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Cognitive Shaping is Mizuki & Caerula Arbor's enhancement system, improved by spending Subjective Imagination Subjective Imagination and made up of multiple nodes spread out as a tree diagram divided into three categories:

  • Efficiency-Enhancing nodes improve the effectiveness of friendly units, all of which costs 1 Subjective Imagination to unlock.
  • Exploration-Expanding nodes expand the nodes that may be available during a run, all of which costs 3 Subjective Imagination to unlock.
  • Squad-Extending nodes, as the name suggests, upgrades the three Squads exclusive to Caerula Arbor, all of which costs 5 Subjective Imagination to unlock.

To complete Cognitive Shaping, the player must spend 89 Subjective Imagination (112 Subjective Imagination from Expansion II).

Unlike The Preparations Behind Scenes in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire, Cognitive Shaping is applied to all modes, including Memory Mapping and Deep Dive.

Complete effects

Effects denoted in underlined text are added in the second expansion of Caerula Arbor.

  • Friendly units have their maximum HP, ATK, and DEF increased by 20%/max. HP and ATK/DEF increased by 20% and 30%, respectively.
  • Increases the Command EXP from clearing operations by 40%.
  • Increases the squad size and Unit Limit by 1.
  • Increases the starting resources:
    • +2/+3 Life Points
    • +10/+15 Originium Ingot icon
    • +1/+2 Key icon
    • +2 dice rolls
  • Earn 20% more Living Cells Living Cells.
  • Obtains 1 Objective Shield when clearing operations without losing Life Points while having more than 8 Life Points.
  • Unlocks the Drifting Cache feature and Duck Lord's Golden Brick Duck Lord's Golden Brick (upgrades the player's die).
  • Fortituous Opportunity, Emergency Dispatch, and Wander Into Wonderland are now accessible.
  • If the player's die roll upon entering a new Chapter and in a Wish Fulfilled lands in unfavorable numbers, the player can re-roll the die at the cost of 1 dice roll. Each can only be done once per run and per Wish Fulfilled.
  • The Rogue Trader may give a 40%/60% discount to his wares after rolling the die there.
  • Mind Over Matter Squad: Now becomes more likely to receive a Collectible upon clearing an operation and the player can choose a second Regional Commissions reward; starts the run with Survivor Contract (an Operator gets +20% ATK/DEF on the next operation and every subsequent operations).
  • Resourceful Squad: Now gives 2 dice roll upon entering a new Chapter and starts with an eight-sided die; now has 15 dice rolls in operations.
  • People-Oriented Squad: The Hope Hope cost reduction now also applies to promoting Operators and the player can choose a second Safe House reward; the Command Level is now capped at 11.



Node Previous Next
Cognitive Shaping bp
Accumulation I
Increases Living Cells Living Cells earned by 5%.
Curiosity Leadership Drive II
Cognitive Shaping bp
Accumulation II
Increases Living Cells earned by 5%.
Survival Instincts II None
Cognitive Shaping bp
Accumulation III
Increases Living Cells earned by 10%.
Survival Instincts V None
Cognitive Shaping atk
Aggression I
Increases the ATK of friendly units by 2%.
Transactional Behavior Aggression II
Cognitive Shaping atk
Aggression II
Increases the ATK of friendly units by 3%.
Aggression I Sensibility
Cognitive Shaping atk
Aggression III
Increases the ATK of friendly units by 4%.
Self-Preservation I Appreciation of Life I
Cognitive Shaping atk
Aggression IV
Increases the ATK of friendly units by 5%.
Sensibility Self-Preservation IV
Cognitive Shaping atk
Aggression V
Increases the ATK of friendly units by 6%.
Aggression IV Self-Preservation V
Cognitive Shaping life
Appreciation of Life I
Starts with +1 Life Points.
Aggression I
Self-Preservation III
Danger Awareness I
Cognitive Shaping life
Appreciation of Life II
Starts with +1 Life Points.
Danger Awareness I Danger Awareness II
Cognitive Shaping life
Appreciation of Life III
Starts with +1 Life Points.
Added in Expansion II.
Common Sense Negotiation III
Cognitive Shaping dice
Gambler I
Starts with +1 die roll.
Survival Instincts III None
Cognitive Shaping dice
Gambler II
Starts with +1 die roll.
Precautionary Measures I Divine Duckforce
Cognitive Shaping gold
Hoarder I
Starts with +2 Originium Ingot icon.
Resource Allocation Hoarder II
Cognitive Shaping gold
Hoarder II
Starts with +3 Originium Ingot icon.
Hoarder I Rationality and Estimation
Cognitive Shaping gold
Hoarder III
Starts with +5 Originium Ingot icon.
Negotiation I Multi-Pass Information Processing
Negotiation II
Cognitive Shaping gold
Hoarder IV
Starts with +5 Originium Ingot icon.
Added in Expansion II.
Precautionary Measures II 为了生存
Cognitive Shaping exp
Leadership Drive I
Increases Command EXP from operations by 10%.
None Loot Awareness
Cognitive Shaping exp
Leadership Drive II
Increases Command EXP from operations by 10%.
Accumulation I Habit
Cognitive Shaping exp
Leadership Drive III
Increases Command EXP from operations by 10%.
Habit None
Cognitive Shaping exp
Leadership Drive IV
Increases Command EXP from operations by 10%.
Negotiation II Common Sense
Cognitive Shaping bring
Management Strategy
Increases the squad size by 1.
Multi-Pass Information Processing None
Cognitive Shaping set
Multi-Pass Information Processing
Increases the Unit Limit by 1.
Hoarder III Management Strategy
Cognitive Shaping key
Precautionary Measures I
Starts with +1 Key icon.
Rationality and Estimation Gambler II
Cognitive Shaping key
Precautionary Measures II
Starts with +1 Key icon.
Added in Expansion II.
Cognoscenti Hoarder IV
Cognitive Shaping hp
Survival Instincts I
Increases the maximum HP of friendly units by 2%.
Loot Awareness Survival Instincts II
Cognitive Shaping hp
Survival Instincts II
Increases the maximum HP of friendly units by 3%.
Survival Instincts II Accumulation II
Cognitive Shaping hp
Survival Instincts III
Increases the maximum HP of friendly units by 4%.
Introspection Gambler I
Cognitive Shaping hp
Survival Instincts IV
Increases the maximum HP of friendly units by 5%.
Practice Survival Instincts V
Cognitive Shaping hp
Survival Instincts V
Increases the maximum HP of friendly units by 6%.
Survival Instincts IV Accumulation II
Cognitive Shaping hp
Survival Instincts VI
Increases the maximum HP of friendly units by 10%.
Added in Expansion II.
Self-Preservation VI 物由心生
Cognitive Shaping def
Self-Preservation I
Increases the DEF of friendly units by 2%.
Loot Awareness Self-Preservation II
Cognitive Shaping def
Self-Preservation II
Increases the DEF of friendly units by 3%.
Self-Preservation I Aggression I
Self-Preservation III
Cognitive Shaping def
Self-Preservation III
Increases the DEF of friendly units by 4%.
Self-Preservation II Appreciation of Life I
Cognitive Shaping def
Self-Preservation IV
Increases the DEF of friendly units by 5%.
Aggression IV Aggression V
Cognitive Shaping def
Self-Preservation V
Increases the DEF of friendly units by 6%.
Aggression V Emotionalization
Cognitive Shaping def
Self-Preservation VI
Increases the DEF of friendly units by 10%.
Added in Expansion II.
Self-Preservation V Survival Instincts VI

Due to an oversight, the Accumulation II node and both Gambler nodes are named "Accumulation I" and "Gambler", respectively.


Node Previous Next
Cognitive Shaping dice
If the player's die roll on a Wish Fulfilled lands on 1, the player can re-roll the die at the cost of one die roll. This can only be done once per Wish Fulfilled.
Divine Duckforce Practice
Precautionary Measures II
Cognitive Shaping portal
The "At a Glance" Encounter (Wander into Wonderland) may now appear.
Resource Allocation Accumulation I
Rationality and Estimation
Cognitive Shaping lifebuff
Danger Awareness I
The player gains 1 Objective Shield after clearing an operation if they have more than 10 Life Points at the time.
Appreciation of Life I Appreciation of Life II
Cognitive Shaping lifebuff
Danger Awareness II
The player gains 1 Objective Shield after clearing an operation if they have more than 8 Life Points at the time.
Overrides Danger Awareness I.
Appreciation of Life II None
Cognitive Shaping dice
Divine Duckforce
Duck Lord's Golden Brick Duck Lord's Golden Brick (upgrades the player's dice) is now unlocked.
Gambler II Cognoscenti
Cognitive Shaping dice
If the player's die roll upon entering a new floor would give off Twists and Turns/Cursed results, the player can re-roll the die at the cost of one die roll. This can only be done once per run.
Sensibility Survival Instincts III
Cognitive Shaping bonus
Loot Awareness
Drifting Cache Drifting Cache may now be obtained.
Leadership Drive I Self-Preservation I
Survival Instincts I
Transactional Behavior
Cognitive Shaping shopsell
Negotiation I
The Rogue Trader may give a 20% discount to his wares after rolling the die there.
Habit Hoarder III
Cognitive Shaping shopsell
Negotiation II
The Rogue Trader may give a 40% discount to his wares after rolling the die there.
Overrides Negotiation I.
Hoarder III Leadership Drive IV
Cognitive Shaping shopsell
Negotiation III
The Rogue Trader may give a 60% discount to his wares after rolling the die there.
Added in Expansion II. Overrides Negotiation II.
Appreciation of Life III 万众一心
Cognitive Shaping team
Resource Allocation
The "Emergency Dispatch" Encounter may now appear.
Transactional Behavior Curiosity
Hoarder I
Cognitive Shaping exchange
Transactional Behavior
The "Mutual Aid" Encounter (Fortituous Opportunity) may now appear.
Loot Awareness Aggression I
Resource Allocation


Node Previous Next
Cognitive Shaping rhodes
Common Sense
People-Oriented Squad now also reduces the Hope cost to promote Operators by 1.
Leadership Drive IV Appreciation of Life III
Cognitive Shaping iberia
Mind Over Matter Squad now further increases the likelihood for a Collectible to be awarded from operations.
Self-Preservation V None
Cognitive Shaping rhodes
People-Oriented Squad now also allows the player to choose a second reward from Safe Houses.
Leadership Drive II Leadership Drive III
Negotiation I
Cognitive Shaping abyssal
Resourceful Squad now gives the player 2 dice rolls upon entering a new Chapter.
Cognoscenti Survival Instincts IV
Cognitive Shaping abyssal
Rationality and Estimation
Resourceful Squad now also makes the player starts with an eight-sided die.
Hoarder II
Precautionary Measures I
Survival Instincts III
Cognitive Shaping iberia
Mind Over Matter Squad now also allows the player to choose a second reward from completing Regional Commissions.
Aggression II
Aggression IV
Cognitive Shaping rhodes
People-Oriented Squad now allows the player to reach Command Level 11.
Added in Expansion II.
Negotiation III None
Cognitive Shaping abyssal
Resourceful Squad now allows the player to roll the dice in operations up to 15 times.
Added in Expansion II.
Hoarder IV None
Cognitive Shaping iberia
Mind Over Matter Squad now also makes the player start with Survivor's Contract (a random Operator gets +20% ATK and DEF at the start of the next operation and every subsequent operations).
Added in Expansion II.
Survival Instincts VI None