Arknights Wiki
City Fast Asleep
Near Light: Kawalerielki
Previous NL-6 (Story)

A gloompincer hiding in the shadows raises its head in this moment. It is the first time it sees the awakened starry sky.
Salaryman A icon
A Corporate Employee
Salaryman B icon
A Corporate Employee
Kazimierzian Knight C icon
A Kazimierz Knight
Male Lungmenite icon
A Tourist
An Onlooker
Kazimierz Lounge
Kazimierz Avenue Blackout
Kazimierz Bar
Champion's Hall
The lights go out in the Grand Knight Territory. A modern city is plunged into chaos, and the Armorless Union, the Infected, and the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi Kazimierz are all staging their own games.
<Background black>
Kawalerielki has entered a state of emergency, confirmed.
Correct signal code, confirmed. Correct squad identification code, confirmed.
Heed my orders.
Remove your disguises, and enter the city.
<Background 1>
Gravel It'll still be some time until the power is completely restored.
The Rhodes Islanders have returned to their rooms, as advised. If you two would like to review...
Amiya Doctor, I want to go see them.
Everything happened so quickly, I'm sure there are many operators who still don't quite understand the situation. With all the anti-Infected protests going on, there's been a lot of pressure on everyone.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor I'll be counting on you again then, Amiya.
Amiya Oh, it's fine, Doctor.
I know how busy you've been with business negotiations and social events recently. To be honest, I feel bad about it.
You should get some rest while you still can.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Amiya Ahaha, you must already be worn out, Doctor.
After all, you've been dealing with those businesspeople nonstop since yesterday. Of course you'd lose your voice, right?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Are you sure you don't need my help?
Amiya But it's okay, with Hibiscus here, I'm sure we won't have any trouble.
I just want to go around and see how everyone's doing. I'll be right back.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gravel There's no need to worry, Amiya. I'll take real good care of the Doctor while you're gone.
Amiya Oh... Okay.
See you later then.
[Amiya leaves.]
Gravel ...{nickname}Doctor.
There've been some developments in the General Chamber of Commerce that may be disadvantageous to Rhodes Island.
Coupled with the ongoing power outage, I'm afraid that what happens next will be nothing less than an open conspiracy.
For the time being... do not leave my side, whatever you do. Of course, it'd be even better if you decided to stay with me of your own accord.
Doctor Want to take a look around?
Gravel Heehee, I didn't expect you to be so forward. Caught me off guard.
Did something good happen?
Doctor Miss Gravel, what do you think of the K.G.C.C.?
Gravel Didn't you ask me something like this before? Or, do you just love the sound of my voice that much?
They're parasites on Kazimierz.
The business class bands together, corrupting the knights and the city, just to chase their ambitions.
Doctor No.
The General Chamber of Commerce, as its name implies, is just a "general" assemblage.
There is little that binds them beyond common interest, and they can be divided.
It feels like they're acting as a unit because they're fighting against the knights.
Gravel ......
What did you do?
Doctor There are roughly four types of executive directors in the K.G.C.C.
Gravel Heh... Care to tell me more?
Doctor One is committed, so radical as to eliminate the knight class.
One is old-fashioned, a rock-solid faction that moves forward step by step.
Another has no principles, just a group of opportunists flocking to potential profit.
Gravel And the last one?
Doctor The type that Rhodes Island is not ready to contact yet.
Rushing to contact them will only hurt us.
Gravel So what you're saying is there are cracks in the K.G.C.C.? And you... have already taken stock of them?
Doctor I wouldn't call it "cracks." / More like it was never possible for them to "unite" in the first place. / Live for the sake of profit, die for the sake of profit.
Gravel But this is only your first time here, and you were only able to get to know a portion of the executives through your ties with a spokesman.
How can you be so sure of yourself? The moment you place your trust in the wrong person, the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi will no longer bear the consequences.
Doctor Rhodes Island has never relied on the sacrifices of others to advance its goals. / As if I'd approach those banquets if I wasn't ready to sacrifice something.
Gravel No.
Of course not.
<Background 2>
[The fight between Roy against Greynuty and Sona went intensely.]
Roy Do you still have time to waste?
About the bounty placed on the Infected, once the interference from the Great Separation has passed, you'll have no escape route.
Ah, by the way, the reason it's called the "Great Separation" is because after power from the core is lost, each plate will experience a short period of drift.
Right now, the connections to the plates around the K.G.C.C. have broken off, and you won't be able to escape.
Greynuty Ugh... Goddammit...
Sona This doesn't seem like an enemy we can take head-on.
Roy I'm glad you finally understand what you should've always understood. So let me ask again, will you hand me the goods? I wouldn't mind letting you go.
Sona Heh, when is the Armorless Union a charity?
Roy I guess it was a matter of mindset. After a long, long struggle... I finally saw the light.
From the ruins of Bolívar, to the prairies of Kazimierz, and finally here.
No normal person finds joy in the slaughter of others. Only idiotic pampered princelings derive any pleasure from seeing people bleed.
Now, you can save me, Infected, and I can help you dismantle the Armorless Union.
Sona Sorry, but even if that's true, I'm not about to give you this.
Roy Why not?
Sona We're sick and tired of being manipulated.
Greynuty Got it! Have a taste of this!
Roy Urgh...
[Greynuty blasts Roy with her cannonlance.]
Roy *cough*, *cough* *cough*... What's the meaning of this...?
Sona Ashley, run!
Greynuty I know!
[Greynuty and Sona run away from Roy into the deeper parts of the basement.]
Roy Running into the substructure? One wrong step, and you'll be mincemeat in the engine.
There's nowhere for you to run––
[Roy takes aim at Greynuty, but...]
Sona ......?!
Ashley! Watch out!
Falling Meteor
A cyan arrow pierces Flametail Knight's armor.
Sona tries to block it, but the massive force of the impact sends her petite body flying.
Struggling in midair, she is launched into the gap between the city's plates.
Greynuty Sona––!!
<Background 2>
Roy (Off the mark. Something blurred my vision for a second there...)
(An illusion caused by my fatigue...? No, something got in my way after all.)
Greynuty Roy–––!!
Roy ......!
[Enraged, Greynuty charges at Roy and engages him in melee combat.]
Roy You've lost your mind.
[As the battle goes, Greynuty fires her cannonlance at Roy from a close range.]
Roy Tisk tisk, firing from such close range. Are you trying to get us both killed?
Greynuty You... How dare you... do that to Sona!
Roy I'll admit, it was careless of me.
I haven't had a chance to check if the chip is still intact. That's bad news, I wouldn't want that responsibility sitting on my shoulders.
Greynuty Shut up, bastard!
[Greynuty continues engaging Roy.]
Roy (What to do, what to do. Hurry and kill Ashlock, and look for a way to go check the corpse?)
(No, this is far too dangerous. The power is about to come back on, and I wouldn't want to be caught between those plates.)
Greynuty I'll have you pay in blood––!!
Roy So straightforward, so predictable. You've been all too easy to read since you lost your ability to think––
Greynuty Oh really?
Roy ?!
[Greynuty blasts Roy with her cannonlance, creating a thick cloud of smoke...]
Roy Hrmph. Was I the careless one?
[...that allows her to escape.]
Roy She's gone?
Was she only pretending to be enraged...?
<Background fades out>
Become a knight for the Infected.
Fight to the bitter end for the Infected.
That is my honor.
There is no greater honor... than to die for a glorious cause.
<Background fades in>
Sona I would've liked to go out in a blaze of glory, but... what's going on now?
The Candle Knight Roy is still around here somewhere. He'll discover my Arts sooner or later, so we mustn't tarry here.
Contact your companion and have her escape. I'll do what I can for her.
[Sona leaves a message for Greynuty.]
Sona Hey, Ashley, I'm fine.
Don't let him know, and look for a chance to escape. I slipped the chip into your pocket when I blocked that arrow for you. Go ahead and double-check.
No need to reply. See you on the way back.
[Sona ends her message.]
Sona You broke my fall? But how?
The Candle Knight Arts can be applied in many different ways. After extensive studying, almost all Leithaniens are able to use basic Arts, regardless of the nature of these Arts.
Sona You're the Candle Knight, right?
Why would a great knight like you... save an Infected like me?
The Candle Knight There's someone who wants to see you.
Sona Who?
The Candle Knight I can't tell you yet.
Sona Oh... You should already know that we're pretty busy right now, paralyzing the city, attacking the K.G.C.C... I don't have time for a picnic, you know?
The Candle Knight It's understandable that you would distrust me.
Sona No, I believe you.
You can tell what someone's thinking, just gotta look into their eyes.
Of course, this trick doesn't work a hundred percent of the time, but this is desperate times, right?
<Background 3>
A Corporate Employee Ugh... What the hell is going on? The roads are blocked, and I can't get a taxi. Do I not get to go home tonight either?
What an idiot... "finish in one day" my ass... That report should've been done yesterday...
[Fighting happens amidst the darkness nearby...]
A Corporate Employee Wh–What... what's happening?!
[ the salaryman gets caught amidst the fight between Monique and Toland.]
Monique Out of my way, or I'm shooting through all of you.
A Corporate Employee Eep! P-P-Please don't, I'm moving––
Toland Stop moving around, lad. You wouldn't want that noggin of yours finding a new home, eh?
A Corporate Employee B-But she told me to move––
Toland Would you really trust someone who'd take your head off on a whim?
A Corporate Employee I... I...
Monique Toland, have you no shame hiding behind a civilian?
A Corporate Employee Aaaaagh–!
Toland Good point. I'll count to three?
A Corporate Employee P-P-P-please, I'm begging you, l-leave me alone!
Toland One.
A Corporate Employee Nooooooo––!!
Toland Two.
Monique ......
Toland Three!
[The salaryman runs to safety as Monique and Toland resumed their battle.]
A Corporate Employee They're both insane! They're both insane––!
Where does this road lead–– Wait, over there, that's––
Mr. Knight! Mr. Knight!
I'm an employee of the Rose Paper Union! Please help me! You know who I am, right? I'll recommend you to the editorial department! There are two criminals over––
[The one the salaryman begs help into turned out to be the Nightmare Knight.]
Nightmare Knight ......
A Corporate Employee Eek...!
Nightmare Knight ......
[The Nightmare Knight goes to where Monique and Toland are fighting.]
<Background fades out and in>
Toland Do you ever run out of arrows?
Monique Grrr... This is the first time my prey's eluded me for several minutes... Not half bad, Toland Cash.
Is it your goal to stall me here?
Toland Haha... What about you? Are you here to play with me?
Monique No, there's a handsome bounty on your head, and we're always in need of money.
Toland Oh? Do you have a sickly little brother back home? Or maybe an elderly father who needs your support?
Monique This job brings more wealth than you can imagine, bounty hunter.
We know the rules of this society better than you, better than any of the knights.
We simply chose to take a little detour, and after tonight's hunt, we'll usher in a new beginning.
But right now, it seems there's another idiot hellbent on messing things up.
Toland ......
[The Nightmare Knight interrupts the talk between Monique and Toland.]
Nightmare Knight To think you could still see such a splend'rous night sky in this death-choked city.
This is the kind of night I've always known. Let this manmade malediction be left behind... and shed every last drop of this city's blood! Bravo, ye faceless rebels!
Toland What a strange knight. The private duels must not be paying well.
Monique Clown.
<Background 4>
Margaret Is everyone okay?
Maria Margaret, I just found the spare battery... Alright, see, now the light's on, yeah? Doesn't feel like it'll last long though.
Zofia Looks like everyone's okay. V and Kowal went to check on the situation. They'll be back later.
Where's Młynar?
Maria He stayed home. Said it would be difficult to get away from work, and wanted some time alone.
What about Shining and Nightingale?
Margaret They were worried that the Armorless Union might have their sights on the Doctor, and rushed back to the Infected shelter.
Maria ......
Margaret Don't worry. They're both very dependable.
Maria No, it's just that... I still don't know anything about the things going on around you.
Margaret Sorry, but I deliberately kept you out of the loop. I can't afford to get Doctor and the others tangled up with my personal affairs.
But maybe one day, you'll get to know each other. Maybe one day, Maria, you'll also find yourself aboard that ship.
Their dazzling idealism will eventually guide everyone forward. Even if they hold vastly different beliefs and walk different paths, nothing can shake the conviction in their hearts.
Maria That reminds me of...
Margaret The knights from the stories.
[Kowal, Marcin, and Vogelweide returns to the bar.]
Old Knight I'm back!
Old Craftsman It's pitch black... The flashlight merchant next door should've restocked by now, right?
Bald Marcin Oh, it's Margaret.
Old Knight It's an absolute mess outside right now. I say we behave ourselves, stay indoors, and wait for the power to come back.
Old Craftsman Just sit here doing nothing? Wasn't there supposed to be a match today?
Margaret It was supposed to be the day the eight strongest knights were decided.)]
Zofia Have you seen the latest news of the Blood Knight?
Margaret More or less... He's the undefeated king this season, from the qualifiers to the Major... But beyond that...
He's also the hero of the Infected.
<Background 3>
Sona Where are we going? I'm not complaining, but I really don't exactly have a lot of free time on my hands.
The Candle Knight We're here.
Sona ...the Wall of Champions exhibit hall?
The Candle Knight This is a secret meeting, so try to keep your voice down.
Sona So which knight wanted to meet me?
The Candle Knight Knight...? Well, you're not technically wrong. She was indeed a respectable knight.
Sona ......
The Candle Knight Haha, but don't be nervous... She's just a regular old lady now.
Head on in.
Sona You're not coming?
The Candle Knight Let's just say... she's one of the few people in Kazimierz who scares me even a bit.
Sona Wow... Even the Candle Knight, bearer of the Candle Sword, is afraid of someone? What chance do I have then?
The Candle Knight It probably won't be the same for you.
After all, she counts as my half adoptive mother, at least in name.
<Background 5>
Sona (It's the same emergency power supply as the K.G.C.C... Was this place not affected by the outage either?)
(Both the knights... and the General Chamber...)
(...are still shining through the darkness.)
The lights flicker.
And so does Sona's train of thought.
The knights, and the money, were able to avoid the deep night.
Who drowns in the darkness?
[Madam Russell approaches Sona.]
An Aged Knight Flametail Knight... Sona.
Come here and let me have a closer look at you.
Sona –!
You! You're...!
An Aged Knight Now, now. I didn't come here today to talk business.
I heard... the Infected knights made some kind of deal with the knights of the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi.
Between the Knights Association and Demian, a member of the Adeptus.
Sona ......
An Aged Knight In order for the Infected to survive in the Grand Knight Territory, they agreed to participate in this operation with his cooperation.
The Great Kawalerielki Separation... the Adeptus gave in, letting it happen once more.
Look at this wall... These knights were supposed to become real heroes. Not... this, symbols for spectators to gawk at.
Does this sight not fill you with great sorrow?
Sona It certainly does, ma'am.
But I feel more sorrow for... the Infected who still need equal treatment, and for those totally lost to entertainment and materialism.
I cry... for each and every person struggling to make it to the next sunrise here in Kazimierz.
An Aged Knight Truly a spectacular inaugural speech, young squirrel.
Sona Can the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi really give us a normal life?
An Aged Knight Paperwork, procedures, any documentation the National Council needs. Of course, the Adeptus will handle it all for you. That is what Demian promised you.
But what about the Originium crystals on your body?
Sona ......
An Aged Knight I admire Pinus Sylvestris, but the problems you must overcome... are not so well-defined.
In time, Demian will reach out to you. He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but trust him. He has his ways.
Sona Alright.
An Aged Knight Good. My knightclub will be here shortly, so hurry and find your companions.
Also, tell Viviana to come and have a meal with me when she's not busy.
Sona ......
.........Ma'am, what does it mean to be a knight?
An Aged Knight The answer to the question is different for everyone, child.
You wouldn't be interested in mine anyway. Us old folks, we've seen too much.
Go, little squirrel, go.
See if the sunrise in Kazimierz still blazes ever-bright.
<Background 2>
Roy ...I lost her.
Would it be more efficient to post a surround and suppress mission later?
[Roy picked up a call on his phone.]
Roy I'm here. What's the matter?
What...? How many?
[Roy hangs up.]
<Background 3>
[The Nightmare Knight interferes in the fight between Monique and Toland by attacking them both.]
Nightmare Knight Exceptional swordsmanship.
Toland Ahh, I'd prefer not to waste any more time here with you, old friend.
Monique Goddamned maniac...
I'd best get out of here after I kill Toland.
[Monique received a call on her phone.]
Monique I'm in a game of hide-and-seek with the "Guildmaster" and a Nightzmora. Not the best time to chat.
No... I'll head there now.
[Monique hangs up.]
Monique Let's wrap up our little game, Toland.
Toland You're running?
Monique No.
Same goes for you, Nightzmora.
Toland What? You're a Nightzmora?!
Nightmare Knight ......
Monique Let's call it here for now.
You came to Kawalerielki to find your people and a good fight, right?
Nightmare Knight Don't speak so lightly of our tradition of glory, Kazimierzian. You don't have that right.
Monique No, I'm just offering you a warning, Nightzmora, out of the kindness of my heart.
Don't waste your energy on us.
Toland I can agree with that.
Nightmare Knight Boastful nonsense.
Monique Hmph. See you never, dumbass.
<Background fades out and in>
A Corporate Employee Is the traffic still stuck? I heard the power's already come back in some places.
A Kazimierz Knight Shouldn't the Knights Association compensate us for our terrible losses?!
A Tourist Yeah! The government should pay us back our travel expenses!
A Corporate Employee Ugh... I hope the meat in the fridge didn't go bad.
Monique Are you sure?
Roy Sigh...
You know, we can take out any single one of their people, alone.
Two of them, we'll need to bring help.
Three of them, and it's going to be one hell of a rough battle.
If there's three or more of them... that could take a full tactical squad, and the Armorless Union can't afford those losses.
If there's more of them than you can count on your fingers, calling in the entire Armorless Union might not even be enough to put them down.
Monique I know, I've seen them before. Your concern is better placed elsewhere.
So, how many did the scouts see?
Roy Roughly forty.
Monique Well shit... Right at this juncture?
Roy Yes. I've already notified the Board of Directors.
Do they intend to capture the Kawalerielki Alliance?
<Background 6>
Spokesman McKee Impossible!
No, this can't be! Where are the military consultants? Where are the people monitoring the knights?!
Those campaign knights dispatched by the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi... Where were they in the last report?
Five hundred and seventy-three kilometers.
There's no way a normal squad of campaign knights would be able to march that fast... It's impossible...
Did the Adeptus mobilize another branch behind the General Chamber's back? No, that can't be...
The Silverlance fast-response squad... What's their fastest record?
Could they have disguised their military identification code? And even their armor and lances?
<Background 3>
A Kazimierz Knight Hm? It's a little brighter now, isn't it?
A Corporate Employee Look over there! That little halo of light on the other side of the road! The power must've come back over there!
A Tourist But... the lights still won't turn on...
That looks a lot more like... moonlight?
The prosperity afforded by the advent of the energized glass tubes gradually led to modern man forgetting the appearance of the primordial moonlight.
This city, engulfed in a brief moment of darkness––
––is illuminated by a silver glow.
Silverlance Enters the City
An Onlooker Are..... are those knights over there?
A Kazimierz Knight Th-The campaign knights?! Here?!
The knights pass through the crowd.
Through the city known as the City of Knights.
Through the city that does not recognize them.
Through the city that they do not recognize.
They came from a faraway fortress close to the border.
Their bodies are stained with the clear and tangible scent of the soil.
A scent mixed with flesh, blood, bones, and the lives of countless heroes buried on battlefields past.
<Background 3>
Roy Inform all members of the Armorless Union to stop whatever they're doing this instant, no matter what it is.
Do not make any moves unless you want trouble. Do not act rashly.
Monique Hmm.
Roy Monique?
Monique That one... over there...
[Młynar is seen together with Toland nearby, watching the Silverlance Pegasi's majestic entrance to Kawalerielki amidst the blackout.]
Młynar ......
Toland Nostalgic?
Młynar No.
Toland ...I certainly am.
I miss... that time when I stupidly thought this place wasn't so bad. Those were good times. Exciting times.
Młynar ......
Toland If you had really given up, then you wouldn't still be here, would you?
Młynar, take a good look all around you. The city sleeps, and nobody has ever even woken up.
But what about you?
<Background 3>
A Corporate Employee Reporting! A portion of the communications lines are back––!
Spokesman McKee ––Connect me to the associate justice of the National Council.
A Corporate Employee Yessir.
[McKee calls the National Council's associate justice.]
Spokesman McKee Your honor?
You already know what I'm about to say. This band of campaign knights trespassed into the Grand Knight Territory without authorization, violating the Second Act––
A Voice from the Phone Former Associate Justice Duke of the National Council, has been detained on suspicion of bribery, smuggling, murder, and dereliction of duty.
Spokesman McKee ......
A Voice from the Phone I would advise you to choose your words calmly and carefully, Spokesman.
The Grand Knight Territory is in a state of emergency due to a blackout, and the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi has the authority to send troops into the city during a state of emergency.
Do you have any further questions?
Spokesman McKee None. I apologize for the intrusion, sir.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Mr. McKee.
Spokesman McKee Yes?
Spokesman Malkiewicz Communications are more or less restored, Mr. McKee.
Look how busy they are over there... What do you think a phone is?
Spokesman McKee Huh? Obviously a communication tool...
Spokesman Malkiewicz No. The phone is the spindle and plough of modern society, the pathway that weaves the fabric of life as we currently know it.
It is a symbol of greatness, Mr. McKee.
Spokesman McKee ......
McKee's words fail him.
Suddenly, he senses an aura of sorts from Malkiewicz.
Over the last few months, a business venture failed spectacularly, amounting to nothing. Those who have been whipped almost naturally give off a certain kind of aura.
He has seen this kind of aura in many people before.
Most of them were chewed up and mangled by the changing times or by the competition. As for the few who survived––
––nearly all of them turned out the same.