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Salaryman B icon
A Corporate Employee
Nobleman A icon
A Leithanian Nobleman
Noblewoman icon
A Leithanian Noblewoman
Kazimierzian Knight A icon
A Spectating Knight
Female Lungmenite icon
A Spectator A
Male Lungmenite icon
A Spectator (B)
Female Lungmenite icon
A Tourist
Male Lungmenite icon
A Tourist
Kazimierzian Infected Knight B icon
An Infected Knight
Kazimierzian Knight A icon
An Observing Knight
Armorless Union Assassin icon
An Armorless Union Member
A Commentator
Kazimierz Avenue
Kazimierz Lounge
Kazimierz Ghetto
Kazimierz Arena
Kawalerielki Arena
Kawalerielki Arena Night
Champion's Hall
Kawalerielki Arena Tribune Night
Kazimierz Alley
Nearl Estate Living Room

Rhodes Island gets tickets to see the grand finals. The Blood Knight, who has cleaved his way through the competition in the name of the Infected, is finally going to face off against Nearl in the grand finals.
<Background 1>
[Margaret spars with Zofia in preparation for the Major's upcoming finals.]
Zofia Alright, let's wrap it up!
Does it still hurt?
Margaret Nope. Never been better.
Zofia Looks like your arm has made a complete recovery. The Wind Knight suddenly forfeiting was a huge help.
[Maria shows up.]
Maria Margaret! I've finished upgrading your swordspear!
I tried incorporating some Minoan techniques: maintaining excellent Arts transmission on one side, and using a special polymer coat to improve concentration on the other––
In any case, this'll make your weapon both lighter and sharper!
Old Craftsman Hah, used just about everything in my shop to boot.
You have my assurances, this is the best sword– err, lance? Right, swordspear, that we've ever made.
The sword you won your first championship with was the second best. And that warhammer you took with you was the third best.
Margaret Thank you.
Old Craftsman Hah, don't mention it!
Bald Marcin Zofia, these are all the records I've found on the Blood Knight's matches.
Zofia Good. Time is of the essence.
Margaret, we have to go into this fully prepared. Margaret?
Margaret ......
Thank you... All of you, for supporting me.
<Background 2>
Roy This may well be our final mission, Monique.
Monique Yeah, I know.
Are we really going to attack the Radiant Knight?
Roy The Board is still split. We'll have Platinum do the dirty work.
Monique And Darksteel also authorized the attack? Why? After this is over, why would we still be concerned with the Radiant Knight?
Roy I don't know. Maybe Darksteel felt threatened by the Radiant Knight... Since the Board is on the same page, that works out nicely.
They're already wary of us. Until Darksteel gives us the signal, we would do well to avoid exposing ourselves.
In any case, let's just pray that the Blood Knight can defeat the Radiant Knight. That'd make things a whole lot easier for all of us.
Monique Who do you think has a better chance of winning?
Roy It's hard to say...
<Background 3>
Greatmouth Mob I, I'm going to be the commentator for the finals? Me?!
Spokesman Malkiewicz The numbers don't lie, Mob. You are now one of the top tournament commentators. Congratulations.
Additionally, you've been a part of the Nearl sisters' story since Maria. The Board of Directors also sees this as a selling point, and hopes to work with you more.
Have you seen the latest issue of "Knights Illustrated?" You've been dubbed "The Voice That Walks With the Light." You're now a household name.
Greatmouth Mob R-Really?!!
Spokesman Malkiewicz And lest we forget... Your bonus will be credited to your account tomorrow. There will be something else for you, after the Major.
Greatmouth Mob Does that mean I'll finally be able to bring my parents to the Grand Knight Territory?
Spokesman Malkiewicz Of course. You could buy them a huge villa, if you want.
<Background 4>
Amiya to the finals?
Ioleta Russell Rhodes Island's help has been instrumental to this year's Kazimierz Major. We've learned much from you in terms of furthering the well-being of the Infected.
The winner of this year's Major will be decided between the Radiant Knight and the Blood Knight—a final match between two Infected.
As such, I believe that Rhodes Island should be there to watch this unprecedented final match.
Also, if I'm not mistaken, those two Sarkaz ladies over there are quite close to Margaret, yes?
Shining Thank you for your generosity.
Nightingale Nearl... She'll win, right?
Ioleta Russell You'll have to see for yourself, young lady.
Amiya So we have four tickets...


Doctor You've got to go, Amiya. / As leaders of Rhodes Island, we can't afford to miss this.
Amiya You have to come with me too, Doctor!
Gravel And naturally, I'll have to come along to ensure Doctor's safety.
Amiya That leaves us with two...
Hibiscus I really want to see Nearl's dazzling performance, but the medic team is kind of tied down...
But! Doctor, Amiya, you two should go for sure!
And if Shining and Nightingale go as well, that makes four!
Shining I can't just leave the medic team like that.
Hibiscus The Major is about to end anyway, so there aren't as many people who need treatment!
Besides, didn't the Doctor do a wonderful job for the Infected here? I imagine the situation will be pretty stable for a while–
If I were in Nearl's shoes, I'd be heartbroken if none of my friends came to support me during the finals!
Shining Hehe, you have a point.
Liz, do you want to see Nearl's victory?
Nightingale Mhm...
Shining Okay.
Doctor, Amiya... Please allow us to join you.
<Background 5>
Sona The finals are between the Blood Knight and the Radiant Knight
No matter who wins... the next champion will be one of us.
Toland The Area 0 conspiracy has been brought to light, and the one behind it has stepped down. The Adeptus Sprawiedliwi has promised you asylum, and you can start your life anew.
It really is a fairytale ending, huh?
Sona ......
Toland ––But that's not really the case, is it?
Looking at today's news, discussions about the Infected continue. The Armorless can be dealt with. The K.G.C.C. can be dealt with. But how can we deal with the public's fear of Oripathy?
You fought against the K.G.C.C. and the Union. But the latter is just a group of sellswords, and the former is the foundation of modern Kazimierz.
Flametail Knight, Sona.
Is this all it takes?
Sona ............
Something's been on my mind recently, Toland. Since you aren't from the Grand Knight Territory, you might have a better sense of this than we do.
Can we really improve the lives of the Infected just by defeating the K.G.C.C. and the Armorless Union?
Honestly, can we even really defeat the K.G.C.C.?
An Infected.
A person suffering from Oripathy.
A knight.
One who competes for wealth and glory.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 6>
[The audience cheers.]
A Commentator A Minoan clad in blood-red armor! A warrior from the frontier of storms, a Forte of boundless might!
Put your hands together fooooor... independent knight... DIIIKAAAIOOPOOOLIIIS!!!
[Dikaiopolis the Blood Knight walks into the stage.]
A Spectator Oi, Minoan, your name is too hard to remember!
Cave the other guy's head in! I believe in you!
Dikaiopolis ...... (Exhales)
A Commentator Let the match–– BEGIIIIIN!!
<Background 4>
A Corporate Employee ...Listen, Minoan. You're an Infected.
We've managed to hide it, and you've been able to scrounge up a bit of recognition in the underground arena.
Now there are several knightclubs in the Grand Knight Territory that are interested in you... This is a prime opportunity to make a lot of money.
As long as you get noticed by one of those big-name knightclubs, we're gonna go to the moons, I tell you!
But! There's no way they would let an Infected become a knight. In a small pond like ours, we might be able to hide it, but once we go to the Grand Knight Territory, it'll be too risky.
Dikaiopolis So what's your plan?
A Corporate Employee So! We pretend to sign a contract, then have you compete a few rounds and make some quick cash. Then we'll have you get "injured" and withdraw from the tournament...
As for the official medical documentation, I'll try to grease some palms. We've gotta coordinate this thing perfectly! Right, Di–– Err...
Dikaiopolis Just call me "Minoan."
No need to remember my name.
A Corporate Employee For your sake, you really should change your name to something strong and powerful-sounding, and easy to remember. Even a stage name is fine. You get me?
Let's get going! Onwards, to the Grand Knight Territory!
<Background 7>
Greatmouth Mob Unbelievable! Who would've expected this newcomer to take down Whitemaple Knight?!
Look at that blood-red armor and that deadly crimson edge! He condensed his blood into a mighty weapon that even a swift and agile competitor like Whitemaple Knight could not evade!
Incredible strength! Awe-inspiring physique! Exceptional situational awareness! All in a sensational-looking package that is sure to sell!
There's no need to wait for the judges! Without a shadow of a doubt, the winner is–– Blazingaxe Knight!
Dikaiopolis *Pant*... *Pant*...
<Background 2>
A Corporate Employee Pffft––
Th-The Major?!
Did you forget what we–– *cough* *cough*... Too many people here...
No way! Absolutely not! Do you remember how the previous champion ended up leaving Kazimierz?!
Dikaiopolis ...Margaret Nearl, the Radiant Knight?
A Corporate Employee Yes, her! Born into a long line of heroes! The youngest champion in history! But did any of that add up to anything?
One sentence – "She's an Infected," and she's expelled from Kazimierz. The entire Nearl family, gone like dust in the wind.
Don't joke around like that. We need to behave ourselves and––
[Czarny shows up.]
Spokesman Czarny Sir, are you Blazingaxe Knight, Dikaiopolis?
Dikaiopolis I am.
A Corporate Employee Oh, and who might you be...?
Spokesman Czarny Are you... his manager?
A Corporate Employee Haha, something like that.
Ahh, wonderful. How fortunate.
My name is Czarny, and I'm a spokesman for the General Chamber of Commerce.
<Background 4>
Dikaiopolis ...The Crimson Chalice Knightclub?
Spokesman Czarny Yes... A knightclub established specifically for you.
You are an Infected. But when it comes to managing public opinion, I always prefer dredging to blocking.
What do you think about this title? "Kazimierz's Blood-Red Chalice." This will be your iconic advertising slogan.
Dikaiopolis A chalice, huh. Such an elegant image doesn't suit someone as rough and unrefined as me.
Spokesman Czarny Don't say that.
As for the other members... It might even be possible to make an entire order of Infected knights. But that would depend on what happens next.
Dikaiopolis Why would you go out of your way to do this? Aren't ordinary people afraid of the Infected?
Spokesman Czarny That's why "ordinary people" never amount to anything.
Dikaiopolis Then, if the Infected can become knights, why was the Radiant Knight exiled?
How did the spectators feel about that?
Spokesman Czarny I do believe... that's where I come in, Dikaiopolis.
<Background 8>
A Commentator The second Infected knight to cut his way through the Major! From Minos, Dikaiopolis! Over the last two years, "Kazimierz's Blood-Red Chalice" has become a household name!
Blazingaxe Knight's meteoric rise in both rank and popularity has been impossible to deny! His blood-red armor, his raw, visceral strength! He is, without a doubt, a true knight!
Next, let me introduce you to his opponent for this round... independent knight Viviana Droste––
<Background 3>
The Blood Knight The... Blood... Knight?
Spokesman McKee Yes. The Knights Association has just issued your official title.
Your proposal... a path for the Infected to gain official entry into the tournament, has been great reference material. As we speak, the Board is moving to make it a reality.
You and your Crimson Chalice Knightclub may well be the pilots for this new program. At the same time, this is also a declaration to all the Infected in Kazimierz that we have not given up on them.
Hopefully, this can keep the Infected problem from boiling over.
The Blood Knight Spokesman, will the Infected still face discrimination, even after becoming knights?
Spokesman McKee Unfortunately, they will. I can say this with near certainty.
No matter when or where, people will always dread this disease. If you want them to change their views, you must resort to radical methods.
The Blood Knight If it's just the disease, there's nothing wrong with being afraid of a disease.
But the Infected are also victims, and Infected knights are still knights.
Spokesman McKee Being a victim is also a part of the disease. As for the status of knighthood... Do you still not understand?
The Blood Knight ......
Spokesman McKee The medical community has never stopped researching Oripathy, but... progress has been too slow. The general view is that Oripathy cannot be understood in our current theoretical framework...
However, the good news is the Board of Directors is at least willing to meet with you and discuss your suggestions.
The Blood Knight Alright...
<Background 5>
The Blood Knight Come join my knightclub.
An Infected Knight You... You're the champion?!
The Blood Knight Come with me, and we can live a normal life.
An Infected Knight But... we aren't that strong...
The Blood Knight I don't need you to accomplish anything special... For them, just having me is good enough.
An Infected Knight ......!
Ahaha... I thought I was going to get exiled, and die alone in the wilderness...
But now, not I still stay in the city, and I can even stay in the same knightclub as the champion––
I'll lay down my life for you! Thank you! Thank you so much!
You are our saving grace, Blood Knight! Long live the Blood Knight!
Long live the Blood Knight!
<Background fades out>
Long live the Blood Knight! Long live the Blood Knight!
<Background fades in>
Sona ...Let's go.
Greynuty You came here to get a glimpse of the Blood Knight?
Sona Just a glimpse is enough.
We still have to follow our own path.
<Background 7>
Greatmouth Mob This is unbelievable! Can you believe your eyes?!
Because I sure can't! The Radiant Knight has suddenly entered the fight! The Knights Association that let it happen! Oh my god, I, this—
I've never seen a situation like this in all my years of commentating! Though I don't know how the National Council will react, it doesn't change the fact that they won!
[Dikaiopolis is among those who witnessed the Radiant Knight's "dynamic entry" in the Maria Nearl vs Snowyheel K.C. match.]
The Blood Knight ......
So that... is the Radiant Knight...
For what reason... did you come back?
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 9>
The Blood Knight This place is always bustling.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Congratulations on making the finals, Sir.
The deciding battle between you and the Radiant Knight will be upon us soon. Afterwards, the championship ceremony will be held here, and the champion will personally memorialize the victory––
––But, as you are the champion, this should all be familiar to you.
The Blood Knight The Major grows in size and scope each and every time. I don't like the bloated tournament formats and awards ceremonies you've tacked on.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Sorry about that.
The Blood Knight Has the portrait of the Radiant Knight been hung back up?
Spokesman Malkiewicz Yes. The Knights Association has reaffirmed the Radiant Knight's status, and she has been reinstated as Kazimierz's champion.
...May I ask you a question?
The Blood Knight Of course, spokesman.
Spokesman Malkiewicz You and the Radiant Knight are both Infected. What do you think of her?
The Blood Knight She is a magnificent failure.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Oh?
The Blood Knight Her defiance. Her willpower. Her formidable abilities. In these areas, she is magnificent.
But because she accomplished nothing with all that... she is a failure.
To demonstrate her conviction, or to maintain her glory, she allowed herself to be exiled, dragging her entire family down.
Was she really able to protect even a single person?
Spokesman Malkiewicz You don't seem to see eye-to-eye with her?
The Blood Knight These are two separate questions, spokesman.
Does she need me to see eye-to-eye?
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
<Background 10>
[The audience cheers.]
A Spectating Knight The finals! Now this is a matchup worth the money!
The Blood Knight versus the Radiant Knight... I can't even imagine what kind of match this is going to be!!
[The audience cheers.]
A Leithanian Noblewoman My, oh my. So this is Kazimierz's famous knights' banquet? I must say, it indeed lives up to its reputation.
What kind of battle will we see between these two knights?
A Leithanian Nobleman Haha, the land of the knights always has some surprises up its sleeves, madam. All we need to do is wait and see.
[The audience cheers.]
A Corporate Employee Just half an hour until the round starts!
We've got a ton of spectators. Hey, use Section C as a guide for how to lead people in! Fill up Section I last!
[Tytus Topola the Left-handed Knight bumped with the salaryman, causing him trip and fall.]
A Corporate Employee Ah! Sorry, Sir, it's just too crowded––
Left-hand Knight Don't worry.
<Background fades out and in>
Spokesman McKee Are our preparations complete? Good.
Remember what Malkiewicz said. Regardless of whether or not the Radiant Knight wins, add that line into the final announcement.
Rhodes Island? They came to watch the match too? I see, under the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi's name... That's fine.
Pay utmost attention to security. Also, keep an eye on the movement of the campaign knights.
A Corporate Employee Um, spokesman? Your further instructions?
Spokesman McKee Sorry... Give me a moment.
<Background fades out and in>
[Viviana the Candle Knight approaches McKee.]
Spokesman McKee ...Madam Droste.
The Candle Knight McKee.
It's been a while. What can I do for you?
Spokesman McKee I...
The Candle Knight ......
"I've let you down."
But, those words do not escape his lips.
McKee's hand seems to be fumbling about in midair, as if trying to buy some leeway for his chagrin.
But in the end, he gives up.
Spokesman McKee ...I hope you enjoy the finals.
<Background 11>
Nightmare Knight ......
–– (Ancient language) The young hunter sets out on his Khaganquest ♪
–– (Ancient language) From dreams he goes, towards the shores of gold ♪
<Background 10>
[Tytus is shown.]
–– From dreams he goes, towards the shores of gold ♪
<Background fades out and in>
[Viviana is shown.]
A halberd in hand, stained red with blood of kin ♪
Drowning in the bright moon's sorrow ♪
<Background 11>
[Sona and Greynuty are shown.]
Until the black night paints over his vision ♪
<Background fades out and in>
[Iwona and Justyna are shown.]
Until a tower of bone stands erect in his heart ♪
<Background fades out and in>
[Toland is shown.]
Until hemlock chokes his hazy home ♪
<Background 12>
[Młynar is shown.]
O, the hunter is bound to flame by ashes ♪
O, the hunter's soul sleeps in the eye of the spring ♪
<Background 8>
[Margaret is shown.]
From the lighthouse did the longbow loose ♪ But with its arrows of bonfires and dawn ♪
<Background fades out and in>
[Dikaiopolis is shown.]
Upon the dead has the bone urn been splashed ♪ But the father still waters white cocoons under the tree ♪
<Background 10>
[The audience cheers as Margaret and Dikaiopolis stands ready in the finals of the Kazimierz Major.]
The Radiant Knight ......
The Blood Knight ......
<Background fades out and in>
[Amiya and co. made it to the arena...]
Amiya We made it! But, it's so crowded! Though you could've guessed that just from what was on TV.
[...but in her haste, she trips...]
Amiya Ah!
[...only for the Doctor to catch her.]
Doctor Amiya, hold my hand. / Stay close to me. Don't get separated in the crowd.
Amiya Okay.
Shining Over here, Doctor.
Amiya Nightingale, you should be careful as well.
[The audience cheers as Mob opens the match.]
Greatmouth Mob Right now, it's exactly 8 o'clock in the Grand Knight Territory! Welcome to the 24th Grand Finals of the Kazimierz Major! As always, it's your old buddy Greatmouth Mob here!
After countless hardships and struggles, after countless victories and defeats, Kazimierz will, tonight, crown yet another champion after three long years!
Don't expect much sleep in the land of Kazimierz tonight! A new hero and a new legend will be born!
Countless eyes are on us from all over the world! Knight enthusiasts from Columbia, Victoria, Leithanien, you name it, all are paying rapt attention to tonight's match!
And tonight's match, yes, in a single night, will shatter countless records! The number of concurrent viewers! The total amount of traffic! Single-day sales!
––But that's not all! The most, most, most, most important thing of all... are the knights! Take a good look, every single one of you lucky spectators! Tonight, even the Minoan goddess of war will have to concede!
For the first time in over two decades, two champions will clash in the grand finals!
Two champions! Two of the greatest knights Kazimierz has ever seen!! Anybody lucky enough to be here to witness this historic event—make sure to etch every moment of this night into your memory!
Because from now on, you all will be a part of the greatest moment in the history of the Kazimierz Major!
[The audience jubilantly cheers.]
Greatmouth Mob The two contenders for the championship require no introduction! But rules are rules, so I've got to waste a few of your precious minutes! First, let me introduce you to––
The defending Champion of the Major, "Kazimierz's Blood-Red Chalice," the Blood Knight of the Crimson Chalice Knightclub –– DIKAAAAAAIOOOPOLIIIIIIS!
[The audience jubilantly cheers...]
<Background 8>
[ Dikaiopolis walks into the arena.]
A suit of crimson armor emerges from the shadows and takes its place beneath the light.
The hero has no flashy moves. He simply stands in the arena, feeling the temperature of the soil and the humidity of the air.
The Blood Knight lifts his head slightly. He can hardly see the night sky from beneath the blinding array of light.
The Blood Knight ......
<Background 10>
An Infected Knight The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight!
A Spectating Knight The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight!
Amiya The Blood Knight. He is the one who created a path to knighthood for the Infected?
I had no idea... he was this kind of warrior.
Shining Just listen to those deafening cheers.
Nightingale Shining, he's the one they call their hero?
Doctor Even if we know very little about him, I can't deny that he is a hero. / ...... / Even if he stands in Nearl's way, I can't deny he's a tough opponent.
<Background 8>
Greatmouth Mob And on the other side!
The young legend! The heir of a great hero! Bearer of a thousand glories and former occupant of the Throne of Champions, only to be exiled in the blink of an eye! A tragedy in the hearts of countless people!
But none of that matters now! She is the youngest champion in the history of the Major, the quickest to achieve the rank of Grand Knight, an independent knight who rose to the highest honor in the land––
The legend on everyone's lips... now walks before us once more! Please welcome the light-bringing pegasus, the Radiant Knight––MAAAARGAREEEEEET NEEEAAAAAAAARRRLLL!!
Margaret ......
The Blood Knight ......
Greatmouth Mob Two Infected, two champions, two Grand Knights! This match will be one for the history books! A matchup so exciting your heart might leap out of your chest!
It's now my pleasure to announce...
The deciding Grand Finals of the 24th Kazimierz Major! BEGIN––
[The audience cheer as the match starts...]
Margaret ......
The Blood Knight ......
[...but suddenly, Dikaiopolis took of his helmet.]
Greatmouth Mob Wh-What's going on?! The Blood Knight suddenly took off his helmet! This usually only happens after the match is decided––!
The Radiant Knight You...
The Blood Knight The Radiant Knight. I'm very glad you've made it here.
The Radiant Knight Thank you.
The Blood Knight A lot of people do not understand your choices, but I do.
The Blood Knight You wish to become a beacon. You know that you alone cannot tear down this era–– And if you could, it would be meaningless.
Therefore, you cast your own light forth to illuminate a path forward for others, in the hope that those who are forced to kneel will straighten their backs, to let the oppressed choose their own destinies.
Margaret ......
The Blood Knight Your dedication is most honorable, Radiant Knight. From your eyes, I cannot see even a speck of the so-called dust of ideals.
Many heroes do strive to act out of justice, but do it too hastily, in a way that is only self-serving.
Margaret No, I was surprised.
After I returned to Kazimierz, I met a number of knights who still held onto their faith.
They haven't lost themselves to modernity. From them, I can still see the embers of glory flickering.
The Blood Knight Virtue will always exist. This city is not so rotten to that extent, but––
––Virtue alone cannot change this era.
Margaret On this decadent knights' stage, there is only one thing I want to prove.
That even now, true knights still exist.
That beauty, honor, and justice... still exist here––
The Blood Knight ––Indeed, those things, that spirit, are like gems. You illuminate those gems, and wait for others to pick them up again.
That is your greatest limitation, Margaret.
Dedication, sacrifice, and fighting for justice are of course noble and righteous. For this, I admire you.
But these things, the spirit of knighthood, may not be enough to save this complex era.
Margaret ......
[Dikaiopolis' switches his axe with a crimson sword...]
The Blood Knight You handed a pickaxe to the weak and taught them to break down walls of stone. But you never taught them how to build a new home.
Or rather–– You never told them: While they can choose a new path, there are many different paths they can take.
[...and without hesitation, strikes at Margaret, unleashing a bloody wave...]
Margaret Nngh––!
[...much to the audience's cheer.]
Greatmouth Mob The Blood Knight suddenly launches the first attack! In terms of range, the Radiant Knight's swordspear should undoubtedly have the advantage! But right now–– Wait a minute!
It's Blood Arts! After the axe swing, he's immediately following up with a spear of blood from his left hand––?!
[Margaret narrowly blocked Dikaiopolis' attack.]
The Blood Knight (She blocked it––?)
The Radiant Knight I'm not done yet!
[Margaret augments herself with Arts and strikes at Dikaiopolis, landing a clean hit.]
The Blood Knight Guh!
<Background 10>
Greatmouth Mob A burst of light! It's the Radiant Knight's Arts! In the opening moments of the match, it's an Arts against Arts showdown! I can't see what's going on, but the two are clearly already going at it hard!
The Candle Knight What precise Arts control, and to throw it out so instantly... Unbelievable.
This couldn't have been achieved through ordinary training... No, there's no way you can learn skills like this from the arena...
Is it military training? Fighting rampaging beasts on the wastelands?
I can say this for sure, Margaret. You now shine like the sun in the sky.
<Background 8>
[Margaret and Dikaiopolis entered a deadlock with the former gaining the upper hand...]
The Blood Knight ––In every duel you fight... Against the Nightzmora, against the Candle Knight... Are you always this calm?
Look at you. This is the first time I've seen your expression on the battlefield––
[...but Margaret reverses the outcome.]
Margaret My expression?
Much less burdened than I expected, Blood Knight.
The Blood Knight ......
Margaret I've given it some thought as well. If I returned to the arena only to see decadence and decay, whether or not I'd be shaken.
But now, I am firm in my beliefs.
Though we should probably put that conversation aside for another time.
The Blood Knight Agreed.
The eyes of the two knights meet.
The power beneath their armor roils restlessly, strong convictions flaring in their hearts.
Now is not the time to talk about the future.
Now is the time to decide a winner.
[Both the Radiant and Blood Knights break out form the deadlock, and continues fighting intensely to decide who will be the champion.]

As the dust settles, the Blood Knight collapses into the Radiant Knight's arms. When the moment of victory comes to pass, the entirety of the Grand Knight Territory's forces begin carrying out their own plans. The Radiant Knight resolves to share the podium of glory with the Blood Knight, and this will surely usher in great trials.
<Background 9>
Ioleta Russell ..."Fear neither hardship nor darkness."
These excellent saplings... must take root and grow in this poisonous land.
Perhaps we made the wrong decision after all, Nearl...
"A Silverlance Pegasus" Grandmaster...
Ioleta Russell The General Chamber was unable to figure out our objective.
Naturally... They must've assumed that we came here to topple them, opportunistically, to consolidate the power of the Adeptus.
And of course, they'd be correct. The Adeptus Sprawiedliwi has taken over the supervision of Area 0, and the General Chamber must be made to pay.
But the businessmen will never understand... just how far we're willing to go for the sake of that girl, Margaret.
"Fear neither hardship nor darkness." That has long been the motto of the Nearl family.
But these words have also been inscribed on the swords, spears, and shields of the nearly thirty members of the Silverlance Pegasus Knightclub.
During that war, in the midst of that hopeless battle, mired in that pitch-black swamp, Kirill Nearl vowed to save every last besieged knight.
They were without supplies, their communications cut off. The combined army's artillery division and tactical unit were searching for them.
Nearl only convinced seven knights to take part in the rescue operation. Before they set off, each of them engraved those words on their shields: "Fear neither hardship nor darkness."
"A Silverlance Pegasus" But the two of you saved over thirty comrades.
And also... brought back everyone's shields.
Ioleta Russell "Fear neither hardship nor darkness." After that night, all forty-one inscribed those words. On their swords, their armor, their staves, their shields.
After that, we broke through on the east.
"A Silverlance Pegasus" And when you regrouped with the knightclub again, only seven knights were left once more.
Ioleta Russell Just as heaven willed.
"A Silverlance Pegasus" But three thousand enemies were wiped out, and the shields of those forty-six knights, all bearing the coats of arms of their respective families, were returned to Kazimierz. Not a single one was left behind.
Daybreak over the Golden Prairie. Every single campaign knight knows this battle well, Grandmaster.
We salute you!
Ioleta Russell The Armorless Union wants to harm the children of the Nearl family?
Hah. I wonder if they have enough forces in their reserves.
<Background 8>
[The fight between Margaret and Dikaiopolis remains intense as the two unleashed their Arts.]
Greatmouth Mob ––What an explosion! The Arts wrapped around our two competitors came into contact, causing a huge blast!
The first to appear from the smoke–– is the Blood Knight! The Blood Knight's been repelled! He's holding his axe in his other hand now–– not his dominant hand! Did his arm go numb from the impact?!
On the other side–– Margaret's supporting herself using her strange swordspear! Without a doubt, the Blood Knight came out on top in this last exchange––
The Blood Knight Kuh...!
Greatmouth Mob ––The Blood Knight is charging again! Does the Radiant Knight have time to react?!
[Dikaiopolis charged at Margaret, but she managed to withstood it...]
Margaret —!
The Blood Knight What...?!
Margaret Too bad, but I'm one step ahead of you.
[...and countered it with a swift strike. Both knights then engaged in another deadlock.]
The Blood Knight Your movements... There's no way skills like that could've been tempered in this playground.
Who did you fight for during your time in exile? When facing an attack, your first instinct is not to evade and counterattack, but to withstand the blow.
Margaret A knight's duty is to defend, even if it means giving her life.
The Blood Knight Is it now?
You are not the type to speak lightly of life and death. Show me then, just what life and death mean to you!
[The Radiant and Blood Knights break the deadlock and exchanges strikes with each other.]
Greatmouth Mob What a dazzling display of close-quarters combat––! After the Radiant Knight repelled the onslaught, the two seem to locked in a never-ending melee–– Wait, it's not that simple!
––A huge pool of blood is appearing beneath the two combatants' feet! It's the Blood Knight's trap!
The Blood Knight (Minoan) Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Exsanguination, to me.
The pool of blood seems to congeal into sticky silk strands, tangling themselves around Margaret's limbs.
The blood flowing through the pegasus's body resonates with its compatriot, causing a tingling pain.
Margaret ––As if I'd let you!
[Margaret charges at Dikaiopolis to interrupt his sanguine Arts, and managed to dispel it with her own Arts...]
The Blood Knight What?! You severed the resonance with your Arts...?
[...before landing a blow on the Blood Knight...]
The Blood Knight –––Hraagh!
[...pushing him to the ground.]
Greatmouth Mob What a turn of events!! The Blood Knight was trying to control the Radiant Knight using his Arts, but was unexpectedly rebuked! With a hack and smash of the Radiant Knight's swordspear, her opponent has fallen to the ground!
This is the first time in the Major that the Blood Knight has been forced to his knees! I'm sure everyone heard that thunderous impact! Just how much damage did our defending champion take?!
Margaret You should have been able to easily take a blow like that.
[Dikaiopolis rises up.]
The Blood Knight ......
The Blood Knight rises to his feet wordlessly and once again brandishes his massive axe, swinging it straight at his opponent's head.
The Radiant Knight (It's a sweeping strike–– but his swing is too erratic!)
The Blood Knight ......!
A jolt of pain wracks his entire body, forcing the Blood Knight's axe to shift downward slightly.
[Dikaiopolis struck Margaret with his axe, who struggles to guard from it.]
Margaret Urgh—
What... incredible strength...
The Blood Knight ......
To him, this pain is both foreign and familiar.
It is unlike being burnt, cut, or frostburned. It is unlike any pain he has ever felt in the arena.
This pain comes from the depths of his body.
His disease.
A tipping point.
The Blood Knight That last blow of yours... hit me hard.
How do you like this then?
Blood glistens and condenses into an amorphous ball of light.
Margaret has no time to weigh her options. She has to interrupt his Arts.
A glowing aura emerges from behind her.
This light, given form, is strong enough to melt all suffering.
<Background 2>
A Spectator A Go get 'er, Blood Knight!
A Spectator B Stay away from him! Finish him off with your Arts, Margaret!
Roy Knights really are popular, aren't they?
Monique Everyone is in position.
My dear Monique, would you imagine how nice it would've been if we never formed the Armorless Union, but instead became knights?
Roy How are things for Platinum?
Monique I almost feel bad for her.
Armorless Union, Campaign Knights
Platinum ......
"A Silverlance Pegasus" ......
Platinum ......
"A Silverlance Pegasus" ...Hmm.
The Armorless Union... is just you bunch?
Platinum Laugh all you want. Not like I can see your expression under that helmet anyway.
"Silverlance Pegasus," huh. Are a few Armorless not good enough for you to sink your teeth into?
"A Silverlance Pegasus" ......
Platinum The leaders of the Union, and thirty of our members. And you only sent seven.
Are you saying that we don't stand a chance against just seven of you?
"A Silverlance Pegasus" No...
Three of us will suffice.
Platinum ......
"A Silverlance Pegasus" ......
<Background 10>
Greatmouth Mob It's a spear of light! Wait, no, that's the Blood Knight's axe–– it's covered with an aura of blood! But, the Radiant Knight dodged–– Wait, it's a feint! The Radiant Knight's swordspear–– Whew...
I... I have no words to describe what's going on right now! I've never seen such fierce fighting! I'm afraid even an instant replay wouldn't clear it up for us––
The Candle Knight Jealous, Tytus?
Left-hand Knight ......
Shining The Blood Knight... is very powerful.
I thought... there weren't any Infected who could have such a commanding presence...
Amiya I never thought this city could cultivate an iron will like that.
Shining Nearl always told me Kazimierz had forgotten the meaning of glory.
This city always gave me that impression. Grandstanding, superficial. Mired in an unfathomable depth of consumerism and commercialism.
Amiya But the people living in this city, every person still fighting to survive... They are all driven on by the conviction in their hearts.
Nearl was right. That glory, those virtues... will never be forgotten.
Amiya Huh? Isn't that...
Maria Margaret––! You can do it!!
Old Knight This is no ordinary match. Don't you think our cheering is a bit too ordinary?
Old Craftsman It's the thought that counts. Not like Margaret can hear us with how big the crowd is.
Old Knight Why don't we keep our eyes peeled for the Armorless Union instead? Even if the old bigwigs of the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi let us come, who knows if the Union is still hiding out there?
Zofia Margaret––!! Take him down!
Maria Margaret––!
Bald Marcin The audience's cheers were always only meant for their own ears.
Even if Margaret can't hear them, as long as she remembers that people are supporting her, she will not fall.
Amiya Does that mean she's...
Nightingale A Nearl... Margaret's little sister, Maria.
Just as Margaret said, everyone eventually came together, right?
<Background 8>
The aura of light grows stronger while the sheen of blood revels in chaos.
The two continue to clash without a single word.
Greatmouth Mob ......
(Is the referee still keeping score? No? O-Okay then...)
[Margaret and Dikaiopolis continues engaging each other...]
The Blood Knight Radiant Knight!
Margaret —!
[...and the Blood Knight lands a powerful blow at the Radiant Knight, who withstood it.]
The Blood Knight Hraaagh––!!
Splendid! You're the only one who could withstand this attack head-on!
The Radiant Knight Likewise... What kind of power is this...
The Blood Knight stands firm and lifts his axe.
Once the Blood Arts enveloping his weapon fades, the once-adamantine Minoan axe crumbles like dust.
Only half of the Radiant Knight's swordspear remains. Its shattered blade punctured the Blood Knight's helmet, revealing his determination-filled eyes.
<Background 10>
Maria Margaret's swordspear broke?! I went through so much effort to reinforce it!
Zofia The Blood Knight's strength is beyond doubt... but he's also lost his weapon!
Now both of them... are unarmed...
<Background 8>
Margaret ......
The Blood Knight ...Marvelous...
This is the first time... I've ever felt that the knight competitions... could bring real joy.
Margaret Oh?
The Blood Knight I recall my hometown. Those white buildings surrounding that pristine, blue lake.
At the end of the road was a row of blue fences, with a pot of jasmine flowers placed there.
The rusty smell of blood.
The flowing heat of blood.
The raw determination of blood.
Margaret Minos is a beautiful place, Blood Knight.
The Blood Knight Many knights fight for wealth. Some, for fame.
But we, the Infected, only fight for survival.
Every match I win, I live a day longer. Another day to spend in the dumps. It's not easy.
What about you, Radiant Knight?
You are much stronger than I imagined... What have you been through?
The Radiant Knight ......
<Background 10>
Amiya Oh! Nearl is looking over at us?
Shining It seems so.
Nightingale You can do this, Nearl!
Doctor (Wave) / (Clap) / You can do it!!
Maria Margaret! You've got this––!!
Zofia Margaret, you'd better not lose! I swear, if you end up losing––!
Old Knight Hahaha, it doesn't matter, as long as they have a good rumble.
Old Craftsman You bet. It's been so long since I've seen anyone like that Margaret. It's making my hands itchy, old timer.
Bald Marcin (Smiles silently) ......
<Background 8>
Margaret ...Tragedy.
I've seen an entire city crumble beneath a Catastrophe. The Infected, slaughtering innocent civilians, stacking their bodies high and burning them as a warning.
I've seen bounty hunters torment the poor and downtrodden for sport, parents selling their young children for uncontaminated food and water.
I've seen unimaginable tragedy I could never imagine in Kazimierz. However, I also met a group of people... clawing their way forward through that suffering.
I am not alone, Blood Knight.
The Blood Knight And yet, after seeing all that, you still chose to come back to Kazimierz, to reclaim your narrow-minded ideals?
Margaret ...Yes.
The Blood Knight ......
Then, you are no longer narrow-minded.
This is my last strike, Radiant Knight.
Come. Let's settle this without any further delay. Thinking about anything else... is a right reserved only for the victor!
Light and Blood
The Radiant Knight Blood Knight Dikaiopolis, you truly are a great knight.
The Blood Knight And determining which of is the victor... shall bring glory to all of Kazimierz.
Margaret My name is Margaret Nearl! My family motto is, "Fear neither hardship nor darkness!"
The Blood Knight (Minoan) From this day forth, I am no longer alone!
[Both the Radiant and Blood Knight charges at each other for one final strike...]
<Background 2>
Roy So, will the Blood Knight win, and make things easy for everyone... or will the Radiant Knight win, and we get our hands dirty?
Toland Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?
Never thought I'd get to watch the finals on a big screen from the side of the street. What a metropolitan life, hmm?
Armorless Union, Campaign Knights
Platinum ......
"A Silverlance Pegasus" ...Absolutely dazzling.
Margaret shines even brighter than before. Losing her would be a huge blow to the Silverlances.
But when you look at her like this... she really is a rebel after all.
<Background 11>
Monique Teams 3 and 4, wait for instructions by the entrance.
Team 5, enter the arena and mark Rhodes Island. Team 6, mark Maria's group.
<Background 9>
Ioleta Russell The Nearl family has a tendency to produce the most incredible, and the most stubborn people.
Wouldn't you agree, Młynar?
Młynar ......
<Background 11>
Iwona ......
Justyna Always feels to me like... it doesn't matter who wins.
Justice Knight (Clicks quietly)
Greynuty This is a duel between knights.
Sona The Blood Knight and the Radiant Knight... they are shining paragons.
But, that's not where our battles are. The things we want can't be found there either.
They opened the way for us... and we must keep fighting.
<Background 10>
Greatmouth Mob The two combatants, now without their weapons, are now condensing their Arts to have one last showdown!
What a lengthy struggle! After the light fades, who will be the first to fall?!
An Infected Knight ......
An Observing Knight ......
Some of the knights at the venue stop their hoarse shouting and cheering.
They slowly rise to their feet, silently waiting for the conclusion.
Left-hand Knight I...
The Candle Knight The Blood Knight... is at his limit.
<Background 11>
For a moment, it seems as if the entire Grand Knight Territory went silent.
But, a melodious horn from outside the arena breaks the silence.
It soars through the clouds, up beyond the hole-riddled nightscape.
[The one who sounded the horn turned out to be Tola, the Nightmare Knight.]
Nightmare Knight This is a tribute, Kazimierz.
A hero has risen.
<Background 8>
A thunderous roar.
A symphony of clashing sounds.
Each time weapons collide, sparks burst forth and obscure the fight.
The first to fall will be defeated.
The Blood Knight ...Nngh!
His step falters.
The hero's body has long dried up from his blood-manipulating Arts.
The Blood Knight ...Radiant Knight.
How long will you remain in Kazimierz? Will you continue... to kindle this land's lighthouse?
The Radiant Knight When I returned to my homeland––
––I already steeled myself, to never run.
The Blood Knight ...Good.
Come. We shouldn't leave any regrets behind.
The Radiant Knight Right.
[The Radiant and Blood Knights face off using all they have for one last struggle.]
<Background 3>
Spokesman Malkiewicz I'm sorry, Dr. {nickname}.
This duel... won't have any meaning.
<Background 10>
Greatmouth Mob ......!
An Infected Knight ...Salute... Salute the Blood Knight.
An Infected Knight ...Salute! Our hero!
The Candle Knight ...Knight.... Knight...
<Background 8>
The Blood Knight gazes at the sky.
He can no longer move a muscle.
The sky.
Even if the nomadic city has moved past that lightless night, the Blood Knight still remembers.
He remembers there was never a moment... when the night surrendered to the city.
[Blood falls from Dikaiopolis' armor.]
The Blood Knight ...It's your win, Radiant Knight.
Fresh blood spills onto the ground.
Though unable to maintain the basic structure of his Arts, the Blood Knight still clutches the weapon that looks like it could dissipate at any moment.
The Blood Knight ......
[Dikaiopolis loses his balance, but Margaret quickly catch him.]
The Blood Knight No! What are you doing? The winner... should not be propping up the loser...
The Radiant Knight *cough*... There is no loser here, Blood Knight.
The Blood Knight ......
<Background 10>
Greatmouth Mob W-W-We have a winner!!
The one left standing at the end–– No, more accurately, the Radiant Knight is holding up the Blood Knight! The Blood Knight... can't stand on his own!!
The panel is still tallying up the score, and until now, their scores were neck-and-neck! But, based on what we just saw–– if the Blood Knight is unable to continue fighting, then––
Then, without a doubt––
––The champion of Kazimierz's 24th Special Knight Tournament... is none other than––
[The audience jubilantly cheers for Margaret's victory.]
<Background 11>
Monique ––Execute the plan.
The various teams are moving to strike. The special detachment has entered the arena, targeting Maria Nearl and Whislash Knight.
While the crowd is in chaos––
[Before Monique and her men could carry out their mission, someone attacks them out of nowhere...]
<Background 11>
[The public is celebrating Margaret's victory.]
Roy What a deafening roar of applause.
I really do envy the knights' popularity.
Toland There are some knights who aren't as popular.
Roy It seems like you have some other reason for saying that?
Toland The old knight-lords always remain at the very top. Frustrating, isn't it?
Roy How curious. I wonder what kind of lives you bounty hunters lead to be able to mingle with the knights?
Toland Ursus artillery destroyed our town. We became a pack of hunters in need of prey to survive.
One rainy night, we hunted a wild mangler until dawn, only to discover that a "knight" had long snatched up our prey.
Roy Oh, that seems like an interesting story.
Toland He was a decked-out princeling, all glittering and gold, pretending to use the rain to wash off the blood on his face. So we asked, what would a knight be doing all the way out here.
Wanna guess what he said?
Roy What?
Toland He said, "I'm not a knight yet, just a wanderer." Then he asked us, "Who were you again?"
Roy ......
[Monique jumped right in front of Roy.]
Monique Grr.
Roy Oh my, Monique, when'd you decide to fly in? I thought your part of the operation was quite some distance from here.
And what's more, you even got hurt.
Monique Cut the crap, Roy. Either call the thing off, or come help me out over here.
[Młynar reveals himself as the one who attacked Monique and her team eariler, and chase her all the way here.]
Młynar ......
Roy Now what kind of wind would be able to blow our own "wanderer" back here?
Roy the Lazurite is about to get up, but a hand presses down on his shoulder.
A Sarkaz hand.
Roy ......
Toland Heh. "Wanderer," huh? At the time, I thought to myself, why the hell are you playing dumb?
So this is what I said back to him––
––"Standing before you is Kazimierz's strongest bounty hunter."
<Background 8>
Cheers Radiant Knight! Radiant Knight! Radiant Knight!
Greatmouth Mob A few months ago, what analyst could've predicted this outcome?! That our champion would be the Radiant Knight, Margaret Nearl, after suddenly and shockingly returning to the arena?!
Now, let your cheers fill this arena! The prize pool for today's competition has reached an unbelievable amount!
It's no exaggeration to say that the Radiant Knight's legendary experience has scored her enough wealth to rival that of an entire corporation!
Even the General Chamber of Commerce will be here today to make a huge announcement to everyone!
To our wonderful friends in the arena and those watching from home! The Knights Association officially confirmed yesterday that they will hold a champion's press conference tomorrow. But right now, there's a truth we must share with all of you!
Six years ago, the Radiant Knight was exiled by the Knights Association for "concealing her status as an Infected!" But today, the Radiant Knight's name has finally been cleared!
Her exile was the result of a criminal conspiracy! The scoundrels bought off the Knights Association and forcibly expelled the Radiant Knight from the country on false pretenses!
Yes indeed! Here, as a representative of the Knights Association, the National Council, and the General Chamber of Commerce, I solemnly announce to the entire audience––
––that all accusations against the Radiant Knight are hereby dropped! The Radiant Knight, our great champion, is not an Infected!
<Background 10>
Amiya Doctor!
Doctor I knew this would happen. / I warned Nearl about this. / This is what Margaret meant.
Amiya Wait... Doctor, did you purposely...
Shining "If you deny your own heart, and conceal the truth from the world, there is no glory to be had."
Before Nearl left Rhodes Island, the Doctor told her about the possible consequences.
Even if the K.G.C.C. does not take this as a threat, Nearl... will eventually call upon Rhodes Island to be her notary.
For the sake of–– Wait, wait...
An Armorless Union Member ......
Old Craftsman Why now of all times to come clean? Goddammit, the K.G.C.C. is trying to get the Infected to turn on each other!
Old Knight This is bad. They're trying to make it look like the Radiant Knight doesn't represent them, and that their champion lost––
Maria ...To make it seem as if... my sister... lied to everyone.
Zofia Wh-What's going on? Is Margaret not Infected?
Bald Marcin ......
In order to protect the young and energetic Margaret, Old Nearl purposely had her exiled.
Maria She was exiled... because of Grandpa?
Bald Marcin Even Margaret herself did not know about this. She truly believed she had contracted Oripathy during the competitions, and even came to terms with it.
But Oripathy is not something that can be hidden forever. After this many years, she must've discovered the truth long ago.
Maria ...Margaret...
An Armorless Union Member (Now's our chance. Go, go!)
Amiya Stop right there!
[Amiya used her Arts to disarm one of the A.U. operatives intending to assassinate Margaret.]
An Armorless Union Member Ugh! What–?! What just knocked my dagger––?!
An Armorless Union Member You worthless–– I'll handle this!
Zofia The Armorless?! Maria, watch out!
Maria Huh?
Zofia stands her ground in front of Maria.
The Armorless assassin raises the dagger in his hand.
[Before the A.U. operative could hit Maria, Shining stands before her...]
Shining ...Despicable cutthroat.
An Armorless Union Member —?!
[...and knocks his dagger away with her sword hilt.]
Zofia Gah! You did that with just your hilt?
An Armorless Union Member Damn you––!
[The A.U. operative grabs his dagger and attacks Shining.]
Shining Innocent people will get hurt here.
I'd prefer you not disturb the peace.
Old Knight This one's mine!
[Vogelweide punches the A.U. operative...]
An Armorless Union Member Urgh!
[...knocking him down.]
Maria Th-Thanks, Shining...
<Background 10>
An Infected Knight Hey, what's the meaning of this?! The Radiant Knight isn't Infected?!
I... What kind of sick joke? I thought this whole time... she was fighting for the Infected! But all along, she...
A Spectating Knight Could it be that the Radiant Knight was lying to us?
<Background 8>
Margaret ......
The Blood Knight You've been made a pawn.
Margaret I realized it shortly after leaving Kazimierz.
Oripathy is like a curse, and yet my body... showed no signs of it.
The rest fell into place soon after that. My grandfather had me leave Kazimierz, all for the sake of protecting my rash and impetuous self.
The General Chamber of Commerce will not relent until the "Radiant Knight" is no longer a thorn in their side.
The Blood Knight ...*cough* *cough*... *cough* *cough*...
Margaret Here, lean on my shoulder.
The Blood Knight Many thanks.
Margaret If not for the worsening of your condition, I well could've been the one to lose this match.
The Blood Knight There's no point saying things like that... Do you think I fought my way here just to use my Oripathy as an excuse?
Margaret No.
The Blood Knight The Infected will not trust you.
They are very wise. They did not let you spread your prestige among the masses. They set you up to be the villain.
Margaret Do you also think of me that way?
The Blood Knight Me? Hah......
An Infected who fights for the Infected, or a normal person who fights for the Infected... Which is more noble?
Some people do understand this principle, but, public opinion will ignite their extremism... The days you spend here will not be pleasant.
Greatmouth Mob It would seem that this news has already caused quite a stir–– Oh my, the panel has come to its final decision: the Radiant Knight's victory is well-deserved––!!
Tonight, Kazimierz will crown a new champion! In two hours, the Radiant Knight, Margaret Nearl, will enter the annals of history at the Wall of Champions!!
But don't go anywhere, because tomorrow, we'll have our grand closing ceremony! You won't want to miss it!
Margaret ...Dikaiopolis.
The Blood Knight What?
Margaret A knight belongs where there is glory to be had.
The Blood Knight Of course. If you really wanted to give them a slap across the face, you could just ditch the award ceremony...
Margaret No, that would just be running away. Same as how I ran from Kazimierz back then.
The Blood Knight So... what's your plan?
Margaret We'll go together.
The Blood Knight ......
[Dikaiopolis removes his helmet.]
The Blood Knight Hah... Hahaha... Interesting.
It'd be my honor.
<Background 10>
Greatmouth Mob Next, a few words from the host–– Wait, hold on! Something's happening down there!
The Radiant Knight is ignoring the host! She... she's helping the Blood Knight up and heading for the arena's exit!
What's the meaning of this?! Does the Radiant Knight plan to share the championship with the Blood Knight?!
An Infected Knight Damn you... Trying to virtue signal now that your lies are out in the open?!
Drop the act already, Radiant Knight! Traitor to the Infected!
<Background 5>
Greatmouth Mob ––that all accusations against the Radiant Knight are hereby dropped! The Radiant Knight, our great champion, is not an Infected!
Greynuty What...?
Iwona The Radiant Knight... isn't an Infected?!
Justyna ......
Iwona J-Justyna, are you alright...?
Justyna Yeah, I'm just... shocked.
Did the K.G.C.C. make that up?
Sona No.
It's not difficult to frame a normal person as an Infected, but it is virtually impossible to hide an Infected.
So, the Radiant Knight isn't an Infected...
Then why... Why has she been fighting for us all this time?
<Background 2>
An Armorless Union Member Monique! The Radiant Knight and the Blood Knight have left the arena! Do we go after them?
...Monique? Hello?
[The A.U. operative heard shots over the radio.]
An Armorless Union Member ––Wh-What's going on? What happened in the arena?
<Background 10>
[Centaurea tried to get past the Silverlances, but she can't even scratch them.]
Platinum Grr... They weren't kidding when they said three was enough. Practically snapping my arrows like toothpicks...
An Armorless Union Member D-Did he seriously cleave that pillar with just a swing of his sword? Those pillars have to be made out of cardboard or something, right?
Platinum Calm down, we're out of our depth here. Let's back up for now and regroup with the main force.
The only weakness of the "Silverlance Pegasi" is their stubborn adherence to tradition. They won't have any other tricks up their sleeves.
Greatmouth Mob What?! What's going on?! Someone's attacking the Wall!
(The Armorless Union?! They would dare to launch an attack when the audience hasn't even left yet?!)
Everyone, p-please don't panic! Security! Yes, security will make sure you get to safety––!
<Background 2>
Roy ––I thought the knights of the Nearl family were supposed to be all shiny and glowing.
Młynar ......
Roy Seriously though, Młynar. Why stick your nose where it doesn't belong? You aren't even a knight, and if you plan to stay in the Grand Knight Territory, you know better than to anger the K.G.C.C.
Młynar ...Ten years.
Roy Huh?
Młynar I worked for ten years, and not once did I ask for a leave over personal matters.
In other words... Right now, I am legally entitled to three months of vacation.
Roy ......
[Monique tried to attack Młynar, but he effortlessly parries it.]
Monique Gah... Stop scurrying around, you pesky bounty hunter.
Toland Haha, Młynar Nearl on vacation? That's a perverse joke if I've ever heard one.
Młynar ––One more thing, Roy.
Roy Huh?
Light flashes through the Lazurite's vision.
Like the morning breeze wafting through a forest, it is neither strong nor conspicuous. Almost as if the lake's surface could block it.
But in a heartbeat, Młynar's sword is resting against the Lazurite's neck.
[All of a sudden Młynar stands right in front of Roy, holding the Lazurite's neck at swordpoint.]
Roy ......!
Młynar Whether or not we're knights... is not for you to decide.
Roy Haha, then who does get to decide?
Młynar Kazimierz has no right to dub me.
<Background 11>
Margaret Are you still able to walk?
The Blood Knight I'm fine... But more importantly, have you thought about what doing this means?
Margaret I'm just reclaiming the title of "knight" from them.
A Tourist L-Look, isn't that the Blood Knight and the Radiant Knight?!
A Tourist Are they going to walk to the Wall of Champions like that?! Hey, c'mere and take a picture, quick!
Platinum What's the situation?
An Armorless Union Member We can't reach the two Lazurites... The Radiant Knight and Blood Knight are slowly moving towards the Wall of Champions exhibition hall.
Platinum ......
<Background 3>
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
A Corporate Employee Spokesman... The Radiant Knight and the Blood Knight are headed for the Wall of Champions together, and the Board of Directors is very unhappy about this development...
Spokesman Malkiewicz Have the Armorless stop them. Otherwise, they'll be branded as enemies of the K.G.C.C.
This is for their own good.
A Corporate Employee Understood. Oh and a letter for you that came in this morning.
Spokesman Malkiewicz A letter?
A Corporate Employee Yes. According to the Messenger, it was signed "Your Friend."
Spokesman Malkiewicz Just leave it over there. I'll see you later.
A Corporate Employee Hm? All right then...
Spokesman Malkiewicz Dr. {nickname}... I'm sorry, but this is all I can do for you.
Forgive me. Forgive me for not even daring to read your letter.
Maybe only after you've left the Grand Knight Territory... will I have the right to respond to it.
<Background 11>
Margaret ......
The Blood Knight Has this road... always been this long?
Margaret You're wounded, so we're walking slower.
The Blood Knight ......
An Infected Knight Look! Look over there!
[Several A.U. operatives block Margaret and Dikaiopolis' path.]
An Armorless Union Member Block the road!
Radiant Knight, Blood Knight, there are countless crossbows pointed at you. All we ask... is that you turn back right now.
Those are the orders we got from the K.G.C.C. We do not wish to have to strike down our two champions.
The Blood Knight It seems... that our pilgrimage ends here.
Go. My head has already been bowed in defeat for a long time. I will let them know––
An arrow lodges into the ground between the two knights and the Armorless.
An Armorless Union Member Who's there?!
Justice Knight (Excited clicking noises)
An Armorless Union Member You're––
Iwona What are you looking at, Armorless scum?
[Iwona helped Margaret and Dikaiopolis by attacking the A.U. operatives.]
An Armorless Union Member ––Enemies! The Infected are attacking! Fiiiiire!!
[The A.U. operatives open fire, but was blocked by Greynuty...]
Greynuty Your bolts won't reach our champion, Armorless.
Try this on for size!
An Armorless Union Member The Infected are here!! Call for backup––
[ the A.U.'s communications are somehow disrupted.]
An Armorless Union Member What?! Our comms are cut off?
Justyna A perfect shot.
The Blood Knight ......
Margaret It's you...
[Sona approaches Margaret and Dikaiopolis.]
Sona This would be our second official meeting, right? Our two champions.
If we find the time, I'd love to get autographs from both of you––
But for now, keep moving forward. Just follow this road down to the end, right through the city.
This is the greatest of causes.
[Platinum watches the talk between Sona with Margaret and Dikaiopolis.]
Platinum Pinus Sylvestris again? Looks like the campaign knights still haven't shown up.
Wandering into a nice, wide-open space like that is just begging to get sniped––
??? Don't move.
Platinum ......
[The one holding Centaurea at crossbow point turned out to be Szewczyk the Plastic Knight.]
Szewczyk Let them go, Platinum.
[Monique's phone rings.]
A Voice from the Communicator Requesting backup! Requesting backup!
Monique Roy, we can't be wasting any more time.
Roy Grrr... Look for a chance to retreat. I'll stop them.
Monique ...Be careful.
[Monique withdraws.]
Toland What'cha mumbling about over there?
Młynar ......
Roy Haha... Well, well... hasn't this turned into a pain in the ass.
<Background 11>
An Armorless Union Member We're in position––
[More A.U. operatives continue to show up as the P.S. overwhelms them.]
Greynuty Sona, there's no end to these Armorless goons! We'll be in trouble if this drags on!
Iwona Hey, come help us out, you bunch of louts!
An Infected Knight ......
Iwona Tsk... What a bunch of cowards.
Justyna Iwona, behind you!
[Maria protected Justyna from the A.U. operatives' attack.]
Maria Are you okay?
Sona Maria!
Maria I'm here to help!
An Armorless Union Member It's Maria Nearl! Get them––!
Zofia Keep your hands off her.
Old Knight Kowal, you ready over there?!
Old Craftsman Way ahead of you!
An Armorless Union Member You should've stayed in your nursing home... Surround them!
What's going on? Why's my weapon shaking?
Bald Marcin Heehee... I wonder why?
<Background 13>
Spokesman McKee The Radiant Knight's actions are a slap across the face to the K.G.C.C.
Is this the rest of the Union? What about the two Sarkaz knights?
An Armorless Union Member W-We haven't seen them... since the last time they tried to assassinate Nightzmora...
Spokesman McKee Forget it. Get out there and back up our forces. We MUST stop the Radiant Knight and the Blood Knight.
Even if you have to kill them–
[Viviana approaches McKee.]
The Candle Knight McKee.
Spokesman McKee ......!
She holds up a ball of candlelight.
A beautiful, wispy glow.
The Candle Knight Just leave them alone, won't you?
<Background 11>
An Armorless Union Member Teams 7 and 8 are in position.
We've got a lot of witnesses, more every minute, but we have to do it anyway. Get ready to take the shot on the Grand Knights–
The onlookers, the knights, the Armorless Union, and the members of Pinus Sylvestris locked in combat, all stop what they were doing.
Like children witnessing the steel leviathan that is a train roar past for the first time.
Sona ...That's...
Iwona The "Silverlance Pegasi!"
An Armorless Union Member ......
The Armorless subconsciously stop their attack and lower their weapons.
Their breathing turns solemn, as if a single rash move would result in bloody retribution.
[One of the Silverlances approach Margaret.]
"A Silverlance Pegasus" ......
Margaret That voice! Uncle Liam?
"A Silverlance Pegasus" Even now, you intend to stay your path?
Margaret Soldiers are a part of the country.
Soldiers carry out duty, not justice.
I've already told you this.
"A Silverlance Pegasus" Indeed, I cannot lift an Infected through the entire city.
The Blood Knight ......
"A Silverlance Pegasus" Heed my orders.
Escort the Radiant Knight and the Blood Knight to the Wall of Champions exhibition hall.
<Background 9>
Ioleta Russell A single road.
So many people, so many events, all converging alongside you.
How it reminds me of you, back in the day.
<Background 11>
Monique Report the Radiant Knight's current position.
An Armorless Union Member Monique! Thank goodness, we finally got through to you––
Monique Hurry!
An Armorless Union Member Yes ma'am! They'll reach the Wall in about ten minutes–– a Silverlance Pegasus squad is escorting them. We can't make a move!
Monique I'll snipe her. I'll only get one shot at this.
Once my position is exposed... the Silverlance Pegasi can strike clear through a building.
You must draw their attention.
An Armorless Union Member Roger!
<Background 9>
Amiya Madam Grand Knight.
Ioleta Russell Oho, if it isn't little Amiya. Come here. Have you enjoyed your stay in Kazimierz?
Amiya Mhm...
We managed to solve a lot of problems, all thanks to the Doctor.
Ioleta Russell Without Rhodes Island serving as mediators with the General Chamber of Commerce, the situation in Area 0 would not have been resolved peacefully. You have my thanks.
Amiya It's what we do.
Ioleta Russell And you must be Dr. {nickname}? Several companies suddenly started submitting applications regarding Area 0 to the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi, giving us ample "grounds" to conduct an investigation.
Was this also your work?
Doctor I think we both did our parts. / I only did what I thought the Adeptus wanted us to do. / It's because we understand each other, right?
Ioleta Russell Did Gravel did a good job?
Gravel ......
Amiya Oh, of course!
She helped us a great deal!
Ioleta Russell Then maybe it's time for her to leave the nest and hone her skills elsewhere.
But that's a discussion for another day. As for these two Sarkaz... You go by Shining and Nightingale, right?
Shining I'm listening.
Ioleta Russell It's not often that Sarkaz visit these halls... Go meet the Radiant Knight. She needs people she can rely on.
This Path
Margaret I see it.
That golden, glistening exhibition hall.
The Blood Knight ......
Haha... In what kind of sport... does the winner and loser share the pedestal?
The folks on the Board of Directors must be livid right now.
Margaret Maybe.
The Blood Knight If we...
—Watch out!
A lazurite bolt tears through the curtain of night.
In a flash, the tip is but hairs away from Margaret's face.
What touches her first is a warm, gentle hand.
<Background 11>
Shining Did you need a hand, Nearl?
The Blood Knight You... You're...
The breath of life permeates the space.
And the blue of his home, like a soaring fowlbeast, lands on the Sarkaz's shoulder.
Shining turns to face a certain direction, her lips curling up slightly.
<Background fades out and in>
Monique ..."The Fourth Arrow," huh?
That's too bad.
<Background fades out and in>
The Blood Knight Sarkaz, what relationship do you have... with the Radiant Knight?
Shining Companions.
Nightingale Go, Nearl.
Margaret Right.
<Background 9>
Ioleta Russell Welcome, Margaret, Dikaiopolis.
The Blood Knight ...The Grand Knight...
I've never seen this place... without flashing lights and a sea of reporters...
Ioleta Russell They didn't have the guts to push through the campaign knights to conduct their interviews.
Just for tonight... the Wall of Champions belongs only to the knights.
Margaret Never has that sounded more ironic.
Ioleta Russell This exhibition hall predates the existence of the knight competitions. In the past, this place was a museum that preserved the relics of those heroes...
That was a long time ago.
Margaret ......
Ioleta Russell You still haven't changed your mind, right?
Margaret That's right.
The Blood Knight Margaret, you...
Ioleta Russell Very well. Just like I couldn't convince your grandfather back then... Come, come closer, and let me have a look at you.
Kirill's granddaughter is all grown up now... It's uncanny how much you take after him. He... would've been proud.
What you seek to do goes against the flow of the times, Margaret.
You don't need the privilege of the military, of nobility, or of competitive fame.
This is only your beginning, young lady. Even after all these twists and turns, you've only just begun your tumultuous journey.
It's almost dawn.
