll do my best! |
[The Corrupted and Withered Knights strike the Nearl sisters together, but the sisters parry and ripost their attacks with confidence.] | |
Corrupted Knight | Guh... She abandoned her shield! But your Arts! |
Withered Knight | ...This, impossible... That warhammer is her staff, she... |
![]() | |
Margaret | Are you ready, Maria? |
Maria | Yes! |
Margaret | To be a knight... |
Maria | Is to be the noble light that illuminates the land! |
[The audience cheers upon the spectacle of the Nearl sisters facing the Corrupted and Withered Knight together.] | |
Greatmouth Mob | The Radiant Knight who charged onto the field has abandoned her shield after just a few short exchanges! Hold on! Wait! Remember the two-handed warhammer craze that followed the Radiant Knight?! Watch her swing that hammer, her shield long forgotten! This is the old school Radiant Knight! She's out there, against all odds! The return of the legend! The National Council could drag her away right after this match. This could be our only chance to witness the glory of the Radiant Knight! |
<Background 4> | |
Left-hand Knight | This... these Arts, this glow... |
[The audience cheers.] | |
Left-hand Knight | Why are you allowed to give off that kind of light so impassively...? You arrogant little——Do you really think yourself the sun?! Radiant Knight! |
[Topola leaves his seat in anger just before Nightingale and Shining arrive at the arena.] | |
Shining | How long has it been since we saw Margaret put her shield down? |
Nightingale | Her light... It's hot. She will be fine, right? |
Shining | I've never seen her fail, after looking like that. |
Nightingale | The girl is a lot like Nearl. |
Shining | Yes, that's her sister. Hehe... What a cute little knight. I can see the resemblance. |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Withered Knight | ...Arrows... ran out! |
Corrupted Knight | Gaa——! Your Arts! |
Maria | He's forming arrows using his Arts... I'll block them! |
Margaret | Leave the rest to me. |
Withered Knight | Can't penetrate——this damned light! |
[Margaret fights the Corrupted Knight head-on as Zofia and Marcin watches.] | |
Zofia | ...... |
Bald Marcin | ...The audience is quiet. Margaret doesn't have an advantage. Those two Sarkaz are strong... and work well together. |
Zofia | But I don't feel like Margaret will lose... I don't even think she is disadvantaged... |
Bald Marcin | Her techniques are mesmerizing... Her demeanor is so calm, yet her light burns so brightly... It reminds me of Old Nearl, when he was young. |
[Margaret overwhelms the Corrupted Knight with her combat techniques and Arts.] | |
Greatmouth Mob | Un-unbelievable! Totally unbelievable! The radiance from every swing of Margaret's warhammer completely dispels her opponent's Arts! Even the cracks the Radiant Knight steps on are filled with light! What amazingly brilliant Arts! Combat techniques of this level! This is definitely befitting of a champion! The true strength of a knight——! |
[The audience cheers for the Nearl sisters.] | |
Maria | Haa... My wounds aren't hurting as much anymore... Is this Margaret's Arts too? (Caring about me even during a battle like this——) |
[After a deadlock, Margaret knocks away the Corrupted Knight's warhammer off his hands.] | |
Corrupted Knight | Gaa——! My hammer...! No weapon, then, with my hands, I'll tear you apart——! |
Withered Knight | Kill her! |
[Margaret stares at the twin Sarkaz knights who are hell-bent on completing their mission no matter what it takes.] | |
Margaret | ...... |
Margaret has a strange expression on her face. It's...pity? For these two Sarkaz? Because they are called knights? Or is it... because of their circumstances? | |
Margaret | ...Maria. |
Maria | Ah, I'm here! |
Margaret | I'll leave the support to you. |
Maria | ——Yes! |
Corrupted Knight | Do it! |
Withered Knight | Yes! |
Margaret | Repent. |
Corrupted Knight & Withered Knight | —— |
Margaret | —— |
[Just as the twin Sarkaz knights are about to charge at Margaret, she easily disarms them, forcing them to submit before the Radiant Knight.] | |
At this moment, the entire arena descends into silence. No one has realized that the match has ended. There aren't any knights boasting about their victory, nor are there the defiant howls of the losers. The corrupted Sarkaz kneel on the ground——They have not fallen over, and the Radiant Knight does not strike. She looks down upon the two Sarkaz, then takes a knee and extends her hand | |
Corrupted Knight | ...... |
There is no reply from the Sarkaz. | |
Margaret | You should not give up on your destiny. |
Corrupted Knight | No... ...... |
As if unwilling to bow to the two young girls, they remain silent, unable to stand. The Radiant Knight turns. | |
Margaret | Maria. |
Maria | Eh? What...? |
Margaret | We've won. |
[The crowd cheers at the outcome of the match.] | |
Greatmouth Mob | This is unbelievable! Can you believe your eyes?! Because I sure can't! The Radiant Knight who suddenly entered the fight! The Knights Association that let it happen! Oh my god, I, this—— I've never seen a situation like this in all my years of commentating! Though I don't know how the National Council will react, it doesn't change the fact that they won! I—— |
Spokesman Czarny | (Mr. Mob.) |
Greatmouth Mob | (...Oh, you're here!) I am deeply honored to announce to everyone! (Mr. Spokesman, what should I do?) |
Spokesman Czarny | (Acknowledge her.) |
Greatmouth Mob | The winner is! The young and miraculous Maria! Aaaand, she who has returned from her long exile, the pegasus that everyone knows, the Radiant Knight! Margareeeeeeeeet Neaaaaaaaaarl! |
Spokesman Czarny | (That's right, Mr. Mob. I really do appreciate your ability to fan the fervor of the audience.) (Hold the fort for a while, someone will come to handle this.) |
[Czarny leaves.] | |
Greatmouth Mob | Cheer for her——! |
[The audience cheers for the Nearl sisters' victory over the Corrupted and Withered Knights.] | |
Zofia | —— |
Bald Marcin | Zofia?! Where are you going? |
Old Craftsman | Marcin! Where are they——Ugh, that, that one? |
Old Knight | Is it really Margaret... Why'd Margaret come back now? N-no matter what, she's an exile. Why didn't she tell us—— |
Bald Marcin | Alright, both of you calm down. Młynar might have known about this... But for now, we need to leave. The reporters and the crowd are going to swarm this place. We have to find a way——to get the Radiant Knight home. |
[The audience cheers.] | |
Tourist | Radiant Knight! That's the Radiant Knight from last season! |
Tourist | Make way, make way! Let me get a picture! |
Greatmouth Mob | Everyone! Everybody! Please remain calm! No matter what happened, we have to make sure that the competition adheres to the proper procedures all the way up to the end! (What should I do next?! You can't contact the spokesman?! Idiot! Go look for him at the VIP seats——!) Hold on! That, that's the Whislash Knight! The Whislash Knight suddenly rushed towards the Radiant Knight from the crowd—— |
Margaret | Zof—— |
[Suddenly, Zofia slaps Margaret.] | |
Maria | Eh——A-Aunt Zofia?! |
Zofia | You... Why are you back?! |
[The surprised crowd cheers.] | |
Greatmouth Mob | ——D-did she just slap the Radiant Knight? Huh? Eh? This looks like it'll be in the papers tomorrow—— |
Margaret | I'm sorry. But I've returned. |
Zofia | ...That slap was for Maria. |
Maria | ——?! |
Zofia | I'll spare you my own. |
Margaret | Thanks for sparing me... But, you used your right hand just now... When did that happen? |
Zofia | ...Now isn't the time to talk about that. The National Council will definitely not allow an exile to return to Kazimierz. We have to leave before the reporters and the National Council show up. |
Maria | R-right now? But the competition results haven't... |
Zofia | It doesn't matter! She's here and that's way more important than the competition! |
Nightingale | Nearl. |
Margaret | Careful, Liz! ...You don't need to worry so much. Alright, hold my hand tight. |
Zofia | These two Sarkaz... |
Margaret | Don't worry, they're my friends. Shining, can you do me a favor? |
Shining | Yes. |
[Shining used her Arts to heal the Corrupted Knight.] | |
Corrupted Knight | ......! I... I fainted... These are healing Arts? Who... you?! Sarkaz, you... you! It can't be, you? Healed me? |
Shining | Your injuries are very serious, but they are not from this match. The scars of drug usage may never be removed. You should take better care of yourselves. |
Corrupted Knight | Go away——Don't touch me! Guh... I... Wait... You...you are... |
Shining | ——Nearl. |
Margaret | Yeah, I know. Those two assassins from the Armorless Union are still watching us... Now is not the time to celebrate. |
Zofia | A-Armorless Union? You—— |
Nightingale | Time to run? Nearl? |
Margaret | ——No. A victorious knight has no reason to scurry away like a coward. If they wish to stop us, just let them try. |
Nightingale | Nearl, over there. |
Margaret | Ah... It's Mr. Kowal and Mr. Vogelweide. Have they found something? |
Zofia | What do you think?! Of course they're preparing a way for you to escape! The three of us will help keep the crowds away from you, but the National Council will definitely be paying you a visit. You'll have to deal with them yourself—— ——Margaret! |
Margaret | Yeah? |
Zofia | It's really great... that you came back. The usual place, don't be late. |
Margaret | Of course. |
[Zofia rushes off to meet Kowal, Marcin, and Vogelweide.] | |
Nightingale | That's... Nearl's family? |
Shining | She's come back home. We can all see her joy, no? So, let's give her some space. She's the Radiant Knight after all. No one in Kazimierz can touch her. |
Nightingale | Right. |
Shining | We'll regroup with Amiya later. |
Margaret raises her head. She used to hate this land with every fiber of her being. | |
Margaret | ...Maria. |
Maria | Ah, yes? |
Margaret | ...Let's go home. |
But this is her home. | |
<Background 2> | |
Spokesman Czarny | ...... |
Platinum | ...You're here. What about your little follower? |
Spokesman Czarny | ...He's the next one. |
Platinum | Ah... How cruel. |
Spokesman Czarny | Just tell me the answer. |
Platinum | Well, aren't you straightforward...? You already know the answer, why ask me? |
Spokesman Czarny | ...... |
Platinum | Maybe you can live better. |
Spokesman Czarny | No... Maybe I will die on the way to my exile. Maybe you will be the one to do it. |
Platinum | ...Maybe. Don't blame me, if I am. |
Spokesman Czarny | Of course. |
Platinum | It won't happen through the National Council. You'll have to leave by tonight. Is there anything you need to take care of? |
Spokesman Czarny | ...... Szewczyk has a young son. He was present during the incident. |
Platinum | Right. |
Spokesman Czarny | I wish to ask you... ...To make sure that he never has a chance to speak the truth. |