NL-ST-2 Right and Might
Near Light: Kawalerielki Next NL-TR-2
Does power enable people to rebel against fate, or does fate inevitably draw out the power within people? |
Characters |
![]() A Corporate Employee ![]() An Infected Knight ![]() An Infected Knight ![]() An Infected Refugee ![]() An Armorless Union Member |
Backgrounds |
“ | Malkiewicz is unable to tolerate the release of Brassrust, and finally decides to wield his authority. At the same time, the Armorless Union leads a purge of the Infected, but Młynar's obstruction brings an end to the Lazurite's plans. | ” |
<Background 1> | |
Gravel | Doctor? You know, you've been frowning ever since you came back from the restaurant. If you're feeling worn out, then I'd be more than glad to–– |
<Dialogue branch> | |
Doctor | What'd you think of the meal? |
Gravel | It went well. You're getting pretty slick around these kinds of events, aren't you? I can tell. Even though the directors didn't show up in person, those corporate execs are all fond of you... |
<Dialogue branch> | |
Doctor | What do you think of Malkiewicz? |
Gravel | I said it already, but a certain spokesman took the fall and resigned over the Radiant Knight incident. Malkiewicz was given that position in turn, but before that, he was a complete nobody, a minor player at best. Though he still has a bit of that unvarnished human touch... I don't think it'll last very long in the environment he's in. |
<Dialogue branch ends here> | |
Doctor | Do you think Rhodes Island's plan is feasible? |
Gravel | ...... Let's set that aside for now... So, do you really trust me? The infiltration of the General Chamber isn't some kind of conspiracy. In the face of money and a changing society, even if the K.G.C.C. did nothing, the knights would still fall to capital. The courtesy that the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi has extended to Rhodes Island is almost certainly linked to the Radiant Knight. That being the case, should a person as particular as you... inadvertently fail to return that courtesy, you'll be the one to suffer. |
Doctor | Thanks for the warning. / That much I already know. So, what are you thinking? / What should I do then? |
[Meanwhile, Malkiewicz is discussing about Olmer Ingra the Brassrust Knight's fate following the fatal incident days ago with a corporate employee.] | |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | Brassrust Knight... is going to fight again? |
A Corporate Employee | Yes... Based on video evidence and the testimonies from other knights, the Knights Association proved to the National Council that what happened to that Infected was an exacerbation of his disease due to excessive casting. Because the cause of death was "Oripathy," Brassrust Knight was not directly responsible, so... |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | Even if that was the case... then we should at least... Leave me. |
A Corporate Employee | Very well. |
[The corporate employee leaves.] | |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | ...... |
<Flashback starts here> | |
<Background 2> | |
An Infected Knight | ...... |
<Flashback ends here> | |
<Background 1> | |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | Put me through to the associate justice of the National Council... on a private line. |
The busy tone rings out twice from the phone. Malkiewicz suddenly flashes back to his childhood, to the copper-colored telephone that sat on the desk in his father's study. | |
[The National Council's associate justice picked up Malkiewicz's call.] | |
A Voice from the Phone | Spokesman, have you come up with a solution? |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | As long as Mr. Czarny no longer has the evidence, it's fine, right? |
A Voice from the Phone | Of course... But as a friendly reminder, if this goes public late, we will both end up taking the blame. Therefore, the safest option... is to get rid of him. |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | You have my assurances. My assurances... that I can keep Mr. Czarny muzzled. There's no need to concern yourself with my methods. |
A Voice from the Phone | Very well then... As long as you can demonstrate your sincerity. Tomorrow, I will begin the retrial of Olmer Ingra's case. If you can do that within seven days... Olmer Ingra will thence disappear from the Major. |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | ...I will. |
A Voice from the Phone | Right. At the very least, you must prove to me that Mr. Czarny truly "would never betray us." |
Malkiewicz remembers. He remembers that bronze-colored telephone. Telephones were not as popular back then, and cables still coursed above bars, hostels, and roaring construction sites. When it rang, it would bring joys and sorrows alike. That was life in Kazimierz... Life in modernity. | |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | There's one thing I hope you understand... You're provoking a spokesman. |
A Voice from the Phone | ...... |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | You know as well as I do that I'm only a stand-in. I enjoy no support among the Board of Directors. But that does not mean that I will abide your butchery. The power to command the Armorless Union... was once in the hands of Mr. Czarny. And now... |
A Voice from the Phone | ...... Please don't mistake my intentions. I'm not trying to challenge your authority. |
Authority. | |
A Voice from the Phone | I'm simply reminding you.. to make sure our future cooperation goes smoothly. After all you've said, it wouldn't behoove me to run amok. That would be too discourteous after all. All I need is your assurance. Olmer Ingra is just another corrupt noble, and it hardly makes sense for someone like that to get in the way of our relationship, yes? |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | Indeed. Then, there's nothing more for us to talk about. |
A Voice from the Phone | Wait! Hold on, Mr. Malkiewicz, please–– |
[Malkiewicz hangs up.] | |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | ...... ............ |
Spokesman McKee | You smiled. |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | Woah! Mr. McKee, when did you... |
Spokesman McKee | I've never seen you smile like that before, my man. |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | Did you need something? |
Spokesman McKee | Naturally, the Armorless Union has already received their orders, and we still have a role to play in these matters. However... Actually, never mind. Carry on with your work. |
Spokesman Malkiewicz | Alright, Mr. McKee. |
[Malkiewicz leaves.] | |
Spokesman McKee | ...... Authority is the sweetest taste. Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Malkiewicz? |
<Background 3> | |
[Roy walks through the alley.] | |
Roy | Nothing beats strolling through these streets in the evening. As long as there's no work to be done, that is. |
An Armorless Union Member | Reporting. Monique has led her team to the designated location. The target of this operation has been confirmed, and there are now about a hundred Infected hidden throughout the area. |
Roy | Ah. Score whatever kills you can. As I said before, the pay is determined by headcount. Same old rules apply, no friendly fire. |
An Armorless Union Member | Yessir. |
[The Armorless Union operatives leave.] | |
<Background 4> | |
An Infected Knight A | Hey, hey! We've got Armorless! |
An Infected Knight B | Wh-What? You're kidding, right? This is the middle of Kawalerielki! They wouldn't dare start a bloodbath?! |
<Background fades out and in> | |
Justyna | Not enough. |
Szewczyk | What? Wasn't Wild Mane supposed to distract the Armorless like you wanted? |
Justyna | But, it's not enough. Did we overlook something...? |
Szewczyk | ...... Prepare for the worst, Fartooth. Don't underestimate the Armorless. |
<Background 2> | |
An Infected Knight A | Run, run now! |
An Infected Knight B | Calm down. What did you see? |
An Infected Knight A | B-B-Blue... A blue bow. |
An Infected Knight A | Huh?! You're kidding! H-Hurry, tell the others, spread out and run! Hide in the garbage dumps if you have to! Tell the Infected civilans to not resist. They can't resist, no matter what–– |
An Infected Knight B | N-Now, if there's anyone who can contact Pinus Sylvestris... Please hurry... |
[The A.U. marches into the area to start their Infected killing.] | |
<Background 3> | |
[Roy walks with an excited look on his face.] | |
Roy | Haha... Ahahaha... |
<Background 4> | |
An Armorless Union Member | Reporting. We found three Infected. |
<Background 3> | |
Roy | Hahaha... Haha... Right, did I tell you about the offer I got from the Board of Directors? 300 gold for an illegal Infected. Twice that for an Infected knight. |
<Background 4> | |
[An Infected knight is running away from A.U. operatives...] | |
An Armorless Union Member | Stop right there! |
An Infected Knight | Dammit! They found me! |
[...who continues pursuing him.] | |
<Background 3> | |
Roy | Each Infected is worth a ticket to the Major. An Infected knight is worth half a good car. So. How should we deal with a special individual who isn't in that price schedule? |
An Armorless Union Member | Huh? |
Roy | How many forms of code signing have you been trained in? |
An Armorless Union Member | Um, I think I remember how to use three. |
Roy | Hmm... Forget it. No need for any of that. If you see me... Mmm... Yes, snap my fingers. If you see me snap my fingers, act immediately. No hesitation. |
An Armorless Union Member | Yessir. |
Roy | Alright. I'll head up to say hello. |
Lazurite Roy walks forward, and the street lights flicker several times. The blue-brick road stretches forward, not a single person on the street. There is a bench on the side of the desolate road. And upon the bench sits a desolate person. | |
![]() | |
Młynar | ...... ...... |
[Roy walks to the bench where Młynar is sitting...] | |
![]() | |
[...and sits beside him.] | |
Roy | Good evening. And a wonderful one at that, yes? |
Młynar | ...... |
Roy | Did you happen to see the news? Tonight, it's nothing but the Radiant Knight. This place sure is empty. Haven't seen anyone else around. I hear it hasn't been too peaceful around these parts either. |
Młynar | ...... |
Roy | Ahem. What are you doing here all by yourself? |
Młynar | ...... |
Roy | ...... |
Młynar | Roy... I just finished work. Just resting here for a spell. |
Roy | My, did you only get off work just now, this late? What a workaholic. But... What kind of work would you be doing around here? The only folks around these parts are the Infected, illegal immigrants, and black market traffickers, right? |
Młynar | Just waiting for someone. What, are you even going to ask who I'm waiting for? |
Roy | No, no, no, why would I? Waiting for someone, huh? Let me guess... you had a date with a beautiful lady? Haha, just kidding... But, we both have business here. |
Młynar | ...... |
Roy | I'm afraid I have to ask you and your friend to step aside. |
Młynar | You mind your business, I mind my business. |
Roy | Do you have any idea what you're saying, Młynar? |
Młynar | Was I speaking Gaulish? |
Roy | Oh, come on. If you're here, my underlings might slip up because they're so nervous. |
Młynar | ...... |
Roy | Sigh... Oh, Młynar, did you know... if I wanted to kill you right now... how little effort it'd take? |
Roy slowly lifts his hand. In the dark, the Armorless Union assassins wait, poised to strike. Though perhaps nothing than a faulty premonition, the masters of hiding in the shadows always feel most prone to being seen. Młynar Nearl. They begin to pray, praying that Roy would not give any signals–– | |
[Someone approaches the two...] | |
Roy | –! |
Młynar | ...... |
![]() | |
[...who turned out to be Shining, one of Margaret's sisters-in-arms.] | |
A white-horned Sarkaz with a sword. | |
Roy | ...... *Sigh*... It really was... a beautiful lady, eh. |
Shining | Am I late? |
Młynar | No. |
[Shining walks to the bench where Młynar and Roy is sitting...] | |
![]() | |
[...and sits beside Młynar.] | |
Roy | ...... |
Młynar | ...... |
Shining | ...... |
Roy | ...... |
Młynar | ...... |
Shining | ...... |
Roy | ...... |
![]() | |
Młynar | What are you looking at me for? Do your job, Roy. |
Shining | ...... |
Roy | Hm. |
Roy's eyes meet with those of the Sarkaz for a moment. There is only one thing on his mind. How to strike up a conversation later, without embarrassing himself too much. | |
Roy | Haha, I suddenly had a change of heart. Turns out it'll rain later tonight, and I happened to forget my umbrella. But... Should I take this as evidence that the Nearl family intends to shelter the Infected? |
Młynar | Take it however you'd like. |
<Background 3> | |
[Roy leaves as Shining talks with Młynar.] | |
Shining | ...You... |
Młynar | Margaret won again. You ought to stop her. |
Shining | Forgive me. But if that is what she wills, then I will support her... I will be her pillar. |
Młynar | You? You're a Sarkaz... ...... As for the Infected situation, I'll assume you already contacted Rhodes Island. |
Shining | Your assistance is appreciated... The Armorless Union is a powerful enemy. If he insisted on slaughtering every Infected hiding in this area, I fear we would be powerless to stop him. |
Młynar | I just wanted to sit here. Nothing more. |
Shining | If you want to know what Margaret has been through the last few years, I'm willing to tell you what I know. Of course, if you'd prefer to ask her yourself... |
Młynar | ...I don't care. I already understand, just from the look in her eyes. Her mother and father, and even me in the past, all embraced that era of resplendence and glory. |
Shining | You... are her true family. |
Młynar | You already know everything you need to know. From now on, I won't be lifting even a finger. You can tell Margaret, and that... "Rhodes Island." Tell them beneath the glory-gilded exterior of the Grand Knight Territory... the extent of the rot on the inside. But a more practical suggestion I have is to leave the Grand Knight Territory as soon as possible. Leave Kazimierz. Try your best to leave this entire era behind. That's probably one of the few right choices anyone can make. |
[Młynar leaves.] | |
Shining | What a complicated person you are. |
<Background 2> | |
Shining | ...... |
An Infected Knight | You... stay away from me! Damnit, are you with the Armorless? You–– No, you're not... You're... a Sarkaz?! Who are you? |
Shining | I come in peace. The Armorless Union has already left. |
An Infected Knight | Wh-What are you talking about...? |
An Infected Refugee | Just now, just now, that Sarkaz blocked the Armorless... Just who are you? How do you have the guts to stand against them? |
Shining | I'm a physician for the Infected. |
An Infected Knight | A Sarkaz... who claims to treat the Infected? What... |
An Infected Refugee | It's so crazy I can almost believe it. |
An Infected Knight | Fine then... So what do you want? |
Shining | Kazimierz has the means to provide medical treatment to the Infected... That being the case, why do you still hide here, within the cracks of the city? |
An Infected Knight | You're not from Kazimierz? No, this is something that even most people from Kazimierz wouldn't know... Wait, you said you're a physician for the Infected? You... You're from Area 0?! |
Shining | I'm from a pharmaceutical company. This Area 0 that you mentioned... is that the place that shelters the Infected? The Adeptus Sprawiedliwi Kazimierz has funded the establishment of a clinic hub specifically for the examination and treatment of Infected knights... |
Shining is in no hurry to finish her sentence. In the eyes of the Infected in front of her, she sees doubt, mistrust towards her, fear, and the slightest glimmer of hope. | |
An Infected Knight | You really aren't from Kazimierz... But that makes sense, they also hate the Sarkaz here. Ugh, sorry, but that's just how things are. Do you treat the Infected over there? |
Shining | Yes. |
An Infected Knight | Don't you think it's strange? Such a big mobile platform has practically become a cage for the Infected knights. Did you know the Infected knights are examined and treated there, but they also "live" there? As if existing like that can be called "living" at all. |
Shining | ...... |
An Infected Knight | Alright, it seems you outsiders don't even know this much. |
Shining | But if all the Infected were to live there... |
An Infected Knight | Then there's not enough space, right? Those Infected who can still make money will step back into the arena, or carry on... finding whatever odd jobs they can. For those who can't become knights, they'll be sent to off to do some iffy work... Mining, transporting, all in dangerous environments. And if you get hurt, and you can't even do that kind of manual labor... Take a guess, outsider. Where do you think those Infected from Area 0 end up? |
Shining | ......! |
An Infected Knight | You may think it's a hospital, and the knights may think it's a prison. But let me tell you, it is neither. The Infected are shipped there, washed of their dignity, stripped of their basic worth, and finally sent to the cutting boards to be culled. What you're looking at, Sarkaz, is a glorified slaughterhouse. |