Arknights Wiki
Epilogue 1
Near Light
Previous NL-ST-4

The Grand Knight Territory is like a lighthouse, flooding the eyes of all of Kazimierz with its dazzling light. But even as tides of people surge into the Territory, one can occasionally see some figures moving against the flow.
NOTE: This interlude is accessible from the Information Port once the player raises their Prestige with the Armorless Union to Respected.
Armorless Union Assassin icon
A Team 3 Member
Kazimierz Ghetto
Abandoned Building
Kazimierz Streets
Kazimierz Avenue
Ice Forest A
Kazimierz Alley
RI Corridor
<Background black>
Monique ......
[Several Armorless Union operatives approach Monique.]
A Team 3 Member Monique.
Monique Team 3, follow my lead.
Centaurea doesn't get to decide where she goes.
Stop her at all costs. Dead or alive.
A Team 3 Member Roger!
Monique And whatever you do... do not let uninvolved parties know what's going on.
Execute the plan.
[The A.U. operatives move out.]
Monique ......
This is the choice you made.
<Background 1>
[Centaurea the Platinum is running away from the A.U. operatives who pursued her.]
Platinum (Exhales) ...
If Roy was here, I wouldn't stand the slightest chance...
But short one Lazurite, if we're just talking about escape... then I might have a pretty good shot...
Who would ever expect that the Platinum of the Armorless Union would one day be hiding in Area 0 that is controlled by the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi.
[The A.U. operatives' footsteps are getting closer...]
Platinum ......
Looks like break time's over.
[...and Centaurea continues running. The A.U. operatives arrived too late.]
Team 3 Member A Would she really be hiding over here?
Team 3 Member B We've searched everywhere else.
Team 3 Member A True...
Team 3 Member B Lighter on your toes though. Don't alert the patrolling campaign knights. The situation in this place is way too precarious right now.
Team 3 Member A I know, I know.
Platinum (I'm still pretty far from the nearest port...)
(After crossing the industrial sector from Area 0, I'll have to decide if I want to take the residential sector or commercial sector to the docks.)
(It's way too far...)
(But if I can at least make it out of the industrial sector, I'll have sort of a fighting chance.)
Team 3 Member A Who's over there?
Stop sneaking around and reveal yourself!
Platinum ......
Team 3 Member A (Lifts shortbow)
Platinum ......
Team 3 Member A You an Infected? Or something else?
Platinum (Just a little closer...)
Team 3 Member B (Whispers) Found something?
Team 3 Member A (Whispers) There's something there, right around the corner.
Team 3 Member B (Whispers) I'll cover you.
Team 3 Member A (Whispers) Okay.
[The A.U. operatives search for Centaurea in the vicinity, who uses this moment to quietly move to a better spot.]
<Background fades out and in>
Team 3 Member B Look at that...
Team 3 Member A It's Platinum's quiver. She must be around here.
[Centaurea ambushed one of the A.U. operatives and holds him at arrowpoint.]
Platinum Don't move!
Team 3 Member A Nn... Nngh!
Platinum Tell me, where's Monique headed? What's she planning?
Tell me, and I might let you live.
Team 3 Member A I... I don't know...
Platinum Hmph... We're both Armorless here. You know exactly what those words mean.
Maybe you could use some help jogging your memory.
<Background black>
A Team 3 Member Reporting in!
Monique Talk to me.
A Team 3 Member One of our teams was detained by the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi while searching Area 0.
Monique Detained?
A Team 3 Member They seem to have run into campaign knights during their mission. They were all injured.
Should we...
Monique They think we're just in Area 0 to take out the K.G.C.C.'s dirty laundry... Let them think that.
But things aren't so simple.
And where is the gathering in Area 0?
A Team 3 Member The residential sector.
Monique Good.
Notify the hunters in the residential sector to start moving in on the commercial sector.
[The A.U. operative leaves, but another rushes to Monique's side.]
A Team 3 Member Reporting in!
Monique Talk to me.
A Team 3 Member Platinum has appeared at the specified location!
Monique Heh.
Get ready to round her up.
A Team 3 Member Roger!
[The A.U. operative leaves.]
Monique (Team 3 should be enough to catch her. But... how much does she know about the way we hunt?)
(If she tries to flee to the main street...)
[Monique calls someone.]
Monique It's me. If you have so much free time on your hands, why not come help out?
Roy Ahaha... We all have our own jobs to do, no? I'm a busy man, you know.
So, what's the situation?
Monique My team will flush her out, and I will personally finish the job. Clean and quick.
Today's a good day to hunt.
Roy Glad to hear it. But just in case, let me remind you once more.
The K.G.C.C. has realized that they've lost control of Darksteel, but we aren't ready yet. Don't let them catch wind of which side we're on.
Monique ......I know.
Roy Centaurea still holds the Platinum seat on the Board of Directors. Make sure to come up with a good excuse.
Monique ...Roy.
Roy Haha, don't worry. Just in case... those three magnanimous bosses of ours will do us a favor.
<Background 2>
[Centaurea is running through the abandoned building...]
Platinum Huff... Huff...
Almost there.
Once I get through the commercial sector, I can get out of Kazimierz.
[...but she was suddenly hit by a bolt out of nowhere.]
Platinum Ugh...!
A Team 3 Member Drop your weapon, Platinum.
Monique promises that as long as you do what we say and head back, the Union is willing to overlook your betrayal.
Platinum Heh... We're all Armorless here. Spare me the horseshit.
A Team 3 Member Don't even try to resist. We've blocked off all the exits and you have nowhere to run. If you know what's good for you, you'll––
[Centaurea quickly fires at the A.U. operative...]
A Team 3 Member Nngh––!
[...killing him.]
Platinum *pant*... *pant*... Leave the negotiations to the professionals. You bunch... should work on your aim first.
(As long as I can blend in with the crowd in the commercial sector...)
(...then I'll still have a chance.)
(Just a little more...)
[Centaurea leaps above and fires a shot to create an opening on the wall before continuing onwards.]
A Team 3 Member Some are already moving to guard the exits.
In any case, she's still Platinum, and won't go down without a fight.
A Team 3 Member After her. Don't disappoint Monique.
[The A.U. operatives move out.]
<Background fades out and in>
A Team 3 Member Where do you think you're going?
Platinum ......
A Team 3 Member Surrender already, Platinum.
Platinum Let's... try this again.
I don't want to end up like the old man, dying in a place like this... Heh. At least let me die somewhere I can see the sky......
A Team 3 Member Do it.
Platinum Haaah!
[Centaurea fires an explosive arrow at the A.U. operatives...]
A Team 3 Member Graah!
[...killing them all.]
Platinum *cough*, *cough* *cough*...
Down to my last arrow, huh...
<Background 3>
Gravel What young knights need is experience, not the decadence brought by competition knights weaned on the teats of prosperity!
Rhodes Island is a trustworthy company. They've won Gravel's loyalty, and there's no reason not to let her go out and see the world.
––That is what the Grand Knight said to my master.
Hibiscus Woah, Gravel, your impression is pretty dead-on, even if you don't change your voice at all.
Doctor I agree. It's amazing. / ...... / How come you never told me you could do that?
Gravel The key is to hit all the important points. I wouldn't even call it a skill. It's just that I had to relay messages to my master a lot.
Hibiscus This "master", do you mean the Knight Primus of the family that raised you?
Gravel Yes.
Hibiscus Did he agree to let you go?
Gravel I... haven't tried to convince him yet. But I will do it.
The last time I brought it up, he got so mad he chased me out of the house...
Hibiscus I see...
<Background fades out and in>
[Centaurea made it to the streets and keeps running...]
Platinum *cough* *cough*... Haah... Ugh...
Almost there... Just a bit more...
<Background fades out and in>
[...and bumps to Hibiscus along the way.]
Platinum & Hibiscus Huh?
Gravel —!
In a flash, Gravel's blade finds its way to Platinum's neck.
The only reason she stays her hand is the total exhaustion of the powerful enemy before her. Killing her couldn't be any easier.
Gravel Are you okay?
Hibiscus Ow, owwww... I'm fine, but... Agh! You're seriously hurt!
Platinum ......
Gravel Trouble seems to have found you, Platinum.
Platinum None of your business... hng.
[Centaurea collapses due to exhaustion, prompting Hibiscus to check up on her.]
Hibiscus Sh-She can't walk straight, but I'm not seeing any open wounds... Is she just exhausted, or...
Gravel It's the Armorless Union. They've caught up.
Rebel? Or are you the traitor?
Hibiscus D-Doctor!
The Armorless collapsed on the ground before you is nothing like the elegant assassin of your impressions.
Doctor ...... / ...... / ......
Platinum You're... the Doctor... from Rhodes Island...
Are the outsiders... all like you?
Doctor Gravel.
Gravel I'm here.
Doctor I don't expect the Armorless Union to let us off easily. / We may be in danger as soon as we leave the protection of the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi. / The K.G.C.C. is just a single shield, one that won't hold for long.
Gravel To be honest, I was hoping to bring this up with you.
After all, the enemy operates from the shadows. In Kazimierz, the Armorless Union has countless ways to torment your company.
Doctor Right.
Hibiscus, tend to her wounds first! / Gravel, hold back the Armorless Union!
Platinum ......!
Gravel Hehe, as you wish.
Hibiscus Hold on, okay? You listening, Miss Armorless?
Platinum Why?
Doctor I'll explain on the way back. We can talk about your payment later. / ...... / I just have a big heart. Helping others is like helping myself.
<Background fades out and in>
[The A.U. operatives continue pursuing Centaurea through the streets.]
A Team 3 Member After her! We mustn't let her get away! Contact Monique!
Damn it! Why are you getting on our way?!
Gravel Who knows?
Maybe this is why the Radiant Knight was willing to trust Rhodes Island.
A Team 3 Member We don't have time to waste on you.
Monique That's right.
[Monique reveals herself.]
Monique We're short on time. To make matters worse, our activities have been exposed to a campaign knight.
Gravel Judging by your tone, you plan on killing me?
Monique Sigh...
For some time now, it seems that whenever I try to get some work done, uninvited guests always end up getting in my way.
Gravel Heh. So sorry about that, Lazurite.
I have a request from the Doctor. By its nature, that takes priority over work.
I can't take you in a fight head-on, but stopping you from landing a clean shot should be no problem for me.
Monique Rhodes Island, huh.
Without the Radiant Knight and those strange Sarkaz behind you, don't you think you're overestimating yourself a bit?
Even from this distance, I can easily put an arrow through both that Doctor of yours and Platinum. Hardly a tall ask.
Gravel ......
Monique Your presumptuousness is about to cost you a lot more lives, knight.
Let's see if you can stop me.
Gravel ––Hah!
A Team 3 Member Wait, hold on!
[Monique engages with Gravel in melee combat, who eventually gained an upper hand.]
A Team 3 Member Monique!
Monique I know! And who gave you permission to order me around?!
...Platinum. We have no more need for a Platinum.
Go to hell, along with that meddlesome Sarkaz doctor.
Gravel Dammit!
Her pride forbids her from missing again.
Monique draws back her longbow.
<Background black>
Who dares to harm Rhodes Island's medical staff?
<Background fades out and in>
Monique What?
The arrow's steel head corrodes and deteriorates. The shaft gradually softens into a branch with young shoots, falling gently into her hand.
The figure in the distance is but a wavering speck, and Monique feels a discomfort spreading throughout her entire body.
It is a sense of imminent danger.
The small Caprinae takes gentle steps forward, bearing a calm and leisurely casting pose that seems ill-suited to the battlefield.
[Touch, an R.I. specialist operative, comes to Gravel's aid.]
Touch I was just thinking how rarely my line of work brings me back to the landship, and how nice it would be to touch base again. Imagine my surprise when I happened across this lovely scene.
Monique Who are you?
Touch You aren't privy to that information, Armorless.
It's normally against my principles to interfere with matters outside of work, but just now, you seem to have shown clear hostilities against a fleeing member of Rhodes Island.
Monique ......
Touch That isn't allowed, Armorless.
<Background 4>
Platinum Nngh...
Hibiscus Easy now. Your wounds are deep.
Platinum Ugh... I...
Hibiscus Don't worry. Once we get through the commercial sector, we'll be able to see Rhodes Island.
Platinum ......
Platinum has not slept since she started running three days ago.
She dared not eat or drink, out of fear that anything she bought might be a trap set by the Armorless Union.
Rhodes Island...
Platinum ......
She turns and casts her gaze backwards. It's the Doctor of Rhodes Island.
The leader of a foreign organization that always ruins her plans.
Her savior.
Platinum Ironic.
She contemplates whether or not she wants to keep up appearances in front of the Doctor. She ponders whether or not she wants to ask to be taken away from the Grand Knight Territory. She...
...still has not awoken from beneath that ensorcelled sky.
<Background 3>
[Meanwhile, Monique fights Gravel and Touch, who proves to be a better combatant despite Touch using her Arts to augment them.]
Touch Hm...
It would appear that optimism alone is not enough for just two to stop a Lazurite.
Gravel Really? I think we've already done a pretty good job, given how many we're up against.
Monique Grr. That campaign knight is still able to put up a fight after taking such a beating because of your Arts, huh?
How do you know who I am? Are you from Kazimierz?
Touch You ask too many questions, Armorless. Let's try to work things out slowly.
Monique If that's what you want. You seem to be more of a medic than that Sarkaz–– But in other words, you can't hold me off for as long.
Since you seem to know so much about the Armorless Union, then you should know that we have something much more terrifying–
[Monique's phone rings...]
Monique ......
Touch Please, go on.
This knight and I, we're not the kind to kick others when they're down.
[...and she picks it up.]
Monique ...Right.
Gah... Fine.
Have it your way.
[Monique hangs up.]
A Team 3 Member Monique?
Monique We're pulling out.
The campaign knights have noticed the commotion. Don't draw any unnecessary attention.
A Team 3 Member Huh? But, our scouts didn't find any knights nearby–
Monique Don't make me repeat myself.
A Team 3 Member Yes, of course! All forces, regroup!
Monique Consider yourself lucky.
Touch Lucky?
We make our own luck, Armorless.
<Background 5>
??? I'm curious, Młynar.
[Młynar stands in the middle of a forest as someone talks with him.]
Młynar ......
??? How many years has it been?
How many years have you spent, tilling the land of Kazimierz like a burdenbeast? Kirill passed without seeing you change a single thing.
How many enemies and opponents have you tormented, giving them no respite even in their nightmares?
Even with you doing nothing at all, it took them so long to believe... that Młynar Nearl would no longer be a thorn in their side.
You were still young back then. You were in your prime. But for Kirill's sake, for the sake of the two kids that would come after you, you chose to remain in Kazimierz.
After all these years, even I thought you had long given up.
But why now? Why did you decide to leave the Grand Knight Territory?
Młynar You don't need to know.
??? You know that the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi's deepest secrets are still hidden under those gaudy lights, right? Beneath the Grand Knight Territory's Wall of Champions.
What did the archivist tell you? No, someone that stubborn would never let anything slip... That means, this was the Grand Knight's intention?
Młynar I'm just enjoying my well-deserved vacation.
??? Then I look forward to you returning to your post after your vacation, Młynar.
Młynar You don't need to worry about that.
??? ...I've lived a very long time, Młynar.
While I still remember, you ignited the Leithanien conspiracy. Incandescent waves would swallow entire enemy formations...
You culled those traitorous knights, one by one, like a farmer harvesting wheat.
The Radiant Knight's glow is but an empty pallor. What pleases me more is your boundless light, your wrath.
And since then, I've believed that if I ever saw your radiance once more, I would need... take your life.
Młynar ......
And you?
??? Hm?
Młynar After over half a century, this is the final destination you would choose for the Armorless Union you crafted with your own hands?
??? I simply made the wisest decision. You should understand my rationale.
Oho... Or, has the Radiant Knight made you believe that the Nearl family can forge a new future? Have you accepted her idealistic, impossible path?
Młynar You speak of paths, and the future.
The Nearl knights have never needed others to judge the directions of their paths. I just didn't believe those girls had the power to stay on that path.
Nor did I believe... in the companions they found.
But that was then.
??? Heh...
You have a point. You and the Radiant Knight are of a kind.
Młynar ......
??? The only difference is you're more disillusioned than she is. You believe in the country less than she does. That's all.
It is a pity. I had thought that our disillusionment and wrath were one and the same.
Młynar You did everything you could to try to integrate into the General Chamber of Commerce. Don't you dare lump me in with you.
The time for reminiscing is over.
??? What, it's not enough that the Armorless Union will no longer harm Rhodes Island or the Nearl family? Is that not enough to show my sincerity?
Młynar It is enough.
Otherwise your corpse would already be outside, collecting the sun and rain.
??? ......
Młynar You know better than me all the things the Union has done.
We've never seen eye to eye... "Darksteel."
??? Ahh, as harsh as ever.
Goodbye, Młynar. I hope that your vacation... will prove fruitful.
<Background 6>
Doctor Are you feeling any better? / ...... / It stopped hurting, right?
Platinum Just because the Lazurites went after me does not mean that I've lost my standing in the Union... I might still be answering to the Board of Directors.
You have to know that, but...
Doctor I think this will be a win-win situation. / ...... / We'll figure it out.
Platinum ......
Hibiscus Darn you! After all the trouble we all went through, can't you at least show some gratitude like a normal person?
Platinum ......
Th-Thank you, Doctor.
[Gravel and Touch joins in.]
Gravel Phew...
You sure know how to put a girl in a rough spot, Doctor.
Touch Relax, Zalak. The treatment works better that way.
Gravel Thanks...
Hibiscus Gravel! How'd you end up with Instructor Touch?
Gravel Sheer coincidence.
Sorry, but would you mind letting me sit and chat for a bit?
Hibiscus Ah, of course! Instructor, if you'd like...
Touch No need. I'm just here to report back to Amiya.
Doctor Good work, you two.
Gravel Taking on a Lazurite was no easy task.
But, this counts as a win, right?
Platinum ......
Gravel You owe me big time, haha.
Doctor Let's head back to Rhodes Island.
Gravel Seems like you and Platinum have reached an agreement.
Enemies one moment, chatting and shaking hands the next moment.
That's special.
Nnnnh... Maybe I should take a break too...
<Background 7>
Platinum ......
[Gravel approaches Centaurea.]
Gravel What are you plotting now, Armorless?
Platinum You're staring at me.
Gravel Until you leave Kazimierz... No, until you get away from the Doctor, I'll always have my eye on you.
Heh... After all, you said it yourself. If the Armorless Union was ever to rebel, the K.G.C.C. might come to you in private...
Don't think you're absolved of your sins just because the Doctor saved you, murderer. Your bloodstained hands will never know trust, Armorless.
Platinum Can't argue with that.
But don't worry. At least for now, I have to work hard to earn the Doctor's trust. If you don't even know the basics, you'll never make it in the Grand Knight Territory.
Gravel Are you making fun of me?
Platinum That's too much effort. Don't sweat it.
Are you leaving Kazimierz with Rhodes Island?
Gravel What's it to you?
Platinum Rough times are ahead of us...
This is the first time... I've ever been on a landship like this.
Hah... That Doctor... really is strange.
Gravel Strange? That's no way to talk about the one who saved your life.
Platinum Fair enough.
Will we come back here?
Gravel Do you want to?
Platinum Hm...
No clue. Never gave it much thought.
But for now, I just want to leave.