In the end, the goal envisioned from the very beginning is brought to fruition, and the twocreatures, from Seaborn to human, are ready to usher in a new tomorrow after a full meal. Everyday life is the greatest joy that fate bestows upon the living, and indeed, peaceful days are the most joyous of all.
In silence the terrible waves rise, and within it disappears the knight's howl. The calamity that once destroyed Iberia surges again, and this time it shall not recede.
Complete a run with the Precious Days ending and do the following steps in a single run:
Obtain the Breath of the Tide from the "Delusions of Lunacy" Encounter at the cost of 2 Hope or 1 dice roll. This will cause the Tide-Hunt Knight to appear on alloperations up until and including the 4th floor, and changes the 5th floor's Dreadful Foe from Curse of Cognition to "Fate's Favored Child".
If the Tide-Hunt Knight is defeated at any point before the player enters the 5th floor, they will receive Regressed Rocinante which reverts the 5th floor's Dreadful Foe to Curse of Cognition, and the Age of the Silence ending will be lost for the run.
Clear "Fate's Favored Child".
Optional: Before entering "Fate's Favored Child", obtain The Knight's Corpus from "The Knight Persists" Encounter. This will reduce The Last Knight's DEF to 800, making the Dreadful Foe much less difficult. However, take caution that the Tide-Hunt Knight's DEF will be reduced to 200 as well.
The conflict over the "Firstborn" comes to an end, and the human Him triumphs over the inhuman Him. The Silence fades, the tides retreat, and the being known as Mizuki shall never again return to the land.
Complete a run with the Age of the Silence ending and do the following steps in a single run:
Obtain the Caerula Animus from the namesake Encounter by choosing "Search the garden". This will cause the player to enter the 6th floor instead of ending the run upon clearing the 5th floor with Destiny of We Many as the Dreadful Foe.
NOTE: The Bishop's Research will cause the player to lose 5 Light after clearing operations and the Caerula Animus will cause the player to lose 50 Light and a random Operator to suffer from Rejection when obtained, making things more difficult. However, the latter also allows the player to enter the "Paean" Encounter and obtain the "Last Refrain" which applies two random Enlightenments to offset that.
Clear Destiny of We Many.
Stella Caerula
The evolved offsprings emerged from within the quiet tides, piercing beyond the skies of Terra to the boundless sea of stars. At this moment, what remains of the world is no longer suffering, but joy in the renewal of life.
Complete a run after Caerula Arbor's Expansion II and do the following steps in a single run:
NOTE: The Deep Blue Memories cause the player to lose 100Light and a random Operator to suffer from Rejection, making things much more difficult.
Optional: In the "Caerula Ritual" Encounter (only appears while having the Deep Blue Memories), the player can choose to either gain 30 Light or obtain the Creeping Branch which causes the player to gain 15 Light whenever an operation is cleared without losing Life Points but increases enemies' ASPD by 15.
Obtain "Determination", "Wait and See", or "Hesitation" from the "Ascension" Encounter. Having any of the aforementioned Collectibles will cause the player to enter the 6th floor instead of ending the run upon clearing the 5th floor with The Splendor of Humanity as the Dreadful Foe.
The options to take "Determination" and "Wait and See" will only appear when the player has at least 90 and between 50 to 89 Light upon entering the Encounter, respectively, otherwise the player will be forced to obtain "Hesitation". As such, it is highly recommended to prioritize regaining Light before entering the "Ascension" Encounter.